How do you sword?
I know Kung Fu
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Charging centaurs
Or less flattering; indecisively.
Anyway, Chinese was it? I really wish there'd be more of them showing up at the local arms auctions so I could molest them. The few dao I've gotten my hands on so far have all been very hefty pieces, with the centre of balance way out. This particular one being the most extreme I've encountered so far, with the CoM being almost exactly in the middle (pommel to tip, not middle of the blade).
I've yet to run into a jian which wasn't obvious tourist bait or sized like a not very large dagger, so no personal experience there, but the notions I've gotten from is that things are somewhat similar for them as well.
So much (relatively) for the light, nimble Kung Fu weapon. (Let's ignore the sword-shaped ribbons sued in modern days rhythmic gymnastics wushu.) In a way it's kinda like the deal with the katana I guess. And aren't scimitars [SIC!] usually portrayed as light slashing things too? Seems like a running theme with oriental weapons. Perhaps simply the result of the old "20lbs knightly sword" myth? Let imagination run off to one side, and all of reality will suddenly appear as if sitting on the other.
How far was the CoP from the point? That thing doesn't look very long.
Didn't check. As for size it was a decent sized one, and I'm pretty sure you could get both hands on the grip without it being too crowded, so maybe 85-90 cm total?
Jokes on you, knife master race coming through
And Chinese jians give me a hard-on with their shape and combat application
>tfw you can never like swords due to fedora faggots hijacking them
Nope. Dao were mostly used as soldier weapons, while jian fell to the dueling side with time. Chinese scimitars are heavy and use way more brutal techniques than straight swords.
Fedora faggots tend more to pole weapons, anyway.
Whatever it takes to protect m'lady from the scourge of chads.
My experience is they're more into swords. Polearms are too practical for their taste.
Fedora faggots aren't into real weapons. They've are into imaginative versions of them.
The difference between a poser neckbeard and someone who actually knows what they're doing is that the latter doesn't constantly pose and show off with their weapon.
You can tell a swordsman by their poise, footwork and most importantly, if their hands are calloused. You can tell a poser by the amount of times he mentions he has a sword, how many photos he has of him with a sword and if he constantly talks about how he could kill a man... With his sword.
You can't teleport behind people with a polearm, you need a katana made of 100% nippon steel, fucking b-b-baka!
>What is yari
>What is naginata
Pleb detected
>likes things that look like dicks
It's as if you don't want to be hetero
Bronze age best age.
>make an off-the-hand remark on a semi-specific thread to get some weight off my chest and fuck off for two hours
>storm of (you)s
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
I made that post because I was being fed up by the anti-weeb faggots on Veeky Forums who get their panties in a twist the moment someone fucking mentions Japan. I then channeled that into a jab combining how Veeky Forums is mostly contrarian neckbeards and how Veeky Forums's favorite weapon seems to be the almighty halberd, and called it a day.
Sorry if that made me look like an idiot. Have my favorite sword to keep it on topic.
Nothing personel, kid.
>I've yet to run into a jian which wasn't obvious tourist bait or sized like a not very large dagger, so no personal experience there, but the notions I've gotten from is that things are somewhat similar for them as well.
No way.
My sifu's jian has a CoM 2" from the guard. If I recall correctly, 4.5" is more typical.
I've seen dao with lively balance too, though much rarer aside from wushu weapons. Basically they only exist as custom one-ofs.
The main problem with Chinese swords is Chinese manufacturing. For every good blade built by someone with martial knowledge, there are probably several million bad copies which are superficially the same shape but were built without insight.
its beautiful. im putting that in a campaign
You could put it on your wall. Only costs some 200 bucks.
I feel like centaurs with bows aren't optimal because bows depend on your arm/shoulder/torso strength so they wouldn't get any advantage from their increased mass and horse muscles. But imagine a centaur using a sling or atlatl. Those get their power from the inertia of you flinging your whole body behind the swing. Imagine a centaur with a big sling, running and then short stopping into a pivot and letting fly a bigass sling bullet with all it's inertia behind it. Regular humans using slings could already chuck small bullets like a full mile, I bet a centaur could send a fist sized stone even farther.
My rogue characters normally carry a short sword like
It's stabby, cutty and short enough to crawl around with. In addition I'll normally get them armed with a machete.
My fighters tend to have sabres and yatagans, general cutty swords for fighting from horseback.
>running and then short stopping into a pivot
Which ain't gonna work the way you'd hope, since he's got most of a horse jutting out of where his ass should have been.
>Regular humans using slings could already chuck small bullets like a full mile
The absolute record there, using a lead projectile for best effect, ain't a third of your mile, and few get past 250m.
Up to 500m in accounts, furthest in the experiment was 130m.
>Only costs some 200 bucks.
A bit more, 300GBP for the blade alone, 400GBP hilted, presumably without the decorative carvings seen there.
I'll take a partisan, and a longsword as a backup. I'll take all the reach advantage I can get.
how come modern popes don't have awesome swords?