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>How to Jumpchain
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>Google Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>No More Half Measures
Speaking of which, how can I go full Instrumentality on other Jumps?
>Full Instrumentality
First of all, WHY!? Secondly, you might want to take A Different Branch, it makes you an Angel of Lilith. Then, the Saviour tree from 13-3 has a perk that allows you to take souls into you. I can't think of anything else.
>First of all, WHY!?
I like having options.
A little off track, but is anyone exited for DOOM?
Also happy Friday the 13th.
Nah, not really. It doesn't look very much like Doom to me, more like Halo.
>friday the 13th
huh, so it is
So to whoever was asking about how the Benefactor is, hold on...
Yeah. SixStrings.
Fuck you SixStrings for suddenly making my mind get hit with inspiration and smacking out this little tidbit. It was around 2am when the muse smacked me on the head and 3:30am before I finally finished and I was allowed to sleep. So whatever, here's an origin story of how Jumper!Red started and how the Benefactor is for me.
I hope it was worth it.
>actual writing
Yeah, it was pretty worth it.
Yeah, don't you know? Doomguy looks exactly like Doomguy with sleeves, but without the sleeves. He even runs around, unlocking doors while shooting aliens and zombies.
Clearly it's a rip off of that game that was inspired by Doom.
--World 38: Psychonauts--
- DESIGNATION: Drop-In - "Something's interfering with my teleporter here!"
- STAGE SELECT: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp - "A summer camp? For kids with psychic powers?"
- Basic Braining - "Since when was I-"
- Ran Away From The Circus - "I learned stuff like this from Ring Man once!"
- Figgy Piggy - "What even ARE these?"
- Astral Layers - "Getting a bit crowded in here!"
- Merit Badge Belt - "Neat!"
- Complete Collection of True Psychic Tales Magazine - "Ooh!"
- Psitanium - "This is a lot of, uh, this. Gonna have to get this alloyed with by base body later!"
- Bring Your Friends... x3 - "Sharp, you're gonna wanna see this!"
- Sharp
- Camper - "Looks like some of these guys know me!"
- Basic Braining - "This looks fun!"
- Psychic Specialty (Telekinesis) - "Wonder what else I can move with my mind!"
- Subconscious Socialite - "I'm already getting a ton from you!"
- Three Pounds of Dreams - "This is starting to feel REALLY good!"
- Figgy Piggy - "Whoo! Got some more of these here!"
"So you can use these little arrowheads to buy stuff, see?"
"Wow! That's convenient."
"No kiddin'. So... that Raz kid."
"Yeah, he's pretty cool. Still, this place is all kinds of messed up, you know?"
"Think maybe we should do something about that?"
We need a new Slot 2!
Portal or Nichijou
Nah, that's not what I meant. It doesn't have the speed of play I was expecting, and the slow ass kill animations don't really help in that regard.
Really there's a buncha stuff that's pretty nitpicky, but sums up to general disinterest. It'll probably be an alright game, just not my kind of game, y'know?
That's fine. Those are perfectly good reasons for being disinterested in a game.
The halo meme is retarded though.
Rolled 6 (1d8)
>Nichijou and Narnia stashed
>1. Symbiote Man
>2. Portal Man
>3. Sleuth Man
>4. Nano Man
>5. Curse Woman
>6. Zero Man
>7. Ghost Woman
>8. Soul Man
Jumpers, what have you found to be the big "catch" in your deal with the Benefactor?
Mostly there's stuff she REALLY wants me to pick up for her, but it's all weird and none of it makes sense together!
1.)Fuck you for posting that abomination.
2.)The ride never ends. I want that spark, but the jumps just keep coming.
There is no end in sight.
She fucks with me. Constantly. Every single Jump it's something new. Maybe she'll give other people powers and point them at me. Maybe she'll swap peoples' names and faces around so I don't know who's who, and give the bad guys ideas so I won't know what's what. Maybe she'll sit down with the worst villain in the setting and describe every last detail of what I'm capable of, and tell him where to find me. Maybe I'll just wake up and find every scrap of progress I've been working towards has been nearly sabotaged so I'll have to start over. Or maybe I'll just wake up with a ticking crocodile about to bite my face off.
Sometimes I think she wants me to fail.
>The story of babby Red begins
I love this so much. Thank you for a burst of emotions.
Sometimes we laugh together, sometimes we engage in positively delightful philosophy debates, Outsider style, sometimes she pulls some incredible twists, making me rethink the whole context of our journey...
But I can never truly know if she means the emotions on her face. If that interest she shows in me is something born of cruel boredom, or hopeful curiosity. Or is even real.
Maybe I didn't even exist before she created me to travel the worlds for her.
Maybe I am just a character in a book for her. Or even less than that.
Thinking too much is truly my vilest vice.
These 1000cp have got to come from somewhere, son. Drawbacks are a bitch.
I liked it better when you shut up and stopped wanking about yourself.
wew lad
If you're not wanking about yourself, what the hell are you doing here?
