Wallstorm Edition
Soon Sub-Edition
Last time on Horus Heresy G we learned how an user was beat down with bat wielding bats who were in turn wielded by Batman's family and what each legion does to walls, horrible fanficition, discussion on how different would it be if the Night Lords swapped places with the WEs at the Istvaan Atrocity and which one of the conspirators from the Word Bearers was more important, new transfer sheets and pictures from Warhammer Fest was shown, Knights the size of Titans, and more in the old thread Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
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HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr
30k Black Library: mega.nz
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
First for the Iron Hands
First for Night Lords. So what models have you guys worked on lately?
I made this Primus Medicae out of the Calth Terminator and some old bits I had. Still need to clean up sprue nubs and mold lines but I'm pretty happy with my first "conversion"
I still need to paint my termi sergeant/praetor that I primed months ago..
I had fun converting my B@C praetor as well.
Like the medicae conversion
>I become more and more sure of the conclusions I've reached
Have you actually tried to apply your conclusions in a game?
That's a really good, well painted conversion, but the lion heads kind of look silly.
Why did Perturabo name his new tank after the first captain of the death guard?
Eh. I have my own little head canon for mah speshial snowflake. I always thought Huron's FW pads were cool. Lions are cool. So why not
I'm interested, as I agree that tacticals feel pretty much like tax sometimes.
Because it's prone to fuck upeverything, be it a fortification or an entire legion.
On hindsight, it should have been called "Erebus"
More like TAXical squads am I right?
I'll see myself out.
Does it turn everything to Chaos? And is it a giant asshole at the same time?
Oh, so that's why Morty can't find him.
>beep boop found two results
>Taxical squads
Couldn't name them better.
>>beep boop found two results
>Both of them were Typhons from a 2 LoW FOC
>beep boop
So, Perty is "gifting" Ferrum Domitars now, huh? Honest gifts, not embeded surveillance cameras whatsoever!
I was referring to Book 7.
Alternatively, decent Thallax when?
Book 10.
Still earlier than Alpharius' model, though.
This is why I dont get it when people say don't build your army around a certain RoW, why would I want the option to take a bunch of wank units in every army I play?
They'll probably have WIPs of him around Book 9. Probably. Maybe Book 11.
>FW wants me to commit cybernetica tech-heresy confirmed
I'll be on stasis then, like that guy's Magos on the center of the planet. I just hope the Reductor can get something other than on that coming IA book where Tau will kill everything ever.
How bad really are thallax?
3 wound T5 models with jet packs and options to bring some good special weapons sounds pretty decent to me.
>that guy's Magos on the center of the planet.
You're talking to the same guy.
>something other than on that coming IA book where Tau will kill everything ever.
They might kill everything but they won't take our pride.
i dont understand the hate thallax get, really
they're fairly tough, have good weapons options, and tell anyone who even considers infiltrating to go fuck themselves with a rake
sure, medusas delete them, but thats a universal fact of life
>More expensive than terminators
>Can bring up to three special weapons...but only if you max the unit up to 9 dudes.
>Would fuck up cover campers if Lightning gun wasn't fucking AP5
>Icarian upgrade useless
>Outmelee'd by everything else
>Compulsory for Reductor, but don't really fit in the army
>Adsecularis capture back objectives better
But I guess they can take meltabombs and try to blow up vehicles? It's not like AdMech lacks Ordnance S9 or better, though. Nor like Reductor Magi can work well with their own Thallax compulsory troops.
Ferrox withheavy chain blades and melta bombs.
They mulch humies.
It's because they are a dedicated anti-tank unit that exists in the Troop slot, so naturally people assume it's a Scoring / Anti-Infantry unit.
Anti-Tank units want to be kept small with maximum number of special weapons and directed at specific threats. Any more than 3 in the unit is a waste, as is using their Lightning Guns on anything with a T-value.
