Last thread died, let's keep the shitposting going, I'll start.
>Mannfred did nothing wrong
Last thread died, let's keep the shitposting going, I'll start.
>Mannfred did nothing wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>let's keep the shitposting going
Well, okay then. First for salty bitchtears from Hastings.
Oh wow, he really has nothing nice to say about AoS.
So what? It's at Fantasy level already and gaining traction? Bretty gud.
Reposting rumours 1/2
>general's handbook
>-units have a model count cap (max 10 models, or 20 models, etc. depends on the unit)
>-you can only add models in "groups" (no points for individual models. example: add 5 liberators to your unit for X points)
>-book will contain points for all models, and they'll be included in battletomes going forward (i don't know if it's definitive, i couldn't tell if he assumed that was what's going to happen or if he was told by studio guys)
>-army organization is a mix of force org from 40k and the point-tiers from fantasy. for every X points in a game, you can have up to Y heros/wizards/monsters, etc.
>-in Match Play, there's the "Rule of 1s", in that 1s always fail, limit named characters to 1 per army, and units you summoned cannot summon other units that turn
>-weapon upgrades in units won't cost additional points.
>-some missions in the book that are styled like LotR games, where you recreate a major battle with each player bringing an army determined by the rules, and such missions will be included in battletomes.
>-narrative will have a lot of cool stuff to add to your games. magic items for your heroes to wield, new Path of Glory for all armies, new missions to run, etc.
I dun made a thing:
>-Slaanesh is not dead. Models are supposedly finished and they're waiting to get things ready (box art, artwork for future books, production, finding a time to include in the story, etc.) studios rarely release models the second they are done, there's a lot of prep work behind the scenes.
AoS lore is a mess
It's quite tidy really.
You're mistaking clear as in tidy with clear as in barren
I'm writing some fluff for my Khorne general and I'm kinda stuck. One big plot point I want to happen is that he essentially renounces demonhood and joins everchosen. Any way I write it I make it seem like he's a total bitch submitting to archeon or a Mary sue that's like archeon's right hand man.
Some things I've been thinking is that he wasn't actually going to become a demon prince but a spawn due to demon fuckery and archeon saves him, and/or he's sentimental about the old world (would it make sense for a character to make it to current AoS from the old world fluff wise without being a billion years old or something?) Thoughts?
I mean he can easily be from the old world as time works weirdly in the mortal realms so it's entirely plausible.
I wouldn't say barren, it's just not had much time to accumulate the intricacy of certain parts of the Fantasy world.
It's no more messy than 40k, just no one reads the damn books.
That brings up another thing, having "free rules" is great but why the fuck did they think it would be a good idea to release huge hardback campaign books with minimal gameplay and not full lore and charge 60+ for them? I really want to learn about the game but those prices are rediculous.
>time works weirdly in the mortal realms
Seems to work pretty normally for the most part.
Time is fucked up in the immortal realm.
Poll about Stormcasts and whether or not you collect. I've always been interested to see how many SC players we have. Feel free to respond thanks.
If you only own the SC from the starter set with no intention of buying any more, put yourself as no
Let's be honest. Around 3/4 of 30% AOS sales are made by people buying miniatures for their old WFB armies and 40k - new orks/khorne dudes etc.
I could have sworn there's some people from the old world in the lore who get reincarnated or lost in the warp or something along those lines. Looking for a sauce but I may fall asleep as its late
Honestly at my local GW I haven't seen anyone buy AOS guys for 40k. It's been purely AoS
Around 3/4 of statistics I pull out of my ass are true 30% of the time
Isn't there some lore justification why all the old named characters are playable in age of sigmar that you could piggyback onto
From Wikipedia -
>there are present souls who survived the End Times and have wandered through space
yes, I collect stormcast, they are awsum, I also do not see them as marines, in fact I find them more human and relatable. I kinda would like a redesign of their masks. a great helm templar knight design would be nice as a alternative
Those guys are either legacy characters, i.e. they ceased to exist, or some form of spirit (daemons, gods, saved to Nagash's harddrive).
its not clear. some perished, some got eaten by chaos, some reborn, most are new peoples/creatures that just so happen to look like their previous races. Its magical and Dracothian remade everything, so its difficult to say.... Reboot
Why not have him decline daemonhood on account of him considering it weak and a looser's replacement for actual skill at arms. After all, every jerkoff can talk like he's a big shit if he got immortality and power from big daddy K, but a *real* man does that under his own power.
