Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Favorite deck?
>Next MTG Purchase?
Do you like the current Modern Metagame?
(picture below)
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Favorite deck?
>Next MTG Purchase?
Do you like the current Modern Metagame?
(picture below)
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The current Modern Metagame.
Is there any point to this format anymore? it's just quibbling about banlists and dropping 1000 bucks on a few pieces of cardboard. There is no real purpose to homebrewing for Modern, there's not really any point in playing it because even on the off-chance you win, someone else loses, and more likely than not that one person will be you. Your money is a loss, gone to support the FLGS. The best combinations have already been solved. It's like playing chess against a computer, with a computer.
Sorry but I just don't see the point in Modern anymore. I tried to make a Modern deck on my own but my friend ltierally wanted me to remove the core cards and replace them with Thoughtseize. What the actual fuck? He's even won a few tournaments.
from the last one
No, it's not bait. I am seriously sad because I wanted to get into this format but the more I browse the more it seems like it's already been overdone and there's such a high bar to entry for little reward. Half the fun of MtG is deck customization; if the best decks have already been solved, there's not really any point, in my opinion.
But, feel free to respond with more fishhook images.
You've just described anything competitive ever.
Maybe it's you. Maybe you are the one who doesn't enjoy a competitive format and you want to cast your molimos and nemesis of mortals at the kitchen table.
Nothing wrong with that but don't belittle one way of playing because it's not your personal preference
>Look mommy, i just baited them
Here is your you, go back to EDH general
>Is there any point to this format anymore?
You play it to either participate to events for rewards, or you play it for fun. Or both. Some strategies can only work in Modern and thus offers variety in gameplay.
>it's just quibbling about banlists and dropping 1000 bucks on a few pieces of cardboard.
With the discontinuation of the Modern Pro Tour, this should change. The money issue is part of Magic as a whole, there's nothing we can do but blame ourselves. Look at Standard.
>There is no real purpose to homebrewing for Modern, there's not really any point in playing it because even on the off-chance you win, someone else loses, and more likely than not that one person will be you.
Are you saying brews can't be succesful? What do you think Amulet Bloom was? Innovation exists and CAN have a payoff.
>Your money is a loss, gone to support the FLGS.
If you mean you paid for cards, then you can just resell them. If you mean you scrubbed out of an event, then suck it up. The game can't work if there aren't winners AND losers.
>The best combinations have already been solved. It's like playing chess against a computer, with a computer.
Blatantly false.
>Sorry but I just don't see the point in Modern anymore.
Sounds like the format isn't for you. And you're probably not right for Magic as a whole.
>I tried to make a Modern deck on my own but my friend ltierally wanted me to remove the core cards and replace them with Thoughtseize. What the actual fuck?
Thank him for trying to help you play good cards. You wouldn't bring a boxing glove to a gun fight, would you? Play what's allowed to be played. You can play good cards without copy-pasting (if that's your concern).
>He's even won a few tournaments.
At least your friend isn't total shit.
how is this preforming against established decks?
I've been tempted to build something like this before, but haven't been able to find enough good cards to fuel it.
modern is probably going to go the way of extended, vintage and most recently legacy, but might as win some store credit while these cards rot in our hands
>tfw no storm
Is it really THAT gimped?
skill intensive and WOTC won't print anything for it unlike everything else with k command taisigur and all thato ther recent shit
tfw you crack tier 2
Tron kicked my ass but I did have the hate for it once i knew what it was but didn't pull it.
I railed scapeshift 4-0. 2-1 against Eggs. 3-1 Jeskai Control.
I surmise that this boy didn't make the cut then?
no because it's a shit card
>replying to sieg
Fucking idiot.
Wanna know how I know you're full of shit?
too slow, by the time you have this mana up you need to be casting PIF, and on turn 2 you want goblin or acension
that and you also can't copy it off of acension hurts it as well
>There is no real purpose to homebrewing for Modern
Rogue decks can spike a tournament, but you have to be really good. Deckbuilding is actually really fucking difficult to do, so I'm not surprised a shitter like yourself who's deluded enough to think he's good enough fails to see the merits.
Pretty much this. People who are shit at the game like to think it's because the game is bad, not because they're bad. As it turns out, the best players in the game are also the best deck builders. If you're too much of a whiny baby to play the game and understand why the best decks are as good as they are, then you'll never be in a position to brew something effective.
well from a game design point of view magic the gathering is a horrid game
they just made it because it was first to market, and now it is selling on brand legacy alone along with a resurgence of geek culture in pop culture
mtg is still around effectively because stuff like big bang theory, loot crate, and clickbait exist to advertise how "cool it is" to be quirky
Thought I had you filtered. Oh well, you are now.
