What's your opinion on kobolds?
What's your opinion on kobolds?
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Interesting creatures. I hate Veeky Forums trying to sexualize them though.
Where do you think you are, OP?
I use them instead of gnomes in my games.
I think they're neat but if I'm going to be entirely honest I'd kind of like another small lizardfolk race that can get away from the "usually Evil" baggage.
inferior to the cuter bug people
I don't know what this shit is called but the anime, furry, cutesy Kobolds enrage my grognard sensibilities.
Kobolds are monsters to be slaughtered.
Low level fodder should not be immune to slides.
And OP? That's a Dragonborn.
>kobold thread gets to image limit
>full of degenerate furfaggotry and cropped porn
>I posted one picture that was completely SFW and nowhere near the lewdest one in the thread
>that post is deleted, I'm banned for breaking global rule 3, literally no one else in that thread faces any consequences whatsoever
I have been banned multiple times for posting "furry" pictures that other anons had posted before and after without punishment, the exact same ones down to every pixel on the same board.
In light of that empirical evidence, my picture was not breaking a rule, my IP address was.
The written rule is a lie, and the true rule can only be "don't have this IP address".
Yeah, dogs go woof, cats go meow, user goes "moderation on anonymous image boards tends to suck". I'm not saying you're wrong but I AM saying this shit happens, you just have to roll with it or go somewhere else.
Probably the one concept that has changed so severly from their folklore origin that I wonder if I should be upset about the falsification of information or be fascinated by the creativity of people.
Apart from that they give me nothing, meaning I'm indifferent about them as a general character race.
>Implying sexualisation is bad
>Implying that ensuing comic where kobold thief gets her cloaca stuffed by human boss and alligator thug twins isn't one of the best things to grace the internet
Upload the picture somewhere and let us see.
I'd fuck that kobold, but that's not saying much. I think my standards are lower now than they were when I was in the middle of puberty.
You might need to go outside one day so you can inevitably get someone to punch the fuck out of your face.
They're not sexualized, and they're wicked and vicious things, like tiny raptor that swarm and eat you alive. They're born from the corrupting breath or blood or a dragon suffusing ore.
Joke's on you I was already bullied and beaten in high school and its done nothing but strengthen my resolve.
Kobolds are cuties to be loved.
I can see why.
But can you also see how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie-pop?
Checkmate, faggot.
>ensuing comic where kobold thief gets her cloaca stuffed by human boss and alligator thug twins isn't one of the best things to grace the internet
>one of the best things to grace the internet
it really isn't, the art quality was sub-par and the plot was not much to speak of either
Their skin makes nice luggage.
I use them instead of dragonborn, with shark and pangolin variants included.
Gross furry shit that degenerates on Veeky Forums yiff to constantly.
>not being a furry
it's okay user, it's just a matter of time before you become one anyway.
It could have been an auto-ban because of your images MD5 hash. If it's a copyrighted image this could be the case.
>furscum isn't burned on sight yet
What has this world come to.
Assimilation, just fap at home and don't make it a lifestyle
Fursubhumans tend to masturbate in public.
This. I posted some celebrity on /s/ and got ban for copyrighted content.
It really doesn't have to be copyrighted, anything that gets posted often enough that the mods don't like end up on the list.
I wish I had more dog-like version of this. It's otherwise perfect for one of my favorite NPCs.
I think they've gone from a joke race to a disguise for people with twink, shotacon/lolicon, furry and other fetishes to 'legitimize' their character concept in media or games they participate in.
Also on the same level of disguising waste of space that K-On and other 'cute X doing cute things' genre of Anime occupies.
Finally, they continue the trend of providing a small counterpart to 'morally ambiguous race you can stab for loot'. Orcs and Goblins, Kobolds and Dragons, Halflings and Humans, etc etc.
On the other end of the spectrum, you have the 'srs bsns' kobold faggot who tries to make them hardcore, tacticool, or veer straight into Edgy so you will take them seriously. This its own brand of retarded.
At the end of the day I don't see a purpose for them in my own fiction and I don't keep with friends who default to 'cute child-like race' as their first pick every game.
Lovely critters who deserve love and sexualization.
I'd rather see lizardmen or dragonborn types with a developed culture and naming scheme that isn't fucking 'lizardmen' or 'scaliefolk' or whatever to comfort your pleb brains.
Is this a new thing now or are we still in the same kind of hell.
Don't care unless they're robots.
it's just manlet shark anthros.
I hit it with my axe
So hell. Ok.
is this the same guy who was complaining about certain threads being off-topic because "muh rools"?
tasty snacks
i mean kobolds are just manlet lizard/dragon anthros, what else?
They're cute! CUTE!
a shitty meme that needs to die
>expecting sarcastic response or furry hate covered by spoiler
>it's a link
>mfw clicking to reveal the spoiler also activated the link
The complete, almost opposite, disparity of the different types of creatures all called "kobolds" is pretty weird. That said, small lizardlike creatures with an affinity for dragons and dying quickly are a good addition to your basic fantasy world.
