This is a mech(a) thread, in which we discuss legged war machines

This is a mech(a) thread, in which we discuss legged war machines.

How do you like your fightan robutts Veeky Forums?

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Someone post that knight girl picture and we will talk, untill then..

At best I'd say 15 feet tall at most. I'm more partial to something about the size of the Umebozu from GiTS for the super heavy shit and exo-skeleton/muscle suits for everything else.

>How do you like your fightan robutts Veeky Forums?
Two-legged machines are unrealistic, immature and dumb concept most people stop appreciating when they grow mentally and realize they are giant wastes of resources with no justification.

No shit you fucking retard, do you really think we don't know that.

Their cool kiddo, don't take any opportunity you can get to spout off things someone smarter then you has said whenever you physically can.

Thanks for the laugh, freebirth. Surats like you always make my day.

The best way

I like them with the appearance of a bomber cockpit with arms, legs and plenty of guns.

So, you know it's dumb and still use it because you can't craft a realistic conflict worth a damn. Good to know.
You faggots should just stick to your anime and not pollute tabletop scene.

>How do you like your fightan robutts Veeky Forums?
In 1:285 scale.

>I join threads just to say that I don't like what the thread is about.
>I don't like unrealistic stuff!
>On Veeky Forums

How does it feel to be that much of a faggot? Is it like a constant, overwhelming emotion that normal people can't relate to, or is it more like a stench that follows you around and pisses you off? to the point where you lash out?


I don't know if you're a rookie troll who thinks being made fun of for being a retard is the same as pissing people off or genuinely retarded and only here to whine about something you dislike, so bravo for that much.


Heavy Gear, old school Armored Core, Front Mission and Chromehounds. Hawken-style cockpits on legs are fine too.

Battletech's mechs are too prone to looking silly for me.

>waaah you apply logic to thing, you are a troll

I hope you don't play any games with magic or playable non-human races.

Me oh my, you seem to be saying you have logic. Do pray tell, tell me what your logic is? Go on, My First Troll, attempt to craft some bait in the form of a explanation of what your logic might be, so that I might laugh at you.

Magic is inherently illogical. I play it up as terrifying force that is beyond mortal control. This is also why i hate magic as science - you cannot apply rules to magic, because if you apply rules, they should correspond to real world. There's nothing in magic that is "real world".

Mechs aren't magic. They are built by people, and, therefore, should follow the laws of physics and be realistic. And realistically, tanks beat mechs.

>Mechs aren't magic.

Mechs aren't unless you apply dumb anime rules, but if you do you might as well make everything consist of marshmallows and rainbows because real-world physics do not apply anymore.

See . Magic is magic. Reality is cold, hard facts. The two shall never meet.

How well can that thing dance?

If you're willing to suspend your disbelief enough to play with magic it isn't too much of a stretch to imagine a setting where material science has advanced enough beyond our own to reduce some of the disadvantages of mechs. That being said, bipedal mechs are stupid.

Human sized, capable of battling evil with GUTS and HARD WORK, and powered by singularities. Attracted to girls a bonus.

Yeah, I went there.

I guess you also don't do science fiction or fantasy RPGs, then.

>it isn't too much of a stretch to imagine a setting where material science has advanced enough beyond our own to reduce some of the disadvantages of mechs.
The problem is, with same advancements tanks will still be superior. Mechas are just stupid and farther you try to justify it, the farther we go into marshmallows and rainbows territory.

Some sci-fi irks me, that's true. Fantasy is fine when it's low fantasy with magic that is completely detached from reality.

The only other option is you're legitimately mentally handicapped, so let's assume that instead.

We know they're unrealistic, impractical and silly. We LIKE that they're unrealistic, impractical and silly. They're fun, they look cool to us, and if we're here for mechs we're not here for realism. IT's the same thing as wanting to play in a game like 40k, Star Wars or D&D where there's actual magic and giant firebreathing lizards and demons and shit.

