What is the highest amount of damage you can possibly do in [System of your choice] without cheesing hard and ignoring rules like you need to with Punpun and the peasant railgun?
Huge Damage
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>What is the highest amount of damage you can possibly do in [System of your choice] without cheesing hard
D&D 2E, 3.finder, 5E,
Any game you want, as long as you have an answer.
I can also condense it into highest indisputably rules legal damage possible.
Well, technically speaking you can do infinite damage in any system with exploding dice.
More importantly, I need to know how the fuckle you can pull that with Shuckle.
"A level 100 Shuckle can potentially deal the most damage in one single attack through the use of numerous stat boosters; by using Helping Hand by two different Pokémon in a Triple battle, holding a Metronome, Power Trick, a Skill Swap to Pure Power or Huge Power, 6 Attack boosts, and a Mimiced Me First used on a slower Pokémon using the Defense Curl/Rollout combo. Also, Shuckle's partner must have the ability Flower Gift and the weather must be sunny. On the 5th turn of using Rollout consecutively without any misses, if used against a level 1 Ledyba, Yanma or Combee with minimum Defense stats, that have been hit with negative Defense modifiers (such as Screech), it can deal 481,266,036 damage with a critical hit." -Bulbapedia
But if it's not over the OHKO, then it's 714, Blissey's highest HP.
Do not fuckle with the shuckle.
I think in one attack is like 150 in unknown armies? But that's from a sniper rifle with a bullet mod. For reference, the highest amount of HP a "normal" person can have is 100.
Of course, if you really play smart, you play an epidromancer, slap the guy once across the face and seal his lips and nose together and watch him suffocate in a panic.
Simplest+nocheese would be about 11 killing + 10 shock. If you count unconciousness as a win and do this versus an average heroic(non-mook) human then so long as all 9 of your d10's roll from 3-10 then you will win
Shock Trooper frenzied berserker in 3.5 is always a riot
Thanks bulbapedia
Using caster level aid another, as shown in the link here
You then use maximized mythic feather fall on 1,434,400 copper coins dropped towards your opponent. At 5d6 per coin, you'll deal 43,032,000 force damage. There's a reflex save for each 5d6, but that only reduces it to a minimum of 21,516,000 at minimum.
In D&D 3.5 you can give yourself exploding dice with the BoNS Stance Aura of Chaos, and then use a Cleric feat (the name escapes me at the moment) to reroll 1's. Then hit someone with a melee weapon that has a d2 damage die. All 1's are rerolled, all 2's generate another d2 to roll which are rerolled if they're 1's.... rinse and repeat. You do infinite damage.
I heard that trolls in 1st edition Shadowrun could kill most opponents by throwing them straight up into the air and watching them die from fall damage. Can any user confirm this?
>Using Bulbapedo
3.5 has various means for infinite damage without twisting the rules in overly-weird ways.
>peasant railgun
We've discussed this on numerous occasions. It doesn't work. Stop referencing it.
Hence why he mentioned it as "ignoring rules", ya dunce.
It'd make a real awesome version of FedEx though
Context, user.
Not him, but the gist of it is that while the rock does travel a bajillion miles per hour, there are no rules for inertia. So RAW the only thing that will happen is it lightspeed warps to the last peasant and falls to the ground at its feet.
So no rail gun, but speedy delivery service
It's literally the best pokemon reference site around
best pokemon
In Rifts, there's pic related, can't think of something that does more damage
The Firestorm Mobile Fortress can deal upwards of 10k MD with it's main battery on a crit as well, not remotely the same scale, but it's definitely an amount
that user meant the context OP used it in was 'do not talk about it I want stuff that actually works', so was essentially repeating what OP said
In 4e I'm pretty sure you can gain infinite bonuses to athletics if you play a human revenant and never sleep due to a feat you gain +1 for every milestone, you then use trance to make it so you only have to trance for 4 hours instead of sleeping so you never take an extended rest
This lets you have a jump of infinite height given enough time, and thus infinite falling damage, which any good GM knows is added into the damage dealt from an attack if you're falling on an enemy
You could also grapple an enemy and jump with them to achieve the same effect
>peasant railgun
i love that in a world where people shoot fireballs and shit, this is what's a bridge too far un fun fucks like you are literally ruining Veeky Forums
Any nuclear or antimatter weapon in any modern/scifi system.
There's a bit of a difference between saying "this guy can use magic because fantasy" and "these peasants can throw a spear at hypersonic speeds because game mechanics."