They aren't intended to be a frontline brawler unit and you'll always need Secularis to cover your Scoring requirements anyway. Unfortunately, Krios make better tank-hunters.
So we have a dedicated tank hunter that isn't as good at hunting tanks as competing units, while simultaneously being a mediocre Scoring unit.
So most people just skip them entirely and take Secularis and Krios rather than paying for an expensive hybrid.
>Ferrox withheavy chain blades and melta bombs.
190 pts, Rage and Rending. The unit may not replace their lightning guns.
>3 Vorax
195 pts, has Scout, Fleet, Rending, T6 and AP2 at initiative, as well as the same firepower and 24 S3 at 30" range.
>Ferrox withheavy chain blades and melta bombs.
190 pts, WS3 Rage and Rending. The unit may not replace their lightning guns.
>3 Vorax
195 pts, has Scout, Fleet, Rending, WS4, T6 and AP2 at initiative (or S10 rerollable), as well as the same firepower and 24 S3 at 30" range, and are Fearless.
They mulch Everything.
Since I made the model I'm taking this
I'm glad Vorax got that point drop, helped tilt them from bleh to fucking scary.
Oh boy, I love it.
Can't not see them and their mantis arms in the stereotypical drac pose now.
>Yiang Shis
Wheres the seal and do they hop?
user we don't talk about those,this is a Puerto Rican golfing board!!!
Sure is slow in here tonight.
Bumping back up to the top, I could use some advice on painting my Sons of Horus.
Basically how should I shade the green? I could go for a yellowy-brown, or I could go for a grey tint.
I mostly want them to not look like Salamanders.
Here's a handy guide.
Funny how planets are so big it's night for you and 3pm for me. And the Imperium comprises about a million such planets. One among untold billions indeed. That explains why the thread was so fast on the (my) morning.
We had Warhammer Fest last thread. More HH Goodness than you can shake a stick at.
Here, have the Yiff King.
Should I trust chinaman products, or should I expect full chinascam. I want to start a 30k army and I can do it though cheap stuff on ebay and wanted the opinion of people I do not know
Order in batches of $100 or less.
The quality is passable but clearly inferior to FW in my experience. You get what you'd expect.
Neat. So he pretty clearly has his Frost Sword (Mjalnar?) and what looks like an Axe. Has any fluff ever described him with an Axe? I assume it's a good one.
Wonder if he's got Freki and Geri with him.
Ruleswise I'm not sure how different they can make him from Angron as they both start out as power-armoured-nuts-who-chop-things. Psychic defenses seem likely but that's hardly going to change the way he's used.
> Some kind of 'dirty fighter' rule that debuffs his opponent?
> Once-per-game warhowl feat ability?
>wooden shield on the backpack
Stormwood shield.
>not frostwood
The Vulture Automata.
Dorn vs Alpharius. Both fighting over who's going to get their model first, after Mangus and the Lion (Yes, FW said the Lion is next after Magnus to tie into the next book)
> not Wolfwood
>not woodwood
Just proves my idea that Dorn and Alphy are getting models when FW does the Alpha Legion vs Imperial Fists book, the one they said was going to be about traitors poking the defences of the solar system.
While it sucks for the IF players, did Dorn actually do anything during the Heresy other than build walls and fight on Terra?
Phall was Polox and Sigismund did the Martian job right?
And it's not like anyone actually wanted to use him in-game anyway with that Unwieldy chainsword.
It's not Unwieldy anymore though.
Why do they want to give that random Alpha legionnaire a model? It's not like he's the primarch or something.
So MkVII is also known as the aquila armor because a giant eagle on the chest that basically says 'For The Emperor!' but what do you think the traitor version of MkVII looked like? Plain? A giant eye of horus?
are you serious?
It was made on terra before the siege, so they would not normally have it.
I'd say giant eye of horus for rule of cool.
>not wolfwolf
>not woodwolf
Isn't the plastic Chaos Marine in corrupted Mk VII Armour?