This might be hard for you, but just because someone likes something silly it doesn't mean they're some uneducated inferior plebeian who doesn't understand how silly they're being. It's a difference of opinion over whether someone likes fantasy and suspending disbelief for the sake of a good time or not.

You are not better than other people who don't share your opinions, and they aren't better than you. The dick-waving you're attempting by coming into a thread for people who like something just to talk shit about it, however, is at best retarded and going to just make us take the time to talk down to you like the child you're making yourself out to be or assume you're just here pretending to be retarded.

I'm alright with that.

Logically, a haptic feedback system of control with a virtual reality sensory array is inherently more plausible and more effective than any other method of control for a war machine that is not a space craft, as it allows the user to react far faster and with more control than any other system of combat, thus meaning a humanoid format for war machines is logically more useful and capable than any other design for a war machine.

If you actually wanted to use logic.

EEEEEHHHHH, sorry! Wrong! Magic works on rules. Show me any price of fiction where magic doesn't have any governing rules. Go ahead, I'll wait.

stop getting baited retards

post mechs

>tiny feet
How does it do such fantastic stunts?

Well first, you gotta pray.

Sure, but there are still plenty of issues with building humanoid mechs.

The governing rules of magic work on plot device and author necessity. This includes magic which makes no sense and for which the rules are seeming arbitrary and meaningless (Roger Zelazney's Changeling, Harry Potter, Tarot by Tanith Lee, The Thomas Covenant Chronicles, Greg Bear's Songs of Earth and Power, etc., all of whihc present magic as an undefinable and somewhat controllable force that has arbitrary restrictions for different people that may or may not apply to other people).

In other words, there are plenty of non-scientific systems of magic, but you will never find them in RPGs or in any books where there is an RPG made of it.

>This might be hard for you, but just because someone likes something silly it doesn't mean they're some uneducated inferior plebeian who doesn't understand how silly they're being. It's a difference of opinion over whether someone likes fantasy and suspending disbelief for the sake of a good time or not.
That's the problem. You go play RPGs, an inherently intellectual hobby, and what do you use your and others time for? Retarded bullshit. KNOWINGLY playing retarded bullshit is worse than just doing it because you're 12 and don't know better.

Ever heard of thing called "mythology"? Google it, it's enlightening.

>people are having fun in ways that trigger my autism
>making a fool of myself will surely make them stop

>RPGs are an intellectual hobby
Fuck off, I just want to roll dice and snort cocaine with my friends every Saturday night.

Battletech has tanks and even aircrafts that take on mechs with rules from them as well. I suggest you look that setting up as I am sure that it can change you mind.

Or you can just go fuck yourself for being this weak of a troll and "realistically" you have no clue what in the fuck you are talking about as there has never been a mech on tank battle in real life.

Modified HAZMAT/EOD/EVA suits with light weapons, military-industrial white elephants, or multi-million-dollar vanity projects for the filthy rich.

Just like in real life

I love 'em all.

My preferences trend towards machines that are portrayed as military but still leaps and bounds above other forces - NEXTs, for example, where yeah, tanks and stuff exist but core combat is mech-on-mech and everything moves and acts on a scale that makes them feel larger-than-life. I'm not a big fan of clunky, plodding machines that attempt to be realistic - it just makes the divide between them and actual military machines more wide as you wonder why these things ever came into prominence.
Don't forget. The Kuratas vs Megabot fight is less than a month away.

I don't have a pic to represent because it seems to be fucking rare sadly.
I like my robots feasible.
Now before someone goes off the handle "hurdur mecha never feasible!" what i mean by "feasible" is no stilt like 2 legged machines but a torso region that makes up 95% of the mass of the robot, no 80 foot long mass of metal you'd call a gun attached to a 15 foot robot at its highest point, stupid design choices in general are basically my bigges dislike and it seems there aren't ANY pictures that avoid these types of things.

