What are some things that ruin a setting for you?

>Time travel

Other urls found in this thread:


>fluff magic presented as high-tech or advanced science

Well now I'm thinking that I've never played a game with extensive time travel, much less a setting based around it, and that would probably be pretty cool.

But sure, I'll play along with the topic. I guess I hate it when "adventurer" is an occupation but there's no attempt made to explain how wandering mercenaries of all trades came to be or why people use them in preference to someone operating in a more official capacity.

Oh I got a good one

>modern military weaponry

When the best fantastical magic they can come up with is just modern day or slightly futuristic tech. This also applies to fantastical tech. Like, when the product of your "crazy steampunk mad science" is...a car, and some street lights, I'm fucking out.

>Time travel
20 minutes

How multiverse are we going? like different planes(like going to the nine hells/inferno/abyssal plane to fight and kill a demon lord for good) or full on different settings/universes(like doing a scooby doo game and going to Aladdin for more adventures)

That's one of the things I really liked about Final Fantasy XIV. They had a decent explanation for it.

Adventurers USED to be seen as just murderhobos and treated like shit, then shit happened, moon crashed into the planet, giant dragon god emerged and destroyed half the continent, and it was basically the apocalypse.

After that, people became really accepting of this giant jack of all trades workforce willing to travel across the monster infested landscape, and clear out dens of monsters, letting the now crippled militaries focus on defending the major population zones instead.

Hardly a super original story, but was a nice touch for an MMO to actually acknowledge that it's entire player ads is actually there, and how society works around that.

>Time travel
But user it was only for 20 minutes.

Your first example would just be multi-planar, no?

>one of the party members is the chosen one
Ill protect a child destiny, but im supposed to have free will. Its just an excuse to railroad players imo.

I guess that example just boils down to your definition of "plane" and "universe"

> Multiverse
I like Magic the Gathering's setting. :(

Anyway, the things that annoy me about a setting?
> half breeds
I don't know why, but I hate the idea of half-orcs and half-elves as races.

right in the feels user... too soon.

he just wanted to save his family ;_;

>Non-human races
Seriously, if your races are just humans with different ears why not play humans?
And if your races are ALIEN AND INCOMPREHENSIBLE OOGABOOGABOOGA, they're either NPCs or a meaningless footnote, in which case having humans with believable motivations is just better.

Honestly one of the best "villains" written for animoo in a while, too bad that shit gets flooded with waifu garbage like

I like how it was almost outright stated that she was having sex right before that and isn't wearing panties

>Magic exists, but technology and culture in a setting hasn't evolved around it's existence.
For example, lets say you have magic that can summon winds... why doesn't every ship have a team of wind-mages to propel it. If you have magic that can create food and water, why doesn't every army use this to cover their logistical needs? And don;t give me that "magic is expensive to learn" shit, it's a weak excuse.

Admittedly this only applies to sword-and-magic settings. I'm fine with it in Shadowrun or Star Wars, but don;t try to bullshit your way into having a musket in DnD, OK?

>Getting powers from Dragon Blood, Demon Blood, Angel Blood, ect and everyone important in the setting being one of these.
Kinda undermines the impact of persistence and human achievement if all the nobility and heroes and everyone else important just got that way because "MUH SPECIAL BLOODLINE".

>Confirmed existence of gods and gods' involvement in mortal affairs.
What's the fucking point of faith then? Also kinda goes back to the whole "humans are utterly unimportant unless some author-fiat says they are" thing. Gods should stick to appearing in dreams and visions and other stuff that can't really ever be confirmed true or not except to the honest and devout believer.

>Non-permanent Death
Unless you're under some kind of carefully controlled circumstances like a soul-trapping magic experiment, dead should mean dead. None of this "bring our buddy's bones to the local priest with 5k gold for a revival" shit.

>"Social" Combat, or skill-levels involved in persuasion at all.
Just say what your character would say, and I'll have the NPCs respond as they would respond. No dice involved.

