Veeky Forums if you could design the Titans of the Adeptus Mechanicus what would they be like?
Veeky Forums if you could design the Titans of the Adeptus Mechanicus what would they be like?
A lot more reasonable.
Why don't TItans have skitarii security forces? They're big enough to have a few.
Gork approves. Even though of course,there is still not enough dakka.
Imperatir Titans do they have bastions and I think even barracks in the legs. They mentioned it in Betrayer as well.
Bigger, clunkier, more cathedrals close combat weapons and cannons firing everywhere, especially on the crotch
>A lot more reasonable.
Have to agree here, at least less Castle Shoulders...
It does not help when you put an Infantry model next to them and you see that most of that greebling is pointlessly tiny just to make the Titan look bigger.
I like them the way they are.
Dem skitarri bearing hips
>Wanting reason
>In 40k
Wrong setting amigo.
I'd finally go and force the AdMech to help me create a Imperator Titan variant with powerful AA weapons to make those pesky Tau Mantas reconsider targeting other Titans.
I didn't know I wanted that until I saw it but Emperor dammit that's sexier than it should be!
>Why don't TItans have skitarii security forces? They're big enough to have a few.
>Imperatir Titans do they have bastions and I think even barracks in the legs. They mentioned it in Betrayer as well.
See, that's a feature I actually would keep, but being able to launch a Baneblade from your shoe is different than having a pointlessly tiny castle on your shoulders.
In particular, I love the Warlord Pattern with Turbo-laser blasters and Volcano Cannons.
I like the Warlord classbut, especially the newer pattern, but the cathedrals in the Emperor class erk me. It matches the shape of their ships but it just doesn't match the height of the Titan
Personally I'd scrap Emperor class entirely.
>Cover everything exept the vital parts
>but the cathedrals in the Emperor class erk me. It matches the shape of their ships but it just doesn't match the height of the Titan
>Personally I'd scrap Emperor class entirely.
I wouldn't scrap the class ALL together, but yes, that also irks me.
It doesn't help that an Emperor type is ONLY 140 meters at the TALLEST!
>>Cover everything exept the vital parts
Are YOU going to tell a colossal God-machine it can't flaunt what it's got?
I'd make ones that don't look like you could tip them over really easily
I for one would make the designs more modular and mass producible and then I'd spread the designs to as many Forge Worlds as possible. That way whenever a Titan is lost it won't be a massive tragedy that we'd have to make another DOW game for.
>I'd make ones that don't look like you could tip them over really easily
Hence why my idea of a Titan has BIGASS TOWER SHIELDS mounted on the shoulders; they act as braces when firing it's carapace mounted Volcano Cannons.
I remember you saying something about those a good while back.
Hey would anyone add any modern weapons to them? Maybe anti-missile defenses for when they have to go up against Tau cheddar?
>I remember you saying something about those a good while back.
I probably did, with the Melta Drill for Rocketo Punching and reeling in enemy Titans.
40K is not for you
Then chaos will come to one of the many forge world you've spread it to and take the design for itself
There's a reason why only certain forge world can make them.
And mass producable? Do you even know the setting??
By mass producible I just meant simplifying the design to make it easier for the Mechanicus and the Imperium too build. It's always nice to have more Titans.
Quad volcano cannons, AA missile batteries on back, defensive autocannons on the underside.
Heads replaced by muscle cars/american truck tractor units.
But only Imperators. Why not Warlords or Reavers?
go back to /co/
A Reaver is more of a hunter-killer, it's not big enough to carry any more than a token contribution of troops.
Warlords are bigger, but they'd have a hard time deploying troops with their legs required to support the entire body weight, so troops couldn't be stationed within them the way they are with an Imperator.
They do. And FW are even making models of them.
>not being part of the Reasonable Marines
In the Space Marine Vidya Game they had an Ultramarine ride a Warlord to defend it from some Chaos mooks. Boom problem solved.
that part seemed retarded to me. I mean, what's the point of having some huge war machine of doom if some dude with a hang glider can just swoop on top of it and hack your shit or something. titans should have some defenses against this that are better than a single ultramarine, like a shield or AA guns or something. I guess they technically do but it was ignored in the game for the mission's rule of cool sake, still don't care for it
Well they have shielding I think they just didn't have it activated because they wanted all if the power to go to the Volcano Cannon.
yeah I just remember that titan wasn't at full power for some reason, so they did explain it
But what you brought up does remind me of the battle of Helsreach. In which the Orks used hooks and shit to bring down an Imperator and then board it. What could we do to help give it a better chance against infantry when they're close up?
