You are now old enough to join a guild and, as per the new regulations for cooperation between the guilds passed by Teysa Karlov, you'll have to be roommates with someone from a different guild.
What's your plan?
You are now old enough to join a guild and, as per the new regulations for cooperation between the guilds passed by Teysa Karlov, you'll have to be roommates with someone from a different guild.
What's your plan?
>You'll never be roomates with Niv-Mizzet
Why even live?
This is a stupid idea for a thread.
You're stupid, OP.
Golgari. W/ Rakdos roomie. They're not gonna be home anyway, less complaining
When they are it's going to smell like blood and vomit.
Dimir. Since House Dimir does not exist, I am technically not part of a guild, and may room with another Dimir. This is my plan.
He's a Golgari, do you really think he cares?
Gotta join Simic. I'm sure I can bond well enough with an Izzet roomie.
...This is somewhat off topic, but speaking of Ravnica, I'm trying to explain the setting to a friend- can anyone recommend any good expository sources for it?
Hour Dimir no longer doesn't exist.
Now it is sneaky librarians.
... it was kinda a stupid plot point to begin with.
I never understod comments like that, they youtube level replies.
Are thoses some meme, a troll, made by an underage or what?
Simic, with a Boros room mate. Unless it's co-ed, in which case probably Selesnya
Girls are horrible horrible HORRIBLE flatmates, stick with boros bro
I consider my personality fairly WBG, so i'm assuming I'll join the Orzhov or Golgari, and my roommate will be the other.
Azorius and Selesnya. Honestly, could be either one rooming with either.
I really liked the Ravnica trilogy
Based on my personality I'd have to go Rakdos.
I'd room with a Golgari, I think we'd get along well
Why do you guys keep on making the same thread about this one small portion of Magic? What is it about Ravnica that compels so many of you to keep on talking about it instead of the new lore in our current block?
"That's stupid, you're stupid" is clearly a joke reply, but I wouldn't really call it a meme per se.
That being said, I do like the concept of Orzhov, and being a W/B Cleric might be neato burrito.
Roomie would be Gruul. Need some chaos for my order, yo.
I'd be Izzet in a fucking heartbeat. My roomie would definitely be Boros. Fun shenanigans all around.
I personally love the setting of Ravnica. It's just cool as shit. A bunch of different guilds with their own agendas vying for control of a fuckhueg city.
Ravnica was awesome, nostalgia
Its Azorius all the way for me, and I'll take a Boros roommate. It'll be like Law and Order, Ravnica Edition.
Lost my V when guildpact was coming out, lots of good memories
Select purely based on waifu potential
So Simic, Izzit or delicious Azorius
I'd probably be izzet for sweet magitek, and want a simic rommie for consulting on biotech.
>Join Dimir
>Grab an Azorius roomie
>Make a sitcom
Definitive roommate tier by guild:
>bro tier roommates
>"don't bother me, I won't bother you" tier roommates
>pain in the ass tier roommates
>"lacking in people-skills, personal hygene, or both" tier roommates
>obnoxiously cheerful tier roommates
"In the ravnican justice system, the people are represented by two separate, yet equally important, guilds: the Boros Legion, who investigate crime; and the Azorius Senate, who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories."
>obnoxiously cheerful tier roommates
Ice T is how I Boros.
I'd join the Boros, rooming with either Izzet for the fun factor or Selesyna because they'd always be upbeat and baking.
They made more versions?
AFAIK there's Izzet, Boros, and Orzhov (Tesya)
>be Izzet
>room with a Golgari
>I make a mess
>he enjoys cleaning it up
>perfect symbiotic relationship
I don't know, maybe Orzhov roommate?
>Set your final year thesis experiment up
>my god, it's perfect
>leave for a mug of bumbat and a meal at Pivlics
>Golgarifag fucks it up because it's 'too nice'.
Selesnya with Azorious roommate would be a great sitcom.
>he destroyed it because he doesn't want you to move out when you graduate
>Join Azorius
>Selsnya Roommate
We will be the Orderly Lesbians
>boros not in pain in the ass tier
Hey user, I saw that you had some alcohol, and as you know that's against dorm policy, so I reported you to the authorities and will assist in their confiscation of your illicit goods if you resist. Please resist.
>simic and izzet "we will experiment on you without your permission" not pain in the ass tier.
Golgari is the incredible cook who is happy to share as long as you do the dishes.
I identify the most with golgari and I'd room with a simic. I can just imagine the shenanigans.
>user, clean up your rot fort, it's so uncouth
>hey get your zombie out of my mutant
>why did you have to put the arms from my spider mutant all over the giant worm?
Keep in mind, these are not full fledged guildmembers, but novices. Imagine their personality not as your average Boros officer, but the kind of person who'd WANT to be a Boros officer.
By this logic, the Boros is an upstanding heck of a guy, the Izzet and Simic are smart but socially functioning, the Azorius is a neat-freak with a stick up their ass, and the Golgari is an obnoxious goth with no personal hygiene.
>Dimir are just sneaky librarians that will stab your ass for late returns
I like this new, less retarded version of House Dimir
so when will all the guilds be toned down a level of retarded?
>Selesnya putting someone out by refusing the D
Not seeing it. Sorry.
Never. Wizards don't have writers competent enough to create decent fluff.
Simic with a Selesnya room mate. We're gonna grow the dankest genetically modified crops in our closet.
Ravnica is best setting
Okay, it's best setting that still didn't get raped by Eldrazi/Nicol Bolas/Phyrexia/Whatever stupid plot point WotC is pushing now
>be izzet
>have simic roomie
>temur bros (the gruul is our pet/lab rat)
>create all sorts of inhumane weirds/mutants/whatever the fuck
one of these threads?
Dimir are only using the sneaky librarian thing as an excuse; they're still doing all the other cloak and dagger stuff from before Argus Kos buggered the whole system.
I would kill for Friends: Ravnica Edition
Ross - Simic/Izzet
Phoebe - Selesnya
Rachel - Tricky, Orzhov due to business connections but that's vague at best
Chandler - Orzhov, same as Rachel
Joey - Rakdos
Monica - Azorius/Boros (probably Boros)
>Monica - Azorius/Boros (probably Boros)
She's the most OCD person in the state of New York, she's an azorius to a tee