Post and pitch legit crypto companies

The answer to internet censorship is substratum, the cryptocurrency. It's basically a hosting platform that will be open to the rest of the internet, meaning websites hosted on substratum will be able to access content outside of the network, people not running substratum will be able to access substratum, it will use standard domain names like .com .net, basically nobody needs to know that substratum is even involved.

Substratum is basically a hosting platform for websites that wont be shut down and has all middle-men taken out, leaving the processing power, hard drive space and bandwidth to be traded on a free market.

This coin isnt some crypto-anarchist wet dream, its a legitimate company thats launching their product in 1 month and will be able to out-compete amazon web hosting, godaddy, bluehost, 1and1 - fucking everybody.

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Looks to be the same concept as Mysterium. WTF ever happened to that? So glad I was able to dump it during a pump for a tidy profit.

can't get more legit than this

id invest if i could

What i read from their website is this: me (the client) wants to do a website using substratum, the host will be held by a single node. What if the node is not responsive anymore? i see no fix in this case.

shift on the other hand, all the nodes are responsable of the hosts, because if one node is not responding then the next node will step up.

and the last thing, i saw their "demo" and it's nothing but just an interface with no functionality. Just some labels and buttons who do nothing.

They've already tested the network, it works and its launching in 1 month.

Yeah. I bought some when it got the top vote on Binance. Been a great coin so far.

Adding Modem. Perhaps the fist coin to have a physical world presence.

No, there are many available nodes. If a user wants to access a website, an algorithm will find the best node to do the job. There are several criterias which determine which node gets chosen.

They will literally revolutionize the web comrads.

kinda like what ark aims to do too

What if, say, NN goes through and Comcast hates a bad goy's website that is hosted on SUB. Will they still be able to throttle speeds to it?

Network Neutrality prevents that.

so would sub, they wouldnt be able to see sub's dns, its encrypted

What people fail to realize is that Substratum is actually a platform for future apps

When it goes open source other developers will be able to create new apps to run on the network.

LoMoStar and Lomocoin(LMC).

The idea of a block chain currency and social network/AR experience hybrid sounds like a meme but when you think about the kind of money that could be made from Facebook-style targeted ads in a Pokémon Go-like experience it’s really staggering. I have no doubt advertisers will be using something like this in the near future.
Helps small businesses too because you can just drop cheap “ads” on your shop and attract people.
Exponential growth in value because of the network effect.
Very well connected team in China which is important for success.
15 mil market cap, easily a top 50 coin soon.

Working product, 300k users already in China. White paper releases today.

if it's so great then why are you shilling it in an unrelated thread?

> Post and pitch legit crypto companies

I dont see
>Substratum General
In that title.

touche. i didn't read it properly.

Yeah, my bad, I meant the opposite - if NN is taken away.