Peasant Railgun is retarded because it doesn't work according to the rules and it doesn't work according to physics.
There's also the party of vampire warlocks who never take an extended rest and can infinitely build up their darkspiral aura, with a rod that translates that to extra damage.
oh and with the infinite athletics you have infinite strength with kord's force
You have to ignore rules for it to work
>Shadowrun 4e/5e, L5R, Dark Heresy 1e, Deathwatch, Rogue Trader
Infinite Damage
>Shadowrun 4e/5e
>without cheesing
rules legal is rules legal
You have to ignore both rules AND physics. Not only would the second peasant not catch the stick (in the round it only goes to the second one, and then the action is complete -- the other peasants with their queued "throw the stick" action would attempt to do it all at once, so each would flub their throw, attempting to throw a stick they don't have yet) but thrown weapons have capped damage anyway.
Now, if you wanted to say that a wizard is pocket dimensioning the stick and making it loop until it hits terminal velocity like in Portal, that seems reasonable, but would still require a pretty hard check on Throwing or Marksmanship or whatever skill to actually hit anything with it. And even then, D&D caps damage of thrown weapons, so you may as well just play with the proper rules and keep a magically-assisted +999 damage ballista in a pocket dimension or something, which is totally feasible to get.
you're both mistaken, it's veekun.net that is both the best but is also run by a furry pedo
No one said anything about being a furry pedo. Pomf is just a normal pedo
Also, Locate City Bomb is great fun, even if it isn't quite one of the toppers of this thread
But, every single thing in this thread can easily be negated with the GM just saying, "no". Idiots.
Total damage > (2.5*10^36530)^^73600
If it's in the rules, it's in the rules.
Nearly infinite damage with a Wizard. Create your own plane, make it as tall as possible (narrow as possible to maximize height in cubes). At the bottom, have +5 colossal-lance-wielding Flying Awoken Ranger constructs brace pointing up (the lances are colossal) with Lead Blades on them. When something falls, have them aerial charge at them and then let them continue to fall to the ground.
Also, make the floor acid and spikes. Put traps all along the walls all the way down. Leave some spell traps for curse to apply weakness to all damage types your plane is doing to people.
Finally, to make it all worth it, the cherry on top, Staggering Fall for that +1d6 damage.
Use circle summoning to rip some poor sucker from their plane to the ceiling of your plane. Release them immediately and let them fall.
Arrows, explosions, acid, lava, curses, flying spear robots dealing (nearly x3-4 damage from 2-3 stacked multipliers, hoping for crits), fall damage for falling REALLY fucking far, +1d6 cherry.
I don't want to calculate it, but I bet Fallhaven is definitely the last plane you want to travel to if you hate taking damage.
So can an attack roll. You're kind of missing the point of the thread
There's the rebreather in 4e. 3 dragon breathes per turn.
There are definitely higher damage builds, but not available at such a low level w/o needing items.
one of 4e's paragon paths gives you an ability that does more or less that, and then spits them out at your feet so you can laugh at them.
DtD, core 1 and 2 only, ignoring effectively "endless" effects such as Luck and exploding dice.
Tiefling Daemonhost with at least 2 dots in Arcanoi and 6 dots in Strength.
All five levels of the Barbarian track.
The following feats:
Improved Backstab
Improved Weapon Specialization (Grimscythe)
Powerful Charge
Power Attack
Weapon Specialization (Grimscythe)
The effects of the following spells:
Holy Weapon.
Wearing Power Armour.
Using an Orichalcum Grimscythe.
A level 5 Sword School.
Charge an enemy and use a special attack with 5 points of restrictions and 10 points worth of First Damage Bonus, while receiving a Ganging Up bonus.
This works out at total bonuses of +29k3+8, which ends up becoming +11k10+8. Stick this on top of a Grimscythe, which already deals 6k2 damage, and you're looking at 17k12+8 damage, which ends up becoming 11k11+18 damage. Assuming you're ignoring exploding dice, this averages out at 612 damage, because the Tiefling racial power lets you reroll all 1s on damage dice.
The highest resilience it's possible to get in the game without using endless methods is 10, by being a level 5 Dragonblooded Dryad with the Matron racial feat and the Adamic Dragon asset, choosing Metal for Blood Quickening, taking the Sturdy asset and wearing Power Armour.
The highest possible HP total in the game (assuming a Dragonblooded Dryad and no spells) is 61. This requires taking a pretty convoluted set of classes, buying ALL the Sound Constitution feats in all of them and completing all of them.
