It's Unlucky Friday, so tell Veeky Forums of the monsters that made you piss your pants.
Monsters That Scare The Piss Out Of You
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The False Hydra.
The first time i faced a thief/sorcerer Illithid.
I fear nothing in monster manual, for I am forever DM, but my players all fear the humble Ankheg. Capable of grappling and dragging underground all save for the best grapplers and largest PCs, these giant bugs have been the level 5 to 6 gatekeepers of my campaigns and have made my players very careful around soft/disturbed dirt paths.
I hate bees, wasps, hornets, anything of that sort. Had a crippling phobia since I was little.
Anytime I encounter any sort of bee-like creature I immediately reach for the wand of fireballs.
Fuck bees.
Here's some NOPE for ya.
Fuck. That.
I once had a dream about a giant worm which was more like a limbless frog whose mouth was also its stomach and it was full of skeletons that would grab you and pull you in. These skeletons were also in a pool of baked beans for some reason, but hey dreams.
The monster that made me piss my pants was a fellow human. Once you go down a certain path you can't be called human anymore.
>tfw its not the camera that's moving
>baked beans
(jesus christ i will never go outside after dark again, and fuck you ocean!)
Wait... it's not? I'm scared of the ocean now.
Nothing quite gets me as "unnatural" humans.
Physically unnatural does the trick, but it is even worse when it simply acts unnatural. It gives me such a sense of dread and wrong despite the thing in front of me supposedly being familiar.
Uncanny valley is some shit yo
>Wait... it's not? I'm scared of the ocean now.
It is, you can see it zoom out and pan around, looks like it's an inspection camera for the legs of an Oil Rig.
Lets be real, if they, as humans, had adapted carniverous traits over time, they would also have more hair than that.
Unless they actually wear clothes, and we view them on the rare annual naked hunt.
its an ROV, seven thousand feet deep on the Shell Perdido.
thats what all that shit on the screen means
bugs scare many, but bug ladies are irresistible.
>Shell Perdido
Well, now we know why it's "perdido" (lost)...
>tag, you're it!
Kids books were hardcore.
(Rare case of where noping the fuck out actually works)
I actually noped today.
I had just finished my pizza, and went to the fridge to get the yogurt i had bought for myself.
Closed the fridge, got a spoon, opened the yogurt...
A fucking spoder, on the BACK of the fucking SPOON. Like he was trying to get eaten. Gave me the jiblies.
Lich, the scary part was that our party's barbarian one shot this wizard who we were already afraid of. He got back up and disintegrated me and the bard (I was mad for a bit but the DM pointed out how much the Wizard went out of his way to give us a chance to leave) he summoned a death knight huge battle was fought. In the end we had to leave and the Lich became the BBEG. Pretty good campaign.
Recently, banshees.
Had a dream the farmhouse I lived on as a kid had one move into the barn. Freaked me the fuck out.
The scream from the drgona dogma banshee gives me chills.
Im so happy we all grew up with this together. Great book.
what is it with liches and exposing thier nasty ass ribcages.
>mandatory 'bone' pun
Is responsibility a monster?
Now I'm hungry.
Wow, 5e's lich looks shit.
Fuck that dino.
can you think of a configuration in which a ribcage for your ass is not "nasty" ?
When I was little I had this imaginary monster which would always fuck me up if I was sleeping alone in an unfamiliar house. It was this tall yellow bipedal goat with completely red eyes and long-ass arms that ended in huge sloth-like claws, and it would hide in the shadows and slowly reach out for me, and its arms would grow to whatever length was necessary for it to be able to reach. Sometimes when I was in a car I imagined it was following me right out of sight, like running or ghosting through the forest and keeping pace no matter what. Don't know why it started or what inspired it.
You'll see him again soon.
Remember kids, these things capture tarantulas, paralyze them with their venom, lay an egg on their back, then the young eats everything except the heart and central nervous system.
Now imagine that, but on a human sized target.
Holy shit, i had a similar kind of thing when i was younger. I always imagined some sort of shadow-me following the car on the side, jumping over cars, climbing through the trees but always keeping pace.
Edge Chronicles should be mandatory nightmare defence reading.
If a kid can handle them, you know you don't have to worry about them watching something they can't handle
Luckily a human would be able to commit Hari Krishna immediately after the paralysis wore off.
Unless they got tied down, paralyzed fora long time, or the young hatched quickly, of course.
Then you get the full Grey Widow experience.
These cunts. Grey aliens scare me.
I'd make it my life's god damn mission to kill as many of those abominations as possible with any means possible.
Including fucking nukes.
Grey Widow?
You know those things are great for pest control, right?
My god, I had a campaign about a year ago with one in it. That was some legitimately spooky stuff.
You on about the real ones or the ones I thought were were discussing hypothetically which can go for human sized targets?
Because I was on about the later.
Anything that is the spiritual successor to The Thing.
Especially when based off the one made by John Carpenter. Paranoia, distrust, pure horror and stomach revolutions included.
Skinchangers make me shit my pants without fail. I fucking hate anything that can impersonate people. Way too many spooky /out/ stories and weird camping experiences of my own to put up with it in any sane matter.
