Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 22

Previous Threads: Magical Girl Quest

Twitter: @echogarrote

Opening Theme:

This is what you know:

Once upon a time, the world ended. Your name is Lupa, and you were born in the Ashes.

Your mother was a junkie who tried to roll the wrong man. The man, Pytor, killed her with a crowbar, and adopted you. You and he salvaged the ruins of the world. Piton kept you as you had a knack for repairing things, and understood the forgotten written language of the Civilization that used to be. The pair of you traded with the large settlements: the military-run multi-farm colony of Genesis, and the large ranch owned by the religious group known as the Confessors.

You survived, and had a full stomach, and a warm place to sleep, more nights than you didn’t. A fair accomplishment in this world.

Then you salvaged some old relics from a forgotten museum, and everything in your world changed. Including you.

Once upon a time, the world had a team of magical girls in it. They fought a secret war against monsters one year, and witches the next, then Misery came. Misery was an invader, whether from another dimension or the stars, it doesn’t matter. She was good at it though, and the magical girls were losing. Until one of them did the only thing she could, she told her secret, and her father was part of the military. The world fought back, adapted, and won. After that, nothing was the same, and Magic (Known now as Clean Energy), and Magical Girls (Known as Joy-In-Hearts) were now everywhere, and a fundamental part of the world.

And you are one of the last. Your name is also Joy-In-Ashes. The artifacts that belonged to the first magical girl reawakened the energy within you, allowing you to change, and do terrible and wondrous things. It also opened your eyes to one of the biggest threats that the old world left for you.

They’re called Hubris, at least that’s what the voice in your head calls them. Creatures created from the fallout of magical ‘Clean Energy,’ and invisible to most eyes. They’re small insect-like creatures that seek out water to drink, and humans so they can burrow into them. Hollowing them out and turning them into Hives, so more Hubris can hatch within them. It’s unsure if infection from Hubris makes humans hostile and irritable, or if Hubris prefer to seek out hostile and irritable humans. The answer seems to be a bit of both.

Of course, the Hubris are only just as threatening as any of the other Altered animals that exist in this world. It’s not too hard to deal with them, especially now that you can see them. Humans are always the worst threat to other humans. As one of the last magical girls alive, you have very specific human threats.

They are called the People of Joy, and they’re the descendants of the people who remember the days of magic and wonder. It seems that most of humanity now consists of the lower rungs of society, people who were unable to benefit from ‘Clean Energy’s’ ability to improve bodies and minds. Some of the ‘Accepting’ did survive though. Once they were kind, and led by a man named Gaft. However, he was overthrown in a coup, and barely escaped with his life. Apparently, he went and found you. He was in the museum, and gave you the relics that Awoke your Joy. You’re not sure how you want to ‘thank’ him for that, when you see him next.

Either way, now his former followers are after you, and anyone else that was capable of turning into a Magical Girl, for reasons that are mildly unclear and deeply unsettling. In Genesis Settlement, there was a girl named Emily who could do just that. Thankfully, you got to her first, and saw her emerge as Joy-In-Embers. Embers…was utterly useless in combat. She could barely hit the side of a barn, if she was standing next to it…trying punch it. You had to teach her almost everything, and you knew so very little. That might be the explanation as to how the People of Joy managed to kidnap the both of you.

You both managed to escape, but not before your kidnappers brought you far from your familiar territory, miles away from anyone who could be friendly. Thankfully, that was when Voice contacted you over the radio. She said that she was trapped within an area that was soaked in Clean Energy Fallout, which was fatal to normal humans, but harmless to Joy-In-Hearts. She needed help, and Voice said that she had supplies, technology, maps to get you back to Genesis, and answers.

You traveled toward’s Voice’s location, and went through a city that was filled with people. People who were all infected by Hubris. However, they were all acting strangely, and unlike the usual Hubris Hives that you’d seen. It turned out it was due to them all being under the control of a Joy-In-Heart that had been infected by Hubris just before her own awakening. Her mind and powers were scrambled, but still desperately trying to keep everyone alive. You were able to purify the girl, and save her and her ‘followers.’ She had no memory of her pre-Joy identity, her mind scrambled by the Hubris, and went by her title of ‘Joy-In-Ruin.’ She joined you and Emily, being slightly better at combat than Joy-In-Embers, and the three of you continued towards Voice.