The best armour in the game is Darksteel Power Armour, which has AP 13 and halves the Pen value of all weapons striking it.
Even assuming this ridiculous set of circumstances, that Grimscythe is still going to average 60 points of damage to the hapless Dryad - nearly enough to take said Dryad into critical damage, at which point death starts becoming a real possibility.
Shoot someone with a gun, stab them with a knife, throw a rock or slap them with a sock.
Spend edge to roll additional dice equal to edge, and explode d6's.
Be lucky.
Kill a Dragon with a haddock.
Well, that's when you get when you cross Galactus with the Death Star.
SDF main guns are still top notch though, 'is destroyed' is the true top tier of damage.
Uh, wait. I fucked my maths up. I'm going to work that out again...
Story time boys, of the hooker from hell.
Deadlands is a system well known for open ended exploding dice. If you roll the highest number on a die, you roll it again and add. So this hooker had a Derringer-a pistol that does 2d4 damage. She got a lucky headshot on an enemy and rolled 4d4. The DM proceeded to roll just about 90 points of damage. For reference, one third of that (30) is needed to kill a man/blow a limb off the average human. The inside of that train car was caked with insect guts and brains.
Not damage, but the grapple ball of speed works well as a courier service in my games.
The PCs didn't realise I was using it until one of them asked why they were being given mail by about a hundred peasants.
So, what with various bonuses and ridiculous bullshit, the average damage the Tiefling can deal work out at a surprisingly puny 211. Assuming no explosions.
The highest Resilience is 11, as I forgot to factor in a Sword School mastery bonus.
The highest HP total is 65, thanks to a different Sword School mastery bonus.
Finally, thanks to class completion bonuses and a particular feat, the highest AP you can have is 22 All (orichalcum power armour), but you're far better off against higher-Pen weaponw using darksteel power armour, for AP 20 All.
Cyberpunk 2020 had a weapon that could be used by someone without cyberware, that did 9d10 damage. This is a system where 20 damage will almost guarantee a kill on your average human, and 40 damage will kill even the heaviest chromer.
>Shuckle can deal 9-digit damage
D&D 5e's is something like 2d6 + 5 + 10, done 9 times if any of the previous 8 are a critical hit, with an extra 6d12 damage done over those 9 attacks. 20th-level Battle Master fighter with Great Weapon Master and a great sword using Action Surge and spending all their Superiority Dice on extra damage. That's like 237 damage on a single target with averaged damage rolls without any outside help or extra equipment.
A Paladin 18/Fighter 2 could use their Action Surge to do 2d6 + 5 + 10 + 6d8 five times if any of the previous four are crits, for 245 damage.
These are loose measurements and ignore crits and accuracy.
Pathfinder Warlord 20 sniping from 200 feet. Stances are RH 8 and SW 8. Open up with Touch of Rage (self) into dual boost Aurora Break+Cascading Draft, with the Vicious Tempst Volley maneuver as fullround
1d10+8(STR)+5(Weapon)+2(DisFoc)+7(CHA)+8d6 fire (Aurora Break)+20 (Cascading Draft)+9 (Touch of Rage)+3 (Battle Prowess)+12 (Deadly Aim)+2d6 (VTV)+1d6 fire (SW Style) times 9 (4 baseline+1 haste from boots of speed +2 from rapid shot/manyshot+2 from SW 8 Stance) for 990 damage, not taking into account the 19-20/x3 crit range and other weapon enhancements the bow may have.
716,086 with Smite before damage rollover (Diablo 2 LOD)
What the fuckle.
That's not how the peasant rail gun works, dude. The readied actions aren't to throw the stick, they're to disarm the peasant in line before them. The last peasant is hasted, and drops his initiative below everyone else, then uses his standard action to disarm and his partial action to throw the stick. Granted, by RAW that's just a normal attack, but peasant rail gun was never serious, just an amusing application of real-world physics to a quirk of the game mechanics.
>The readied actions aren't to throw the stick, they're to disarm the peasant in line before them.
Then still, the third peasant in line tries to disarm the second, who doesn't have anything yet, and it fizzles or fails or whatever.
>Granted, by RAW that's just a normal attack,
This is the other problem with it, even if you figured out some insane way to pull it off, you're still just throwing a stick.
Shitter detected.
I play GURPS more than anything so technically infinite.
Readied actions don't activate until the requirements to perform the action are met.
The whole idea is that each peasant readies an action to pass the item to the person next to them, if they don't have the item yet, they keep waiting until the item is passed to them, then their readied action to pass it along occurs.