Anyone else love myr?
Anyone else love myr?
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I liked moonfolk. I wish there was a way to bring them back without having to force a return to Kamigawa. It seems to be a trend that every time we go back to a plane, it gets destroyed.
I like Nig-Mizzle, Drac O G
Ravnica was fine.
Zendikar was fucked when we left. We came back, and it was still fucked, but ended up fine in the end.
Innistrad we don't know yet. Shit's fucked up, but it's not nearly as bad as what the Phyrexians and Eldrazi did. At least not yet.
Only Mirrodin got rekt and the seeds for that were planted back in the original block.
myr are very nice to look at, but not very good
they feel like shitty slivers where gameplay is concerned
Tarkir got fucked, at least, for non-Dragons.
That was all in one block though.
I don't really care for Tarkir anyways. If they never go back I'll be happy.
I realized that after I posted.
It's TECHNICALLY a return to one of the planechase planes, I guess.
>introduced in 2008
>all cards in tribe but two are basically garbage
>lord that drops turn 5 and is all but impossible to hardcast
>maro said initial idea was support in innistrad but your tribe isin't important enough to fit and gets cut
>four cards since 2008 that share a tribe that are still bad
Being a scarecrows is everlasting torment
When will my tribe get more support?
There's a few new ones, but they're hot garbage. The vanilla 3/1 for 3 is especially terrible.
So when are we going to have Eldrazi vs Phyrexia?
Wasn't the planechase plane called Monseng or something?
The myr have always been my favourite tribe, but they're never going to get enough support to actually be viable anywhere.
I saw. Pic related was decent enough in draft, but it doesn't even fit well into a scarecrow deck.
You have an infinite mana combo in tribe, and battlesphere. I am jelly.
I play Merfolk in modern, so I've got a strong love for them. My first obsession though was Kavu, way back in the day.
Zombie tribal has been my love since I got the precon for her
Myr are my favorite tribe, to the point where I've been working on a story/civ quest where the goal is to play as Myr ending up having to improve the local sentients everything because they're so fucking backwards.
I'm working on a tech tree and everything.
Hell yeah Myr are the fucking best
Sup, guise
Fluff-wise, what do Fungus have to do with Saprolings?
Saprolings probably grow up into Fungus.
>Anyone else love myr?
I like myrs, I like slivers, I like goblins. I like hordes of things. Elementals?
Elves of Havenwood were starving to death, nothing would grow. Thelon, after seeing the Thrulls being created, used black mana in combination with his green mana to create fungus-creatures from normal fungus. These creatures are the Thallids. (Any of the creatures that have 'put a spore counter on it' is a Thallid.)
Thallids are sentient fungus, who's spores settle and generate into smaller, simpler and mass-spawned fungi creatures known as Saprolings. It turns out that Saprolings are sentient as well.
Thallids and Saprolings were eaten as food, and farmed because of their mass-spawning abilities. At first, everything was great! But then, the Thallids and Saprolings went the way of the Thrulls, murdering everyone and everything that previously thought they were under control.
(Now read Thelon's timeshifted flavor text and be sad)
>love R
>profoundly hate goblins
Thrulls, forever.
But.. the Akki were cool.
Mah niggle.
>all those onslaught birds
I call my deck mighty morphin bird soldiers. I turn over the morph and
So is this because of how Community Super League went down earlier this evening?
Where or where have my Kavu gone, oh where or where can they be.
I've always been a tribal spirits kinda guy.
more like Memeunity Meme League
notice that all the goobers played regular Legacy decks dressed up as tribal while the normies played fun decks?
why can't neckbeards into fun?
By far my favorite tribe. I tried so hard to make them a modern deck but with Tron so big in my metta a Ugin could screw my day up way too fast for it to actually work.
>Tfw no R drawf tribe
Why? Do you dislike the over the top silliness?
I like red too, but I think it gets the worst creatures on average.
Well, what if there are moon folks on Innistrad's moon? They'll be all like "Sup, Tamiyo?" and Tamiyo be all like "sheeeit."
Reading this week's Uncharted Realms reminded me of why I loved the Moonfolk and Kamigawa so much. The people there were just so goddamn meticulous in the Asian way. You see how culture has influenced Tamiyo as an individual right down to the core as she masks EVERYTHING she feels beneath layers and layers of social graces. Sure you had those fuckers at Sokenzan and Takenuma which reflect the barbaric nature of Japan's lowlives, but the Kitsune and the Soratami were just so damn classy.
