What's Chris Hansen's alignment, Veeky Forums?
What's Chris Hansen's alignment, Veeky Forums?
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Lawful Evil
Alignment systems are dumb
He's just got a favored enemy bonus
Lawful Neutral ranger with kiddie fiddler favored enemy.
Neutral because whilst he does good work he's also raking in the cash
Archetypal vigilante is usually associated with CG. I don't see why he should be an exception.
Weeabu detected.
>tracks down and entraps harmless people for their sexual preference
>uses laws and contracts to do his evil
I'm going to go with 'lawful evil', frank.
Lawful because he operates within the rules of the law (he needs to, or the show would be cancelled)
Neutral because although what he's doing is good he's also capitalizing off of it.
Actually, that makes sense.
Maybe we can say he's LN as a person, but plays CG character on a camera?
Sort of like Mr.Bean would be CN while Rowan Atkinson is NE.
>Neutral because although what he's doing is good he's also capitalizing off of it.
Seeking enjoyment from others' suffering and capitalising on it is good now?
Entertaining people and punishing the wicked at once is about as goodly as you can get really.
Normal good aligned protags kill evil monsters for profit 24/7, he's drastically less vicious than normal.
>pedosexual is now a preference
"I was only pretending to be retarded!"
Chaotic Neutral ranger, favored enemy kiddie fiddler, or Chaotic Good, but prone to fucking up
They haven't made any new episodes since 2007, probably because of that time they made a DA kill himself.
He tries to be LG but does so in sketchy and extra-legal ways that directly profit himself
>He tries to be LG but does so in sketchy and extra-legal ways that directly profit himself
like every successful 'murrican past couple decades
>Rowan Atkinson is NE.
>the wicked
Most of the victims in his show are pathetic nerds, and he's entrapping them for entertainment. I can't think a more straight up lawful evil thing to do right off the bat.
>Normal good aligned protags kill evil monsters for profit 24/7
Good natured people do it to help others, being a mercenary is more of a neutral thing. And goodly natured people won't just simply kill either, being a murderhobo is neutral.
Most of the 'kids' in the show are 14+, so they're not in pedo territory. Hebe at worst, but most likely ephebo which is completely normal. Hell, the age of consent is as low as 13 even in Europe. 14 in Germany for example.
It's like hanging homosexuals back in the day for the crime of being gay. You think that's acceptable as well?
I'm getting the word...
>>tracks down and entraps harmless people for their sexual preference
>harmless people
Nigger those "people" come to him with the intent of fucking children. How is that "harmless"?
"tracks down and entraps harmless people for their sexual preference"
>30 year old man goes to the home of what he believes is a 9 year old girl to have sex with her
>harmless people for their sexual preference
>Most of the victims in his show are pathetic nerds,
...who want to sally forth and copulate with a child.
>Good natured people do it to help others
Unless you're privileged enough to have someone dole out free shit to you, everyone has to earn a living. Everyone. The usual motive of a good aligned character is that they're cleaning up and helping themselves. The meme that good D&D heroes have to be somewhere between Silver Age superheroes and Jesus needs to be taken out and shot.
> And goodly natured people won't just simply kill either, being a murderhobo is neutral.
They'll certainly kill monsters that can be reasonably assumed to be evil, and criminals that can be reasonably assumed to be a threat. And like it or not, public shaming is about 1% the level of killing.
>It's like hanging homosexuals back in the day for the crime of being gay. You think that's acceptable as well?
Honest question, and I don't know which answer is worse: Are you just pretending to be retarded, or do you honestly think homosexuals are as bad of people as pedos?
>Man who doesn't even leave his house to take the bait
>they decide to go to his house instead
Seriously the Murphy Texas sting was a shitshow
If they cared more about justice or legalism or anything other than the hit of 'we got'em" it wouldn't have gone down like it did
14 year olds who initiated the whole thing. How is it not?
>14 year olds who initiated the whole thing.
