Why is it a bad idea to give a centaur a lance and have them charge shit? I seem to remember something about their spines snapping like twigs.
Why is it a bad idea to give a centaur a lance and have them charge shit...
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The humanoid spine of the upper centaur torso is not nearly strong enough to support a lance being thrust forward at the speed of a horse. Imagine a horse rider charging a wall with a lance. Upon impact, the kinetic force will travel through the lance and into the body of the wielder. For a normal rider, this will mean getting punched off the saddle of the horse. For a centaur, that will mean snapping the spine at the front hip, likely killing them or paralyzing them. A centaur is much more suited to archery for these reasons.
>any king of animal
>beatman type monster
>hunting with a sword
This explains why jousting was never practiced in the real world.
That's not a typo though, you can with whatever as long as you run fast enough.
Jousting between centaurs certainly wasn't.
I mean, realistically a centaur's body and skeletal structure must be a lot tougher than you'd expect from a similarly-proportioned human because they need to hold that entire torso upright on top of what is usually just the neck of a horse, but it's probably not as effective a use of a centaur's talents compared to being a mounted archer.
maybe because centaurs doesn't real
They're real, they're just hiding.
Jousting was never practiced in the real world? what?..
tell them they can hide in my bed too then
>whats a sarcasm
user was being facetious.
I heard that centaurs would suck as archers too because of their bodies vs regular mounted archers.
>What is Anglo-Norman England?
>What is late medieval France?
Are you going to get upset and post about pretending to be retarded if someone tells you it was a joke?
Centaur spines are generally bullshit anyway. You can apply whatever elasticity you want to if you want centaur lancers.
user...centaurs ARE the bed. They're like a giant, sexable, self heating, couch sized, big tittied body pillow.
you guys think everyone sucks at archery because you fat neckbeards can't draw a bow without shitting yourselves
Large breasted centaurs a shit. Cowgirl fags need to stop appropriating proud warrior races
I'd prefer a deer sized one though
The lance would break first, not the spine. Worst case scenario, the centaur would be forced to drop the lance.
A centaur wouldn't be as good at horse archery, because it couldn't run and shoot at the same time. Groups of horses can keep running even if their riders are looking the other way, because they know how to run in a pack without stumbling over one another. They wouldn't necessarily suck, but they'd be less suited.
I disagree.
And both are also valid reasons why the centaur should probably use anything other than a weapon meant for charging.
Calm down buddy.
First of all, the lance will likely fail before the spine does. Second, their physiology will be different to support the additional vertical weight.
This is true. The great advantage of horse archery, aside from the high-mobility far strike, is the ability to fire while retreating. This is called the Parthian shot.
It shouldn't be any more difficult than it is for a human to run and shoot. Certainly less accurate than standing and shooting, but still very doable with training (and still preferable to using a lance.
nah, she'd be way too small for that
I'm just saying this comes up literally every time in Veeky Forums threads "hurr hurr x sucks at archery because drawing bows is hhaaaard" no you neckbeards are just shit at it
The centaurs wouldn't be in a particularly tight formation; I'm sure that stumbling over eachother wouldn't be that big of a problem.
a horse body would hold be better at holding a posture than a human body too
That could simply be practice.
Honestly, I liked the idea of Horse Archers riding Centaur. Coordinated, they could do a hell of a lot of crazy shit.
The concept of Heavy Cav riders is great as well. Human riders provide the shock and awe of the charge impact, and then the rider and Centaur can both fight in the ensuring melee.
Really, if you had the rider trained to protect the Centaur's legs while the Centaur focused more on the fighting, I bet there'd be money to be made there as well.
....have you ever been up close to a deer? They could big spoon your entire outstretched body and still have room for their own head/big tittied torso to sit near yours.
Why wouldn't a centaur be able to shoot while retreating?
Come again?
So what if centaurs had two spines, kind of? One for the human half, one for the horse half. Probably some sort of major nerve node in the middle to connect the two.
>Using a cavalry in a sustained Melee
Yeah that's something you really don't want happening. You want to be able to crash through and loosen their formation, reform your own, and repeat till the enemy starts running away.
Nobody mentioned it was hard.
About all a centaur can do better than a human on a horse is traverse staircases, keep their cool in battle, and fuck virgins.
