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Dhampir innocuous servant edition
Tell us about your homebrew /pfg/!

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Does an ifrit's fire affinity carry over to the Oracle's flame mystery, or is it strictly just fire elemental bloodline and fire domain?

strictly what it says I believe. though you could ask your dm to let it apply.

So, /pfg/, I've been running a Gestalt game in a homebrew. Most of the party are playing SoP/PoW or Psions/PoW. It's a magic academy type game with all sorts of animu shenanigans. The majority of the rest of the world isn't, by the way.

The point being that the world is under equipped to deal with Psionics which are still rare, but becoming more commonplace. Had an idea to have the players unknowingly be part of a Matrix type of game in an interstellar dystopian scifi type of game, with all the references to Cthulu being errors in the code.

Terrible idea?

I know how to fix this!

Actually yeah.
Well, nothing particularly terribad, just that "you're all in a simulation, ooooooh" is a really lame twist when you're already, you know, playing a simulation.

... Fair point. They're a decent bunch of RPers, and I've been playing too much Stellaris lately, so thought it might be interesting. Thanks.

utsuho stahp.

How do I give druids the ability to summon wysps and then teach those wysps to cast plant growth?

Totally not trying to take anything from warcraft 3, not at all... I just need copious amounts of lumber.... for reasons.

Because who doesn't want to corner the market on log cabins? Turn slums into fancy wooden high-rises in no time! Make the rich feel inferior with their two story mansions when you make WOODEN SKYCRAPERS!

Well, its more that a choir of wysps can really crank out crafted items - specifically for armies of druids due to their silly aid-another skills combined with resonance.

Fuck, DSP nerfed the Ready the Draw mithral current stance. The removed the sheath your weapon as a free action 1/round line. Why DSP? Why have you betrayed us so?

You can feat into it so it isnt that big of a loss?

Because they listened to the overpowered fags.

Yeah but Mixed Combat can't be taken till 6th level

Well what weapon are you using? if you are one handing you could carry around a bunch of knives and draw/drop one a round coulden't you? It just says when you draw a weapon as part of the strike, and technicaly that fulfillis the wording perhaps not in RAI but it is just until level 6.
Or just carry around like five to ten of your weapon IE however many rounds combat usually lasts for you.

Can't you sheath as part of most Mithral Current maneuvers? Did that change?

Is it reasonable to play a CN Cleric of Groetus like this?

Well, last nights session went great.
I managed to convince Naderi to tell Urgathoa and Zyphus to get fucked and come live in my hot tub instead.

>vampires trying to disguise themselves as their half-mortal kin

We are not fooled.

Keep in mind that, per Inner Sea Faiths, worshipping Groetus requires you to be actually insane, user. And you can't cure said insanity permanently as long as you stay a worshipper.
>Most of Groetus’s priests bear some kind of insanity. They can still function in society, but their broken minds hear whispers of the god’s will, and they hold beliefs that no sane being would embrace. Pages 250–251 of the Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide have rules for insanities such as amnesia, mania, and paranoia. Note that Groetus’s priests are insane even though none of their mental ability scores have been reduced to 0. Also, followers of the god do not see this insanity as an affliction; rather, they see this connection to Groetus as a gift worth celebrating. A priest’s insanity can be cured, but unless she immediately rejects Groetus as a patron deity, she relapses in a matter of hours or days.

> Carry the team as Aether Kineticist
I knew my party isn't optimized... but this is too much even for me...

Given it says 'most', I think there's wriggle room. That said, probably wouldn't work out too well.

Does it really create that large of a problem?

Side note: Ranger / Ninja / Barbarian for yaujta

Their weapons / gear are just really advanced, they basically have absurd WBL

Yauj'ta race
Monstrous humanoid (3rp)
Medium size
+4 str, +2dex +2con, -2 wis. (advanced array 4rp)
Spell like ability - endure elements (self only, extraordinary 1rp). Members of this race function as though they benefitted from endure elements at all times
Desert Runner (2 RP): members of this race receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments.
Movement racial traits - climb(20ft, 2rp)
Powerful build (??rp)
Light sensitivity (-1rp)

They're practically just 'better' half giants, that are monstrous.