>well from a game design point of view magic the gathering is a horrid game
Oh please enlighten us as to why it is just awful
We can wait
It's not quirky. People who play magic just play it.
It's not like all these other pop culture references where people just wear a shirt or just buy a poster.
How many times have they played magic on big bang? I'd wager one time or less
If you knew how he was "full of shit", you would have finished your post.
Dam I love Chinese fakes.
Pls give red something to kill combo. Then skred will be perfect
AFAIK they've never played "magic" on BBT, but they showed them playing an unnamed card game where they just slapped cards down cards and said geeky combinations of words and ended with Sheldon saying "infinite Sheldon I win zimbabwe"
there, same tier as big bang theory pop cultuire wise
I can totally see how that brought in droves of people to play magic as a quirky game.
i meant to link this
Is this really your supporting argument? You may or may not be trolling, probably just playing devil's advocate for an idea that struck you, but the more reasonable assertion is the first one about brand legacy. Clearly the second is inflammatory as it garnered immediate response on Veeky Forums, but neither support your claim about MtG being a bad game.
Can anyone tell me the odds of finding Avacyn in SOI? I've gone through nearly 30 boosters, including the fat pack.
Odds for any specific mythic are usually about 1:54 to 1:90, depends on the track layout, I'm not sure what it is in SOI.
Is it true that the BN number on the card pack will more likely have a mythic rare if the last number is an odd number?
It's actually about 1 in 140 for any given mythic rare in the set
SOI contains 59 rares & 18 mythics out of 297 possible cards
It has a few totally unwinnable matchups that are also tier 1 (Burn) or popular in tier 2 (Infect, Hatebears, Ad Nauseam). Ignoring meta considerations, it's a powerful deck that can kill on turn 3 regularly when left to its own devices. Burn existing means its a much safer investment than it was back when WOTC banned a Storm card once a year just cause, but it's forever tier 2 at best because of that.
So normal odds would be 1:(6*18), but SOI is weird because of the flip-card slot in packs. It's actually more common, drops from 1:108 down to a lot lower, again you would actually need track data on this as not every rare or mythic appears as common as every other in the same rarity per sheet, and the flip-card slot is filled from their own set of sheets.
Fair enough about the unknowns, still doubt Archangel is more common than 1:108
>Just started MTG
>mfw I got an Avacyn on my first pre-release.
>It was a fun tournament.
>Go home.
>Find out that this shithead narcissist stole my Avacyn.
>mfw I can't do shit about it.
Watch these people more carefully, and watch your cards more carefully, dumbass.
I know this is not going to make you feel better, but given that you're starting out I want you to get into the mindset that you have to start attending prereleases assuming you walk out with nothing of worth. You paid your $30-45 for 3-6 hours of fun and that's it - just pretend that the cards you opened were worthless. You could have just as easily opened garbage as a good card.
Yes, people stole your shit. That's terrible. But you're at the best time to stop/never giving a fuck about "value" when it comes to sealed Magic product. Stop thinking about the value of cards before opening a booster pack; in fact, don't fucking open booster packs. And if you do, understand that you're setting some $100-150 on fire for the feeling of it because you might just open nothing.
You will (probably) trade for cards. The only time "value" matters is at the very moment of the trade. If you discover later that a card increased in value after you traded it away don't fucking think about that. All that matters is that you were satisfied making the trade at the conclusion of that trade and that's all you can control.
Just watch your shit in the future. A habit to get into is to pile out your deck before and after every game to make sure your deck is still 40 or 60 cards.
Just... don't let this ruin your fun of the game. Every player has made legitimately stupid decisions that are a waste of money that they willingly decided to do; you couldn't control this situation. There is so much more relevant shit that is actually ruining the game than shit people.
How did the guy even get in a situatiom where he was able to take your cards? Always carry your cards with you user.
Are you serious? Jund is on top? Fuck me I'll be the fucking joke of GPLA when I walk in with my deck with no prior training and FNM/GPT experience since my road to GP Singapore last year.
Solid, good advice? On Veeky Forums? Let alone Veeky Forums? What is happening?
Carrying on on 's point, I carry my cards into the toilet when I pee. We play a game which is collectible unfortunately. People are looking out for a steal. Literally and figuratively.
Sorry for your loss. Don't worry though she's not too useful in Modern.
>You wouldn't bring a boxing glove to a gun fight, would you?
Well, it's good advice. But I don't show up to play Magic in public anymore. So it's not like my experience is going to help anybody in real life.