Horses can't into backwards. Well at least not above Unsure, Frightened, and Stressed out of the Unknown speeds of wary slow shuffle.
>I seem to remember something about their spines snapping like twigs.
are you wondering about the application of real world physics on the form of a fantasy world creature?
Why are you questioning that, and not evolution? what possible creature could centaurs evolve from?
doubt it
come on now this is literally what happens every time, girls suck at archery because drawing bows is hard, elves suck at archery because they're too weak to draw bow, holding a bow is too hard etc etc and then some neckbeard tells how he struggles drawing bows despite being the strongest motherfucker on earth and so on
Sure, normally, and that would be the goal anyways.
But if you go get bogged down(and you do, because shit always goes wrong in combat), then you're packing twice the combat power of regular heavy Cav.
Like, I could see you front loading the armor on the Centaur and then having the rider focused mainly on protecting the flanks of the Centaur, letting them be decently suited to grinding melees in addition to powerful charges.
Deers are still pretty fucking big dude.
Not really, no. Most light lances wire pretty flimsy things, and often didn't survive more than one cavalry charge, either because they snapped once they embedded themselves in their target, or they got stuck in the enemy's corpse.
This problem, however, was circumvented by going to battle with more than one lance.
Deer are big dude.
Fuck off pedo
Centaurs aren't horses though. They're jackasses who just happen to have the body of horses. In Greek mythology they're mean aggressive raiders drunkards and rapists who think they stand a chance against fucking Heracles.
The female (doe) in North America usually weighs from 40 to 90 kg (88 to 198 lb). White-tailed deer from the tropics and the Florida Keys are markedly smaller-bodied than temperate populations, averaging 35 to 50 kg (77 to 110 lb), with an occasional adult female as small as 25 kg (55 lb)
>city folk thinking "deer" is a single type of animal
Mule deer, maybe. A lot of deer are pretty big.
So where are a centaur's organs located?
Does it have four pairs of lungs (this seems silly to me), two hearts (this seems useful for an animal that long, though still somewhat silly) and so on.
and a lot of deer are pretty small, what's your point
While a centaur archer couldn't do the Parthian shot as well, it'd probably make up for that by simply being faster and able to run for longer, since it wouldn't be carrying a rider.
Has anyone fielded infantry archers who were expected to run and fire at the same time?
I imagine the lungs would just be twice as large instead, and there'd be one heart in normal human place and another in the middle of the horse body
Where did the neckbeard archer touch you user?
Two sets of vital organs. A centaur's body was created with redundancy such that nearly any single wound that could be fatal to another race would have relatively little effect on a centaur.
>and a lot of deer are pretty small, what's your point
That some deer are pretty small, and some deer are pretty big, and saying "all deer are X size" is retarded.
Please note that one of the three posts that were replied to, "Doubt it", was seemingly expressing doubt that a deer could spoon user.
Most deer are large animals. The fact that some south american species nobody ever really think of as deer happen to be really small is just arguing in bad faith.
Doesn't matter. Backwards movement is a bastard with horse physiology just like dogs can't really move their wrists and must rely on spinal movement for turns. Not to mention the fact that backwards movement with horses is just asking for broken ankles from misplaced weight.
...that'd certainly make them a +2 CON race.
I'd imagine that a centaur's chest is filled almost entirely by its lungs, and that it's oversized heart is instead located in the horse's body.
This is probably also where most of the centaur's digestive organs are, which would likely be located surrounding the heart and acting as ablative tissue
Wow, you guys debate some pointless things sometimes
so one of america's most common deer species is "not a deer" because it doesn't fit your fantasies about them, ok then, also one of the most widespread deers in europe
does are 130–150 cm (51–59 in) long with a 75–85 cm (30–33 in) shoulder height, and 30–50 kg (66–110 lb) in weight.
but I bet those aren't "deers" either because they don't fit your arbitrary criterias
>Most deer are large animals.
For you.
Without a rider, couldn't heavy shock centaurs slap on another 20-30 kg of armour and still be lighter than regular heavy cavalry?
Wouldn't they'd lack the ability to aggressively protect their back half if they got bogged down in melee, while a human on a horse can turn around and attack in more directions more efficiently?
