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Ethergaunts, best monster or best monster?
Post monsters that have fucked your party up or you have fucked the party with edition

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Ethergaunts, fuck that noise and fuck you

First for deeper elsbeth lewds when

Which class can make the best use of stupidly high Charisma? The GM for a kingdom-building game is allowing custom race rules up to 40 RP, and I want to max out Charisma to be a ruler.

Can an oracle (AC, Focused Trance) or a sorcerer (better save-or-lose spells) make better use of extremely high Charisma?

They already exist.

Max out Int and take the Orator feat instead, then be a wizard.

But i want to see elsbeth have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation


Caveat: 1st-level start.

The orator does not influence kingdom-building rules in any way.

That face is fucked up

Sorc would be my go to, oracle is not bad either, any cha based full caster works really.

Sorcerer, especially human, probably has the advantage in versatility, but the Oracle can get pretty hilarious, such as the Heavens Oracle making your GM hate color spray far after it normally becomes irrelevant.

Don't lie to me pfg, which mods are you running with in PF? (3pp and shit)

None. Our GM is scared of trying something that isn't 1st party. In his defense, he's a first time GM.

I play 3.p, which in practice means "3.5 with some pathfinder and DSP's stuff as well."

Ask if a lot of things are going to be immune to mind-affecting spells. If you think you can get away with it, rebuild/add to Kitsune, take the Arcane Bloodline, pump CHA into oblivion, grab the Kitsune FCB, then pour your focus onto Enchantment DCs. Proceed to mindrape anything that opposes the party. Bonus points if you ascend to some form of divinity during the campaign. Don't forget, at level 13 trade your bloodline feat for that new sorcerer mutation that lets you reduce enemy SR by your CHA mod, because if your CHA really is going to be that crazy you might as well have the ability to tell something with spell resistance to become your bitch a minimum of once per day.

so 40 rp that ends up with a
+12 to charisma going all into it exclusively?
So assuming you get an 18into cha that is a 30 cha out the gate.

>>tfw oracle has some many good revelations from different mysteries
>>no 1pp way of picking and choosing from different mysteries

Our current party and campaign is using PoW sprinkled in and out. One of my characters planned for a future game is a Wilder that I just got the okay for. They don't know anything about SoP or Pact Magic, but they trust me to be the 3pp guy, so I plan on using one of those eventually at some point to ease them into it.

The weapon style quick reference page.

Is there any way to play a heavily enchantment-focused character that is also a good person? It seems like it's a school of magic that tends towards dickery if not outright evil.

Don't be a dick with your magic and mind rape people unless you need to for self/party defense?

Mind rape evil people into doing good.

If your UMD skill is good enough, you can take a revelation from a different mystery.

But that's why we have Diplomancers.

make people fall asleep

I'm surprised people aren't shouting at you about him being a shit DM for not using 3pp.

Sleep, Deep slumber, that kind of stuff.

How do I run pic related?

What, a game with the same kind of theme(?) as that picture, or whatever that monster is?

Not with PF, probably CoC or Cthulutech

Honestly, I am too. It still leaves grease>net>all the AoOs as a valid strategy though, so I'm happyish. sort of, probably. I think.


Hideous Laughter, Hold Person, Irresistable Dance, Sleep, Irresistible Dance. Basically spells that are either are indirect or physical in nature

>thinking wizards have time to bother with procreation

Claim victory for people falling asleep.
Cast some spells to make commoners, minor nobles fall asleep at certain times. Cast other spells to stop people from sleeping for days. Claim that you are the sole incarnation of slumber, and only your benevolence allows people to sleep while you still live.

All nations of the world will unite to destroy you, forcing a completely LG society.

The daemons simultaneously hit all our major cities in a single night, assassinating our leaders and destroying major infrastructure

Portals to the screaming rifts of the Lower Realms have been opening up everywhere, and our populace is being decimated

I have taken up the blade and armor to fight back but fear their numbers are now too great, too much

I have taken up the mantle of this crown and it is a heavy burden I wear, the mortal races shall rise again

What happened to his torso? It looks too short for either his legs or his arms.

The angels have hewn me apart and stitched into a superior specimen

The skull is not a codpiece, it's on his stomach.

Are you sure? It looks like his leggings start right next to the skull, since the pieces don't look like they connect under the red cloth

I think his hips start somewhere around here. The cloth probably covers where his junk would be.

Yeah,that's what threw me too. The height of the leggings if they're supposed to reach his hips.