>A Reaver is more of a hunter-killer, it's not big enough to carry any more than a token contribution of troops.
Yeah, a Reaver is, what, 23 meters?
>Warlords are bigger, but they'd have a hard time deploying troops with their legs required to support the entire body weight, so troops couldn't be stationed within them the way they are with an Imperator.
Eh, it COULD work, but you're only going to get MAYBE a squad of guys in there.
>Yeah, a Reaver is, what, 23 meters?
Depends on the Artist / Story / Author / plot point
Here we have a 1000 meter tall Warlord Titan
>What could we do to help give it a better chance against infantry when they're close up?
Well despite being awesome God-machines of Death, Titans aren't suppose to operate Solo.
A Warlord will have several Reavers and a few elements of Warhounds supporting it.
Knights can be called in as Reserves, as well as other Imperial Heavy and Super Heavy Armor depending on the situation.
>Depends on the Artist / Story / Author / plot point
>Here we have a 1000 meter tall Warlord Titan
Yeah, but Reavers are much more consistent, since they can actually have tabletop models made.
And maybe some Astartes thrown in there too.
Well they have Warlord models out now too but the heights in the fluff still have a big consistency issue.
and Warlords do not?
>And maybe some Astartes thrown in there too.
Well at that point you could use heavily modified Skitarii too...
>and Warlords do not?
See>Well they have Warlord models out now too but the heights in the fluff still have a big consistency issue.
> fluff still have a big consistency issue.
There really should be some sort of reference guide these fluff and BL writers should reference.
>The earth trembled as the Warlord titan strode across the plane, dwarfing the nearby er...
>trees, buildings, skyscrapers, radio towers, mountains...
Have they ever said the height of the Mars class (the Warlord in the picture) in particular? Because maybe the whole issue with the Warlord is just that they just have that many different patterns. At least that's my headcanon
>Because maybe the whole issue with the Warlord is just that they just have that many different patterns. At least that's my headcanon
Well that's the Canon Warhammer 40k is suppose to play to, it's YOUR DUDES after all.
They're "about the same" give or take
Since we have Emperor Titan above Warlord.
Hey Veeky Forums since we're on the topic I was wondering if you could settle this debate for me. Imperator vs. Godzilla. Who would win?
Well isn't the Imperator's height pretty varied too? What was the max for it?
40k minis have always had an inconsistent scale.
If you use guardsmen as the baseline, space marines should be 50% larger, and vehicles almost twice their size.
Don't you mean like this?
Yeah I especially find it funny when Firewarriors are as tall as Space Marines.
FW Guardsmen (Elysians and Deth Korps) are actually in scale to Space Marines. It's the chunky GW Cadians and Catachans who are not.
It's probably because it's easier to paint the bigger Cadian models especially because Cadians will usually be the first Guard models that new players get.
Yep, you said that too. I still say it should have six of them.
Why six?
Because it can't have sex.
Obviously you haven't seen the Adeptus Mechanicus Titan assembly and creation vids.
When the Mechanicus create a Titan where do they start? I've wondered if they made it in two separate parts and then brought them together? Or if they just build from the legs up? Anyone have any lore on this?
What the difference between the two Titans? What roles do the Imperator and Warlord take?
Epic, which the Imperator model is for, has even less consistent scale. Many of the Titan models were made for Titan v. Titan games, and no vehicles match the 6mm infantry scale at all. Zoanthropes and Hive Tyrants are also larger than Carnifexes.
Well in Epic it's less about the size of the models and more about the size of the force you bring and the "Epic" battles you are in.
The Imperator is the biggest 'standard' model of Titan. It's about half as big again as a Warlord, if not more so. The Imperator is split into two different subtypes: The Emperor, which is armed with a ton of guns, and the Warmonger, which is a missile carrier.
>proportions aren't lifelike
>I find it funny
ITT: Newbs who don't know that gaming requires abstraction to fit so many models on a tiny battlefield.
Citadel has never made scale models.
So Warhound = Scout
Warlord = MBT (Main Battle Titan
Imperator = Artillery
If all of these are true what does it make the Reaver?
Medium Titan. The Panzer IV to the Warlord's Tiger and the Imperator's Maus/Ratte
Do you know what user? It doesn't change a thing. I will always laugh at the tau and their ridiculously large firewarriors.
It gets weird when mixing models, though. The "beetleback" Warlord is positively tiny, for example.