He'd be obviously deluded, but that's the way of chaos.
I would say the Khorne general had a plan to grant himself daemonhood, but when he saw the signs for Everchosen he went for that instead
That's what I've been thinking, maybe have him run into an old warbuddy from the old world when he thought they all were dead, and wants to fight him fair and square. It actually wraps up that arc nicely, but I'm unsure on how to tie that into everchosen without a whole new arc.
I almost finished with my Nurgle warband so im starting them soon.
models are really, really good when you look at them irl and overall different from marines.
if there were only more variety...
My personal problem with them is they're too damn similar. Even marines are more on the combined arms side. Stormcast are just X with sword and board, X with big hammers, X with 2 slightly smaller hammers, ect. The same unit having 3 special rules for a mace/lance/axe make me miss generic "great weapons"
Anyone have the leaked story involving ghouls eating an ogre?
check pastebin m8
Why do the Orcs wear yellow power armor now?
One of the leaked shit from the new release.
Bunch of Ghouls snarling over Ogre entrails. Their Ghoul Kings walk by, causing the delusion of being nobility to come over them, and they share their "feast" as gentlemen.
Because they have magic pigs who eat their enemies, and the Orcs only wear the metal that the pigs shit out after using their fists to bend and beat it into shape.
Which is actually worse lore.
>if you own stormcast say you are not collecting stormcast
Wow, way to put a terrible spin on a survey. What is this for? To 'prove' to people nobody likes stormcasts? Go fuck yourself.
Jesus Christ. A little triggered there, buddy?
And if you cared to actually read what he was saying or fill out the survey you would notice that the question is actually genuine.
Its stupid. He said if you only own the starter set stormcasts then put yourself down as a no.
Why the fuck would I not consider myself as someone who collects stormcasts when I actually own stormcast models and play with them?
Well then put yes down you fucking sperg.
I assumed he though logic would fill the blanks but apparently not.
It's the principle, moron. When someone is saying they collect an army, they could very well be done buying for that army. It's a dumb survey and he should feel dumb.
Right I'm the moron here.
Just put down yes and stop being so autistic.
No. I refuse to participate in his survey because he is skewing the results. Yes, you are the moron.
>oh hey guys i have a survey here!
>put down yes if you have stormcast models, otherwise put no
>unless you have some stormcast models, put no
not that guy but it kinda makes sense i think, i mean if yu don't buy anythine else for stormcasts how can you call yourself a collector with just the starter set?
u own a stormcast army but your not a collector
I don't plan on expanding my army of Space Marines any further, but I am a collector.
I don't plan on expancing my stormcasts any further because I have enough for an army of my liking, but I am a collector.
When you say you are a collector of an army, then you have a collection of that army.
If anything he should have phrased the survey "if you plan on continuing to buy new models for your stormcast army, then put yes. Otherwise put no."
But that is still dumb because it would exclude a percentage of people who consider themselves stormcast players. Thus providing a skewed survey
It's nice that we now have normal things to argue over, instead of arguing over shitposting.
I know. We are having the same normal problems as all the other general threads. It's kinda nice. At least until the next big reveal or the next big book drop...
We normally get a lot of positive comments during that time, except for the begging for scans or epub. Speaking of which, has any more come of this?