It is a bit anatomically incorrect even if you visualize his legs/torso as being correctly proportioned underneath everything - he just winds up having an overlarge head and set of arms.

Tonight was the first night of my temptation

She has come

She has shown me a vision of the burning future

The spawn I have implanted in her will become great warriors and ensure our martial might

I assume it's one of those leggings which goes up to like just under the ribs. Probably not that functional, but fancy looking.

You okay, man?

Anybody play a PsyArm before?
How does melee only/ranged only weapon enchantments function in your panoply?

If you're making a ranged attack the ranged stuff works. If you distill it, the melee stuff works.

Where is PsyArm on d20pfsrd? I can't find it.

Tonight was the third night of my temptation

She has come

She has shown me a vision of a broken and shattered moon

The writhing things I can feel in her womb that are my children will become great mages and ensure our magic might

I've got a theory about this, as well as why enchantment based sorcerers keep popping up.
I want you to think back for what legendary kings and lords are typically renowned to have.
>Commanding presence
>Undying loyalty from their vassals
>Final Hour efforts from said vassals
>Wisdom that turns out to be fairly simple shit

Play a runaway prince (or princess, I'm not going to judge) that's horrified of what they can do. Bonus points for another member of the party playing an accidentally mindraped assassin. Otherwise, be a jolly, basically good if a little green noble.
tl;dr Heroism is an enchantment spell.



You have to wake up, man. It's just a dream! It's not real, do you hear me? You're trapped in a nightmare and you have to wake up!

Please. We need you here, in the waking world.

Never go full roleplay

What happened to the second night of your temptation?

They told me you would say that, but liberate tuteme ex inferis

What the fuck is pic related?

So /pfg/, how would I run a DOOM campaign?

Just have one player (techslinger), give him mythic, give him a ton of high tech guns, and put him up against demons with cybernetics and high tech weaponry?

>mfw it finally hits me that only the flat damage part of the Warlock's Mystic Bolts actually scales
>mfw no talents besides the arcane strike one in order to fix it
>mfw it will probably never get anything from any new books, because it's an archetype and not a standalone class

Oh, now I get it. I guess I should be grateful my GM would probably be willing to handwave a magic item to unfuck this.

So long as good/evil enchanters are being mentioned, I wanted to ask for some advice on a build. Basically, should I keep advancing my current classes, or PrC into the Enchanting Courtesan?

Build is a diplomancing Negotiator Bard / Cleric of Ardad Lili for lots of seduction and conversion/corruption shenanigans. Gestalt game, level 10. Domains are Scalykind and the Sin inquisition.

So, should I keep pumping my current features, or is it worth getting into the courtesan, and if so, on which side?

I warned you, bro. I warned you. But it just keeps happening.


Damn, I guess I haven't customized my commands yet.

Efficiency is next to godliness

>mfw I browsed last thread
I'm incredibly tempted to roll a Magical Child Vigiliante with the Companion to the Lonely + Rogue Talent: Innocuous servant to become a mahou shoujo battlemaid now.

You stop that.


What kind of magical item would even "fix" this kind of thing? Let's just assume for a moment that it's going to be a magical bracer or glove slot item. Or even multiple items for different slots. Is one that increases the bolts to 19-20/2x weapons and doubles their effective range fine? What about another that adds an enhancement bonus that ignores "you can't enhance this shit" for the same price as an AoMF? What about something to punch through resistences?

This is making me think of the Warlock Vigilante as being pic related now.

Have you considered getting a longbow and refluffing it?

He's just a dude with a pistol. PF doesn't convey how to be a supremely, untouchably badass normal. Who just happens to run at 72km/h (45mph).

Whoa whoa whoa.

There is nothing deserving of our lord's righteous vengeance in that duty. Even the lonely need to be comforted, the wronged must be redeemed. Even if we serve the lord of chastity, it is for ourselves, we accept the...behaviors of others who could not serve Good as unrelentingly as we do.

This is the sort of place where 4e Impliments would be really useful.

There are all these class given pseudo-attacks from stuff like Wizard specializations and warlock that never scale for crap or have a weapon boost.

Would likely help Evocation spells too if you could get yourself +2 Scorching Rays.

Literally Soul Bolt.

>Give the familiar the figment archetype, refluff the recurring dream ability as it eating its own corpse

Might work

"There is something wrong with me. I cannot hide it anymore. I fear my family suspects that something is not quite right with me. They reach out to me, but I pull away. If they came too close, they would know I am different and I am dirty."