While you were doing this, Pytor was attempting to track you down. He was joined by Raymond, a Confessor boy who ‘knew’ you (biblically) and carried a torch for you; and Amelia, a Genesis soldier who was sent to spy on Pytor, and discover what was the secret behind the Ash-covered girl with incredible powers. They ran into the People of Joy, who were also looking for you, and thanks to guidance from Voice, began a three-person war against them. During their fighting Raymond discovered that he was one of the new ‘Accepting’ and found his vision, and reaction time, becoming sharper and sharper. Amelia was infected by Hubris, and underwent a procedure that the People of Joy performed on a chosen few of themselves. It saved her life, and made her capable of working artifacts that ran on Clean Energy, but made her skin, and body fluid, a walking toxic hazard.

The People of Joy threw quite a bit at you, including other girls who could manipulate Clean Energy, who had forcibly enhanced into being Joy-In-Hearts by the People of Joy. It appeared that there were two camps, one that wanted to capture you, and one that wanted to outright kill you. As you managed to slaughter their agents with the blades you could summon from your ashes, the second camp slowly grew to be the louder voice.

You arrived at Voice’s compound, and discovered that she wasn’t lying. She was indeed trapped by fallout, and had a fantastic trove of everything a scavenger could hope for. What’s more was that she wasn’t just another survivor, but a survivor from Before the End, and that she was a former Joy-In-Heart. One of the very first teams, the one known as ‘Joy-In-Thought,’ although she went by Wren these days. She had survived by turning her body nearly completely robotic. She then revealed to you two very large revelations.

First: The world was dying.

Due to all the catastrophic disasters, and the unleashing of so much Clean Energy in untamed formed, the temperature of the world was dropping. In 50 years the world would be in the middle of another ice age, another 50 and there would be no way that life, beyond bacterial, could survive. It would take centuries before the planet would regulate and warm again. There was nothing that could be done to stop it. The problem was too far gone, and too wide spread for this broken world to fix.

Second: There was a chance.

All the time, you had been getting information about a site in Genesis territory that was once known as OLYMPUS. The place was located in the middle of an area that was so heavy with corrupted Clean Energy Fallout that is was unlikely that even a Joy-In-Heart could survive it. It was a personal project of Joy-In-Love: the original team’s first leader, most powerful, and greatest of all Joy-In-Hearts. She was incredibly secretive about it. At one point she paid a fortune to hire an entire movie studio, and a cast of hundreds, in order to create part of an AI called HESTIA to run it. Wren said that it was only after the End, that she discovered what was inside OLYMPUS that was so valuable, and dangerous. It was to contain a single Joy-In-Heart, known as ‘Joy-In-Time.’ A girl who had accidentally erased the existence of a teacher, and her brother, from the world with her gift.

It is now clear that the People of Joy want to gain access to OLYMPUS, and use Joy-In-Time’s power to escape this slowly dying world. This would kill Joy-In-Time, an act that Gaft viewed as heresy, which caused the coup. Wren believes that Joy-In-Time’s powers, along with OLYMPUS and HESTIA can be used to stop the End. What a changing timeline means for your survival…Wren is unsure.

However, Emily and Joy-In-Ruin wanted nothing to do with any of it, and they had enough of your emotionally detached nature, and blasé regard for killing people. They loaded up a truck with as much as they could carry from Wren’s compound and took off, back towards Genesis. You were left alone with Wren, and since you had little purpose left, you decided it was better to help her, than do nothing and watch the world freeze. Also, you wouldn’t be alone this way.

Wren’s thought was that the End was caused by a weapon that worked too well. Her records show the End’s effects were that all Joy-In-Hearts instantly dropped dead. Then everyone came to a slow, safe, pause and stood still for a few moments. Then nearly everyone on Earth went insane. Killing themselves, each other, going catatonic, or just remaining in a single spot until they died of thirst or exposure.

Your own research in Wren’s endless files show that it might have been something else. The World Before was an age of magic and wonder, but it was not peaceful. There were multiple wars between nations, and conflicts were devastating as armies led by Joy-In-Hearts unleashed the fury of Gods against each other. Peace summits were regularly called, and regularly failed, and the records of ‘Joy-In-Unity,’ a diplomat, show her becoming increasingly unhinged and talking more and more of ‘making people see each other’s point of view.’ A phrase that Wren agreed should be investigated. More importantly, if Joy-In-Unity WAS the cause of the End, getting the exact date and time of the Event was absolutely necessary.