Has anyone run a Hollowed Earth campaign? What was it like?

Maybe a racial bonus on intimidate too, they're a pretty advanced race.

Slayer fits better than ranger.

>That pic

Die, Monster! You don't belong in this world!

Dhampir's occasionally drink blood too, and quite enjoy it. It's just not necessary to their existence or anything.

It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was called here by HUMANS, who wish to pay ME tribute!

Tribute!?! You steal men's souls and make them your slaves!

Perhaps the same could be said of ALL religions!

Your words are as empty as your soul!
Mankind ill needs a 'savior' such as you!

Legendary Influence: how does it interact with Spirit Dancer? Do i gain all the 6 feats all the time? Or do i gain the feat in the round that i channel that specific spirit? What if i use spirit troika to channel multiple spirits?

WHAT IS A MAN? A miserable little pile of secrets!

But enough talk, have at you!


So has anyone tried the Mesmerist class? I'm playing one in the current campaign, but I feel like I'm not contributing much during combat. Out of combat I'm basically the party face because 21 CHA, but other than that I can't figure out what I should be doing.

We're level 7 atm, propably gonna hit 8 soon.

Are there any viable multiclass paths? My character is a half-elf, so I was looking so I could get the most out of Multitalented, but couldn't figure out anything.

What Rage Powers are useful for a Skald to share with the party?

The class is a bit of a mess without archetypes; pretty much all of them make it more coherent, though not necessarily better. Too many features pull in different directions: tricks, stares, treatments, and mental potency all have nothing to do with each other and want completely different builds.

That's not to say it's bad (solid T3), but you have to know what you're doing or you'll get lost in the maze of options. If you want damage, you WILL take Painful Stare at 7th, and you WILL take the new Manifold Stare feat as many times as you have attacks in a round.

Are you remembering your Painful Stare damage?

I'm not, actually.
Should have mentioned, I'm not going for damage. I heard somewhere the Mesmerist is supposed to be a sort of Anti-Bard, debuffing enemies instead of buffing the party, but I haven't really felt like I'm doing that. Most of the spells I can take are either Save-Or-Suck or Social Utility spells.

Doesn't help that I'm the only spellcaster in the party, so the Will reduction doesn't help anyone except me.

Looking to play a Bard that outputs considerable AoE Sonic damage. Stuff like ranged Bull Rush/Trip would be gravy as well. I want to literally blast people's faces off while buffing my friends.
Gestalt, any 3pp.
Suggestions, please?
I was thinking of refluffing some kind of blaster/buffer caster, but that's a bit lame, and I've been playing nothing but casters, so a low-caster/initiator/manifester character would be nice.

Does anybody know of any way to replicate the 3.5 master of many forms in pathfinder? I think the best way is through a synthesist summoner but I'm not sure if there's better.

Is it okay if the AoE is a line?
Because autofire sonic weapons are lines...

And not those trashy reflex-fuckoff lines that never work against anything either. Real lines. with attack rolls and long range.

My GM might rule that stuff to be too technological for his game. It's his own setting, so le funny alien spaceship isn't there.
I could ask later, though. Can you elaborate on this a bit in the meantime?

I recommend looking into Path of War: Expanded and the Rubato archetype for the bard. You give up spells for maneuvers, among other things, but you will gain access to Elemental Flux, and get a modified list of songs.

Here is the playtest version:

Then take my Elemental Unification feat to allow you to use Elemental Flux maneuvers with sonic damage:

That said, there aren't many AoE maneuvers, but many of them can be multitarget... which is kinda close?

Here is the playtest version of Elemental Flux, by the way.

This sounds (rofl) pretty good to me. My GM will probably allow the homebrew, as it's nothing ridiculous.
Rubato is very flavorful, and I quite like your Call of the Primal Song for it as well, so it's definitely a lock.

Where is the Armor Master's Handbook download

I have a question regarding the Ravenlord Harbinger's Channel of Woe ability.

If I create Gloom by using a strike, does that mean I get miss chance from the concealment? Is it the standard 20% miss chance? Would my Dark Messenger also get it, or is it only concealment for the one who generated it?