>There are many names attributed to the landmass which dwells between the realms. Voidshifter, The City Between Worlds, and The Warptouched Ruins, are all common names associated with the same place. To the few denizens who eek out a meager living here, it is Erraviheim(?). The city exists in the space between the Mortal Realms, ever orbiting them and collecting any fragments from the realms that have fallen into its own gravitational pull. How the city came to be positioned here is wildly speculated, although the large mass of warpstone, found along its surface and in the various cave systems that wind through the floating chunk of land, is thought to have played some part in the landmass's bizarre location. Multiple satellites orbit the city, each also having somehow found its way to inhabit the strange dimension. Among these are an ancient temple ship of the Seraphon, which has seen many Slann attempt to recover artifacts from the spacecraft's interior, Zharrvom, a Duardin hold that had been ripped from its original planetoid during a close encounter with the Realm of Fire, and the Eldritch Root, a giant stump that was pulled from the very ground of the Realm of Life, inadvertently saving the Aelves and Sylvaneth within it from an invasion of Nurgle daemons. Dotted along the surface of Erraviheim are locations that have collided with the island and been integrated with landmass. They have also provided some of the most ancient of texts and items, such as what is believed to be one Nagash's original times of necromancy, found amount the ruins of a piece of the Lord of Death's Black Pyramid, which crashed into Erraviheim after being blown apart by Skaven, while Nagash betrayed Sigmar at the Battle of the Allpoints.
>This particular location has been set as the target of a raiding party from the horrors of the crypt king Vorash. One of the towers extending upward from the slanted piece of black stone has already been claimed by the royal ghoul. The touch of warpstone has also twisted many of the creatures that reside within this land and has given birth to whole new species of fauna, all of which appear to be far larger and more suited to extra dimensional travel than their uncorrupted counterparts. Recently, the Krakenspire Knights have entered Erraviheim to capture these beasts, but have found opposition in the fleet of Scourge Privateers, who have also claimed the warpbeasts as their prey. The chance to claim any powerful piece of history has caused many to attempt to find passage to the Shifting City. This is in and of itself a challenge as normal realmgates cannot grant access to the void between realms. Only realmgates infused with warpstone have been found to grant passage to Erraviheim, although others have found ways to access the city without the use of realmgates, such as the Skaven's gnaw-holes.
I think someone was asking about map, I can draw a really basic version that can serve as a rudimentary basis.
Have his buddy talk shit about his original quest to daemon hood and downplay it as being weak mans choice, so in honor to his buddy and for himself, he seeks to gain power by what he deems as acceptable.
Dude I still have all the factions saved that was made for this. It got crazy with shitposting for awhile and I decided to hold back for a bit. I can post if you want.
Also yes please. If you want to draw it out you are more than welcome to do so. I think when I last posted up our stuff, we were debating on wether it be a planet of some sort, or actual bits of realms that are stitched together that are always changing, except for the main city(though the city itself grows/shrink/gets taller etc.)
I think of it more as a chunk of land that has different satellites orbiting it and other bits smashed into the land mass itself.
Yes please
Thanks everyone for the help, I've got a solid outline done up and I'm planning on getting a rough draft of it done by Saturday.
Conan the hell out of it. He didnt want a kingdom unless it was built by his own hand.
oh k hang on
New Lord of Change? Nipple eye, navel mouth!!! Yes! Yes! Do want!
Remember, this isnt us trying to shoe-horn every faction into the setting, this is just plausible reasons for them to be there.
So we've got
>Stormcast: Want to set up a Sigmarite refueling station and harvest bits of Sigmarite that drift in space maybe?
>Scourge Reavers: Kill and capture big creatures, warped from existing between realms
>Fyreslayers: Caught in an oath to protect the city(needs exapnding)
>Dispossesed Duardin: Crazed lord is trying to establish a hold by chaining the city to something, maybe bring it through a realmgate to whatever realm they're from
>Sylvaneth: Expand forest fortress out into the city between worlds Wanderers would also work here
>Skaven: Pestilents think there's a liber there, others want warpstone
>Seraphon: Want to reclaim lost city temple which may help in ressurecting lost Slann
>Daughters of Khaine: Want to find any trace of Khaine left behind
>Most of Chaos: Just want to pillage and shit
>Destruction: See Chaos
>Wanderers: They intended on placing their Waystones around the city, but they they need to clear it out first.