You took a motorcycle from Wren’s compound, and went to the city of Charybdis, the seat of Unity’s organization, ‘The Peacekeepers.’ There you used you power to make a new friend, Musor…an Altered bear that had been living in the ruins. You also discovered that Unity’s building was intact…but filled with Hubris that had merged with all the advanced technology and security systems within the building. The place was impregnable. However, one species of Hubris will violently fight another, so you traveled a few miles away to gather up a large amount of ‘Standard’ Hubris in order to, hopefully, fry the ‘Silverbug’ Hubris’ systems.

There you had a pleasant, and murder filled, reunion with Pytor, Ray, and Amelia. You happened upon them, as they were fighting People Of Joy. After combat, you explained to them most of your story, and they agreed to assist you. You gather up a barrel full of Hubris, and went back to Charybdis. Pytor and the others will be on the edge of the city, so as to avoid Hubris infection, and any possible Clean Energy fallout.

All throughout this, you’ve been discovering things about your self, your powers, your helpful voice in your head, and the fact that you are a severely psychologically damaged individual.

That is what you know…you’ll have to continue to sift through the ashes of this world to see what’s next, and what’s left.

The Summit Building is a friendly looking building. Cream colored stone supports shiny mirrored glass, and the sigil of the world surrounded in roses is engraved in the stone, still clearly visible. The building’s doors are wide and have large pull-bars on them that are decorated with paintings that look like they were done by four year olds. Smiling children and happy suns with lots of colorful dots and rainbows. Everything about this building says both ‘Welcome’ and ‘Stability.’ It’s a shiny gem in this endless, cold, trash heap.

Well…time to lift this rock up, and see how nasty the things wriggling under it are.

Wren told you that the defenses and auto-repair of the building make it so that throwing a rock through the glass wouldn’t be effective. The only way to start this, is by doing something dramatic.

Musor is by your side, and you are wearing your regalia. The barrel of Hubris rests against your feet, slightly moving.

> Just hurl the barrel through the doors and let the Hubris spill out.
> Walk in, carrying the barrel and let the building make the first move.

> Walk in, carrying the barrel and let the building make the first move.

> Walk in, carrying the barrel and let the building make the first move.


Quick question dudes
Should we take it to the max?

>> Walk in, carrying the barrel and let the building make the first move.

T-the max!?

It's just a troll making the rounds with all the quests up at the moment, just report him

You carry the barrel carefully and, Musor padding along behind you, you pull open the doors to the Summit building.

The lobby is as pristine as the outside, and still trying to be as welcoming and friendly. Aqua blue/White marble pattern floors, and cheerful looking murals made out of recycled materials and/or drawn by accomplished child artists decorate the walls.

'Someone's trying a bit too hard.' Joy, your 'other' self, says in your mind.

'You've been quiet.' You respond, silently.

'I've been helping the bear. You know how freaked out the poor thing is, now that it understands the concept of mortality? Besides, you seemed to be doing fine.' She responds.

There's a whirring noise, and a hole in the ceiling opens up. Just like in Wren's compound, a robotic arm unfolds from above. Instead of a claw, this one has a microphone, and an attached camera lens, at the end. It stops right in front of your face.

You can see the Silverbug Hubris crawling over the upper part of the arm. They're disgusting, resembling millipedes that were made out of mercury.


A burst of static erupts from an unseen speaker. After a moment, the speaker continues in a robotic female voice.

"Welcome, Sister. State name, title and purpose of visit, please."

> Say the truth
> Pretend you're here for a summit meeting
> Unleash the Hubris

>> Say the truth

>> Say the truth

> Say the truth
Yeah alright.

>Say the truth
This has never gone wrong before.

Honesty is best policy, it is known.

"Lupa. Joy-In-Ashes. I'm here to find Joy-In-Unity, or what's left of her." You say.

The arm folds back up into the ceiling, and you hear a whirring noise, but it's not the sound of something working. It's the too-fast, too-loud sound of a machine that's almost, or in the process of being, broken.