What are you even talking about now. Horse archers don't do parthian shots while their horses trot backwards. They do it by turning around and shooting while there horse runs away
"noone really think of as deers"
In the U.S., the species is the state animal of Arkansas, Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina, the wildlife symbol of Wisconsin, and game animal of Oklahoma. The profile of a white-tailed deer buck caps the coat of arms of Vermont and can be seen in the flag of Vermont and in stained glass at the Vermont State House. It is the national animal of Honduras, and the provincial animal of Canadian Saskatchewan and Finnish Pirkanmaa. Texas is home to the most white-tailed deer of any U.S. state or Canadian province, with an estimated population of over four million. Notably high populations of white-tailed deer occur in the Edwards Plateau of Central Texas. Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, Illinois, Wisconsin, Maryland, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Indiana also boast high deer densities. In 1884, one of the first hunts of white-tailed deer in Europe was conducted in Opočno and Dobříš (Brdy Mountains area), in what is now the Czech Republic.
he probably hasn't even seen deers in a zoo
How would a centaur settlement/fort even be structured? I imagine centaur bodies wouldn't lend themselves well to ladders, or even stairs
You're the ones calling those small, not me, dipshit.
>For a normal rider, this will mean getting punched off the saddle of the horse.
Can centaurs spines bend like that? I'd imagine they'd have to tack like a sail boat which would severely hinder retreating.
... you can spoon with most medium-sized dogs.
If your definition of a small deer is "too small for you to be the little spoon" then most deer aren't small.
Depending on how you define successful spooning, and how large you are.
Tipis and Yurts. No walls. almost every member of your species can outrun almost anything that could ever attack you, even with half your possessions thrown on your back.
>How would a centaur settlement/fort even be structured
With ramps. Lots of ramps.
Or just palisades you can't really get on top of anyway.
They'd be terrible defending fortifications. Huge bodies to feed, no room for playing off their strengths, can't duck behind fortifications, can't cram as many of them up on the walls.
We were defining deer as deer by couchibility not spoonibilty. Better be big enough for her to be a couch and you the occupant or we're gonna deny her centaur status and send her to the butcher house. Don't want undesirables in the genepool and all.
Can your spine turn around?
sure then a 30kg deer would fling me around and snap my neck, that's what would happen
Only so much. And it hinders my ability to properly draw and aim.
>female (doe)
well there's your problem
you wanna fuck with a male centaur or what?
>We were defining deer as deer by couchibility not spoonibilty
Why wouldn't they be able to? It the exact same thing human horse archers had to do. Your on a horse. A tiny change of trajectory while at full gallop isn't going to get you caught by anything.
Can you not look directly behind yourself just using your spine?
We don't take kindly to YOU people round these parts.
So how did mounted archers do it?
You knock the arrow looking forward, draw as you turn around, find a target and loose.
This is not hard, user.
Dunno. I imagine they'd shift their hips and leg placement that centaurs don't have. Try sitting in a chair and firmly locking your legs behind the chair legs, draw a bow, and aim directly behind you.
By being gud.
But that's because a human is stapled onto a horse via stirrups and a saddle. They have no leverage otherwise.
Gotta wonder how often someone just straight up gets an arrow through the leg at these events
Stirrups and saddle generally aren't enough, you have told hold onto the horse with squeezing your legs if you're holding a bow too. In fantasy terms I think a centaur would have an easier time doing it.
I've been to a couple, never seen someone getting shot but it probably happens.
Don't you mean an arrow to the knee?
I'm still not seeing your point. He never shoots directly or near backwards and like i said earlier he shifts his legs and hip placement the entire time on that horse. Humans move fluidly the saddle and body are super glued to the horse. Unlike centaurs we have a LOT of freedom of movement that they just don't have. Skilled riders can turn their whole torso position 360 mid gallop if they're feeling retarded enough.
>A tiny change of trajectory while at full gallop isn't going to get you caught by anything
I think you're wrong, considering that you have to completely lose sight of the direction you're running for a few seconds while going at 30-40 km/h, but on the other hand, it's not like I have any practical experience with Parthian shots, never mind on a blinded horse.
I'd also risk a broken anything considering one fuck up that they don't see coming means their big ass glass canon bodies will be taking 20+mph tumbles. Its all around retarded.
I'm pretty sure they could turn their hips enough, it's not like there's a stake driven into their spine. But then again it's fantasy stuff, if oversized lizards can breathe lightning then horse girls can use bows.