WIP Painting/Converting/Sculpting General

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Decided to try taking a proper picture. Inc image dump /3 Tell me what you think.
One finished painted warbuggy

Mostly finished but still /wip/ warbuggy, want to know if I should add change anything

What should I do with these two relics, Veeky Forums?

Dark Grey space wolves guy.

Should I do my wulfen skin as flesh tones or MOAR GREY?
I'd probably try a lightergrey to contrast with the armor plates.
Shoulder pads will be crimson with gold trim.

I worry that if I do flesh tones, that won't be able to blend hair tufts in well.

The boyz could probably use another highlight to make them pop a bit more.

Looks great!

Keep them as deadly weapons to throw at your opponents in case of defeat.

Every gamer needs a dread sock or two

if you don't have army purposes, diorama?

What would be a good way to get this skin color or something similar?

These are always options.

I don't play 40k anymore, but I love the models, so this is probably what I'll end up doing. I'm not sure what kind of diorama, though. I had in mind the two charging against each other guns blazing, but the legs are a bit too stiff to get any real sense of motion.

Instead of having them charging, why not try to show them both standing still, deactivated as they both faught to death.
Make them an IF and IW.

Make bookends?

What's the size of the top portion of the 130mm GW base?

Looks like an olive, layered with kakhi and glazed with browns.
I reverse image searched the picture, you could try asking the guy who painted it in the first place on his blog.

That'd be kind of cool, actually. It feels like I'd want plastic kits for that so I could make some cool battle damage, but just painting them properly might be enough.

Yeah, the whole problem comes from the fact that they're so rigid and blocky, so it's hard to make them a bit hunched at to show they're dead.
Have their weapons pointed down, like the loyalist was on the pic. Or look at th3 way the dreadnought slumps down when he dies in DoW 1.

I think you could do a diorama of them facing off and about to fight, like they're long-standing bitter enemies.

Bonus points if DA and Fallen.

130mm/13cm diameter, what the fuck else?

He is talking about the top. All of the GW bases have little bevels. The bottom of the base is 130mm while the top is smaller.

That what's the diameter of the bottom of the base? You do realize the GW bases have a lip and the bottom diameter is larger than the top of the base, right? So I want to make sure of the diameter of the top bit, on which models stand on, not the bottom of the base, which is flared out.

I have no idea where to start.
Its a warbuggy.

Probably won't do Dark Angels and Fallen. The chassis are a bit too neutral to do either of them justice, I think. It'll probably be Imperial Fists/Iron Warriors or Ultramarine/Word Bearer or something like that. I like your idea, at any rate. It was what I had in mind originally.

Start at the front or the back. Perhaps with an engine or a flatbed, depending on what you have in mind.

>More rivets
>Surfer-dude rider

any advice on how to build a cool space hulk for BFG? Do I just get a real rock and green stuff stuff and glue bits on?

moar skellingtons
added some subtle blue glowing on the eyes (didn't want anything exagerated for now)

Hows this? Might make the cab closed to save on ork drivers.

Bought up that 20 dolla ebay item with Johnny. Now they're WIPs!

almost there.

fookin mint improvement mate!

Looks cool. Make it so, user!

hey guys posted in /toy/ but I'll ask here. Do any of you know if you can buy replacement/spare tracks? I built tamiya tanks but never painted them and now I'm looking to paint them but I'd have to cut the rubber tracks.

Anyone know if there is a site that provides tracks/parts that are for sale?

Much better.

how do I make these?

Working on a Krieg banner. These sculpts are so cool

scalemates is your friend

search for your tank kit and see if there are any aftermarket parts available for it.


Do you paint the sides / rims of your bases?


cheers pal

Nice, very cool.

Jesus Christ the current buggy sculpt is over 20 years old... what is wrong with Games Workshop...

Got Alexis Pollux for free in a Templar lot off ebay, so I figured I'd make him into a captain of some kind

Okay. Open that image in GIMP/PS.
Measure lip.
Compare that to the 130mm diameter shown in the image. Work out X knowing that lip is a portion of the outer lips radius of 65mm.