Yes? Dont tell me traitor mechanicus just stopped developing new armor while the ones on Terra made a new one, that'd be awkward.
>We stop at MkVI! Its perfect!
>But Hal the Emperor just made a new better armor for his boys, I want better shit for mine
>Its perfect Horus! PERFECT!
>Yea but..
>No! One more word and I take away your land speeders Horus!
Does it matter any more?
Good point, I'd say it can be vateogrised as pattrn 2 (non production) post.-heresy heresy armour :^).
Anvillus energy pack included.
Also loads of chaos stars.
But the plastic chaos muhreen runs around some time after the horus heresy.
Different stuff.
>not woodfrost
>not wolfbark
The set mostly includes MKVII legs with MKV/ VII chests, with MKVII shoulder pads and arms, and usually really HORNY MKVII helmets. It's a little bit of a clusterfuck.
Ah shit I mean MKVI legs
Can you imagine if it's not a repackaging?
Dont worry, theyll still look like shit
Just overdesigned AoS shit
My favorite kind
I told you once but I will say it again
When you live the flesh it's the beginning of the end
Lol jk no update yet :^)
The Death Guard character Crysos Morturg has the psychic power Endurance listed in his profile. Do I need to go through any psychic phase shenanigans to use this power or can I flat out use it cuz it's in his profile?
What do you mean? You don't have to roll for it on biomancy, but you still have to cast it using warp charges.
I have a feeling the CSM dude were made just to be different from loyalists. So MkVI legs vs. the knee padded MkVII legs of the loyalists, MkV torsos vs. MkVII torsos, etc.
I hope we see a bigger range of styles with earlier armour marks as the base. MkII, III and IV should probably be quite dominant. I don't know if traitors even had that many MkVs, since they were created by loyalists, so most were probably just salvaged suits. MkVI they did get from Mars once it was conquered and the suits got distributed.
>with MKVII shoulder pads and arms
The arms are blatantly MkII.
The MkII arms don't look that much like the CSM gauntlets. As a matter of fact, the Ravenwing command kit has arms with similar style flared vambraces.
aww ok
Kind of disappointed it's ~8mm and not 6mm but still hyped. Just hope all my 30k forumware stuff looks ok next the new stuff.
Leman I love you
Made a rough mock-up of a SW Forge Lord with terminator armour and conversion beamer I've been planning. Missing plenty of decorative bits and overall finish. Don't know what to get for the shoulder pads yet.
Used bits:
>Cataphtacti legs
>GK and CSM terminator torso
>DA Halberd of Caliban
>Wolf Guard terminator thunder hammer head
>GK terminator apothecary back piece
>GK terminator incinerator
>Archmagos Draykavac head
>Abeyant conversion beamer barrel
Tell me about your Forge Lord. Why does he wear Scoria's head?
but that's Draykavacs head, like user said
shit meme 0/10, unironically kys
fuck dammit, I forgot his name was Draykavac!
You could say I...crashed this banepost :^/
>8mm scale titans
When is this coming out?
The only time it is acceptable to banepost is when your talking about 30k's Bane himself
he's a big guy....for the alpha legion
fug, you're*
It was written in the stars, and so, the time has come.
The time were I'm gonna buy original FW instead of recasts, because they deserve every damn cent
I was waiting for this kit.
I'm happy.
Say, what about Assault tacticals as compulsory troops (rad + MTC + mobilty + HoW in the Reaping?) while leaving backfield objectives to allied auxilia?
Or should I bring Breachers as the min troops because of their LR DTs?
This is horseshit, actual Chinaman is just as good as Forgeworld. In my experience, the Russian guy is not as good as the real thing.
I have a ton of legit FW models and it's fucking ironic that there's a bunch of True Born FW defenders who have convinced themselves that FW models are of superior quality, when the reality is that they are average at best.
Chinaman at least washes the models of releasing agent before shipping, fucking christ.