"We're sorry." The robotic voice says. "There is no record of Joy an invited guest. Please proceed to the reception lounge, and a representative will see to you promptly."


The speaker cuts off.

> Find the reception lounge
> Ignore the speaker, and explore the building
> Unleash the Hubris

>Ignore the speaker, and explore the building

It's funny because there aren't even that many quests running right now.

> Find the reception lounge
What could go wrong?

>> Ignore the speaker, and explore the building

I was unaware of this. It's been a while since I was here and I just jumped in after I wrote the summary. Next thread I'll put there.

No worries it only happened around 2 weeks ago, I am fine with quests on this board I was just explaining to the user why there were so few quests on this board.

Don't, you're just fine staying right here on Veeky Forums

Nah, it's still a trial board and kinda a toxic cesspit atm. You don;t have to move.

Seeing as there's no one to see to you, you see to yourself, and start poking around the halls on your own.

There's a bank of elevators, some stairs, and more cheery, community based, art.

Musor expresses his opinion of it by urinating on a sculpture made out of empty drink bottles. Instantly, a Silverbug Arm drops down from the ceiling, and polishes the art installation clean.

You notice that there's a small, dome-shaped, robot about the size of a dinner plate following you. Trying to vacuum up the ashes left in your wake. Silverbugs squirm right under the clear casing of the little machine.

'Well it's clear that the building is fine with a Joy-In-Heart wandering around the empty lobby floor. You're probably going to have to go somewhere you shouldn't to get a reaction.' Joy says. 'That or let our guests out to play with their cousins.'

> Take the stairs
> Call an elevator
> Use the Hubris

> Take the stairs

>> Take the stairs

>> Take the stairs
Elevators are traps

Walking up multiple flights of stairs while carrying a large barrel of squirming Demon-Insects is not a pleasant task.

Also, it seems that every access door on this floor is firmly locked. Thankfully, there's descriptive door plates for each floor that detail what's inside.

2nd floor: Servers and IT
3rd floor: Call Center
4th Floor: Records
5th floor: VIP Reception & Elysium Lounge
6th Floor: Peacekeeper Assembly Hall

You figure that it won't be too hard to kick in the door, but that once you do, all Hell is going to break loose.

> Pick a floor for your entry point
> Unleash the Hubris in the stairwell

4th floor

>4th Floor: Records

I guess 4th is fine, let's get some consensus going here.

You kick in the fourth floor door, and walk into a large open floor that consists of cubicle desks and wide, shoulder height, filing cabinets.

Also, an alarm bell starts ringing and bright white lights set high up on the wall start flashing.

Two robot arms unfold from the ceiling, and they're dripping in Silverbugs. Each one of the arms is tipped with what appears to be a live, very painful looking, taser.

> Fight off the arms with Musor
> Unleash your own Hubris.

>> Unleash your own Hubris.

> Fight off the arms with Musor

>> Fight off the arms with Musor

Quest threads are still allowed on Veeky Forums, and as you can see, complainers get their posts deleted.

Antiquestfags got their /qst/ board, and quest threads get to stay on Veeky Forums. Everybody wins!

Rolled 1, 2, 5 = 8 (3d10)

Alright, roll 1d10 for initiative.

As before, best of three with crit and crit fails taking precedence.

Rolled 5 (1d10)

Rolled 5 (1d10)

Rolled 3 (1d10)


Rolled 1 (1d10)

hey, this is back!

You and Musor go first.

To recap, here are your powers:

Ash Shot
1d20 - Hits on 13+, 17+ add lost turn, Crit 2 Wounds + 1 Lost Turn

Ash cloud
1d20, Created on 12+, Enemies roll 14+ or lost turn, Crit Fail wounds

Ash choke
1d20, Lose 1 turn on 14+, 17+ lose two turns, Crit 2 turns lost + 1 wound

Ash armor
Auto, Adds 2 hits, after summon turn can Ash dodge hits. (Dodge is -2 Hit Score, I.E. Enemy Roll is 17, dodge on 15+) Lose dodge upon losing 2 hits.

Ash knife
2d20, Summon 2 knives. 14+ Hits, 19-20 Crit creates another 2 knives that hit at +15, another Crit creates 2 more knives at +16 hit, etc.