This is dang easy and any formula you would need is readily available online.

Use those brains.

Got all of this for $33, but fuck I don't want to sort it anymore, the bag never ends.

Nice work. I thought converting him would be harde actually. Is there not a fuckuge fist on his own fist?

>Watching those tutorials

I feel like a baby again. I could try to argue that ly brushes are not as nice, but jesus fucking christ I hope I can paint like that one day.
Shame the guy probably died or something

How do I do natural looking highlights for red marine armor?

highlight red with orange

I've watched that specific tutorial before. I still have no idea how he went from "blue on one end, black on the other, add some shit to the middle" to "BAM PRESTO AMAZING BLENDS"

I was gonna bid on that one but I didn't wanna be a dick to another fa/tg/uy. You better make him look good user.

I leave my bases (sides and top) pristine, untouched black plastic.

People bitch but I like it.

Same here. Saves me the step of having to paint them black.

>People bitch

Are they retarded? Forge World themselves do this. There are also legitimate color theory applications where you need the base to be black rather than a cool grey or warm brown or vice versa that the normal "colored rims" causes.

If someone paints them black does that count? It looks the same as not painting them.

Yes, I don't base. I paint the model before I attach it so I don't get the base dirty.

Like I said, I just really like the cleanness of "unbased" models. I couldn't explain it anymore than people could explain why they like based models, it's just what appeals to me most.

I don't think your choice is wrong. My first choice used to be clean black bases like you did.




Just make them out of a bunch of wires.

Basecoating done!

Question for you all, I'm doing that "layer washes on a steel basecoat" technique. How to fix my inexitable fuckups?

First of all, you should start with a really shiny silver undercoat.
I am the metallic Thousand Sons guy that has been posting recently (and the multi armed DPoTz).
I use Krylon Metallic Silver Primer+Paint spray paint as the basecoat.
The next key is to thin your washes with Lahmian Medium and do multiple layers. This will add depth, but avoid the pooling you have here.
If you want I can take a pic of my painting log book of my process. Walking my hound meow.

Won't that be too glow-y? We're talking Blood Ravens red.

So I recently came into some old metal 40k minis and I've noticed something: they have mold lines!
How do you even get rid of mold lines on metal models?

Does anybody know of a place that sells souped up engine blocks like this, that would fit into a 28mm model, like an Ork Trukk for example?

You can scrape them with a knife and sand them or use some fine files.

Oh my poor hobby knife. Thank you, I have the knife and sandpaper, so I'll go with that.

Thats not really a technique.
Putting thin layers of translucent or 'clear' colors over a bright metallic is probably what you're thinking off.
Using undiluted washes on top of a color or each other is just gross.

Anybody good with Genestealers around?

Want to paint my Patriarch with the glowing brain effect, but the WD tutorial just gives me a straight purple head for him. Any method of getting a sort of luminescence, kind of like sectoids?


same principle I guess. Just paint the recessed areas brighter so they look hotter and the raised areas, progressively darker.
How dark you end up should depend on how glowy and transparent you want the flesh to look like.

First of the Initiates for my crusader squads

I went overboard with the bits, I want each marine to be as detailed and ornate as possible

Tau Culexus head (Pathfinder + Suit) and Animus Speculum (Plasma Rifle + Pulse Carbine). Now to figure out what to do with the body and what to attach the right hand to...

>What should I do with these two relics, Veeky Forums?
>Make bookends?

Good idea. They'd *still* get more attacks than a Blood Angels dreadnought!

My stock multimelta, fist, stormbolter dread blew up a Blood Angels Furioso dread in a recent game. Then it tanked a squad of Death Company for the rest of the game.

We were both using 5th ed codexes

Reposting from last thread

I had to base some models for a killzone game tomorrow. This is only my second time basing but I think they came out okay.

Real nice colour scheme senpai, loving the carapaces. 10/10 would purge.

Thin. Your. Paints.

Honestly they wouldn't look half bad if they got a wash on them.
Oh. and invest in some flock, you can buy it at any hobby store or place that sells model trains

Well done, that's coming together much better.