Since that got posted already I'll skip it,
but the writer did have this note at the end.
>That's what I got, so far. I'm not too sure on the name, Erravi means lost in Latin and I figured that using it could be a good combination of AoS's faux Latin language that can be seen in the Stormcast, and the older languages of the Old World.
Is this basically the reason Archaon is technically still mortal? He casually and regularly fights gods with his same-old gear and has lived for an eternity, is there any reason he's less of a god than sigmar?
Well, when your same old gear is uber buffed beyond belief, itd be hard to fail at whatever the task you were trying to accomplish. I think he is a god in his own right, but a god of the physical, rather than everyone else being partly zen with the inner universe crap.
True, honestly it's hilarious to look at Archaon as a textbook powergamer. He joins chaos, then immediately starts doing raids for better and better gear until he minmaxes his way to everchosen.
Leaked pics of the new slaanesh models.
That's the new Clan Eshin, you dolt!
>Seems to work pretty normally for the most part.
Yep, but there are areas where time is fucked up. Though, they are mostly in Chamon.
Just to be clear though isn't Age of Sigmar definitely in the top 5 world wide sales?
Because some people buy starter sets and don't use everything in them and get them for an introduction to the game?
I hardly even touch my Khorne lads.
>>There are many names attributed to the landmass which dwells between the realms. Voidshifter, The City Between Worlds,
So they didn't even try to hide that AoS is Planescape rip-off with warcraft factions?
So is Age of Sigmar actually failing in sales or is it asshurt WHFB fans and asshurt GW haters who are just desperate to see it not do well claiming these things.
Any answer to this is speculation. Nobody knows exact details of GW's finances, though some people on here will try to convince you that they can figure it out with what obscure information is available.
I see, but wasn't WHFB doing so terrible for years that it would take a real feat to actually somehow do worse?
Not actually AoS, but whole GW buisnes slowly failing.
People assume this is the case. There's a chance it's true, but again, nobody knows anything for sure.
It's a shame there aren't more art pieces like this. Even as someone who was very hostile to the game for a long time I'll admit this one's pretty great, but so much of AoS' art is deviantart-tier crap.
I see, its hard for me to gauge the success of any Warhammer shit in my city as the wargaming LGS closed down because dumb neckbeard owner making it a neckbeard clubhouse and I don't know where the scene picked up and the official GW is straight on the other side of town.
Does anyone think bretonnia will get a spiritual successor in AoS? If so, do you think we could see anything like in pic related? some would say this was too "high fantasy" for WHFB, but could it work in this game?
Same with me. I'm in Eastern CT. There is no LGS anywhere nearby and my closest GW store is an hour away in Hartford. But I have corresponded with the store and they do have people playing AoS. They're currently on their second big campaign event since launch.
>faction of christian knights
If they hadn't already axed it, I would have given it a fair chance.
Maybe fantastical Knights still have a good spot in the freeguild but the Demigryph Knights already fill that up pretty well.
They already have one
Flesh Eater Courts
I think with the subfactions it's highly likely something like bretonnia will come back in some form, even if it's only a few models. Then they can easily make it very distinct from the Empire/Free People and don't have to have overlap.
yea having no LGS sucks ass.
I guess a new one opened fairly near me that I hear is mostly casual boardgame type stuff but Games Workshop has them listed as a retailer so I guess I'll pop in tomorrow and see if they have any Age of Sigmar going on.
>one unit fill the faction
Wew, I almost forget that AoS factions represented by 1-2 units.
