It might be that there's a stage of hollowing so advance you just stop acting entirely and essentially become a corpse. Take the cages in the Undead Settlement that don't move for example, even though they were used to contain Undead. Plus, the corpses in Irithyll Dungeon that briefly reanimate and scream at you if you take their items. Maybe lots of the corpses you encounter in the series are just Undead who've advanced to such a severe stage of mental and physical decay they don't even act aggressively anymore.
I'm pretty sure a lot of the item descriptions of stuff you find in the Undead Settlement and Cathedral of the Deep also indicate that the more you butcher an Undead, the longer it takes for them to come back to life.
Of course, as says, it's hard to draw the line between lore and gameplay a lot of the time. And From just kind of forgets that the Undeads' whole shtick is reviving endlessly when it comes to NPCs.
Justin James
You know, we ought to get a wiki or pastebin or something going to put together stuff that's been discussed and agreed upon enough (like Aldia's involvement with Lothric)
Jaxon Perry
There's already but I don't know who manages and contributes to that.
Adrian Gutierrez
But that's the thing >agreed upon enough There is no such thing. People still argue endlessly over DaS1 lore, let alone DaS3. For example, >Aldia's involvement with Lothric I personally don't buy this. I don't deny that such a connection is possible, because I think the Soul Stream description is meant to bring Aldia to mind, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's anything more than a neat reference, nor would I try to find a place for Aldia in Lothric's lore.
Logan Sanders
There's other stuff as well.
Items like the Undead Bone Shard and the like pretty well indicate that eventually undead do become corpses.
My bet is that eventually even Hollows lose the will to act, and eventually just stop. Hell, Hollows might simply still have some will to live and desire souls, just not enough to remain sane. So an Undead could even possibly simply skip past Hollow to just dead.
Camden Flores
I think it'd be useful for agreed upon things and contended points. Just somewhere to document things that have been discussed, and linking to evidence to support any arguments.
Aaron Martinez
Given that they're Unkindled, they probably got brought back round the time that Aldrich did. The Unkindled are apparently supposed to be people who failed to light the fire (unfit even for cinders etc.) and all that.
It's kind of interesting how there's almost like there's a designated Unkindled for every Lord of Cinder, really. Anri and Horace for Aldritch, Hawkwood for the Abyss Watchers, and Siegward for Yhorm. The princes are off doing their own thing and have apparently killed a few Unkindled by the time you show up if their dialogue is any indication.
Then again, who knows. The timeline for Dark Souls 3 is complicated enough without bringing Lordran's timey-wimey bullshit and Lothric's converging transient lands into the mixture. (Carthus is a desert kingdom! What the hell are the Catacombs doing underneath Darkroot Garden?) Yhorm came before Aldritch, since the Pontiff found the ruins of the Profaned Capital and whatnot, and the princes are probably the most recent Lord of Cinder, but how much time is supposed to have passed between each linking of the fire? There was a thousand years between Gwyn and the Chosen Undead, but I guess it's gotten a lot shorter since then. Did Pontiff Sullyvahn send out his Outriders after the bells tolled or before it? How long has Irythill's seeming invasion of Lothric gone on?
Nathaniel Cooper
>The princes are off doing their own thing They're not lords of cinder so they don't count
Hunter Howard
>They're not lords of cinder >they have a throne for a Lord of Cinder >they're part of the ritual to link the fire >they drop Cinders of a Lord Sure thing buddy. Everything else points to a Lord of Cinder being one with the potential to link the fire, and named as such, whether they actually do or not.
Daniel Roberts
Holy shit thank you I am tired of this >Lothric is not a Lord of Cinder meme