You obviously haven't watched the show, or if you did, didn't pay attention or just cherry picked. There were times they said they were as young as 11 and 12, and in almost every single chat log it's the pedo-scum trying to initiate the sexual stuff.
When is his new show starting?
>...who want to sally forth and copulate with a child.
Not a child. And what's wrong with that?
>Unless you're privileged enough to have someone dole out free shit to you, everyone has to earn a living. Everyone.
The difference is in motivation. You're dealing death which is usually an evil thing; if you limit your rampage to evil beings that are harmful to society, that can be either neutral or good, depending on why they do it.
>Honest question, and I don't know which answer is worse: Are you just pretending to be retarded, or do you honestly think homosexuals are as bad of people as pedos?
Neither is bad. One's sexual preference is only the individual's business, and nobody else should have any say in it.
don't you know there is a skeleton inside him?
Probably never, because some legal bullshit.
But if vigilantes are your thing, Britain might have similar show next year. The working title is Sharia Police.
Are you stupid? 14 year olds are not smart enough to make decisions like that. They don't have the emotional stability to be fucked or fuck. That's why the legal age is 18 or 16 in most places.
Well I only watched one episode, found it extremely distasteful and never looked back.
But 11 and 12 are still hebe territory. 12 is even legal in different places around the world.
>it's another pedophiles trying to justify child molestation thread
>entrapment is good policing
I'll bet this thread is full of "torture always works" people too
>12 is even legal in different places around the world.
Only in Japanese sovereign waters and Vatican.
Well, leaving aside "any age as long as they are married" or no law at all.
/tv/ is clearly leaking
>And what's wrong with that?
I'm not sure where to begin with someone who thinks its acceptable to (interrupt and correct me if I'm strawmanning you), say, pick up some cute kids on their way back from grade (?) school and fuck them or however you think its appropriate.
I'm not sure why getting turned on affects the morality of taking advantage of kiddos. I mean, one assumes you are turned on if you are raping someone, no?
"The thing is, Doris Berry is a prosecutor. She wants to see bad guys punished. She's read the transcripts, which means she knows most of these men are bad and a lot of them are probably dangerous. And if she rejects the cases, she knows what will happen: Instead of receiving the incarceration and supervision that might prevent them from someday soliciting real kids, not fake ones, they'll receive only Dateline's nationally televised shaming.
But the law is the law, and you can't just wish a batch of mangled cases good."
It's not entrapment dipshit.
Jesus. If you want to complain at least learn enough about the law to not make yourself not appear like a retard.
What 'decision'? They aren't making a legally binding contract, they're just having sex. And they commonly start masturbating at an even earlier age. And 14 is legal in germany and portugal for example.
I assure you that back in the day 14 y/o me making that decision was mentally stable enough. But young boy / older woman couples are generally more tolerated, so I don't know what weight it has for discussion about Hansen's work.
True Neutral
On one hand, he's doing a good thing by putting pedos in jail
On the other, he's doing it for profit and ratings, and his methods are dubious and underhanded at best
>who initiated the whole thing
So if an underage girl propositioned you for sex, and you drive to another state to meet her and have sex, you didn't do anything wrong?
Kill yourself, fucking child molester.
We raised it to 18 after realizing it really wasn't helping with the pedophila jokes.
Chaotic Lawful
He's bringing people to justice, but making a spectacle of it as well.
And mexico. Spain's 13 iirc.
The decision to be fucked you idiot. 14 year olds are often retarded, they don't have any foresight. They'd likely regret their decision to be fucked by an old man for the rest of their lives. Masturbating is very different from having sex with someone. Sex is a big thing to most people, especially their first time. MOST can't remove the emotion involved in sex, especially someone 14. They emotionally and physically immature.
I haven't seen many clips or episodes, but I don't recall a single woman being "caught". They usually also receive relaxed punishments for sex crimes. I can't speak for your intelligence at 14, but in general: people are morons (no matter what age really.)
>I'm not sure where to begin with someone who thinks its acceptable to (interrupt and correct me if I'm strawmanning you), say, pick up some cute kids on their way back from grade (?) school and fuck them or however you think its appropriate.
