Make a good Zada deck
protip: you can't
That one wolfir guy.
Question: if I have tokens, and use a spell that says "target nontoken creature" will it duplicate to each other creature?
Nevermind, I'm retarded.
Play cheap red and blue creatures with prowess and pump spells?
Necromantic summons has been doing so much work for me.
> players start whining as soon as they discard a powerful creature
>mono red
Why the FUCK does wizards hate EDH so much?
Run G/W tokens, splash red for Zada.
>play blue
nice try
Replace the 4 Squires in the sideboard with it.
zada, expedite, dragon fodder, more stuff
>"Hey guys check out my [specific card or specific ability] deck!"
Easiest way to spot a bad player.
Foil Nahiri up to $60. Oh man
>Hey guys check out my sweet Seasons Past deck!
I told you goofballs ages ago that Nahiri was awesome
but no, you were all about muh werewolf planeswalker and muh emo vampire
>Nahiri spike
Wait, what did I miss?
I aint no goofball senpai
the boat
More of something to do with modern than standard. Kiki chord uses it
If this is done by a new player (3 weeks) is normal or is he going to be permanently a bad player?
Got a new player in the store i go to, and it has gone with a Death touch mostly deck full of cheap creatures with the ability, creatures with skulk and a handfull of bigger creatures that could be brought back from the graveyard or would leave tokens behind when being sent to it. Has managed some wins against experienced players but when he plays against good players is just winning 1 out of 3 or 4 times.
Fucks up in not having enough counters and removals. The store owner who teached him how to play says that he should pick those things up by himself over time and just leaves him to his luck.
In contrast when i was learning i remember getting tips and free cards from older players all the time.
When i started playing i got my shit shoved in for many months but i don't necesarily consider myself ''good'' even now. So im no tool to measure skill.
I'm going to assume you bought all those so you have severe autism
Are people with autism good at predicting card values?
I got a playset of foil season's past for shits so you tell me
Cryptolith Grinder Storm: Zada + 1cmc haste creatures + Cryptolith Rite + Vines of the Recluse to untap everyone + Expedite/StS for draw + chain more 1cmc haste creatures + Confront the Unknown, repeat to excess, and entirely lose track of how big each of your creatures is.
I don't see a problem with him being mono red. In fact I've seen him kill 5 other players at starting life on turn four.
>good at predicting card values
>buys 8 of every planeswalker
I mean, yes, but also very very no.
Guys I need your help I'm going to a tournament tomorrow and I want to build a red black deck with Pryomancers Googles and Kalitas please help
>The King of /soc/
Don't worry user I'm only playing a deck based around dredge
Easiest way to spot someone who bought 24 foil Zada
I could even do red and blue but only have two flip Jaces :-(
I can't make zada for shit, its why I'm running r/g werewolves and mono green elves.
Does kalitas stop the evolutionary leap effect or not?
No. You still SAC'D the creature for evolutionary leap. Its death will still allow kalitas' ability to go off though
uh, play red burn spells and Kommand and the red loot spells and the rebuyable land
It's at least a step above a random good stuff timmy deck that doesn't even have a strategy.
It's not so much that she's awesome as she's a decent planeswalker that doesn't penalize you for running 4 copies in a single deck most of the time. Her main niche seems to be making modern Jeskai control viable, but it doesn't appear to be working as well in practice as it did in testing. The deck seems to implode upon itself if you don't get Ancestral Vision in your opening hand. Or maybe the people playing it are just being way too conservative. Other control decks just wreck the shit out of it. I think the deck initially succeeded because of the lack of control in the metagame, but the mere existence of Jaskai Nahiri emboldens them to come out of the woodwork for easy wins.
I'm curious to see how the guy from MtGGoldfish is going to build the Zada/Silverfur Partisan deck. As a casual deck it will be fun for sure, but it needs both too many creatures and too many cantrips to be at least decent
I hate to burst everyone's bubble but there are only two zada cards and they're both creatures, but on the bright side you could put 3 zada hedron grinader into a fire based deck so your going to go to the search some of the best fire magic cards per type, this was the best I could do
>mfw I got a set foil for £14 a week after release
Red burn with a splash of blue for thing in the ice is best strats, fite me
>not putting in stormchaser mage as well
Shiggy diggy my friend.
Why? Bored of the Meme in a Jar and Devil's Memeground meme decks already?