Quest threads are still a thing

>quest threads are still a thing

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So is shitposting, apparently

Can't mods just move the quest threads over to the new board?

What precisely is the problem with the quest board? Why are people not choosing to use it?
I kinda guess it has something to do with /qst/ being a trial board?

Because it's overrun by idiots and memesters. Below even the sort of garbage that tries to run quests here.

I mean for fuck's sake, one of the first quests on the board was "Assbaby quest".

Why don't you crawl back to /qa/ with REEES?

Good point that it's a trial board, but it's still something made just for quest threads. I don't see why people don't just use it.

Because it's shit, and generally filled with people who don't understand traditional gaming, let along quest threads.

Good point. Doesn't that mean they just need good mods to prune the obvious shit?

So, no different from quest threads on Veeky Forums then?

Yeah, but then there probably wouldn't be enough content for a full board. Which I think is the main problem right now.

Too many for Veeky Forums, not enough for /qst/.


The mods need to start banning quest threads on/tg/. Obviously the containm...I mean "trial," board will fail if questfags aren't posting on it. Because they refuse to use the board, they need to be forced to use it.

Quest threads are just cancer and autism. I'm done with seeing them on this board.

>Too many for Veeky Forums
As if

Makes sense then. I'll just keep hiding the threads for now.

One quest thread is too many, friendo.

This is the inherent problem with putting all the damn quests from all boards. There arean't just Veeky Forums type quests. There's /v/ shit, /mlp/, /b/ stuff, variants of quality all over the fucking place. Sure it sounds good in theory but in practice it will be a real fucking pain working it out.

We need to have an stable conversation about this at some point. And not have the thread bombarded by b8.

Probably a wise choice. Nothing else to do till the mods figure out a better solution.

Why? Honest question. What's your problem with quest threads? I don't take part in them, but I don't think they're really any issue.

Not going to happen. Nobody is going to move from their position of 'I don't like x thing ergo nobody should be allowed to like it.' It's simply tradition.

So what if there were Veeky Forums quests? Running on actual systems of actual RPGs?