Two-legged machines are an unrealistic, fantastic and cool concept most people continue to appreciate when they grow mentally and realize that being an autistic and immature faggot who gets stirred up over FICTIONAL works being FICTIONAL and UNREALISTIC is a giant waste of time with no justification.

Oh so a table top game for ants

Oh, you're THAT GUY.

Here, have an elf with the greatest sword made by humans.

We've been making them for some time now.

I bet you hate star wars

Robots should be fantastic. Massive metal titans facing equally titanic odds. There should be something mythic about a good robot.

>magic that is completely detached from reality.

So all magic.

This one...?

Carrying four artillery cannons on their backs.

I want my mecha to slowly evolve into giant magical girls, because it's secretly a fantasy setting in space, and half the series is spent in denial of it

I don't play battletech but I know those rolls

Don't you have Ultra Girls for that and kinda/sorta Macross?

I'm a sucker for mechs in settings with futuristic technology, but almost medieval social orders (40k, Battletech, etc). The machines are considered valued heirlooms or relics or something, and mech pilots have a special knight-like place in society.
I know it's been done a lot, but I still love it.

Do you know about Asuka in ANIMA, user?

I like my mechs as engines of war, preferably with lots of guns and missles.

What's the latest on Heavy Gear?

>How do you like your fightan robutts Veeky Forums?



I'm pretty open to almost all kinds that aren't chicken-walkers.

>Can't fish with an ERPPC, mate.
But surely you could fire it at a patch of water, boom, instant cooked trout/salmon/cod/whatever.

Organic and cute.

Christ, how autistic are you?

Like any game, people play RPGs to have fun. Fun is completely personal and subjective, if someone finds something you don't like fun, they're not inferior to you.

But if you think people having fun in ways you don't or can't understand makes them retarded, you are That Guy and an unpleasant person.

Like this.

Not too big. Tanks are still kings of firepower, and these guys just fill the gap between infantry and tanks. Conventional tech without going FULL WEEABOO

Heavy Gear remains my favorite mecha setting, bar none.

>Heavy Gear
This is the closest thing we will ever have to a Votoms miniature wargame.

>Two-legged machines are unrealistic

Say that to Atlas.

>Mechs aren't magic. They are built by people, and, therefore, should follow the laws of physics and be realistic.

Thats an interesting theory. What about for mecha where, even in setting, the fact that they don't follow the laws of physics is known, recognized, and understandbly feared?

But user! In that implied setting they absolutely play by the laws of physics. They just use super science to break the limited laws of physics on the 3rd dimensional plane then mishmash higher dimensions physics with other realities that use different big bangs and thus entirely different laws of physics. Also gods real and he's a horny teenager. No magic needed.

the guy is squealing that that isn't allowed

But the physics involved are sufficiently advanced enough to be indistinguishable from magic!

Buts not magic user! Its Super Science. Its like Science's badass Harley riding grandma.

As trash as they are in-game, I love these guys.

Super Science is B-Movie Magic, and you know it!

well then henceforth all mecha posted on Veeky Forums will have the superscietific "make it fucking work" drive, which does what you would guess

>why isn't fantasy realistic

Stop feeding the troll, guys.

Post mecha.

I'm so excited. Do you know if it'll be broadcast live. And when so?

Anybody here still play GGG? Anybody here interested in playing GGG? #GiantGuardianGeneration seems pretty firmly dead.

Either: slow, walking behemoths of guns and murder, or

3fast5furious air/spacecraft that shit sonic booms and lasers

High-speed hovering craft are also acceptable.

My mechs have 3 tiers.
Tier 1 is basically powered suits and body armor, crafted for specificed roles, infiltration, and heavy firepower on the battlefield
Tier 2 are about 10-15 ft bipedal tanks used for front line assault, sieges, and other offensive battle roles
Tier 3 are gundam sized used only in the most extraneous of circumstances as the last resort or as a military's trump card. think of them like flagships.