I could probably come up with alot more if I had the time, but these are the ones that spring to mind immediately.

She barely had 10 minutes total of screen time and maybe a handful of lines.

I don't even think that they named her

Played a D&D game once where the characters time traveled but what the DM did was make AD&D versions of the characters so when we went back in time we changed systems to an older one.

That...actually sounds really cool, but a nightmare to play

>has defined rules and a systematically organized body of knowledge

It's no better than science at this point!

What about science fantasy? It's not hard to make up an explanation why swords would exist in setting wit firearms.

>"Social" Combat, or skill-levels involved in persuasion at all.
But what if system has "social" stats? And not everyone at the table is a social butterfly.
Personally i go for the middle ground - if you word the argument convincingly enough, it works without a roll, otherwise you roll (maybe at advantage or disadvantage). If you're some kind of low-charisma thug, you roll regardless, but there's still a chance your argument will convince someone.

When they add things to the universe without thinking about the logical conclusions of such things existing.

Fair enough. Science Fantasy is it's own thing. It's not really the same as introducing a gun into "typical" fantasy.

I already try to incorporate charisma, social standing, and a variety of other factors into conversations with NPCs. I don't like assigning these numerical stats though because of how situation they are. A race that gets a natural charisma bonus" shouldn't get that bonus when interacting with another race that hates them. Yes I could just give them a penalty at that point, but that's more math and rules to get bogged down in and potentially exploited in ways that don't make sense.

>Magitek is just modern science powered by rainbows
>Steampunk is just modern technology but with steam yo
>Society is just 21st Century progressive morals but "enlightened" compared to the benighted rest of the world, which is otherwise inferior except in military strength

At least Wings of Honneamise presented slightly plausible alternate history, like microwaves being used instead of radio waves for long-range transmission, and pusher planes being the norm.

>science fantasy?
It's called Renaissance, user...

>>"Social" Combat, or skill-levels involved in persuasion at all.
>Just say what your character would say, and I'll have the NPCs respond as they would respond. No dice involved.
Why? Do you also expect players to perfectly know the setting instead of rolling for area/history knowledge?

You probably mean
>it's finally not worse than science

Not that guy, but as a GM i fully support players asking me "what does my character know about this?"
I have given up on players reading setting document long, long ago ;_;

Knowledge skills aren't exactly the same as Social skills. Related, sure, but not the same.

>Just say what your character would say, and I'll have the NPCs respond as they would respond. No dice involved.
players like rolling dice famalam, just let them roll and be happy about it.
>Unless you're under some kind of carefully controlled circumstances like a soul-trapping magic experiment, dead should mean dead. None of this "bring our buddy's bones to the local priest with 5k gold for a revival" shit.
Depending on the deity the local priest should have serious issues with reviving the same person more than once
>Admittedly this only applies to sword-and-magic settings. I'm fine with it in Shadowrun or Star Wars, but don;t try to bullshit your way into having a musket in DnD, OK?
Muskets are pretty shitty in a setting with sentient demon/angel swords i don't see the issue
>For example, lets say you have magic that can summon winds... why doesn't every ship have a team of wind-mages to propel it. If you have magic that can create food and water, why doesn't every army use this to cover their logistical needs? And don;t give me that "magic is expensive to learn" shit, it's a weak excuse.
I....uh.....that's actually a good point

What's the difference? That seems so contrived.

>time travel
Those things -make- a setting/story for me.

but I can't imagine wanting to play in a setting with them, especially not with the people I game with

My take is that a multi-planar setting would have documentation or stories of the planes and these impact the "primary" plane.
In contrast, "multiverse", to me, means something CUHRAYZEE happens and the protagonists are sucked into fucking ToonTown (although I wouldn't discredit the event being really humorous after a long campaign of grit).

Where do you guys find good streams of Wakfu?

All I can find is dodgy torrents and a low quality English dub.

I just want some subs.