I mean that's what Wizards is shooting for. They want all the people who can see through their marketing to quit so the each new generation continues the cycle of burning tonnes of money on useless shit.
I bought Intro Decks, I've cracked booster boxes for without using them for Limited, I can probably personally check off every dumb thing you can willingly do in Magic if there was a list.
I mostly feel for the stores. They are left holding the worst situation with the game especially when the online secondary market makes it difficulty for them to compete on singles and sealed product. Wizards could throw them a fucking bone; just give every store a stack of foil Snapcasters for free for them to do what they wish. Wizards has cultivated this stupid culture where players think the store's staff doesn't matter; FNM and Prereleases are surprisingly just breaking even for stores. If players paid for the prerelease packs and gave all the cards back to the store, THAT would be fair short of charging $20 more than what stores are currently charging for prereleases. Because you can't make any fucking money now. How the fuck can any regular store (including a games store) pack 30+ fucking people into the building; you rent a hall and you've lost all your profit. And you need 30+ people to make any sort of money after you take staffing into consideration.
So that's the situation. Everyone thinks the Magic's just fucking falling apart because of thieves and shit. But the real problem is that everyone realizes Wizards' shit stinks and quits resulting in constant communities devoid of experience and small stores can't/don't want to pay rent or rent tournament space or compete with the online market. Walmart doesn't have to host events but they get to sell product; stores have to host events to sell product
And you get no replies, as expected. No one here knows two shits about game design.
It's the format with most rogue decks, what more do you want?
first for uw meme control
>tfw Wizards will never print anything for your deck ever again
>tfw Wizards will never unban anything for your deck ever again
>tfw Wizards thinks you are a mistake
Dude, EVERYTHING outside Standard and Limited, by Wizard's definition, is a "mistake". don't take it too seriously. Two mana shouldn't summon a 4/5 or a 5/6. T3 shouldn't be a time at which you are allowed to reliably kill your opponent. You shouldn't have access to >8 mana turn 3 reliably, and turns 1 and 2 shouldn't be about trading counterspells leading into grindy games for the rest of the game. Who cares, that's why we play Eternal formats. To play Magic the way Wizards DOESN'T want us to.
I wanna make Lantern Control. Anyone here ever play it? Any tips? I usually play hatebears.
People, WotC included, seem to forget that the original design of the game was based around the theory that not everyone would have access to every card. It was ok for some cards to just be better than other cards, because you would only have 1, maybe two moxen.
Vintage most resembles the game as it was designed to be played: decks have a few cards which are miles better than the rest, but you don't see them every game.
Try knowing what's in your deck, and what's in your opponents deck.
>but you don't see them every game
>with every deck having about 20
Be prepared to lose because of shit openers a whole bunch (for example lost to Jund last night on the draw with a 6 containing Glimmervoid, Welding Jar, Lantern and something else, t1 ioks my welding jar away, I play glimmervoid lantern, lantern gets popped and I never draw a second land, game was solved from the get go), pack a lot of anti-hate (boarding in Grafdigger's Cage for just 1-2 Ancient Grudges is correct, it's all about reducing the space of relevant cards in your opponent's deck while maintaining the lock), memorize your Pithing Needle targets so you can hit them blind, hope to dodge Burn and 8rack. If you have Academy Ruins in hand or in play but no Lantern then blind mill yourself to get access to more cards except in specific matchups like Scapeshift and Ad Nauseam where they need specific cards in their library before going off to win and you can steal the game by milling them.
Lets unpack this.
1. Black is very poorly positioned right now, and MM makes mystical/vamp pretty bad. Merchant scroll is ok, but it gets Gush as much as it gets anything. Ultimately, unless you build your deck with a bunch of bad cards, you don't get to play your best cards all the time
2. Ponder and brainstorm are restricted. Preordain isn't great. In most games you see maybe half your deck, so you aren't super likely to see an ancestral or time walk every game.
In practice, vintage games all play out very differently depending on how your opener is. If you have a lotus, instead of playing a control deck you may just go hyper aggressive. A more aggressive deck may have an ancestral/dig/ draw which pushes you towards a slower game.
Look at the way Shops individual hands dictate what role they take in a given game, then look at how every modern deck plays roughly the same game every hand. This is what I'm talking about.
Lanter player here.
The most important thing is knowing your opponent deck. That includes the sideboard (you don't want to get caught without an answer to a Stony Silence or a Kataki). You need to know the cards you're looking to deactivate with Needle, if they have a way to go over your Ensnaring Bridge, etc.