Dodge Kick
2d20, Kicks, then Dodges and kicks again. Wounds on 13+, (NOTE: First Kick Must be 10+ or second kick auto fails) Crit 2 Wounds per kick

Hits on 14+, Kills Hubris within human beings and cures them of their Hive status.

Bright Burst
Automatic Wound, Extra wound on 14+, Two extra wounds on 19+. Hits everyone in the blast radius. You return to being Lupa afterwards.

> Ash shot
> Ash knives
> Ash cloud
> Ash choke
> Dodge kick
> Attempt Purify on a Machine
> Bright Burst

Well, it could be worse..

>> Ash knives
Can't go wrong with that

Rolled 13 (1d20)

> Ash cloud
Sounds fun!

>> Attempt Purify on a Machine

Anyone want to change their vote, or should I roll for it?

Good to see you echo!

Try the purification 1st, I guess we could always try the knife/shot if we fail

You draw the Purity sigil in the air with your ash trail and force your Joy through it towards the arm on the left.

> Roll 1d20

Rolled 9 (1d20)

here goes

Rolled 13 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

A few of the Silverbugs shrivel and turn to ash, but not all of them. It seems like they're just too different of a species for your normal tricks.

Musor lashes out with his paws at the taser arm on the right.

Rolled 10, 15 = 25 (2d20)

Musor gets 2 attacks a round, for humanoid attacks there's a pin option with a bite attack, if he rolls a crit and a hit, but that doesn't apply here.

Musor is best

Rolled 5, 16 = 21 (2d20)

One of the blows doesn't do much, but the second swipe breaks off metal pieces, tears a few wires and causes sparks.

The machines try to shock the both of you.

You ash dodge out of the way, but your bear isn't so lucky. He grunts in pain as the machine stabs his carapace shell, but he looks okay.

Your turn. Please say if you're aiming for the right or the left arm. Musor has already damaged the left arm.

> Ash shot
> Ash knives
> Ash cloud
> Ash choke
> Dodge kick
> Purify
> Bright Burst

>> Ash shot

> Ash cloud
One day!

>Ash shot

You fire a cloud of caustic dust at the robot arm.

> Roll 1d20

Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 18 (1d20)


Rolled 11 (1d20)


Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 19, 5 = 24 (2d20)

You blast the right arm with a cloud of dust, and you hear gears grind and pneumatics jam. The silverbugs shrivel up and die, you can hear faint squealing as they die.

The arm jams up and hangs limp.

Musor continues to maul the right arm.

Rolled 6 (1d20)

One blow glances off but Musor continues to rip into the device. Breaking it further and crushing more of the silverbugs.

The right arm tries to fight back and jab Musor.

I thought musor was mauling the left arm before.

It glances harmlessly off of your bear's shell.

The left arm seems to have gotten past it's jam.

The left arm is slightly damaged, and the right arm is almost completely destroyed.

The alarms are still going and you see more activity from the ceiling and the floor as more mechanical devices come into operation.

> Ash shot
> Ash knives
> Ash cloud
> Ash choke
> Dodge kick
> Purify
> Bright Burst

> Ash cloud

>> Ash shot

> Dodge kick
Right arm!

>ash shot
right arm

You aim and fire at the right arm.

> Roll 1d20

Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 17 (1d20)


Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 3, 7 = 10 (2d20)

You flick your hands and cover the broken arm with grey dust, it flops to the floor, dead and unresponsive. Silverbugs dripping off it and when they hit the ground they turn into puffs of ash.

Musor turns his attention to the other.

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Sadly it looks like the damn things are learning the lesson 'Stay out of reach of the bear' It folds up towards the ceiling out of reach of Musor, and then lunges down at you like a steel snake.

OW! Damn it, it hit you in the shoulder, and that gear is built to hurt Joy-In-Hearts, so it stung quite a bit. You're a little woozy from the shock.

(Next roll is at -1)

> Ash shot
> Ash knives
> Ash cloud
> Ash choke
> Dodge kick
> Purify
> Bright Burst

> Ash cloud

Ash armor

> Ash cloud

why are you voting for cloud instead of armor? Cloud affects bear too.

> Ash knives

I suppose. switch to Ash armor then.

Rolled 11 (1d20)

like a ninja! A socially stunted, magical ninja!

Rolled 12 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)