You know, when attempting to troll people, you gotta not just come walking in with a gigantic "I AM TROLL NAOW, LOOK AT ME MOMMY, DO YOU SEE? I AM TROLL! DID I DO GOOD?" sign plastered to your forehead.

Kinda defeats the purpose.

Fukken saved.

>No veteran sentinel full army list
Why even live.

>OP asks how anons like their mechs
>user says he doesn't like them
>weebs become extremely butthurt at this honest answer

Zombie mechs. Paper armor, ugly boxy shape, drab colors, twenty zillion redundancies so that they just keep coming until you kill the pilot. Bonus points for AI, more bonus points for high contrast between the design theories of each combatant. Make the gundams fight these things and I'll be happy.

We havent gotten an update from them in 7 months. Nothing. I seriously doubt its still happening.

Protip: "Honest answer" doesn't require people to be gigantic assholes for literally no reason.

No one gives a shit that he doesn't like thing.

He's just a dickhead, and we're mocking him for it.

And you, because you're very likely just him doing damage control, because who the fuck would stick up for such a newfag doing newestfag-tier "trolling".

>Muh realism
Guess what guys, mechs as a concept are not inherently shit. The problem is that army fags lack creativity and mech fags don't can't into engineering.

The idea that you use a massive walking robot to fight tanks is retarded, no one is replacing the tank, they're still useful and they work. Instead the mech is clearly meant for other roles.

In addition to still having conventional mobility like VOTOMs for normal movement over roads, feet allow for support vehicles to follow infantry into mountains and valleys. Infantry could also make use of the mech as a mobile crane and digger.

High silhouette can be used as an advantage as long as you can lower yourself; firing support weapons like ATGMs before lowering to a hull or turret down position to avoid incoming fire.

Finally, the mech actually turns out to be a rather handy radar and anti-air platform. They can position themselves better, fire and move faster to avoid counter attack, and would be able to reload faster with the use of arms.

Actual protip: Veeky Forums is not your safe space
Additional life hack: you are way too paranoid and stuck up

Xabungle mecha. They're gritty but fun, dirty but futuristic and very intuitive to control.

Honestly, I'm not really fussed, but if you forced me to pick, I've always had a soft spot for clunky mechs. Always liked it when a mech's armour plating is overlapping itself.

Yeah, even though I don't play Guard, I've always like Sentinels. Something about the feet.

>How do you like your fightan robutts Veeky Forums?

Clunky and Teutonic.

Thats just handwaving at that point user! We gotta be better than that!
But user! Thats a poor excuse. Evangelions WHOLE setting is based on the idea that adam and eve were seeds that contained one half of the powers of the ultimate precursor, intelligence and super sciencey powers they somehow evolved, and that we accidentally got both seeds which wasn't supposed to happen which sets us up to become just as powerful as the precursor race. Which we do. It makes perfect sense!

>Ever heard of thing called "mythology"? Google it, it's enlightening.
But magic in myth does follow rules, you dumbfuck. Sure, myth don't elaborate on the mechanics of magic, but they do often describe the steps necessary to achieve specific magical effects. If you can repeat the same steps and always get the same effect, that means there is indeed some form of internal logic to magic.
I mean, fuck's sake, what do you think magical grimoires are? Most of them describe incredibly specific rituals, ways to perform them and the individual meaning or every part of the ritual and how they all connect.

I like my mecha horrifyingly advanced. The later Macrosses are good for that. Gargantia, too.


So you mean exactly like heavy gear?

/k/ go home. You're embarrassing yourself by arguing logic vs rule of cool. Let them have there fun, that's what games are all about.

Sure, why not. Heavy Gear did fine getting the real robot genre on the TT.

Fuck yes it did.

But I will accept any mecha system that treats it similarly. The idea of mecha is to bridge the gap between tanks and infantry, replacing neither. Whether that's walking drones or powered armour, I am no respecter of settings.

Giant weeaboo fightan robots is cool sometimes, but it's only for fun and immersion breaking at best.