AoSG Age of Sigmar General


Last thread died, let's keep the shitposting going, I'll start.

>Mannfred did nothing wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

>let's keep the shitposting going
Well, okay then. First for salty bitchtears from Hastings.

Oh wow, he really has nothing nice to say about AoS.

So what? It's at Fantasy level already and gaining traction? Bretty gud.

Reposting rumours 1/2
>general's handbook
>-units have a model count cap (max 10 models, or 20 models, etc. depends on the unit)
>-you can only add models in "groups" (no points for individual models. example: add 5 liberators to your unit for X points)
>-book will contain points for all models, and they'll be included in battletomes going forward (i don't know if it's definitive, i couldn't tell if he assumed that was what's going to happen or if he was told by studio guys)
>-army organization is a mix of force org from 40k and the point-tiers from fantasy. for every X points in a game, you can have up to Y heros/wizards/monsters, etc.
>-in Match Play, there's the "Rule of 1s", in that 1s always fail, limit named characters to 1 per army, and units you summoned cannot summon other units that turn
>-weapon upgrades in units won't cost additional points.
>-some missions in the book that are styled like LotR games, where you recreate a major battle with each player bringing an army determined by the rules, and such missions will be included in battletomes.
>-narrative will have a lot of cool stuff to add to your games. magic items for your heroes to wield, new Path of Glory for all armies, new missions to run, etc.

I dun made a thing:

>-Slaanesh is not dead. Models are supposedly finished and they're waiting to get things ready (box art, artwork for future books, production, finding a time to include in the story, etc.) studios rarely release models the second they are done, there's a lot of prep work behind the scenes.

AoS lore is a mess

It's quite tidy really.

You're mistaking clear as in tidy with clear as in barren