Fourth row from the top, third form the left, she ain't laughing...
Nah user that's the
Dunno if you've noticed but-literally everyone feels the same way about you. Just saying, staying this mad is futile.
But user, you can't have that many companions active!
Trying to read entertaining stuff. Which isn't happening with her trying to cram her "opinions" down our throat with this.
Maybe she should sit down and finally realize she's never going to be as fun as ASA. Not with the way she tries to drag as many people in the mud with her.
Aww. So cute, he thinks he's people.
So... You find reading other people wank themselves entertaining?
You always have the option of-you know, not reading things right?
That's called tsundere and it's moe.
These threads are much more enjoyable if you imagine the shitposts are being made by various dere archetypes. I'm serious, try it.
If he stopped reading things, how would he know what to complain about?
Trolling is against global rules, lads. Report and ignore.
That is the perfect response.
I find people who aren't afraid of power interesting. Someone who doesn't take shit and neckstomps whoever tries. That's ASA. That's power.
Red is just a whiner who keeps begging for attention and tries to make people love her. She makes up the most retarded shit, she's never going to be as interesting as him. I don't know why she even tries anymore, he's better than her in every way.
This was really fun to read and I spent like a minute looking for a favorite or add to directory button on the pastebin.
Shut up, Jaden. They're called mirrors and you're not being philosophical. Also, After Earth was horrible.
Oh, somebody needs a tickle! Come here, I'm gonna scratch you behind the ears and snuggle your cute little belly.
Who's a grumpasaurus? Who's a grumpasaur. You are, you are! A booshi, booshi, boo. You are just so adorable when you pout.
For what it's worth I found it really meh. It's a very standard story of "clueless Jumper meets quirky Jumpchan", plus exposition, with very few personal twists.
You realize we now need an archtype for each name and avatar fag, right?
I know they drop their names when they shit post, but that's beside the point.
Oddly, I've just been ignoring ASA since he arrived. It's almost like you don't actually need to shit on things you don't like.
I'm insulted. I put on my name to shitpost.
It... I can see that, yeah. I didn't feel right making my jumper out to be some glorious "chosen one" or time-displaced past parent of the Benefactor or whatever. Everyone has gotten that particular niche down in lots of different forms and variations and angles, and it felt too gimmicky to follow that same route. I wanted to go with something a bit more straightforward. Which like you pointed out, was likely a contributor to the blandness of the story.
Might something come up in another story if I can find a way to justify it beyond some standard "chosen one" bit? Sure, if it works. Provided I post it though. I thought sharing some writefagging would help a bit, but considering what happened I'm almost wondering if I should even risk it with how quickly it made things go to shit.
The only mistake here is that you're still wasting everyone's time. Just stop annoying everyone and leave you stupid bitch.
Except Elona, who has massive courage. You can be... a genki dere dere.
I'm going to need to start saving that great salt lake picture in the future.
At this point, I'm beginning to suspect you're Red's schizophrenic other personality trying to harass her into giving up life full time to you, but doing it by stalking her in her hobbies for some reason. I mean, it's better than that phone thing they had going in Paranoia Agent, at least.
Hey, user, want to go out some time? I think you're probably really cute, we should date. Just you and me, we'll go out for a nice dinner, maybe see a movie, then go back to my place and fuck all night long. What do you say?
Nah, share what you've got. Stories are fun to read and shitposters will always find something to hate on. Jumpchain has always had dedicated trolls, you know that.
Shit, I'll give it a shot. I'm not super familiar with all the Vietnamese moving comics' themes, though.
ASA is definitely kuudere
Konata is… deredere? Maybe a deredere/yandere hybrid? I heard they went crazy?
SixStrings would be… dandere, I think. I'm not actually sure.
Red is definitely tsundere, but light on the tsun. Like a 30/70 ratio of tsun to dere.
Fuck you, Salt-user is my waifu!
So, uhhh...
Netflix and chill?
What are some companions that are generic enough not to break canon when taken but specific enough to have their own personality? Your PMD partner is the perfect example of this
The LoT companions and Choirs.
Do it, their salt is delicious.
Little arsenic tears, killing us all slowly.
The ones in Van Hellsing come to mind. I'm pretty sure it's someones stile to write out fairly good O.C. companions, so there are a few scattered around.
Hasn't Red been dumping a bunch of OC companions in her jumps lately?
I've already waifu'd everyon in /jc/. Including Salt-user. Including you.
But not Bancho, because I'm pretty sure that'd count as taking advantage of the mentally handicapped.
The Little Sisters from Raildex. They've got personality and they're destined for the trash heap, so you aren't messing with canon by taking one.
The Dark Souls has knock offs of the canon can companions, so you get all of the flavor at half the cost. They're the Mr. Pabb of JumpChain.
>Taking just one.
You disgust me user.
Given the PMD partner is basically just a pokemon of your choice I figure you're going for more filling in the blanks than not. Don't really remember there being much personality mentioned in it either.