Self-milling yourself is almost as important as milling your opponent. By removing cards that you don't need, you're essentially drawing more cards per turn.
>tfw a casual EDH shitter and too afraid to try vintage
Vintage is fun because the deckbuilding is usually centered around giving yourself a way out of any situation. High impact one-ofs are usually worth the slot, and deckbuilding is very personal.
The deck that won vintage champs last year ran only 3 force of will's, and a bunch of one ofs. Everyone who picks the deck up adds the fourth force, but everyone who makes that change thought about it way less than the person who originally built the deck. That's kind of cool
Is it a good idea to trade a promo snappy for 4 snapcasters. I don't care for the promo art
>EVERYTHING outside Standard and Limited, by Wizard's definition, is a "mistake".
>SOI limited
According to MTGgoldfish, you'd make just under $20 on that trade. Also, you'd be getting a full playset out of the deal which is arguably the real value there.
SOI limited for real is so boring
No, wait for eternal. Those promos will always be promos, the eternal masters reprint will fuck the price of the normal snapcasters, and if the art is different it might be preferable to the old taigo art.
>Is there any point to this format anymore?
Sure. Play and have fun.
>it's just quibbling about banlists
Ignore those people.
>dropping 1000 bucks on a few pieces of cardboard
Not everyone started playing Modern yesterday. Some of us picked up staples for $20-40 a playset.
>There is no real purpose to homebrewing for Modern
Okay. Whatever.
>Your money is a loss, gone to support the FLGS.
Huh? Events are free at my LGS, and I get free packs every other week. I have a whole drawer full of unopened packs that I got for free. The one time I paid for an event there, it was a PTQ and I got a couple boxes for $20.
>The best combinations have already been solved.
That's what they said before Bloom Titan hit the scene.
>I tried to make a Modern deck on my own
Your sucking at mtg is not our problem.
If you suck that badly, consider working on your skills in less expensive formats.
Or maybe he will turn into Skrillex too.
>Events are free at my LGS
I wish I knew where people find these places. I've been to so many stores but none of them do this. I'd gladly buy all my singles, playmats and sleeves from them if I could play for free, wouldn't even care if the prizes sucked.
Promo snappy isnt skrillex, its straight up a basketball player with dreds drawn on. Hes dribbling his spell back from the graveyard to dunk you with a bolt.
Well, count Boggles as a good matchup from mainboard
I'm not sure how good it is, but damn is that a good looking deck.
You're at the club and this guy smashes your girlfriend's ass - what do?
Cast scapeshift
Ask him where his Eye is.
Wow, thanks for killing eldrazi wizards, this sure is better.
It is. It's not perfect, but it is better than
>RG Eldrazi
>UW Eldrazi
>UR Eldrazi
>Colorless Eldrazi
>implying each rare/mythic has the same chance of comin up from a booster
i helped my lgs to open up 60 boxes for the soi release and it is so disgusting obvious that for given the same rarity the chance isnt the same for a lot of cards
Neither format has a viable control archetype, so both are equally shit.
Now that wizards isn't trying to make modern streamable for the protour, do you think we can get some good control unbans?
We just did, what do you want Jace and SDT too?
Jace wouldn't be bad. Either that or reprint a good counterspell.
Control has everything it needs. The reason control seems shit is because combo is shit and everyone plays aggro instead.
So you'd rather see some good combos unbanned? I wouldn't mind that either. Splinter Twin was a mistake.
If you combine Jund, Abzan, Grixis, and Jeskai into one archetype it makes up 20+% of the metagame. That's not bad, it's about as much as the big three aggro decks.
Yes, actually. Combo decks aren't supposed to obey the 4 turn rule, they're supposed to shit on creatures being turned sideways but be fragile enough to fold to the right counterspell at the right time. Wizards disagree with me, however.
play legacy .
>thopter sword and av
As a gigantic faggot, what deck should I build? I already play Burn and Taking Turns.
>reprint a good counterspell.
I dont understand why people keep memeing "Reprint FoW and Counterspell, its what Modern needs!"
Modern doesn't need FoW for literally anything, and Counterspell would just encourage control decks to be lazy. Why would either of the reprints suddenly make control viable?
So the 0 viable control decks are the result of laziness of the deckbuilders, not the quality of the cards?
Tuning Jund
>Favorite deck?
>Next MTG Purchase?
More Jund cards
Hulk Footsteps
Just rip off the bandaid, it'll hurt less
>I don't know shit about anything, durr
FTFY. If you need to ask why reprinting Counterspell would make control viable, then you really don't know shit about this game and certainly not this format.