I really don't mind a return to Kamigawa, I loved the lore and the plane and the Kami and everything- I've even remembered half their damn names to today. And I wanna check in on the Kyodai. I'm cool with all of that just as long as they don't give us the infamous 5 mana 2/1 w/ no relevant abilities and 4 cmc 1/1 and Pay 5 life: Regenerate. THAT was the real nightmare.
That card, while still not great, makes more sense if you think about it in terms of delerium. It's an early creature that trades for a more expensive one and counts for 2 types once it's in your graveyard. It's meant to die easy and take something with it. It would be better as a 2 cost though
This guy gets it
I agree with you guys, ut after years of neglect past Painter's Servant/some fringe Pili Pala guys, Scarecrow fans must have been clamouring for SOMETHING by now I LOVE the scarecrows in SoI as Delirium enablers, but it's true, they don't really contribute to the tribe.
Oh, good point. I typically try to avoid only thinking in the context of my formats/play style, but this time I completely forgot how hard they're pushing delirium.
In a vacuum though, sheesh. It's like Scornful Egotist.
Fungus best tribal. I only wish that it wasn't agonizing to play once you start getting a whole lot of counters out on the field.
I should just make an Endrek Sahr deck. I put him in basically every black EDH deck I make. I just love the fucker so much.
Zombros is without a doubt my favorite tribal. So many things to do, so many ways to come back.
They're perfect for Jeskai colors. Centered in R with their mountainhomes and short tempers, unified under W, tinkering in U.
If they ever make a UWR dwarf artificer legendary, I think I'll jizz my pants.
Thallids and fungi are amazingly fun in concept, it's too bad they're pretty much useless to actually play.
I adore that such niche cards as Thelon and Fungal Bloom exist just for them, though.
No mention of Slivers?
I've seen a fun deck with them using Paradox Haze to speed them up, but yeah. They'll forever be my niche babies.
They're low hanging fruit. But thinks for mentioning them. I like them too.
I've always liked slivers, but they've never been particular favorites. I guess it was just that mechanically, they were kind of boring. Nevermind what the hell happened to them in recent years design wise.
Sphinx tribal is best tribal.
I actually had a fungus paradox haze deck, it was fun as fuck to play, but only useful in multiplayer (and even then you didn't have to be targeted inmediatly in order to survive, which was difficult after the first game, when people can see you put 30+ saprolings per turn)
I actually feel you user. Back when I was a mtg kiddie I pulled reaper king, I didn't play it cause I couldn't support a 5 color deck at the time. But I liked who he was and what he did. Nowadays, all I play is edh, and I don't even give the king a second glance. In fact, I gave mine away forever ago.
I like them because of their versatility. They're in all colors so you can build whatever you like, draw cards with Dormant Sliver, make tokens with Brood Sliver, gain life with Essence Sliver, kill creatures with Psionic Sliver or steal them with Sliver Overlord/Amoeboid Changeling, or just make them all freaking huge with Sliver Legion.
I used to have a R/G/W straightforward aggro Sliver deck with Bonesplitter Sliver and Heart Sliver and stuff like that, but I grew tired of that and built a U/G Telekinetic Sliver control deck whichi is a blast to play.
Yeah, the mutability is fun. Honestly, I find that playing slivers was always too straightforward for me to enjoy, with the grand exception of playing a crazy janky hivestone deck. Those were my favorites.
Synergises great with walls
Wanting to make a Phenax deck and call it my Trump deck
The King is a decent five color general, if you decide to go for a 5-c general that is pretty much a blank slate so not to telegraph your gameplan like Child or Progenitus.
I like using him a lot because most people write him off as hard as, say, atogatog, but he's still a 6/6 vindicate that you can cast even if you end up manafucked.
Also, if you kick a rites of replication on him, you pretty much win.
The latest UR has tamiyo read a myr legend, theyre a sentient race with pseduo free will. That might be helpful with your campaign
Exactly, I want to build him with a five color artifact, and a handfull of changlings. Also, wouldn't Sword of Selves do the same thing?
Decklist please?