The text from the PDF:

>Channel of Woe (Su): At 3rd level, a ravenlord’s dark messenger gains the ability to initiate counters and strikes that the ravenlord has readied (expending them from the ravenlord’s readied maneuvers as normal). The dark messenger’s initiation modifier is intelligence, and its initiator level is equal to the ravenlord’s initiator level. Only one of the ravenlord or his dark messenger can initiate a strike in a single round (that is, if the dark messenger initiates a strike, the ravenlord may not initiate a strike until the next round, and vice versa). When either the ravenlord or his dark messenger initiates a strike, the other generates a 10-foot-radius sphere of Gloom for one round. The Gloom is stationary and grants concealment to the creature that generated it for as long as that creature is within its area. Starting at 3rd level, opponents within the gloom become cursed and take a –2 penalty on skill checks and Reflex saves while within its area.

Concealment is 20%. It only benefits the one that generated it.

tmw chained rogues can't sneak attack the bird

Have your players/characters fought in or commanded an army or pitched battle /pfg/?

Has your wizard or paladin ever rode around on the back of a dragon, gryphon, manticore, nightmare or some other magical beast to cast their spells or challenge the enemy leaders?

Tell us about your experiences with pitched battles /pfg/

I had a half-orc bard, who felt he was born to the life of the military - his bardic performances were all war songs, he had an intense knowledge of military history and tactics, and he eventually got command of a platoon (2 lieutenants for 2 squads of 15 men each) of crack crossbowmen that he pulled his bardic performances on, making them particularly deadly crack shots when following his orders. Or astonishingly brave in the face of danger.

Tl;dr Bard with leadership + crossbowmen

I guess that's reasonable. So if I wanted to protect my character, I would have the bird use a strike instead, to give him concealment and thus miss chance?

I'm mostly interested in an easy source of miss chance for my character, because his AC is garbage my fault for investing so heavily into Int and not as much into Dex and I want to not die.

Cloak of concealment

Might even be worth the cloak slot

Do you multiply the cheaper or the more expensive enhancement on magical items by 1.5? I can definitely see getting that tacked onto my cloak of resistance.

Cheaper, thankfully.

And yeah combining the two is a good idea. My alchemist has a tumour familiar with poisoner's gloves and infusions to give me displacement on demand in combination with my 30AC at level 7, which could be even higher. Watch out for stuff that negates miss chance, though.

Glad to hear it. Hope you enjoy the concept.

Also, do try to support DSP by buying Path of War: Expanded!

Something something shill.

When is the print book happening?

Sounded like it's going to print reasonably soon. I'm more interested in the PDF getting updated, honestly.

Also Ultimate Path of War when.

Well, not even the main golarion setting will EVER let you just come across a sonic beam cannon or the like. Forget it. It was all deliberately written so they're NPC only
>"you can look but you can't touch, oh look it was out of charges and it's time-worn it will never work again haha but look this other enemy has one as well and MAYBE it's not time-worn but it is"

But there's a few who can.
>Call Weaponry
Won't help you keep them loaded, but it can make any weapon appear, including a hotchkiss 6-pounder or a rocket-launcher (INCIDENTALLY; THAT ONE DOES COME LOADED, ALWAYS, AND SO HAVE FUN)

>Warsoul: Discipline Weapon Shapes
The main way to use tech weapons, by emulating them without ever worrying about their charges. Note that the rockets would run out and you'd have to re-form a new one in this case, though that's a minor annoyance.

>Gambler with a Psi-Core Psicrystal
5PP for one charge may technically be better than the wizard spell, but it's shit, and all it shows us is just how horrible EVEN WIZARDS were made to make sure these things cannot be used by the party (since the NPCs didn't have to worry about the insanely high WBL wastage). Infinite PPs though through burn... well... that'll charge the right back up won't it. Note though: you need to get your hands on the weapon in this case!

Not entirely sure how the Warsoul one's meant to work.
Which discipline has Tech weapons as discipline weapons?

Weapon Group Adaption lets you make any weapon group count as a discipline weapon group for ALL of your disciplines.

CAN Call Weaponry actually call Technological weapons?
Has there been a Word of God on that?

