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Give us your best, Veeky Forums.

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>D&D 3.5

But what is he? Some kind of Abjurant Champion gish? What kind of gish would pack a blasting spell, let alone a fire spell?




>using current meta in any game












>Look at me, look at me. I'm the crocodile now.


what is that film?


Boku no Pico


That one Noah's Ark movie that came out a few years back. It wasn't good.

oh, I remembered...


Hollywood: You bet your ass we can shoehorn in a Lord of the Rings style battle scene in a story that's mostly about a guy on a boat.

















I don't get it.

Watch more movies, pleb.

Pulp Fiction

I mean, I've watched Pulp Fiction a couple of times.

I just don't get what this... telegraph thingy with a cheese-like wooden block has to do with it.

The coin should be a little clearer for the joke to become apparent.

Jesus fuck, are you fucking blind?

There's a hammer with its business end going down onto a quarter dollar coin.

That's a quarter (25c), and the spring on the peg will snap the hammer into it, "pounding" it. I'm guessing there is something more to it that just the photo because out of context it's ... kinda just a novel pun that you'd think was clever in passing but not exactly noteworthy.



Also, thanks.


Maybe the coin acts as a bell on a hitman's reception desk?



This anime, what is it?




>The way she straddles him, and then sits down and makes herself comfortable by sliding down a little bit.

This is way hotter than it has any right to be.



Macross Frontier




No, sticking your dick in there will not do anything unless you have metal in it.

Just holy fuck, karma at work.

God I need to rewatch this.

Very imprecise karma since it tends to hurt a lot of people who were not apartheid officials or even Afrikaner citizens but for instance also later Russian immigrants, or Asians. (They should probably all just go home though, but that's often easier said than done.)

There's no way. Not a fucking chance...

It can't seriously be like this, can it?

...Part of me is in favour of violent eviction and the other half still thinks that if someone took the time, effort and money to educate the... Primitives (there's no politically correct way to refer to them), then they'd be just as capable of living in a modern society as the rest of us. I mean, it's just culture shock, honestly... But at the same time, isn't there a need for some form of punishment for their past actions?

They were educated. Well as educated as they could seem to get. Still didn't stop them from going apeshit when rule of law broke down.

>It can't seriously be like this, can it?
According to Google Street View, it isn't. It's full of black people, as can be expected, but they drive around in cars and wear modern-looking clothes.

Part of me is sorry I checked. It ruined the mystery.

When I read it, I was pretty skeptical too, but additional research--while not particularly revealing about living conditions in Johannesburg at first--eventually yielded some uncomfortable confirmations.

"These are buildings that were abandoned at the fall of apartheid. Some are former industrial buildings that have now been taken over by violent gangs who then collect rent from migrants and other poor South Africans who have moved into them. Among the people who have occupied these rundown structures are Zimbabweans, South Africans, Mozambicans, Malawians, Nigerians and Tanzanians. There is a chronic lack of water and electricity as well as waste management services. "

The article is about conditions for migrants, but it makes mention of the conditions and building control methods described in the Veeky Forums cap. Be wary of the cap being a hyperbolized version of events, however; you should do research on your own before coming to any conclusions.

Likely it's that the Veeky Forums post is an exaggeration, and the squalid conditions are limited to certain neighborhoods.

It seemed unlikely that the city authorities could have allowed things to go to shit like that, or that humans would act in such a way - uneducated or not, we're not an inherently stupid species.

Still, it's astonishing how far to shit things have gone in South Africa. I heard a couple years ago that the common people in Zimbabwe actually were saying they preferred life under the British Empire as, "Although we were slaves, at least we weren't starving and AIDS wasn't everywhere." Makes me wonder if the empire couldn't have worked, if it had just treated all its territory as if it were England and not just a place to exploit resources from.



The funny thing is that now the Chinese are coming in and they really don't see the locals as anything but aggressive wildlife.

Regions being bought out by the Chinese and made into SEZs are truly terrifying. But hey, if you have that much population, it becomes another resource to export.



Not specifically Veeky Forums but I'm the only one in the thread not discussing south africa. Fite me.

Oh, hey, it's this guy.












That whole book is a fucking gold mine.


