Why are Drow so melanin rich? they live in caves and avoid the surface. all other cave dwelling species become albino, and blind for that matter.
Why are Drow so melanin rich? they live in caves and avoid the surface. all other cave dwelling species become albino...
Because darkness is associated with evil, which the drow tend to be.
Because the underdark is not totally black, and they have to blend in with the cave walls.
Also because it's fantasy. Why do orcs have tusks?
It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit.
Because lolth made it so.
No really. At least in FR, the Underdark is rife with abundant magical radiating the elves refer to as faezress, which have mutated the Drow over time. Furthermore, the Drow were cursed by corellon following the third crown war for consorting with demons and nearly destroying the world. Their skin turning black is the mark of that curse. Yes, its the whole "mark of cain/curse of God" thing, but for elves.and coalskins not black Africans
Elves, unlike man, bodies are more closely intertwined to their souls than man. As a result; their personalities, their morality, their base natures, all effect their physical appearance. Drow are dark skinned as the color black is usually attributed to evil. This combined with what's already a heavily inbred sub-species that were driven underground after a religious schism, has created a race of dark skinned mutants lurking beneath the earth. While it's true you can compare their skin color to the savage Ape Men of Unga Bunga land, their facial features are still distinctively Elfin thus laying rest to any claims that they are a separate race.
However, we cannot forgive the fact that they are Elfin and thus cannot be trusted. If anything, they're somehow even more slutty than the already degenerate Elves on the surface and that simply cannot be tolerated by any good Human.
Because they've only lived underground for a few tens of thousands of years, and without artificial pressures evolution is pretty damn slow. Originally the drow were from the jungles, but were driven underground after their failed attempt genocide all the other elves.
When you talk about an intelligent species, a lot of the rules that normally apply to natural selection go out the window. Small genetic disadvantages – such as the minuscule metabolic cost of producing a worthless pigment – cease to function as evolutionary pressures, since an intelligent species will have ways to compensate for them.
It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit.
Fuck that retroactive bullshit. Can you even be more creatively bankrupt?
Evolutionary Biology tells us that creatures that blend in with their surroundings have a higher chance of survival, and therefore a better chance at procreating.
Alleles mah nigguh
Moles are mammals don't they?
Moles are black don't they?
Moles live underground don't they?
Ah! The curious slave species of the Ape-Men. Born and bred for a life and hard labor, and where all bloodlines with signs of higher thought were long ago culled. A interesting sub species, though they're very superstitious and lust after Elven women in such a way it makes the worst cases of degeneracy in human look like nothing in comparison. Even their names are different with their masters going by Mansa or similar names of that caliber, while the Nigguz just seem to all share "Jamal Tyrone" as a name.
Are the Drow the Elf version of Niggaz, I wonder.
just post drow sluts pls.
There's no fucking melanin in D&D, Drow are black because elf god cursed them to be obvious as fuck.
There's no light underground. Everything is camouflaged if you can't see anything.
go on a treadmill sometime.
Can do. How many sluts do you need?
Oh, I forgot you have to have the sun to have light. Especially in a fantasy setting.
They're a product of magic, not evolution. Applying real world science to fantasy worlds is dumb.
Nowhere has light when you don't have eyes.
thats a good start, im thinking lewder but unbanworthy. heres some inspiration.
You think everything in the under dark doesn't have eyes?
>lewder but unbanworthy
That's a very small window. I'll see what I can do.
Isn't there a magical light source that's basically a sun in Menzobarranzan? Maybe it's really bright. Also, I think it should be mentioned that Drow are gray while melanin is brown, so there's clearly something else at work here.
I know, but user is always capable, doing gods work really.
Corellon cursed them with black skin and white hair for betraying him and siding against him with Lloth. Yes, that's really the official reason.
... How the fuck does she wield that axe? I could see it being used with both hands, but one hand is clearly occupied with a shield.
>He doesn't wield axes with one hand
Do you even lift?
Are you thinking of Narbondel?
Their darkness isn't a matter of melanin, but of a curse.
But how can I? I'm currently in a coversation with a envoy from one of the Ape-Men empires named Alberto Barbossa. A curious sort, can you believe they see themselves as the true human species and we the half-elfin abominations? A ridiculous notion of course, but I entertained his theory by introduced one of the house-broken Drow to a pack of Niggaz. It was quite preplexing as the creatures spoke to the Elf in their strange language, "yo yan Alf pussy", "we wuz KAAANGGGGGZZZZ", and most famously "sheeeeittt" where only a handful of the phrases caught from hearing their conversing. Then they starting having a "chimpout", as Barbossa called it, after the Drow said something that apparently offended their primitive sinsibilities.