Are Technological weapons actually a weapon group?

My Warpriest of Gorum recently became a King and just led his first battle against an ally nation's civil war. I gave my army a grand speech, and then stormed the battlefield with my party as the vanguard to take on the enemy general. We beat them and routed the army. Next time I think I will use some deception and do some covert actions with the party while having someone under a disguise as me be leading the army

Fuck if I know! That's just what I imagine they're doing. I personally hate guns of all sorts in my fantasy, so I've never looked into any of these shenanigans.

>using deception
>not just bludgeoning the fuck out of stuff and letting the pieces fall into place

My Necromancer is slowly transitioning from squad leader to army leader.
It'll take a while, though.

There was a point where our eleventh level party had to face off against an army of nearly 50,000 surface dwelling Drow. The city we were protecting had strong walls, but no official military. We had three weeks of preparation, and knew exactly where the army was coming from.

The party: Generalist Wizard, Wildshape Focused Druid, Control Witch, Melee Alchemist, Magus, Investigator (me)

My Investigator had been gathering intel in the city the army originated from, and disguised herself as a half-drow to infiltrate the army. Over the next three weeks, she spread fear/distrust, sabotaged all the supplies she could get access to (at one point I infected the water supply for their contingent of Wizards with Cholera, in the middle of the desert) and assassinated several key targets; all while keeping the party updated on the army's movements.

Between my efforts, the Wizard teleporting conjured outsiders into the middle of the camp, and the Druid leading local wildlife to waylay resupply caravans, the army had been whittled down from 50,000 to roughly 17,000.

The battle was brutal, but the spellcasters did a great job of keeping the foot soldiers locked down, while the Magus and I worked on picking off the leaders. We hadn't seen the Alchemist during the preparations, but he made a reappearance during the battle with an experimental weapon. Which allowed us to turn the tide and win.

The tech weapons are mostly available if you have Tempest Gale or Solar Wind, as they are Firearms. The "Heavy" category requires Weapon Group Adaptation: Heavy, and just like "firearms" is one proficiency for the whole gang. So all those laser pistols and rifles are by default solar wind discipline weapons, and with WGA, Heavy Weapons are ALL discipline weapons (yes, broken blade, yes piercing thunder, yes, even the dual-wielding-one though that's not very helpful).

The monowhip and whatnot are their own thing though being exotic melees.

As for how it works: like your soulbolts, they're infinite. you use the weapon's stats, etc as if it were exactly that weapon though.

It lets you call weapons. It never specifies which. You can call in a XASER just as well as you can a greatsword. People just don't think about it, and well you're going to need some batteries.

Guns existed well before full plate, and Pathfinder's main setting involves crashed starships. Hell, even the old Conan world, and Greyhawk...

A lot more fantasy has had the stuff than some may like to think.

Plus why wouldn't you develop magical beams and the like? It's the "LOL CROSSBOWS ARE THE PRIMITIVE GREEK VERSIONS ONLY EVEN THOUGH WE'RE IN THE 1700S ARMORWISE BECAUSE LOL I LIEK LONGBOW" that is wrong.

So I like the guns when they go magitech for their existence. And the psi classes do that welle nough.

I've asked before but still haven't gotten an answer, does anybody know a way to build something like the Master of Many Forms and Warshaper in pathfinder?

I didn't say guns couldn't exist alongside my fantasy, I just don't like them there. It also is mostly that firearms are FULL. FUCKING. RETARD. in Pathfinder.

I fucking LOVE magitech and I hate how Golarion's magitech begins and ends with fucking alchemy.
Like, seriously? Spaceships, dude? Fuck off.

Why does Deep Focus have steeper requirements when the Psicristal Affinity/Containment route takes less less time to come online and has more benefits?


"Magitech" in my setting is alchemy based. Though it's just called alchemy, since Arcane Magic doesn't exist.

Psicrystals tend to get shit on by a standard attack.

>leaving your Psicrystal in a position where it could be attacked
You deserve what you get, put it in a pocket or on a necklace or something inconspicuous, it can see just fine from inside a bag or under a shirt.