You're describing rape. Of course rape is bad.
>I'm not sure why getting turned on affects the morality of taking advantage of kiddos. I mean, one assumes you are turned on if you are raping someone, no?
It only serves out to point that hebephilia and even paedophilia is a lot more prevalent and common than you think. It it's common,it can be considered natural. If it's natural, why are you complaining about it?
>So if an underage girl propositioned you for sex, and you drive to another state to meet her and have sex, you didn't do anything wrong?
That's probably culture speaking, because 14 year olds having sex is nothing out of the ordinary over here.
>So if an underage girl propositioned you for sex, and you drive to pick her up, then together go to another state where she's legal and have sex, you didn't do anything wrong.
More like that. I'd imagine the most difficult part would be keeping her off your pants before you get at the final destination.
People who turn in everyone who wants to have sex with teenagers regardless of circumstance is Lawful Good.
People who would have sex with a 16 or 17 year old under the right circumstances, like say they met and fell in love despite a difference in age, are Chaotic Good/Neutral.
People who want to have sex specifically with teenagers are Evil.
People who want to have sex with elves are Chaotic Awesome.
>regret their decision to be fucked by an old man for the rest of their lives
>busted a 59 year old prosecutor who was jonesing to feel the cawk of a 13 year old
At least Dateline went out with a bang
Was. Now we are cucked by the rest of the world and raised it to 16. Anyway, it was just a loophole to allow gyppos to marry soon.
>You're describing rape. Of course rape is bad.
What the hell is your idea of a consensual pedo romp then, and why is picking them up on the side of the road more rapey?
How about on a boy scout camping trip? I mean, what is 'normal' for fucking kids?
>If it's natural
What ISN'T "natural?" What sort of sex act is so perverted that it can be considered wholly extraneous to nature?
Oh fuck, the SJWs sure don't relent until everyting pure and holy is destroyed, do they?
Then see the last line of my post
>Kill yourself, fucking child molester
Consent, dear. If they call you and tell they want a dicking, it's pretty obvious that they want a dicking.
>How about on a boy scout camping trip? I mean, what is 'normal' for fucking kids?
Well if boys are your thing and he's okay with it, then sure.
>What ISN'T "natural?" What sort of sex act is so perverted that it can be considered wholly extraneous to nature?
Homosexuality, probably.
True Lawful.
Those are two different people, user.
And no, I don't think I'll kill myself just because some emotional faggot on a peruvian performance art doesn't like how other people can have different preferences.
Lawful Evil user detected.
>How about on a boy scout camping trip? I mean, what is 'normal' for fucking kids?
Hot damn, I remembers that storytime. Didn't save it though.
>Homosexuality, probably.
That's whole another can of a worms you're opening there.
>it's just a preference!
>How can you not understand that other people have different preferences! I mean, you like angel food cake, and I like fucking kids.
>just preferences
Mate, there are whole degrees I don't think are being grasped.
The way I see it, there's two views on this - moral one and legal one. Doing little girl in a jurisdiction where she's underage is wrong by both. Doing her in a jurisdiction where she's legal might be morally wrong but is okay legally.
Now I'd be hard pressed to think of an example that's morally okay but legally wrong. Maybe two little girls doing each other? Anyway, the point I was getting at is that I'm fine with hurting people's feeling as long as there's no risk of jail time involved.
>smug anime girl because you seem to be frustrated optional
Children do not have the mental capacity to consent with an adult, especially one who is likely manipulating them.
>it's pretty obvious that they want a dicking.
Yeah, because a 12 year old knows what a "dicking" fully entails and the implications behind it?
I don't enjoy others' suffering. I'm not a sadist, and I couldn't really give a shit about laws. I'm chaotic good or chaotic neutral.
I mean, it's technically true. People don't choose to be attracted to kids. same way you didn't choose to love dicks. it's just inherent to who you are.
I honestly give props to the men who go their whole lives never touching a kid while having this desire, while you do everything you can to stuff as much dicks into yourself as possible.
