>Expansions are still on sale
>Dragon King still sold out worldwide
>No one wants the Lonely Tree
Post stories, discuss horror stories, and wank over stupid builds like the acanthus doctor murder tank.
>Expansions are still on sale
>Dragon King still sold out worldwide
>No one wants the Lonely Tree
Post stories, discuss horror stories, and wank over stupid builds like the acanthus doctor murder tank.
Expansion stuff, for reference.
Bah, fucked up my posting order.
>Maybe next time
Lastly, the Green Knight set. Good the fuck luck completing it in a single campaign.
so the game is sold out until gencon? noy seeing it in the in stock store page
Yea, main games initial run through is donezo (estimated 10-15k copies). If somehow they don't move at Gencon I assume Poots will put up remaining online.
Reprint may happen sometime though.
Is the sale currently available only in America's store??
What's wrong with the Lonely Tree?
The other expansions can smell it's desperation.
So I feel like the game leaves a lot to be desired. It's a neat concept, has a ton of really cool mechanics, but putting it all together makes it kinda lackluster, I think.
But rather than just bitching about it on the Internet, as many are want to do, I'm attempting to basically write my own second edition of the game. About as similar to KDM as Descent 2e is to Descent 1e. Same setting, noticeably similar overall gameplay concepts, but different execution of various mechanics.
So on that note, if such a thing was official, what would you guys like to see out of it? Things I'm already planning on doing, based on ideas from previous threads:
>more "generic" armor sets
A few sets for mid and late-game, that don't require materials from specific monsters to make, so that you can more viably hunt whatever monster you feel like fighting, instead of your campaign just being 15 fights against the Phoenix.
Of the two planned sets, one requires you to use non-basic hides and bones to craft it (meaning it doesn't matter which monster the part comes from, as long as it's not the generic bone/hide), while the more endgame one requires you to make it out of Strange Resources.
>More Hybrid armor sets
Ties in with the above. Makes it more viable to just have fun hunting whatever, instead of playing 15+ games doing the same shit.
>most monster attacks become Duration cards
This is meant to make the game be less about the luck of the draw, and more about the skill in reacting to the monster and reading it's attacks. It's one of the things I felt worked really well in the fight with The Hand.
Its sold out, the only sales of the main game that are confirmed are at gencon.
Lonely Tree is not only more expensive, than say Dung beetle Knight, but also comes with the smallest set of "content" Which is a shame, as its a neat enough encounter, but its not a hunt able. Gorm is probably the expansion you can get the most use out of. With DBK giving a lot for its buck, and Dragon and Sunstalker giving alternate campaign systems.
Wanna sell it?
Nah. It's way too blatantly IP theft as is. It's just gonna be a free Print and Play.
Is this the game I hear people sperging out about for being 'magical realm"?
I defniitely see the call for more hybrid or generic stuff, hybrid sets from lion knight made me really consider grabbing him.
What I want is more settlement events, or more 'interactive' settlement events.
Like, Elder Council shouldn't get added to the pool until you actually have a retired survivor, or plague shouldn't happen until X population or something. Otherwise you have these events happening when it just feels really inappropriate.
Uh, have you even looked into how much the costs of fucking printing it would be? Taking out the minis doesn't really reduce the costs.
Plus, Poots is autistic about his game.
When are minis gonna be back up for sale? Anyone have an estimate?
I have all the expansions that interest me.
What minis? Resin stuff? ATM dragon king is the only expo missing.
this game look but it's the anime art style thath is keeping me off
There are seceral artists working on it, so it isn't all anime-esque artwork. Also, the minis don't really give that feel, either.
I'm well aware. Though honestly, most games I see as print and plays don't really get printed, they just get turned into play by post games.
That said, many people seem to play over tabletop simulator or roll20, so that would also be an option.
That's one of the things I've been trying how to figure out. I'm thinking of having many more aspects of the game use the "Consequences" that the innovations in Monster use. So you have a few large decks of cards set to the side to get added to decks as the campaign progresses. I'm just worried that will make it way too RNG reliant.
It does allow for some neat stuff like how Adam mentioned in the Kickstarter video that in the Hunt Phase you might have to be careful of any Kingsmen that are in patrol around your area. Once the Kingsmen show up in your campaign, you add their Patrol card to the hunt deck, and have a chance to run into them while out hunting.
To be honest, the hunt phase is where most of my work has gone into so far. Mostly because the Settlement and Showdown phases are a major part of KDMs feel, and I want to be careful about how much I change, and how drastically. The Hunt Phase, on the other hand, is boring as fuck, gets old really fucking fast, and hardly the part people tell stories about. So it's easier for me to make large sweeping changes to, without that much fear of backlash about losing what makes the game Kingdom Death.
Too much random chance to be worth the $75 price tag and shipping. Pretty much everyyhing else is worth picking up, in my eyes.
I meant exclusing expos, like resin stuff or new models.
It shouldn't be long before they take down the expansions. Then The PlanĀ© is to have one or two expansions put up in tue store each month along with some encores and some new minis.
Granted, this is all based on Poots Time, so we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out.
Going to make our own gorm expansion with thrift store baby heads
>Then The PlanĀ© is to have one or two expansions put up in tue store each month along with some encores and some new minis.
They decided not to do this becasue people complained about making us pay for shipping a dozen times instead of letting us buy in bulk.
The Gormchemyst is the most interesting thing out of that expac. The Gorm itself needs a ahnd switch to look good.
Also, anyone interested in a pbp game? I kinda want to do one so that when people ask about the game they can actually just see how it runs.
I thought the newsletter said this was a second chance to get expansions in bulk, before switching to staggered as planned, due to shipping woes? The plan is still to switch to new stuff each month, plus encores and some new minis.