What i made/what i played

Haven't seen one of these in a while.

>Made a fanatic alchemist who wants to create the most powerful and healthy soldier, and Is not entirely sane

>DM saw an endlessly optimistic lunatic who fought with reckless abandon, but is a good person otherwise

>What i played was basically a mentally disabled guy with bomb and medical expertise

Not a bad experience i must say,

DMs shouldn't include wood elves in campaigns I play in.

> Made a Jpop Idol in a Cyberpunk game
> GM thought it was going to be a super kawaii character
> And she was, in a sense. If you could ignore the slaughter she left in her wake.

> I made Autism
> The DM saw Autism
> I played Edgy Autism

>Made a Vitalist Nun
>DM saw a generic white mage
>Played the most operator as fuck healing/buffing/long range telepathy and sense-sharing PC ever
>Entire party was basically a linked hive mind of fuck your shit.

>What I made was a simple character to get the hang of 5E.
>What the DM saw was a whitebread fighter with no outstanding details.
>What I played was a boisterous two-handed fighter with a passion for violence, himself, and (not pictured) knitting.

>Made a barbarian bandit leader who wanted to pick up the pieces of his gang
>DM saw me as a marauder killed for pleasure and took what he want
>Played comedic relief because I rolled under 10 for every roll that wasn't social.

>Made a crazy murderous guy with a huge elaborate backstory
>DM saw a defender that the group needed
>Played an average joe

Enough kawaii and people will ignore full on genocides.


>made an agent hired by mercenary company and later betrayed by boss (totally not-Bane)
>DM saw me ham it up, unintentionally do NOT THE BEES when swarmed by tiny automatons
>played tank fighter with good social skills mixing fists and mind-games to turn both friend and foe alike into pawns

What's the girl in the middle from again?

Can someone post the template?

>decided to play a sassy cleric lady
>DM figured I was just gonna healbot it up
>turned out to be the oldest in the party, became badass team mom

Lazy faggot.

Pretty self explanatory.

He was pretty normal, if a little quiet. Right until we're in the jungle and the Tyranids show up. Then he went maximum Frank.

An NPC, but a fun one

Star Vs. The Forces of Evil

God tier taste right here.

>Ross Stronk, man of honor and wooer of women
>some unreasonably strong rapist who wouldn't stop trying to impress people with his strength
>literally killed the bbeg in 1 hit after some 20 session build up. critical spear chuck.

Virt plz go and stay go

Back in the day, me and my friends played a forgotten realms drow campaign with the express intention of seeing how un-drizzt we could be.
>Made a summoning specialized wizard, house ruled that I got way better summons, at the expense of removing my ability to cast most other schools of magic.
>DM thought that my self induced magic crippling and general drow craziness made me ineffectual and dumb.
>Fourteen levels later and everything was fleshgrafted bats that spat fire and exploded people. Also bootlegging necromancy with animate rope.


I want to hear the story behind this one.

Complete with cleric punching and taunting shit that shouldn't ever be taunted.
How the character isn't just a smear on any given dozen walls is beyond me.

>have a player at my table that's almost exactly like you, complete with playing a drow
he uses pixies, mephits, and polymorphs into angels because of their health/flight.
Unlike your case, it's not just the DM thinking it's made him ineffectual and dumb, he just is and waste's everyones time summoning everything and trying to force shit into working with the sheer numbers he throws at it.

ah yeah, that could be a problem. In our case, it helped that because of shitty stat rolls, my drow summoner spent most fights trying to figure out clever ways to kill his opponents, because he had 7 con and 8 strength.
I'd say try to nudge that player into more creative uses of swarm summons or summoning in general. Hell, with my game for like six levels my primary combat spells were animate rope and tenser's floating disk, once we figured out there was no explicit limit to the speed you could move the rope, and the disk can exert 180 lbs of pressure at six feet a second.

This is my party.

I've made a /pol/adin. On the unrelated note, I'm now banned from playing paladins.

Yes, it must be a coincidence...

... so what was the point of this elaborate backstory and all the other shit?
Literally kill yourself, people like you are always bane of new groups, because they come with some idea that everyone takes for given (well, it was) and act accordingly, only to realise two-five games later the PC in question is just bunch of numbers to roll dice.


>Having a character for your character in a role-playing game is bad

Nice straw

>fuck story telling elements i just want to roll numbers against numbers until more numbers happen

Jesus christ, do you do calculous for fun too?

Posting a thing I made.

WIM: An adept who valued KNOWLEDGE!
WLES: An adept who valued Knowledge!
WIP: In the GM's words, "the most aggressive Adept I've ever seen".

Psyker must defeat Psyker!

tell me your fuzzy ruined your career as a cabbie.
Or at least something to that extent.