>DM runs a Doppleganger encounter on us
>Does it properly, with the switched out PC's player in on it, building up suspense
>I'm the only person at the table fucking sweating bullets
>Everyone else is spooked but having fun
>As soon as even a hint of proof came up regarding the dopple, I murdered it and when we came back to the capital, paid 7 wizards to burn that whole forest down
>group is baffled at why
>DM is also baffled at my reaction
I'll admit, it was a bit of an overreaction from me and actually a bit out of character but I wanted to make sure that kind of encounter never happened again. Christ.
Same. Bro. I once had a dream exactly while i woke up, saw a little grey at the end of my bed, seeing me, he then rushed to the left and dissappeared... but i had just watched a X files dvd marathon.
that feel when someone posts the same link as you... but gets a response.
I'm certain that the Edge Chronicles were part created to see just how much psychological trauma a child could truly take.
Fuck the twilight forest, fuck glisters, fuck 99% of everything that lives in the deep woods, and especially fuck Wig Wigs
I read it as a kid and don't remember it being particularly creepy, can you give out more fleshed out exemples? I remember it was great tho.
Fuck this thread reminds me of a recurring nightmare i used to have for over fifteen years.
In what would be regular dreams i had, there would come a point where i, in the dream, realized i was dreaming, or at least that i could affect and control what was happening. Frolicking and happiness and all those dandy things. Until i saw that fucking clown. He'd always be there to ruin my dreams. He'd make people behave in ways i didn't want them to, or make them stop doing anything, slow down my movement to a crawl or make me run on the same spot, always like he had more control over the dream than i did. I distinctly remember that most of the time the nightmares ended with my trying to escape, either to dream of something else or to physically try to run away from him in the dream, but i could never escape.
I say clown, but honestly i can't remember what he looked like well. I knew he wore yellow cloths, or had yellow hair, or something like that - or maybe seeing yellow in the dream triggered me seeing him. I don't know. Though i know i have never managed to accurately remember what a face looked like in a dream, i know he was always grinning.
A very creepy jellyfish?
It's probably some well-researched psychological phenomenon which indicates some deep-seated fear of whatever, but I'm not keen on looking it up.
>These cunts. Grey aliens scare me.
Fight back, user. Fight with everything you've got.
I own goats now, so sort of, I guess.
That raptor.
>I wanted to make sure that kind of encounter never happened again.
Not necessarily the right approach. If you had done that in my game, I would have started running some Shamalamian level doppleganger shit on your ass.
Liches have a tendency to work the bone. *In the distance, a rimshot is heard, followed by "FUCK YOU!"*
The secret ingredient is long tortured souls, see you soon.
WTF does this mean, google won't help.
Isn't that just a Skulltula?
>that song
Yeah, pretty much. Let's add mosquitoes, horse flies, deer flies, chiggers, no-see-ums and deer ticks to that list.
>The False Hydra.
Had to Google it...
...fuck you Veeky Forums.
When you use it as a xylobone
Don't forget the dock spiders!
Interesting fact; dock spiders are mostly fireproof.
Dude those books were fucking awesome. It's like gritty fantasy for kids.
I don't mind them anywhere near as much as the omnipresent mosquitoes and black flies. I'm not from north Ontario, but I can see it from my house.
>he wore yellow cloths, or had yellow hair, or something like that - or maybe seeing yellow in the dream triggered me seeing him.
That's Hastur. Don't say his name out loud.
The good news is that they're mostly mutually exclusive. Dock spiders are more of a central Ontario thing (Muskoka through North Bay, but not anywhere north of Timmins)
They're fiercely territorial, they can swim, they live on the underside of your dock. Just imagine walking along in your sandals in the evening and having one of these bastards charge you.
They eat minnows.
Are blackflies essentially midges? The little tiny fuckers that swarm you in summer, and will kamikaze your eyes if you don't move your head constantly?
But... his name is spelled 'shyamalan' not shamalan
They're basically the same in that regard, black flies are a little bigger, though. Which makes it worse.
But he's so moe
I think you'll find it's Shamalamadingdong.
I'm from up by the Soo. It's nothing but dense-ass evergreen forest that breeds black flies and mosquitoes like crazy.
lol I miss these old songs they used to play on tv.
my brother, sister and I used to sing this song all the time when we were little kids
Sounds like cool bros, and I'm not even a spider, pic unrelated.
You probably could tame them into a mighty spider army, provided you have absolutely no fear. Their venom can't harm a person.
Also, for horrifying monsters...
So. Its that guy from ocariba of time right? Those and the scream from the wood zombies used to make me shit my pants
mother fucker
Near as I can tell, It's based off of Dead Hand from OoT. The article I found the false hydra in is
If you read the concept, it's a very well designed piece and very spooky.
I'm tempted not to post Goose Hydra 1, because your imagination is much better at evoking it than any piece of art.
But it is horrifying.
god that art is shit,
they could have blended them together but it just looks like it laid on top of each post it pls
Yeah that one is kinda shit in terms of blending the critters.
Much of the art direction of 5e is stupid.
You're not going to like it...