After all is said and done, including personal goals...

After all is said and done, including personal goals, what is your character going to do after the end of his or her adventure?

My current character is likely going to train a Batman equivalent with the stupid amount of money I am amassing due to in game investments in trade. That character will be used in the next relevant campaign.

As much as he would love to, he can't go back to being a farmer, nor can he really settle down. He will wander, doing what good he can and carrying out his god's will.

Well, my Fighter is going to slow burn his way from a shittier Arthur Dent from the worst family in the kingdom to a respectable hero.

He'll probably be employed under the king as a problem remover.

> He fell with honour at Stalingrad, in 1943.

Yeah sure he did.

You don't really stop being a paladin, so I guess he'll keep on paladin-ing.

Retire to a Paradise World.

For this still wandering the land if you're not something like an elf you'll eventually become grey, weathered, and tired. They'll have to find some kind of home and family to take care of them in their twilight years.

*For those still

Go into torpor in the catacombs beneath the party's tower until his service is needed again.

People who already died don't get a happily ever after, especially not when they are flaming skeletons.

Well, he fell like an Ork at any rate.

To go planeswalking in search of the prime world of "stalingrad", which he'd heard rumors was a place of such awe inspiring battle that it could test the mettle of even the bravest warrior.

The plan was to start up his own gladiatorial arena and school and go down in history as the finest champion of the sword to have ever lived.

It didn't work out that way.

>as the proud german soldier he was

Get back to running the nation she's Princess of.

Return home to my wife and children, hope they can adapt to the fact that our now dead alchemist turned me into a woman

My current character would likely go back to his home country, and try to overthrow the government in a revolution. My upcoming character would go back to Mordent and take up his investigative work as a Lamplighter again.

>Speedwagon died a virgin

>Johnny died a cripple

> not succumbing to tg'd Veeky Forums cocklust

If you're gonna magical realm with the best fetish do it right

Well we're fighting a Tarrasque that may or may not be powered by DM-fiat. So either we're going to win instantly with one of our plethora of plans and then take over the world ourselves or we're going to fuck off to the realm of blackjack and hookers.

Most of my character end up dying honorable deaths, so i don't think too much about their future.

If they do live, often I leave it open ended or have them remain a good person

Or kill everyone.

Speedwagon was 5 years older than Jonathan, he was 25 when they met. He had a few good years of debauchery and being a criminal, I'm sure he got laid in that time.

What happened?

She'll go back home to the dwarf city and prove that she is worthy of marrying the Lady of a rival clan.

Despite not having hamon or a stand he could tear quite a few post-part 2 characters a new asshole with those cybernetics.

Die probably, he's already fought his battles and traveled the galaxy. This campaign is basically just suicide by adventure.

Convert the wandering gnoll tribes and continue teaching his human cleric school dropout in how to be a real cleric

His mercenary company has made enough that he's bought into several big businesses and a certain bank with its roots in the world economy, he'll retire from being a merc captain and live in mild opulence doing nothing EVER again
Trying to ignore that dogooder alim
because he knows she'll find him either way regardless, and no security can stop her from breaking in and waking him up in his lavish bed(with that stupified innocent grin placer across her no less) to go save the next damsel

He'll probably resume his career as a sellsword. If he's lucky, he might even have enough money to start up another mercenary company.

Possibly attempt to end slavery. Not the fact of its being done, the concept itself.

Rule as the just and lawful king of his people.

Of the two concurrent characters I have:

1. (pictured) Go home, kill her brother (nothing personal, her family just has Crusader Kings going on), be an awesome, inspiring but not very politically effectual duchess. Have a bunch of babies.

2. Be a misguided villain who thinks he's doing the best thing for the world. Probably will end up like Zoom from Flash. "I'm testing you to make you better so that when a REAL villain comes along, you'll be ready!"

It's okay user, I still cry over Stroheim

Start another one.

My Cleric is becoming a herald of his goddess, and will wage war with demons and evil earth elementals.

But lesbians.

Yet it still bugs me - they have this kind of cybernetics so early, yet they can't make a new legs or normal prosthetics for a cripples.

Most of those deaths were civilians killed by the Russian army through incompetence, battle of Leningrad is Soviet propaganda.

He's currently trying to run a bakery to prove that he can provide for his fiancee after they returned from adventure in another dimension and had to face the fact that here nobody believes what happened and they just vanished for two years.

He hopes that he dies doing something really worthwhile while adventuring. He's already old and getting older, and that shit sucks.