He's too white and nerdy.

I am fuzzy


Then tell me you ruined sam's chances at everything.


I've ruined his chances at being a pacifist and at making a "traditionnal hobbit contract" because instead of signing in blood I signed in ale without them noticing. Pretty sure he's got a patron on top of being a bard.
It's pretty weird. GM suggested an evil campaign and retracted at the last moment but we still got underlying goals.
He's mostly amused at how hard I try to emulate the tale of an industrious rogue.
Sorry I failed you. I am merely the most enthusiast of the ringleader duo.

>mfw I don't watch japanimation
>mfw I have no idea what any of these mean


>>mfw I don't watch japanimation
>>mfw I have no idea what any of these mean

If you don't watch japanimation you might understand some of these:

>Made grappler from foreign island nation
>GM gave everyone spectacular magical powers shortly into the game, mine came with the urge to kill
>Ignore urge to kill, be moral compass that the rest of the party doesn't respect enough to listen to
>also functionally retarded the entire time.
game's still ongoing.

Nah, never used that one, mostly due to the Arbiter's love of Assault Shotguns and Point Blank Range. Bullets defeat psykers well enough.

We did however conduct research.

I swear, if I was paid a dollar each time I'm making Asian magic users and somone goes for Avatar assumption, I wouldn't have to split bills for snacks during games - people would pay my share.

Made the most generic healbot I could, but the DM thought I would hit stuff with a mace.

We fought a sort of fallen angel as a boss-fight (a witch cursed her see the witches' enemies as demons). My PC, mid-fight, managed to break the curse, and proceeded to roll really well convincing the angel to stand down and realize we're all on the same side. I'm like 90% sure she'd have TPK'd us if I hadn't diplomacy'd her.

Died fighting an spectre, wearing damned gloves (make me drop any weapon before I can hit)

This was a good game...

...this game, however, was fucking awful. I don't think I'll play Little Fears ever again

Basically what happened when my GF joined the group.

you suck at being a dm, kill yourself


No u, because players took the concept of 'being kids' waaaaay too far.

Also was boss af


quit making excuses and kill yourself


So basically they've pulled "Innocent Blood"?

what the fuck

It came to a point when I was in the game more for the in between to achive wealth than the sessions proper

story time?

Guess the game.

Its more or less how it reads, I played a synthesist summoner. The DM thought I was going to be a tough, aggressive, combatant who was still somewhat heroic. I was until I realized the DM wrote all the NPC's to be idiots, then I took over a city through politics and casual threats.

There was also the time when I used animate object on a bunch of daggers and mulched an enemy.
10/10 would play DIO again.

Not much to tell.
We converted the local bandits into the city watch of a town we saved.

My dragon stuck around as the party Face due to the fact the DM made sure the city was attacked every few days.

Campaign ended when the main antagonist attacked the city gates, so I finally got to be involved in a fight (DM pity I think), with the last of his forces after the rest of the party did everything else.

Sounds like the ending to Harry Potter, except it ended with the king's relief finally coming after the battle, the nobles returning, and the bandit militia and party being told to GTFO after pardons for crimes both real and imagined.

Sometimes having very little established fluff on a particular planet is a good thing. Lets the DM come up with nice surprises for the players.

Other times it's just another way for him to torture you.

>make a psychic child soldier girl who's the product of rape and incest
>what they saw: edgey mc edge edge
>in practice: Crippling social anxiety, the character

Fuck user your stupid

I miss this character so much.
He was fun.

Story time please.

Read his post properly before commenting next time.

Maid RPG, FATAL, or on a more serious note, Shadowrun.


>the game was fucking brutal actually, but pretty awesome

You first pls virt.

Nah. More Trailerpark boys than gangsters. Though Gangster-ish activity was a thing.


character from a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure themed campaign.
>Made a snarky spanish soldier
>dm say a weapon's specialist everyman
>what I really played was a guy who had the power to change the number/position of any unobserved object around him, primarily resulting in unlimited ammo and grenades in peoples pockets

I made a female brawler with a high strength and the DM/Players kept making jokes so I just went with it.

>that shit taste in books
They took your Chris-Chan-tier taste in literature and made a farce out of it. The least fucktarded thing they could've done, really.

You're both wrong.
Perils of warp is the best psyker killers.

I guess he just liked the idea that a person who had gone to so many strange places and killed so many people hadn't ever lost that air of utter mundanity.

To him, hacking his way through a formation of temple guard and dismembering the high priest on his own altar is like signing for a parcel at the front door.

He grunts wearily as he is thrown over yet another cliff.

When asked if he enjoys his job he complains about his employers, and the working hours, and the company insurance coverage being a joke, and tells you that it's just a temporary gig until he completes his Management course at night school.