Would your character marry a princess (male)?
Would your character marry a princess (male)?
Nope, he's only into little girls.
fucking tight trap's asses are the best.
Did your PHB have a funny smell to it?
What the fuck is this meme
It would be a prince you faggot.
Normally yes, but he's a princess for legal reasons.
No if it is a male it is a prince and you are just some fag that wants to fuck a guy.
Stop being a delusional faggot.
This is now a skeleton thread. Post spooky skeletons.
It's an /a/ & /v/ meme you dip.
Hurr Durr it is a meme so I can fuck boys without being a faggot.
You have to understand a lot of people just get off on degrading and feminizing a guy but are perfectly aware that it's still a guy. Esmasculation/sissy/domination kink no delusions involved.
Yeah and they are faggots because of it, unless they are female.
You're already a faggot, so what have you got to lose?
No. It's just a common reference like 'a cat is fine too'. You don't have to be into bestiality to recognize or reference that either.
How about some delicious cake, user?
I can't find the source for my friend. Any help?
>My friend.
Sure. Suuuuuure.
Anybody got the sauce?