It's interesting how people can accept sex between kids but not sex between a kid and an adult. Them double standards, mong.
No, it's not. The concept of a power imbalance is not particularly difficult to understand.
It gets grey because not all people are equal and though we can say, in the vast majority of cases, twelve-year-olds for instance are not capable of informed consent on this issue, we're lying to ourselves if we try to argue that all fourteen-year-olds forever are not mature enough to give informed consent. But the law must intentionally throw a broad net to protect children from exploitation - it's not as if children have a magical explosion of maturity at 16 or 18, but the law means "by that age we assume most of them will be capable of making the decision". It follows that sometimes people under the age of the consent are realistically capable of making that decision too, and having sex with one of those people can be strictly illegal but it would be unfair to describe it as morally wrong. The further problem, though, is how one trusts their judgement in making that determination.
>No, it's not. The concept of a power imbalance is not particularly difficult to understand.
Every relationship is inherently unequal. Going "b-b-but someone MIGHT abuse power" is casting blame before anyone does anything wrong, which is universally frowned upon.
>You bought a gun? You must be planning to shoot up a school!
>Rowan Atkinson is NE
I'm sorry what?
You can't say something like that without giving context, user.
But when a grown adult is having sexual relations with a young child, it's not that they "might be abusing their power"; we can say that it is overwhelmingly likely that they are, and therefore it's not an unreasonable assumption.
That's a retarded analogy.
The power imbalance is limited to sexual maturity here.
Don't pretend that one person in a relationship making less money is in any way analogous to an adult fucking a 13 year old, it makes you look as stupid as you probably are.
Hide that shame, boy!
Well in that case, we're going to have to agree to disagree. I never consider it acceptable to punish people based on assumptions alone.
True Neutral.
He does some good, but he does it for show business, not morality.
>The power imbalance is limited to sexual maturity here.
Varies between individuals. Laws are absolute, you can't use them as a scalpel. That's why you see people getting punished for having naked pictures of their partners when they were younger.
>Don't pretend that one person in a relationship making less money is in any way analogous to an adult fucking a 13 year old, it makes you look as stupid as you probably are.
Maturity, intelligence, physical strength and finances all play a part. You shouldn't consider someone a rapist just because he's in a relationship with someone younger, just as you shouldn't consider someone a wifebeater just because he likes to go to the gym.
>>Are you stupid? 14 year olds are not smart enough to make decisions like that. They don't have the emotional stability to be fucked or fuck.
Haha, neither do 18 year olds. Teenagers are retarded.
Yeah, 18 year olds still aren't fully mature and make stupid decisions, but a 14 year old is even less mature, and will make even stupider decisions.
>Most places
*ACKSHYULLY*, it's frequently 14 or lower in Latin America, as low as 12 in many Mexican states, 14-15 around Europe, and 14 in China. 18+ is definitely the minority on a population/individual nation basis.
Neutral Evil
He harms innocent people who do nothing wrong for the entertainment of the masses
You're completely correct so I don't want to be 'that guy' but I know in at least Japan and I suspect other places you have situations where the national AoC is 12 but in this given prefecture it's 18.
I want to say there are only a few remote farming type places in Japan where you can legally fuck a 12 year old.
I know this will make some of you cancel your flights, I'm not sorry.
Which is why you should fuck them while everything is tight and firm and they think ten dollars is a decent amount of money.
The only and I mean ONLY people who think Chris Hansen did anything wrong are the people deathly afraid they would have been sent to jail by him for trying to fuck a child.
He is a good and righteous man, and pedos deserve to be chemically castrated.
Stop bringing reality into this. Ideally, 18 years of age and C-cups should be the bare minimum requirements for consent.
Flat is love
Flat is life
Actually a lot of things happened. Their main tactic was determined entrapment I believe and that group that provides the tween looking 18 year olds as bait was busted up for breaking the law fucking constantly to 'catch' people.
They basically presented it as they just say their 14 in a teen chatroom and wait for guys to approach them. Actually they'd go into ageplay chats and start the conversations most of the time.