One of my favorite characters was an AD&D halfling rogue who really just wanted to get away from the small agriculture based area (agrarian?) that he was born to, and he ended up retiring early at the first big city he found where we didn't have any pressing jobs.

He ended up settled down with a wife and a restaurant with the best specialty sandwiches in the city.

Try to juggle being some kind of prophet for an emerging church based around him being some kind of Buddha figure, and all his children being the Jesuses, while also being a good father to the aforementioned children and being a good husband for his wife. At this point, he just wants to teach and become a scholar/philosopher but he'll likely have a lot more responsibilities than that. Thankfully, he will likely become some sort of Elder God or actual God before he dies.

Pic related is a request I got for the character a while back, but it's kind of outdated.

Fuck off to an empty universe somewhere with his wife and enjoy not being compelled to kill her. Also trolling the fuck out of a certain angry goddess.

Pic related. My rogue will buy all the pubs and inns in our party's growing village, and half of the children will be his and help the partys order they created and i help them in but not in it.

Set up some homeless shelter that will take the homeless off the streets and get them some sort of apprenticeship.

There's no way he won't die before all this shit is over.

Shadowrun: Get enough money to get a permanent Full Immersion lifestyle, retire.

Exalted: Take over the Realm and re-institute the Solar Deliberative with her as the new Queen.

Stargate RPG: Nothing. She wants to be a space adventurer for the rest of her life.

Once all the crew have died there is only one option: Aquire new crew.

How the fuck would the Soviets even kill robo Stroheim? He must have been flattened by a direct artillery barrage or somethinf

>not being the flaming, screaming skeleton godfather of all your parties children
>not showing up at little emilys birthday with gifts

"Yay its uncle burnt!"


Friendly reminder Stronheim was part of the Wermacht, not the SS, so he probably had no idea about the final solution

My monk would have retired back to his home in the hills with his alchemist wife and lived a peaceful life, until he died during a bandit attack on his home due to old age slowing him down.

This in turn would be the turning point in my sorcerer's backstory, as it was his first time away from home and he'd fallen in with some bandits that rarely killed, but upon facing a combat-hardened yet aging monk, they'd have to. Hearing the sobs of the old alchemist woman cry over her husband's body would spur him into renouncing crime and setting off in a guilt-ridden quest of redemption and depression, which would have ultimately ended in his death if I'd played my cards right and the DM didnt let both those campaigns die after 2 months each.

Instead my monk will stay at just having mastered the art of using torches as weapons and stuck in the basement of a haunted mansion preparing to fight a werewolf trio and a witch.

My sorcerer remains in jail, sinking deeper into depression after hes accused of setting a bridge on fire and killing a merchant and his horses, which was in fact perpetrated by some random fuck we wouldve met...eventually said the DM.

Things never go as planned.

I think it's a combination of being super expensive and top secret lost Nazi engineering that's way ahead of its time.

Uplift himself to godhood/higher plane of existance using the essence of a goddess the party had slain, or die trying.

Was he gay?

Skeleton miner starts up a mining company with his ex-villain necromancer of a wife.

Summoner finally reunites with his dad, meets his eldritch abomination of a stepsister/stepmother (depending on what the DM has planned for that) and the three, along with the rest of the family, pool their efforts into studying and comprehending unpredictable and illegal summon magic.

either lichhood or riding out vampirism to see what the future holds

He will probably retire somewhere and live on eternally as a hermit. Until the world needs him again.

I think this every time I see that image.

How the fuck did the Russians actually manage to kill Stroheim? What kind of mad russian double bastard actually managed to kill Stroheim: the cyborg who survived Aztec Supervampires?

...and why hasn't he been in any subsequent JoJo adventures?

Joeseph meanwhile: Still alive. Still fathering kids WELL into his 80's.

Not with his wife, you understand, but that's Joeseph Joestar for you.

>How the fuck did the Russians actually manage to kill Stroheim?
i have a few ideas

He's going to take his entire firearms collection with him onto the ship he's going to turn into his tomb, after which he will set the ship to fly and be lost in deep space, until those that are worthy find him and his life's work, be they Xenos or Man, but never Heretic.

Lisa Lisa also likely had a load of side kids too, to the point of giving birth to Polnareff and his sister (hence why she looked so much like Lisa Lisa).

And before anyone insists she was post-menopausal I have 3 words for you:
Sunlight Yellow Ovulate