I used netflix
Just change the language setting to French subbed english

You know, I'm never quite sure how to feel about a multiverse as a fantasy concept. It seems like the logical conclusion of a genre based on limitless possibilites but it often makes things flavorless.

>20 minutes


Here you go, friend. The only time travel system you'll ever need.

What is this "20 minutes" thing? I live under a rock for the most part.

Thanks, mang'

I'll check it out.

Try wakfu general on Veeky Forums. They have links to both anime and comics


You too, user.

Stay golden.

Yeah actual spoilers for Wakfu in this spoiler
After all the shit Nox does and goes through to turn back time and save his family, he instead only manages a whole 20 minutes and realises he will never save them so has become a horrible villian for no purpose at all

You have the opinions I had when I was far younger and less experimented. That's okay. You will change as you grow up, it's life.

>Magic exists, yet it's completely disconnected from the setting itself and is just a thing that players and NPCs use to conjure fireballs.

I've lost count of the amount of times I've seen someone agonize over plate tectonics or the evolutionary descent of Orcs, while completely ignoring the fact that the physics of their world are completely alien to our own.

Why do you assume that the world you're creating is a planet with a core of molten rock? Why do you assume that the flora and fauna of your world have DNA, and operate under Darwinian evolution? Nothing kills the fantasy mood for me faster than cramming modern science into a seemingly pre-modern setting.

You forgot the part where he kills himself

No I didn't

I always interpreted pic related as a "lost the will to live and ran out of the wakfu that sustained him" rather than a direct suicide. Whih is a small difference, admittedly, but it feels more poetic.

>but there's MAGIC too!

With all due respect Shadowrun, I just want the cyberpunk part.

Can't you just do that with other cyberpunk systems/settings?

Name me a decent, modern Cyberpunk system.

No, really, please. Anything that I can run Ghost in the Shell style games in.

Robotic Age.

>has 20 in the URL
Not cool Youtube

>"Hey GM-kun! what are the gods in this setting?"
>The warrior, the thief, the d-
>*barfs everywhere*

I mean, if you want to go for a sort of Jungian archetype worship then yeah, sure, ok, cool! do that.

Are there any settings that do Jungian archetypes right? I read that Megami Tensei is partially based on them but I'm too much of a pleb to see if they got it right.

No, if you read the expanded fluff it's pretty explicit that he kills himself. Xelors wear bandages cause their time fuckery messes with their bodies, slowly turning them to dust. That pile of dust around nox's gear is literally his corpse

Yeah, I know that. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see how that contradict what I wrote. I mean, he wouldn't have survived for 200 years without all that wakfu, right?

I'm checking it out but jesus christ that promotional art. I hope the system is better than the art.

>tfw Wakfu general is ded.


Uh... No. I think Ruel's around the same age as Nox and he has a grandma in season two, who's also still alive. People just... don't really die of old age in that setting.

It's also worth noting that there are a good number of other people that have been alive since the dofus era (Joris, Goultard) but they kinda don't count since they have divine blood.

I rarely see any interesting (or realistic even) religions in games.
But then again, I am hard to please in that field since I have studied it since childhood.

Tranies, Homosexuals, To many protagonists, tsuns.

But Wakfu is the most French cartoon in existence outside of something that's hyperfrench like Babar.

It took a bit of set up, we had advanced notice, and we didn't do stay in the other system to long. If not handled right I can see it being a nightmare to deal with though.

With actual gods running around and handing out powers, religions in many fantasy worlds really don't have anything to do with actual religions.

They're more something like political parties.

It's TECHNICALLY anime in that it's french animation and animation in french is "Anime"
I usually refer to it as "The OTHER kind of anime"

Historical religions believed their gods were real, i.e. 'running around' as well.

I don't how cool it would be if political parties handed out magic powers, but it would probably be amusing.

It's a pretty decent system. Not highly complex but decent.

My favorite thing about it is the assumption that 'Look motherfucker, everyone can internet. It's the fucking future. You can have an advantage to internet better but by default everyone can internet.'