I really hope that they will build the factions further. Loads of oppurtunities and I like the whole idea behind it a lot.
If we ever get a new Lord of Change, it will be a fucking gargantuan bullshit thingy like the new Bloodthirster.
Player-base: We want new greater demons. The old ones look like shit and are resin.
GW: Sure, here, have this giant oversized, way-too-big-for-its-rules, twice-as-expensive plastic kit. Oh and here's a formation with bonuses if you have three of 'em.
Yeah, I'd like some actual Demigryph-riding Heroes. I mean, sure, I can convert an Amber Wizard to sit on a Demigryph, but there aren't any rules for that. In fact, they even took the option of horses for Battle Wizards away, so it's even harder to pull off now. Brb, writing a warscroll for that stuff.
I hope not. I do like the Bloodthirster kit though. Rumour mill says new LoC comes in 2017.
Lion Ranger, Shadow Blades, Swifthawk Agents. They all need some more filling and a warscroll battallion or two.
Why didn't they just retain Lothern Seaguard in the Swifthawk agents by the way?
Well, I can see how the wind's blowing round these parts at least.
Greater Daemons aren't too big for their rules. It's the other way around. Even more so in 40k.
>Well, I can see how the wind's blowing round these parts at least.
The winds of chaos
There we go.
Amber Battlemage on Demigryph
Wounds: 7
Move: 10"
Save: 5+
Bravery: 6
Melee Weapons:
Beaststaff - Range: 2" - Attacks: 1 - To Hit: 4+ - To Wound: 3+ - Rend: -1 - Damage: D3
Demigryph's Razor-sharp Talons - Range: 1" - Attacks: 3 - To Hit: 4+ - To Wound: 3+ - Rend: -1 - Damage: 1
Description: An Amber Battlemage on Demigryph is a single model. The Battle Wizard is armed with a Beaststaff and rides upon a Demigryph that attacks with its Razor-sharp Talons.
Savage Ferocity: If the wound roll for a Demigryph's Razor-sharp Talons is a 6 or more, then that attack inflicts D3 damage instead of 1.
Amber Battlemage: You can add 1 to casting rolls for a Battlemage if the battle is taking place in the Realm of Beasts.
A Battlemage can attempt to cast one spell in each of your hero phases and attempt to unbind one spell in each enemy hero phase. He knows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Wildform spells.
Wildform: With a roar the wizard infuses his allies' battle spirits with the savage strength of wild creatures. Wildform has a casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick a unit within 18". Until your next hero phase you can add 1 to all wound rolls for that unit in the combat phase.
Keywords: Order, Human, Collegiate Arcane, Hero, Wizard, Battlemage
I'd say because they were extremely mono-pose models that were also pretty cheap.
Also, the Swifthawk Agents are supposed to be super speedy (not that you'd notice with the foot-slogging Shadow Warriors), so a defensive-minded, slow mid-range infantry would stick out like a sore thumb. Though I agree, they could just have left the Sea Guard and the Sea Helm in.
The old ones aren't. The new Bloodthirster so definitely is too big for its rules in 40k, though. He's like a fraction of an inch smaller than a Wraithknight, but thanks to the way Gargantuan Creatures work, the Wraithknight can STOMP on the Bloodthirster. That's the epitome of "too big for its rules".
Cool. Bring it on. I will take the new huge models any day.
That's cool. I'd be down with that warscroll. Wounds 7 seems high-ish for a weedy wizard, but that'd be nitpicky.
Thanks for the feedback. I thought it shouldn't just be 5, because the Demigryph Knights have 4 as opposed to the average 2 Wounds for cavalry, but maybe 6 is enough too.
>listen to the audiobooks
>Nagash calls Archaon the Dark Lord
So they stole from Lords of the Rings as well?
I thought one of nagashs titles was ''Dark lord of the dead'' already?
Calling your big bad the Dark lord has been a trope for years, though tolkien was the first to use it like so many tropes.