New LOTR models from GW

I for one am very excited

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>Tha twirly-whirlies!

i know the original lotr game was quite popular for a while, how popular is this one?

Dead as heck, GW jacked up prices and stopped promoting it.

the limited edition escape from goblin town is still available with rare radaghast the brown.... 3 1/2 years after release

Between GW jacking up the prices, fine cast and the Hobbit movies just no doing as well as the LotR movies, the games drive bombed in popularity.

Which is a shame, since I heard that a lot of the rules had been improved for the Hobbit release.

And despite the game being 'technically' dead, there are still LoTR SBG tournaments happening in Australia.

It's still highly popular in NZ (hardly surprising, most people who like wargames and were in the films ended up with LOTR armies)

Tiny Billy Connolly!

Exactly why I'm buying it.

>the games drive bombed in popularity.

Even compared to the LotR-movie ones? Because thsoe never seem to have gotten off the ground either.

Well shit if they release ram knights and those big ass chariots my wallet is gone.

Nowadays, sure. Back when LotR was still fresh it was their bread winner. Stopped GW going under and paid for a lot of the new developments that came at the tail-end of 4th Edition 40k



I heard the rules were quite good for this game. Happy for the people that will have some new models after years of waiting.

This meshes with the rumor that Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit is taking the place of Warhammer Fantasy as the rank and file large scale game.

AoS as it should have been IMO

Except that rumor was complete garbage.

This is using the rules for LotR and the Hobbit. The original sources books for the former are even going to be available for purchase in limited quantities at Warhammerfest.

actually the game has had a massive surge of popularity recently. especially with tournaments and facebook groups kicking off again. they're actually going to be re-releasing a massive backlog of the old oop minis. boromir, gothmog and the scouring of the shire at fest this weekend.

they tried that before actually, there was a rulebook for large scale LotR


I have to say that and aren't entirely right.

Yes, the reduced attention after 2008 or so and the push for War of the Ring, mass battles that nobody wanted, hurt the community badly. However nowadays there is a healthy amount of people playing, as evidenced by the Great British Hobbit League and its American counterparts. In fact many months ago a GW spokesman said that they were surprised with how well the line was doing (considering the non existant advertising they do and the lack of updates), hence the continued support.

During the LotR movies the game was the main source of income for GW. So I'd say that it did take off.

That rumour is shit. The very reason the community enjoys the game is that it's not rank and file and doesn't have particularly large armies. They tried once with War of the Ring and almost killed it.

I was afraid they were just going to let it die.

It was actually quite good for a mass-battle system. Weird and different, but good.

The problem is all the effective units were in really expensive pewter blisters, and you'd need a half dozen at least.

I have no idea how Lord of the Rings is played sorry lads I just assumed with the timing of it that it was related

What are the chances of them asking the Perry twins to sculpt their Lotr minis?

look of the new rulebook too

Try it! A 500 points Rivendell army (most games are somewhere between 500 and 750 pts) should be about £40, and an Isengard force should be even cheaper.

Scales very well up to about 70 guys per side I'd say, and it's very dynamic. No waiting for 40 minutes until the other player's turn is over.


I was excited about LotR too.

In 2001.

But this is The Hobbit, and GW is doing the same thing they tried with LotR: Making models of things that were in the books, but weren't in the films. I'm not interested in any of that stuff myself and besides, TH merch is priced WAAAY higher than the LotR stuff I bought back then (for MERP, not SBG) so, probably no sales there for me.

Full disclosure: I haven't seen any of the TH films because of Peter "Hackmaster" Jackson's influence. LotR SBG died the year the last film dropped and similarly The Hobbit died in 2014. Unless there are some REALLY nice models in this series, I'll be sitting this nerdrush out.



Plenty of stuff that wasn't in the films has panned out very nicely. They fleshed out Harad, Rhûn, Khand, Umbar and the Fiefdoms (not to mention the scouring of the Shire) in an excellent fashion.

>But this is The Hobbit, and GW is doing the same thing they tried with LotR: Making models of things that were in the books, but weren't in the films.
Did you watch The Hobbit: The Battle of the Four Armies?

No, and having seen clips of it on /tv/, I'm glad I have not. It seems to have gone full Episode 1.

It kinda does. But Ram knights man.

Ram. Knights.

Would be good for Mordheim.

Ugh when will they just go back to LoTRSBG instead of this Hobbit shit. Nobody liked the Hobbit, Mordor 4 lyfe.

Oh sweet, they keep producing crack no one buys..?
Age of Silmarillion when?

Nigger, everything about the minis was great, specially shit that wasn't on the films. Old Radagast>>Nu rastagast.

Fucken oath. Loved that old Radagast mini, much better than the 'lol wacky too many shrooms'

>everything about the minis was great

Found the shill.
Maybe calm down a little before posting. This kinda shit is just embarassing.


Not surprising that the mouthbreather crying shill like an absolute retard would also have the reading comprehension of one.

Tell me, why would someone shill OOP miniatures?

Somebody told me that the rules for LotR Strategy Battle are somewhat reminiscent of Mordheim.

Is this true?

>Ram. Knights.

I hope GW does the Ram Riders.

We seem to be getting Boar Dorfs already.

should change the name to "middle-earth strategy battle" tbqh

In that they are both skirmish games? Sure, but Mordheim is just skirmish Warhammer done right.

I'd say one of the most important aspects of LotR is the fluid, shared turn sequence. Winning iniative at the start of the turn is random, and the players move in that order, then both shoot missiles etc. Heroic characters can spend a Might point to go first regardless of initiative and do other fun stuff (for example, charge or flee with nearby allies before the enemy can react; order a group of archers to shoot first; or be involved in multiple combats per turn if the hero and his buddies manage to kill their first opponent).


Same same

I really liked unexpected journey, he did go full lucas with the other two, but the extended edition makes them much better and really comes close to justifying their existence.

I'm choosing to ignore that unfinished beorn scene

''CRACK HIS PRETTY HEAD OPEN'' as a hero ability or riot

Nil, the Perry's didn't need GW for the last 10 years they worked with them, I'm sure they're quite happy rolling in their own dough now.

Better question is will GW start to "Warhammerfy" the figures now? Seems unlikely.

Really 70?

Always found it to be a pure skirmish game. Individual fights are pretty fast to carry out, but it tends to end with 80% of the forces in B2B contact. That means 50-60 combats to resolve every player turn, fuck that shit.

20 30 figures with a hero or two only.