I think that's why so many people have been talking about them recently. It's hard not to after a cute little story like that. It's like a SciFi bedtime story for a toddler, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. They really knocked it out of the park.
You know he doesn't vindicate when he comes into play right?
These tbqh.
We need more myrs and scarecrows which doesn't suck complete ass
I played Eldrazi Tribal in Modern earlier this year. Does that count?
Changelings, m8.
Eldrazi have been cool since their inception
Nothing quite like Rite of Replication'ing him for the massive boardwipe
God I hate elves. Is there a good green tribal that isn't elves?
You forget how much goblins hate goblins. They're inherently expendable and they know it.
Druids seem neat if you're willing to not have a full tribal. I guess that defeats the point though? Idk, I've never been huge on tribal mechanics. I like the idea of a bunch of druids congregating to summon forest beings and spirits though.
Not unless you add some colors. G/R has plenty of dragons, G/B/W has fungus, G/W should cover a lot of humans and knights, especially of you splash red
Snakes could be an option, though adding blue for Kasteo is probably better than mono-green, but I haven't played either
Bear tribal is pretty fun. It's pretty bad unless you start running stuff like Winter Orb or Orb of Dreams to slow down your opponents.
I couldn't bear it if I lost to a bear deck.
Shamans and/or Treefolk.
I guess you could say BEAR FORCE WON
>first deck was the minotaur precon
>tried to play in modern, it's garbage. Every Minotaur is expensive pieces of shit except for based boros reckoner
>will probably never get support unless we return to Theros for some god awful reason
>no modern didgeridoo ever
>return to Theros for some god awful reason
Stop bullying Theros ;_;
Aren't you looking forward to Elspeth's ascension?
I'm not looking forward to Wizards shitting on Elspeth from a great height for the upteenth time. Seriously. I know tragic heroes are a thing but it's getting ridiculous.
I'm in the middle of putting the finishing touches on mine. When it works, boy is it fun as fuck.
No, it'll be different, things will work out this time. Right?
Considering the track record? No.
It'll work out for all of ten minutes, elspeth will smile again, and then whatever she's smiling at will get vaporized before her eyes. Again.
Soldier tribal!
I had a Darien EDH deck which should have been so much fun, but it ended up being just a Blasting Station combo deck. Too bad there is no RW artificer soldier commander.
They can work in EDH. You just have to play a specific way.
>the format with by far the most board wipes
Sorry, no. Thallids have no chance of working out whatsoever. Your 7 billion saprolings are all killed by one of any number of spells, which will also hit your saproling producers and pretty much everything else of note. If they don't die long before you get the saproling engine underway.
If you want to tribal in EDH, you need a tribe that can bundle and bounce back very easily, like elves or zombies.
However this is not to say fungi are 100% unplayable, but a Thelon commander with a focus on thallids isn't (no matter how much I'd like it to be). A +1/+1 counter based deck based on Ghave, Guru of Spores is potentially viable.
>board wipes
>what is black
>what is Thelon's built in ability
It's not very effective for getting fungi back from the graveyard, I'll tell you.
If you wanted to make a black heavy graveyard recursion deck, you'd be much (MUCH) better off with zombies than fungi.
No shit. Zombies are made for recursion. But that defeats the purpose of a 'favorite tribe', doesn't it? Cause otherwise everyone would play what's good instead of what's fun.
On topic, I'm strongly considering trying out a U/G Sneks commander deck.
Forgot the damn picture. Not included: Winged Coutl, Patagia Viper, Shisato, Hooded Hydra, Lotus Cobra
what a cuck
Muh Ally.
Just doing these for fun, at this point. Not pictured: all the 1 and 2 mana druid drops.
>ancient Egypt plane
>everyone worships unseen pyramid building "gods"
> really just moonfolk lithromancers messing with them
I like Goblins when they're like this.
Where are my human bros at? I'm building a Human Naya Blitz deck for modern. It's janky as fuck but it can work and I live the tribe to pieces. I know people like to shit on the concept and say that it's mundane to just have a bunch of humans instead elves or whatever. But I say the fantasy element is there is since all your humans are working together and supporting each other to win.
It's a neat feel.
What are the most "evil" things in red or blue?
Trying to build a villain deck.
myr number one
Nicol Bolas
Lightning bolt