How many big bosses would it take to kill one space marine? How about primarchs?
How many big bosses would it take to kill one space marine? How about primarchs?
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Well I think that depends. Has big boss already lost or had to retreat from the SM one or more times?
If so, BB wins.
If it's a first, or even second or third encounter, BB loses.
If Big Boss and Venom work together, game over.
I think he has enough crafty tactics to take a few down. He's the stealth master, he could rig up some semtex or something. But if he's caught he's fucked after maybe one stinger launch.
He pretty regularly takes out the equivalent of an Imperial Knight, and I think the Peace Walker was about on par with a Warhound Titan, so that's a good metric. An Imperial Knight is definitely tougher than a space marine, but once you take its movement limitations into effect I figure a Primarch would actually be more dangerous to snake.
Basically, a Space Marine would be a mid level boss for Snake, somebody tough and with serious physical advantages, but ultimately defeatable by a combination of cunning, trickery and equipment. I think a Primarch would be a little out of BB's range, though he would probably give them their money's worth for a mere mortal.
Maybe he and Kurze have some kind of awesome stealth battle in the ruins of a hive?
Big Boss is basically Sly Marbo but he can steal anything
Hard to say. SM have infrared vision so they'll be at an advantage but I think Big Boss gets infrared blocking outfits. A primarch might be able to sense his soul but most primarchs don't use their psycher abilities very much.
Solid Snake probably has the best chance since he definitely gets thermal masking gear and after that it's just a matter of landing a killing blow.
Anti-tank weapons would work, but shotguns have done damage to space marines before. An M32 with HE rounds should disable the limbs at least. RPG-7s should finish it off. Eventually.
Despite being pretty battleworn Venom is slick enough to use the very weapons the relatively large and powerful and durable Skulls have to hurt them, or other stuff.
Big Boss at earlier points in his career could probably find ways to hurt or out manuever a Marine too.
Like how Snake can unquestionably aim well enough to SHOOT THEM IN THE EYE or some other relatively weaker spot.
Sure, it might not work with a pistol, but there are other things.
And being both very strong and very fast are not enough to catch Snake in close quarters.
Because he's obscenely quick and skilled.
I've thought this before myself, actually, and heard the comment and considered it pretty apt.
Toughest thing about a primarch is the healing. You need specialized weapons to inflict lasting wounds.
Although a battle between Kurze and BB would be absolutely epic.
>Sir, we have a problem!
>What is it, Guardsman?
>We lost another shipment of Baneblades, sir!
>What?! How the hell did an enemy force slip through?
>The thing is, was only a single man.
>Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you for that idiocy.
>No really, sir! Pict-logs show him sneaking behind each Baneblade, attaching some combat webbing attached to a pack.
>Go on...
>...And he pulls on a string attached to the pack, deploying a primitive cloth-chute.
>And that cloth-chute just suddenly flies into the air, dragging the Baneblade with it!
>Wait. Did this man have an eyepatch and a piece of shrapnel jutting out of his skull?
>Yes sir. He also moved like some kind of tactical stealth geniu...
>implying he won't just fulton it
Biggu bossu could catch and lift peace walking trying to smush him.
He'd just manhandle the primarchs like the little babbys they are.
That...sounds about right.
Now I'm imagining BB abducting and recruiting space marines.
Diamond Dogs steal shit like the Blood Ravens.
>Ultramarine walks around the base and sees Black Legionaries, Ork Kommandos, Eldar Dire Avengers, and Tau Crisis suits in a similar state of confusion
Fund it.
>Boss starts fultoning chaos marines
>Traitors and Loyalists confused as to why they don't feel any real urge to fight each other on what can only be described as a piece of the warp given a orange and metal form
>New chaos god brought into existence from the sheer confusion the marines are feeling
Are you implying bb is a chaos god?
BB is a lost Primarch.
He even has clone sons.
He's just the manletiest of primarchs.
>Venom Snake was the Blood Ravens' Primarch
>Blood Ravens take their color scheme from Venom's artificial hand
engineered small for sneakan
Alpharius, Omegon and Big Boss were triplets actually. Boss got even more lost than the other two. His Primarch name was Nurius Muson.
BB is father of Sly Marbo
>snake was even more lost
Implying he wanted to be found. The Emperor never found him because snake didn't want to be found.
Muh dick