Much bigger and many more variants.
Also give them their own scale so they can have mobile land fortresses to fight on and board. And have knight "infantry" equivalents.
Like a 40k dystopian wars revamped as a bigger epic.
I like your style user.
>many more variants
There is a larger number of variants though that we haven't seen. There's the Carnivore Class Titan, the Nemesis Class, the Eclipse Class, the Mirage Class and the Komodo Class to name the ones mentioned in the FW Books.
I remember reading that Warlord and Emperor Class Titans have enough room for bunkers and artillery up there.
>What the difference between the two Titans? What roles do the Imperator and Warlord take?
Probably the best means of differentating them is compare the scale of fire power.
Knights are a bit above a Tank in offensive power, in addition to their huge ass chain-sword, the Paladin pattern carries a rapid fire version of the Battle Cannon, usually the primary gun on a Leman Russ.
Warhound armaments are also similar to the ones found on Imperial Super Heavy Tanks.
Reavers are basically walking firebases; A Warhound's Primary armament can be mounted on the Reavers Carapace as a SECONDARY WEAPON.
Warlords have the firepower to wipe out entire armies on their own; What's a Primary weapon for a Reaver can be mounted on the shoulder of a Warlord as a Secondary.
The Plasma Destructor, the second largest plasma weapon in the Imperium, is a primary weapon for the Warlord.
An Imperator Titan is a mobile PLANETARY DEFENSE FORTRESS!
The Plasma Destructor can be mounted as a SECONDARY weapon, only an Imperator has a reactor large enough to power the Imperium's largest Plasma weapon, the Plasma Annihilator.
Up to SIX of the Primary Weapons (Volcano Cannons) of a Reaver or Warlord can be mounted on the Carapace of an Imperator to basically serve as point defense cannons.
The Emperor definitely. It's legs are basically fortresses full of troops.
Except as I said, a Knights OFFENSIVE power is slightly greater than the Leman Russ...
That's not including the DEFENSIVE abilities of Titan's Ion and Void shields.
>I remember reading that Warlord and Emperor Class Titans have enough room for bunkers and artillery up there.
>The Emperor definitely. It's legs are basically fortresses full of troops.
Yeah, but this is where the scaling issues come in, as the Imperator Dies Irae has been described as anywhere from 43 to 140 meters tall...
To put that into perspective, the Washington Monument is 190 meters tall.
So there CAN be space for soldiers, but you are not getting an entire army in there...
Create one and have it "accidentally" become a Necron Titan.
They'd look more like the Lucius Pattern Emperor Class, but with the head situated a bit higher up and with more armor covering the upper legs and waist area.
>Create one and have it "accidentally" become a Necron Titan.
...Couldn't that just be a REALLY BIG Necron?
Do energy weapons even have recoil?
ND, why is it that sometimes you're annoying and focused only on lewds, and other times you're actually fairly helpful and a decent member of the threads?
I imagine that superheating the air in front of the weapon would cause some recoil.
>Do energy weapons even have recoil?
I think Volcano Cannons do, but they are built around a Crystal made of geologically compressed executed Heretic Psykers.
>ND, why is it that sometimes you're annoying and focused only on lewds, and other times you're actually fairly helpful and a decent member of the threads?
It is my gift, it is my curse...
To constantly search for something to connect with other human beings with, only to overwhelm them with autistic spectrum over specificness.
Feels bad man
>Helpful and decent
What an incorrect opinion on a rampant shitposter.
>what would they be like
6 legs and 2 weapon arms.
Bipedal giants fall to the square cube law.
More stuff harkening to the Lucius pattern
Boxier and more "tank-like"
/k/ approves
Walkers are stupid, tracks rule
Luncius pattern is best pattern. Mmmm I love my walking tanks.
Except the Mechanicus are tens of thousands in the future and I believe in fluff they have anti grav generators to combat this problem.
Yes, this is why we have this tank. To make all the walker fags cry.
Best way to improve Titans would be to upgrade them to have 4 feet and be all centaur like.
Wheels for faster movement, maybe detachable, like a giant segway.
Is there a way we can use that to make the torso rotate all the way around? Because then Titans would be able to have 360 firing arcs.
I fucking like quadripods.
But if you do that there's no more Titan fisticuffs : (
Don't have any specific lore on the creation, as the Mechanicus don't create many titans anymore. The largest they can produce, IIRC, is the Warlord, and those are extremely rare and valuable.
Also, the Mechanicus probably don't know themselves, as the STC's takes care of it automatically.