"Once, only my mother’s voice mattered. It is strong, soft, and pleasant. She tells me everything I need to know and I follow her instructions without question. She rewards me with her singing, which none can match in tone and beauty. It was only once, a brief distraction by another sound, I chose not to listen to her. For one brief moment, I listened to another song and that was all it took. I can still hear her voice, but now there is another voice; a malicious voice from within my head. I cry out for help, but it restrains my speech. It forces me away from the sight of others; my mother completely unaware of my absence. I struggle against the will that overpowers me and manipulates my limbs. One leg in front of the other, it marches me out into the forest beyond the safety of my home. It grants no rest or reprieve. It is not long before I can no longer hear my mother’s voice. I rebel against its control and it answers my struggles by making it clear, it is much more than just a voice in my head. I can now feel it moving in my head."

>getting a longbow and refluffing it
>implying the kind of GM that lets you refluff a longbow wouldn't also be the kind to let you just make something that goes with the class feature

wrong answer.

Any interesting feats or magus arcana come out in any of the recent books?

Depends, what kind of magus?

Ideally for kensai or hexcrafter, but anything is good. Any interesting I can't use on my character will end up on an NPC when it's my turn to DM again.

Well, hexcrafter is pretty great since you can grab the Flight witch hex. Accursed Strike is pretty neat too.

Kensai are fairly boring in terms of magus arcana, they just go for bonuses to hit, bonuses to AC, etc.

One interesting new arcana is Ranged Spellstrike. My current Iron Gods character is an elven Gun-Witch: an eldritch archer hexcrafter magus who shoots magic bullets. I'm going to give her the Prehensile Hair witch hex so that she can have a free 'hand' to reload, thus allowing her to easily dual wield pistols, whereas most gunslingers need like 3 or 4 feats to reload two pistols without messing up their full attack.

Take this to /qst/, scrublord.

Maybe SCP-093

Are there any PoW classes that benefit from fighting with just one hand beyond broken blade?

Also how is the Harbinger and Zealot?

>mfw you were posting this last thread, and the thread before that, and the thread before that

You're not fooling anyone smutfag.

Scarlet Throne

There's nothing smutty about pure love, user.

Scarlet Throne specifically calls for a one-handed weapon with nothing in the other hand, or both hands holding a single weapon two-handed.
Also the Landsknecht prestige class.

Scarlet Einhander is a damn solid stance for 1h characters. There is also the Landsknecht PrC and the Scarlet Throne Style feat line, which all can be combined on a Zweihander Sentinel Warder who TREATS his one-handed weapon as two-handed for every purpose, but is still one-handed.

As an Investigator, would it be a bad idea to invest in two mental stats (Cha and Int) and leave physical stats as 10?

We've got a PoW in the group anyways, so I don't think my role as a damage dealer will ever be necessary.

Here's the corrected Beast Totem Primal Disciple I posted a couple of nights ago when someone asked for a skinwalker barbarian.

It's a little better when compared to the same level barbarian from the NPC Codex.

That is, if people even want to read more of it

What would you be using Cha for?

A great murdermachine with intuitive and fairly straightforward mechanics. Its specialty is getting discipline save DCs sky-high, and being a mobile combatant.

Had a mess of a development phase but has stabilised pretty well now. A class with a psionic collective is already a big benefit, and it has a pretty interesting 'wireless tanking' mechanic that can come in real handy, especially if you have a method of unlimited healing like Elemental Flux or Silver Crane.
Its missions do pretty interesting things, and move action maneuver recovery is fairly unique.

Go Empiricist Investigator, get INT to almost all the social skills. Add Pragmatic Activator on top of that and you'll barely need CHA for anything.
Main issue is that Investigator also has a PoW archetype, which is pretty great, but it doesn't stack with Empiricist.

Not every social skill in the empiricists' repertoire gets covered by INT. (particularly Disguise in my end.)


Christ, what is it with Paizo and letting INT steal CHA's nice things?

I'm amazed they haven't made a fucking INT Divine Grace yet.

Did Magic Tactics Toolkit and Ultimate Intrigue have any new 5th level magus spells that stuck out? I just leveled up but nothing actually looks worth taking.

Make enemies think they stabbed you when really you are 15 feet away.Use a nonlethal attack to knock them out, loot some (but nothing essential like their armor or weapon unless its what you need) of their stuff and leave a note saying sorry

Don't forget!

>INT Divine Grace
As a capstone (Spirit Whisperer - Heavens).