But it also has ouibeaux so is anime

>My favorite thing about it is the assumption that 'Look motherfucker, everyone can internet. It's the fucking future. You can have an advantage to internet better but by default everyone can internet.'

I don't really see the appeal, really. Am I missing something?

Yes, but how often did it happen that people could go "hey, here is proof that those other guys are also telling the truth. Please don't smite me, Mr. Zeus"?

Imagine the alternative.

>Okay, why didn't anyone of you put your characters religion on their sheet? I told you this was going to matter in this campaign.
>Matter? The gods do nothing at all and most people on the continent worship the exact same guy! All the differences are about who's His high priest or some 2deep4u theological bullshit!

French here, we don't call it Anime, we call it Animation (same a english) or Dessin animé (animated picture). The word Anime really comes from Japanimation, and we just stole a bunch of things from then

Hacker Pizza Time mostly.

I've been in way too many games that have gone 'Oh look. The Hacker is doing his thing, everyone else go get dinner'

So people have to bring some nuance to this, oh the terror.

Sounds like dull groups who can't allow someone else to be in the limelight i.e. the hacker doing hackering hacker things.

>it's hard science fiction and microchips and hard labor coexist in space
It is so hilariously uneconomical to shuttle tons of people around to do shitty jobs in space. The only way this could exist would be if somebody managed to convince all of the world's governments to exile people that they don't like to space in prison colonies in just about the most expensive prison sentence in existence.

they actually stole the word anime from dessin anime

There is a difference between 'Giving other players a chance to shine' and 'This will take an hour of no one else doing anything, minimum. If it's a complex system then the hacker is the only guy who'll do anything at all this session'.

This was terrible in Shadowrun 3e, got a little better (But still happened) in 4e.

>Nobody is racist, nobody is a bigot and everybody loves each other, except the bad guys who are literal Nazis!

That's not how the world works. I can see that happening in a single country, but if the entire world is some kind of gray utopia where everybody accepts everybody as who they are everywhere except in bad-guy-land then the world just feels like a goddamned poorly written "what-if" fanfic.

>So, these gods are supposed to be pretty powerful, right? When are they going to bust their ass and hand out the divine goodies?
>For your character? Well, after he dies, or when the world ends, whichever come first.

I like that but reversing it. You know, when you play the Literal Nazi Badguys but reverse it so that they are the heroes. Currently running an Empire focused Age of Rebellion. Players are really getting into it. S'good.

In yolden times people were ok with other people having different gods. After all, they were a different people, we dont really want them touching our gods anyways.
Then the whole "one true faith" shit got popular...

Not everybody wants to hear about how sometimes racists are lovable grandmas or sensitive gentlesirs or whatever. It's about escapism so it makes sense you'd only use racism as a conflict starter. And making the racists the good guys like is a good way to start shit.

That's not how polytheism works.

>playing badguys means the players are bad guys
SOLID LOGIC! Next, we should petition to have every author arrested because they are obviously psycopaths with intend to maim, murder and rape in the future!

Wakfu trpg when?

How did you come to that conclusion from what that user wrote?

If anyone cant separate between themselves and the character enough to just deal with it then they shouldn't play TTRPGs.

>Every race having single, one and only nation
>Fantasy races as clear stands-in for RL cultures/nations/whatever else
>Horde nations/factions/races that with no industry, agriculture or anything at all have bigger body count than anything else
>Bonus points if pretending to be historical accurate
>Non-human races that are nothing more than Human+
>Assassins Guild or similar, with all members wearing uniforms and being extremely conspicious fellas, yet it's some fucking secret society of hushed secrets that nobody ever notices
>Bards as guys with magical powers and not just fellas that travell around and perform.

Cyberpunk 2020
Sorry user, cyberpunk is dead

I remember there was an user who was trying to do it, but he died off and haven't seen him pop up anywhere.

>Sorry user, cyberpunk is dead

I know. It's sad.

This. Multiverses and time travel suck minotaur cock.