I tend to choose one of the ones from my own jumps as I like the settings and you can usually design your own. Then I figure they just take traits from whatever jump they're in.
Most frequently I get a Number 2 from Venture Bros as they're based on a character who basically goes along with anything as the lieutenant to a mad idiot. Figure that's one of the most important traits for a companion to have.
Nigga, it's not like they sell them by the rack. If they did I'd buy a rack of them.
>having 30,000 points
Unless you're a CP vampire or something there's no way you can purchase all of that.
There's a few yanderes, actually. And then there's that one with multiple personalities.
Last I checked you could only buy Sisters in Raildex by the flat.
Misaka are a collectible item, and best when you have a complete collection, just ask Accelerator.
Well not like they had racks to begin with anyway.
>The mother is a collectible item
user please. She is a married woman.
Hive mind high five!
She was a limited time item, if you didn't get one then you have to either convince someone to make a production run of them, or just accept one of the WORST limited run models.
>Implying WORST is a bad thing.
Shit tastes detected.
She's a WORST, but it doesn't mean she can't be best, as I have her in filenames.
What can I say? She is the worst.
Worst is best user. Just accept it.
She does seem to have the coveted teddie advantage.
My two cents: you could grab a shipgirl from KanColle, comes with her own force field, ability to walk on water, guns/airplanes, and love for her admiral
Man, I've been avoiding that jump because of that. I don't want to have a jillion waifus, but I know I won't be able to leave my fleet behind.
Adoption is an option.
Daughters are cuter than a harem anyways.
I have so many daughters...
By the time I heard about Doom it was several years since its' heyday, I was always more of an RTS guy anyway and after that one Duke Nukem game/that Silent Hill multiplayer game I'm really not a fan of dead horses whipped for nostalgia value.
So no.
Dang, I didn't even know it was possible to roll a 1 for age in Pokemon-was that in one of the earlier PDFs?
>My name is not important
Also did anyone else here the Hatred trailer's monologue on reading that exact line?
Staying entertaining. Which sometimes means dicking around a little more than we'd prefer to in settings where the stakes aren't as high. It's like performing for an audience of one, without knowing for sure if they're booing you or demanding an encore at any given moment.
Yes she's nice about it but dammit, we were kind of a selective perfectionist even before this whole journey.
Enemy of all things cute, actually. We're an anti-dere,
lied ASA in a completely emotionless tone, as he prepared yet another mastercraft birthday cake for one of his companions' surprise birthday parties
Lost Valley of the Dinosaurs has some neat ones in the style of LoT
Problem Sleuth and Sburb have some...odd ones
Changeling has some OC Changeling companions. At least, I think they're OCs.
Binbougami-ga lets you essentially make an item into a companion, and Dissidia has an item that can be permanently expended to turn an automaton or mindless undead into a companion.
...dangit, I wish Dirge was still around so I could ask him whether the Raksha and Ishvara would count as automatrons for the purpose of that thing.
So uh.
Did you end up cloning some more?
>Wanting to clone more.
ASA please don't you know cloning a clone will only make a lower quality product
Speaking of perfect companions, are there any settings where you can buy a devoted slave to playfully abuse/act tsundere towards? Similarly is anyone working on a Rance jc? I might if no one is
Hey, you mind doing the thread a solid and getting rid of the nerfherder that keeps trying to outshine you?
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines comes to mind.
Heather is a freebie.
You monster.
>Dang, I didn't even know it was possible to roll a 1 for age in Pokemon
On the die, ASA.
She got the joy of being a ten year old.
I did the same, as a Marked and Wanted Drop-in...
The recent Overlord jump has a nice one for that.
You mind doing me a solid and telling me your number so we can hook up already? Seriously, I am rock hard here, stop teasing. I can only get so erect.
Rolled 6 (1d8)
Okay so this SHOULD come out to a point balance of zero but I might've misread a discount.
--World 39: Mega Man Zero--
- DESIGNATION: Wanderer - "Why'd I wake up in a pod this time?"
- Opportunist - "Resource efficiency increased by 30%!"
- Scavenger - "Self-repair instructions downloaded!"
- Survivor - "Have fun trying to disable me!"
- Warning - "Danger detection systems improved!"
- MMZ Collection - "Wait. What?"
- Armour Plating - "Now I'm even tougher!"
- Sub Tank - "Now I have two!"
- Z-Saber - "WEAPON GET: Z. SABER"
- Mercy Invulnerability - "Oh, come on!"
"So you're Zero?"
"That's right. Who are you?"
"DLN-081, constructed March 12, 20XX."
"It can't be. I thought the only other robot from that age was-"
"X? Yeah, I met him at Hunter Base. Dr. Cain fixed an error I was having a while back. Where is he now?"
"I don't like that look you've got on your face."
>1. Symbiote Man
>2. Portal Man
>3. Sleuth Man
>4. Nano Man
>5. Curse Woman
>6. Everyday Man
>7. Ghost Woman
>8. Soul Man