People play them too stupidly, though. They're often treated as nothing more than xp fodder when really they should be like intelligent rats. Traps, ambush tactics, and skirmishing, if executed well, can help them punch above their weight class. Class levels in Ranger or the nearest equivalent are always fantastic. Inflict Tucker's Kobolds on mid-level adventurers to teach them about tactics, humility, and thinking outside the box.
Furfaggot garbage. I honestly don't know why "kobold threads" ate allowed on Veeky Forums.
Otherwise they make nice faceless low level mooks for players to kill.
>People throw in dozens of elf types with no reason other than they want more and more
>"Yeah that's cool"
>Have more than one kind of kobold
>Hell just have not the D&D lizard type
>"Wow that's stupid, it's like this, just stick with it or fuck off"
Fucking hell, how do you pull it off?
3 licks you bitch, that owl told me, double checkmate
You win this time, fag, but I will get you!
Dozens of different elf types for no reason is also dumb. This wasn't a hard question.
How's 40k and /pol/ treating you guys?
Kobolds are my favourites!
I should probably read that one book: Ren of Attikala, I think. Anyone read it?
whoops, I don't think that's a kobold
Since they're reptilian shouldn't they be feminized without relying on emphasis on eyelashes?
>Archaeopteryx Aztec Warriors
I didn't realize how badly I want this. Those feathers really put them above Warhammer Lizardmen. How do you have a proper Aztec army without crazy feather decoration?
Plenty of reptiles have bodyhair; it's not much of a stretch.
Alternatively you could use eye-approximate ridges to emulate the same effect, with females having longer brow-ridges than males, who may have no brow-ridges at all.
I don't know much about the Aztecs, but I agree, feathers on reptiles is a natural choice.
Do you guys have any art on old school (black and white) kobolds ?
Why do you assume that lady kobolds wouldn't get fake eyelashes?
So, if kobolds are seen as dog/troll/not lizard creatures by most europeans and such, what should they be called alternatively? Lizard folk? Scalies? Igunakin? Lizardlytes? Lacertapians? Lizard kobold variety?
i'd do it.
Thats pretty good actually.
Gekomen might be better, now that I think of it.
Well, the hides are on the flimsy side for their size, but they make decent budget versions of true lizardman boots, belts and bags. And the warhounds don't care where the meat is from so long as it's fresh.
People underestimate the money to be made from being an adventurer cleanup-crew.
Mangekos is pretty good, it allows for some natural mispronounciation .
>Dozens of different elf types for no reason is also dumb
If only the elffags shared that sentiment.
post lizard butts
>some people find this attractive
It is a sick world we live in.
Did you say something, user?
Bug-people master race
Needs dem hips
Probably should have lizard tits if female
i'm fine with it having only big hips, but that is a must
Like I said, needs dem hips, tits optional but ideal
The scientist in me thinks lizard tits are ridiculous at best, but the penis part of me likes tits.
My logic is that dragonic and reptilian humanoids are different, but outwardly similar creatures, and dragonic creatures like kobolds, having a more of a mix of reptilian and mammalian features, can have tits
>kobold thief gets what what
what the hell is this from?
They're venom sacs, clearly.
Mah nigga
In TES it could be justified for argonians by being Hist-sap sacs for feeding babies born outside Black Marsh/to fit in with normies.
Well yes, we can use whatever logic we like in our magical realms. I'm pro-lizard tits and human-bovine mixes. I can explain the later by some boon from a god or cows milk mutating our DNA or whatever.
I need picture of Lizards biting people with their titties.
Isn't the reason why the argonians in cyrodil so chesty is because the hist are literally pandering to imperial degeneracy so their walking bioweapons are more widely accepted?
Well in Daggerfall they didn't have nipples, so it makes some sense that they are just tossed on there to be pretty
They dance really funny when you hit them with enough lightning
Nah, it's spittable.
What you need is kobolds that haven't expressed their venom in a while so they've grown to ludicrous sizes.
I adore them. In my games they're usually of the "desert lizards" variety, living in not!Egypt and known for the incredibly deadly tombs they build for their god-kings.
Not quite
Yes. Though I'm not sure that it's imperials which are the deciding factor. It's quite probable that the hist have different opinions and strategies, and thus argonians from one region to the next (both within and outside the blackmarsh) will feature different anatomical motifs. While argonians do not have independent souls, the hist merely work in unison, they are not in and of themselves a hivemind.
google "Kobold Adventures"
I do like this take, especially if you go a step further and tie dragons in again.
>Gigantic, unintelligent, but naturally magical feathered serpents flying all over the place and being apex predators (i.e. eating anything that moves)
>Vaguely similar somewhat feathered kobolds see that stuffing them makes them leave you the fuck alone and maybe even lets them extract venom and or magic feathers or scales
>Start raiding the neighbor tribes, building big platforms, and killing shittons of the neighbors on top of them to attract feathered serpents
>Dress it all up in religion later
>Jungles full of kobolds in monster hunter style gear wanting to capture you and feed you to a giant fuckoff dragon
Kobolds being the Envy evil-race is one thing I like about Paizo. An entire race with sub-zero self esteem.
>The scientist in me thinks lizard tits are ridiculous at best
But not lizards with eyelashes, big human eyes, human expressions, hourglass figures, human hands, and other human traits?