But before a riot broke out, we quickly introduced chicken and watermellon to the cage which calmed both them and the Drow down. Another curious trait of the Drow: they like the Nigguh of Unga Bunga land, LOOOVVEE fried chicken.
Any photoshopfags out there want to make this one's skin a bit more drow-like? I'd quite appreciate it.
The fuck is wrong with her legs?
Darkvision is in black/white
It's anime. I ain't gotta explain shit.
And that about does it for for the ones I can post on a blue board.
Moles also have black fur you dipshit.
Ah. Interesting.
So in your professional opinion, are Nigguz better slaves or are Drow?
It's because they're color inversions of Elves. That's it.
Because in one of the original settings they were cursed to dwell underground out of the light of day and subsequent settings lifted their appearance wholely without a thought as to who, what, when and why.
>i told you the surface was great
>i guess this smoothie thing is alright
>everything is alright up here!
>so what do we do now? just wait here? why aren't you dressed in bright colours like me?
>we have to seem different, surface dwellers wear their personalities on the outside
>but why am I the bright coloured one
>because im the dark coloured one
>ok so we wait for men to approach us then we bring them back to our dungeon right?
>nooooo they take us out and buy us things
>then the dungeon?
>no we pretend to laugh at everything they say and they buy us more things
>this doesn't sound like fun
>trust me it gets better
>are you sure?
>of course im sure, they're gonna buy us all sorts of things
>do we take them to the dungeon at all?
>well eventually yea but we have to do a bunch of stuff first
>what kind of stuff?
>I don't actually know, the surface elves always giggle when I ask
>did they tell you to dress like this?
>and you trusted them?
>they were dressed like this
>did they look happy?
>of course they did, they're always happy up here
>so no dungeons at all then?
>i already told you I don't know, and don't bring that up or we might scare away the men
>men don't like dungeons up here?
>its not something you bring up right away, these people are pretty lame
>this is just sounding worse and worse
>just act cool it will work out
>here comes a few of them now, say something funny
>like what?
>I don't know just pretend you told me a joke or something
>I don't know any jokes
>fuck it just try and look seductive
>finally something I'm good at
>not slutty, seductive!
>whats the difference?
>you have to look more curious and innocent
>like this?
It's not Melanin, it's its own thing.
The Elfen harlots were about to prey on the good human men, licking their lips as the unfortunate souls approached. Their immortal souls at great risk as the wretches planned to corrupt them into their brain gelded concubines. But then a priest in red approached.
"Yee are sinners!" He yelled at the men, stunned and surprised at the mass of monks rapidly moving in single file. "When hath Alto returned to Earth he forbade all good men to sleep with xenos! Tis bestiality thy fornicating with these sluts!"
The humans suddenly fearful at the realization of their terrible crime fell to their knees and repented in front of the priests.
"Thous wilst redeem yourselves in the face of the god. The whips of my brothers will bleed the sins from your bodies, only then will thou find redemption!" The monk then glared at the Drow, his blue eyes burning with the fire of God.
"YOU! Thoust will pay for your degeneracy and sin! I takest you to the Abby of Saint Elmo where est you'll regret ever setting foot in thine God's HOLY CITY!" He yelled, and the priests grabbed the two harlots and escorted them to the church and all was good.
What I'm hearing here is corrupt priests cockblocking random dudes and rounding up all the elf bitches for themselves. Horny old fuckers. Then again, the Drow will enjoy the whips.
>she gets impatient and tells the guy to come back to her dungeon
>implying anyone would say no
Maybe not Brother Matthew. He's kind of... Hard core. Plus he's too busy going after the omnious "Fedora Killer" tormenting the slums as the Cops are even more corrupt than the mob. The others though... Man, those Drow are going to have trouble walking for a week!
Natural selection. Whiter drow were picked off easier by underdark dwellers, while darker drow, more capable of blending in and avoiding the poor eyesight of their early predators, were able to use their natural sneaky prowess to hide away.
>Drow and elves only having one color pigment
Get real
Dayum! Dat po girl gon give huhsef an awful infection like dat!
>implying fantasy pigment is melanin
Melanin? Motherfucker, elves aren't people, they're magical. Elves become the color that's around them.
That's actually creepy.
Maybe they're just a really dark blue? If they didn't have warm blood near their skin, they'd be harder to spot with infravision, which would be a big advantage. I mean, the skin would be dying then, but hey, they're magic or some shit.