The space marines is what's wrong GW.

They're trapped in a feedback loop of newest codex gets most play, most popular gets more revisions.
Result: Rest of the game suffers.

Holy shit do we live in an age where people haven't handled metal minis?

Your hobby knife is significantly harder steel than the pewter minis (unless it's helldoradofor some crazy reason).
You can actually slice and shave off the surface of the metal.

Also replacement blades are dirt cheap, you should be replacing the blade every few sessions anyway.

Be really careful of your fingers.

Hey newfag, marines have always gotten the most support, even when they weren't the newest or strongest army. They've always been popular and sold well. The fucking setting is based around them. They are the Jedi and Storm Troopers and Darth Vader of Star Wars combined.

I'm sorry if you don't like that, but just sit back for the ride and be glad non-marine factions even exist.

If you're playing Orks you should be kitbashing/scratchbuilding your own buggies anyway. A lot of the fun of an Ork army is all the conversion opportunities their aesthetic and lootin habits provide.

Update on these grey knights

>yellow masters of the path stuff
fuck you user, you stole my colour scheme
looks good

Repostan, Isorian Phase Squad for BTGOA, pretty happy with them, not 100 percent sure I love how the tufts of flock are though

also I changed the barrels again again on these purifiers' psycannons. Made them thicker and meatier.

Why does the one on the left get more gold than the others? Does it makes the rest jealous? I'd be.

Saw these the other day, they're still great. I like the color scheme. The tufts of flock are a little odd in that they're mostly positioned in front and between their legs. Would probably help if it was a little sparser on a few of the bases.

>The tufts of flock are a little odd in that they're mostly positioned in front and between their legs
that i blame on inexperience with using grass in basing, i usually do debris instead
i'll see if i can cut it back a little on the next batch i do

he's a purifier to match with these guys ,so that's why he's got the golden chin. But yeah the rest of the brotherhood be jealous of them.

Didn't look remotely odd to me. But then I'm an Australian.

>Missing the point that hard.

Agreed. The new ork kits did bad things for the creativity of ork players. But it was nice to get some up to date bits to chop up.

Hello WIP! I posted few days ago about my stormcast to Skullreaper project. I decided to leave the fur as it is, since I ran out of GS, and started painting them. I think this color scheme is pretty good, but I just can't decide what to do with the Daemonblade! Should I make it black with lime/green highlighting, make it white or just leave it red. If you guys find something out of place in the scheme/painting do tell!

>>Missing the point that hard.

No, the point was retarded to begin with. Especially when the popularity of Tau and Eldar is a thing.

I always feel like the red is too flat, but goddamn it's a great scheme you've got there

testing converting websites to pdf, so I get rid of all the websites I bookmarked

And to be sure I wont lose them

>But it was nice to get some up to date bits to chop up
It really was. Those Dread and Kanz kits are fucking terrific, and the Orkanauts provide a ton of great bitz.

Trying to get started on a project, long story short I'm trying to go for a "Corruption in progress" type of Diorama.

would like to know if people can suggest Feathered wings and Bat like wings from models that are roughly the same size and would fit the Scale of a Daemon Prince or models slightly smaller?

(Trying to look beyond DE Scourge wings. because reasons...)

Lot of good feathered wings from various whfb kits. Check out the various eagles and phoenixes from the High Elf and Empire lines especially.

had no idea how important a good brush was until I watched those videos

shouldn't you try to isolate the frames or something?

When people are looking for Johnny's, what do people actually type in eBay for example. Like what's the model actually called.

I'm aware of that, lots of beautiful models out there.

Problem is the project I'm working on is asking for 1 wing being Feathered and the other being Bat/Dragon-like on the other side, I know my way around conversions, but can never accurately judge the size and scale of model parts until I get my hands on them.

The focus of my project in a nutshell is a character that's been tricked into making a deal with chaos, thinking he'll become an angel but instead being transformed into a Daemon.

(It sounds daft when I put it like that, but how many Idea's sound awesome first time out of your head? :P)