See Also those Psionic feats give you a neat boost to your HP through Psionic Body. And, let's be honest, if you're taking Deep Focus, you're probably taking a fair number of Psionic feats.

actually it's a pretty shitty boost.

Because Metapsionics don't count, and because there's quite a few you'll take that are combat instead, you might get 12-14 over your career... which is worse than fucking toughness.

Psionic Body is a shittier toughness that also locks you into a certain path of feats, lest Psionic Body go to waste.

So take Psicrystal Affinity and deal with it. What exactly do you want? Or is it just time to cry about things for no particular reason?

>not using deception to get yourself surrounded by enemies
>decimating enemies with excellent flanking maneuvers
>do you even seek glory?

Bruh, I'm like 90% sure there was a bit about Gorum in that Inner Sphere Deities book the fuck was it called, again? that straight up said that Gorum looks down on that kind of shit, and just wants his people to go beat the shit out of folks for the sake of it.

Like, strategy? A-okay. Deception? For scrubs who don't worship the Lord in Iron.

I thought it was kosher to bitch about blatant trap options. because Deep Focus is obviously a trap option.

>Tells user it's not a very good feat compared to the alternative
>Gets told to deal with it as if he was the one asking

Inner Sea Gods?
It really is.
But Psicrystal Affinity is good, take nimble for that +2 initiative or one of the + save ones. Just don't put it in a position to be attacked.

>But Psicrystal Affinity is good
No one is debating that, we're talking about why the hell the worse feat has steeper requirement for less return.

Probably because Psionic Body seemed like a cool idea and no one ran the numbers.
I mean a feat that chains off of an entire type of feat sounds really cool, but no one ran the numbers and saw it was total shit.
Perhaps a DSP person can chime in with something about it soon.

Isn't Psionics basically just a port from 3.5 with little editing?
Perhaps they just didn't care that it was a bad feat.

>improved uncanny dodge
>why wouldn't they have it
>of course they have it.
>that and stalwart and evasion.

>Well, not even the main golarion setting will EVER let you just come across a sonic beam cannon or the like. Forget it. It was all deliberately written so they're NPC only
>"you can look but you can't touch, oh look it was out of charges and it's time-worn it will never work again haha but look this other enemy has one as well and MAYBE it's not time-worn but it is"
It's not as much of an issue as you're making it out to be, except in that caster disparity rears its ugly head again. All you need is any technomancer (caster PrC, available as early as 7th, so theoretically available in any small town), and you can recondition any tech item and make it rechargeable, about twice a day (takes eight hours).

Alternatively, get your hands on a reclamation robot, which can just wave its robo-arms and turn any timeworn object into a better-than-new version.

I have spent way too much time plotting the economics of such things as part of the Aspis-Consortium-based Iron Gods game I'm running.

actually most of it had a lot of changes.
majority of the loopholes are closed up and gone, too.

Go full fucking vampire counts on that shit. Make some horrific undead vampire-beast that regenerates, flies and is at least huge size.

Vargheists / Varghulfs are pretty awesome. One is a mutated creature that's lost all of its sanity (vargheists) due to horrifically long imprisonment. The other is a vampire that has metamorphised simply due to gorging on blood and not giving a fuck about humanity.

So necrocrafting somewhere in there?
And then just make some full on Vozhds

What's an esoteric character that you've always wanted to play, but couldn't?
Either because your group ruled it was "too out there" or because the 3pp wasn't available, or whatever.
I've always wanted to play a site-bound Kitsune Oracle that'd eventually fuckin' animate the whole shrine as a Colossal construct for the final showdown.
Problem is, our games are always "we must always be travelling to save the world from this super giant evil" and they always get like a third of the way in before dying, so I can't even have the character show up with the construct. Ech.
Share yours, /pfg/! Let's all be a bit sad together.

Whats the easiest way to get caster levels to qualify for craft wondrous items as an alchemist aside from taking the spell knowledge discovery tax?

Having a GM that isn't a pedantic little shit about alchemist's pseudo-caster levels

How do I gif related, 1pp-only, level 5 start?

Do SLAs work?

Does Vital Strike work with maneuvers?

>Mnuh mnuh Arcforge.