/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General

Header Edition

We're currently working on Gen V

Here's the current worklog:
| Gen V |
-Text fixes
-Army Upgrades Page

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Game welcome here!

Everyone welcome.

Q - What is Towergirls?
A Veeky Forums creation. Read more here.

Q - How do I play?
A - It's a CYOA, there are no established mechanics for the rescue. All the pages to the game are in the imgur album linked in resources.

Q - Why aren't/are we we working on; Fan Gen II/Knights/combat mechanics/etc.
A - No. We recognize that spreading out our efforts is what originally killed the project. Accordingly, we're focusing on just one thing at a time and finishing them out.

Q - Hey, can we make a pricness about X fetish?
A - It generally comes down to what people like. Propose the idea and see if others want it.

Q - Is there a map/unified setting?
A - Nope. Though proposals have been made, nothing concrete has been created.

Q - Can I post fanart/fanfiction here?
A - Go right on ahead, just make sure it's within the global rules.

Imgur Album - imgur.com/a/maXHJ
Tower Girls infinity Chan Board - https:// infinity ch.net/twgrl
Booru - tower-girls.booru.org/
Templates - (Photo user has been lazy and needs to update the download)

Subtitle Pending:
Kingdom Conquest:

Original Brush:
Photoshop - stumpypencil.blogspot.com/2009/11/return-of-stumpy-pencil.html
SAI - beroleagle.deviantart.com/art/Paint-Tool-SAI-Pencil-Brushes-96742060
Gimp - elmerucr.deviantart.com/art/Real-Pencil-Brushes-for-GIMP-57810771

"04b_19" is used for the name of the Princess
"Bebas Neue Regular" is used for all the rest of the text.

Last Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



I think Gen 4 needs a bit of a rewrite. The main page doesn't say anything about the rewards. It should say something like "Any space you choose to keep empty can be filled with treasure" or something.

Strawpoll Results:

Layout: One Passive/One unlock/Two Choices

For the sake of the artists's sanity, I suggest working the Passive effect into the troop's description, the two choices in the middle, and the unlockable at the bottom.

Generic Soldier with Regiment Power Indicatior

Not only did this choice win, but generic soldier was far more popular than captain, and Regiment got half the votes for the power indicatior.

Any other business on the table, or is it open season for throwing out ideas?


>Any other business on the table
Nope. It's been pretty slow lately.
Idea slinging time.

I am guessing the usual three pluses and two minuses descriptions will not be used for the armies?

I think the troop cards will look a lot like treasure cards, so I don't believe so, no.

Have Gen 5's rules ben done? Or is that still not finished? Cart size, what spell you can choose, etc.

Working on writing up a run, and I want to include Gen 5, but only if there's rules in place.

8 Cart
You sum up your total initial Love and Lust values up to this point.
And then any Princesses you rescue will give you the Spell for which you have higher Love or Lust, either if equal.
There's also Army stuff to sub in place of rare treasures, but that's not done yet.

So the armies are subbed in like the companions/treasures, gotcha.

Can't wait to see what people come up with for the armies.

Personally, I've been thinking about a dog themed army. Just waiting for the army cards to finalized before I post my idea. Is it wrong for Dog Knight to pet dog soldiers? Is it especially wrong for Cat Knight to pet dog soldiers?

I think a cat is fine too for them.

I kinda like the thought of the dog army just being Dog Princess again.

actually, speaking of the treasure

We probably should re-adjust the sheet into something more laconic, pic related is my idea

I don't understand why we're using princess-sized boxes to explain our treasures when we can use Lust Reward-sized boxes to do the same thing, but simpler to read

and also it'd be super easy to make items for anyone contributing because it can literally be "pile of gold" "larger pile of gold" "largest pile of gold" if you want to tier the items still

Possibly why I had the idea that they could look like a more boyish dog princess in armor, giving the vague idea that it may just be Dog Princess in disguise.

Or make it easier for Dog Princess to beat them up and disguise herself as one of them. Either works.

Foocubi Auxillaries

These seductive demons and demonesses devote their energies to sapping your foes of theirs

Power: 2

>Choice 1: Morale Hazard
A vanguard of Succuibi and Incubi will pay a visit to enemy encampments the night before an engagement, leaving them exhausted and distracted the next day

>Choice 2: Distraction Corps
The auxiliaries redouble their efforts on the battlefield, drawing combatants away lay down their arms and armor.

>Unlock: Cross Training
Requires Succubus Princess or Incubus general
The Auxiliaries train your other troops in techniques to look attractive even in full battle gear, causing enemies to occasionally hesitate in their attacks.

I wanna draw something. Thoughts?

I'd just like to suggest that there be some indication that Regiment Power just be the same power stat as if you took a Princess. Just for the sake of having something to add to your overall "Score" at the end. Otherwise, sounds great.

I kind of like this idea. The treasure chart is a bit huge, when it could easily be shrunk down.

Knight Princess under the effect of Cloak of the Beast (you decide on what kind of beast), while Triclops Princess has her mounted on top of a pygmy Triceratops. Bonus points for hypnotized eyes and a shit-eating grin on Knight.

Rat Princess, doing anything!

dat girl underloved.

It works like the treasure piles for gen 4 treasure.

1 row of soldiers = 1 point of power for your pool

Filth Princess, was Dorf's OC from a couple threads ago. In squalor in her home in the sewers.

Giantess princess and the knight in this pose.

Thinking about it, I should probably throw out my idea before I forget to do it. Using as the template, here's the dog soldiers.

Dogs of War

The Dogs of War feel nothing but admiration and affection for you (TOO affectionate?), and will dedicate their sharp noses to ensure that nobody gets close to you or your properties undetected, any time of the day.

Power: 2

>Choice 1: Rescue Dogs
Knowing (or believing) that you would be sad to see your men die, the Dogs of War will try to rescue your men when they're defeated, giving them a chance to live another day.

>Choice 2: Bloodhounds
If any of your adversaries has fled, the Dogs of War can help you finish the job by tracking them down by their scent.

>Unlock: Utter Loyalty
Requires Dog Princess
The Dogs of War spreads news (presumably of your kindness and wisdom) to your armies, ensuring that your troops will never betray you. But do they do it out of respect for you, or out of fear for someone else?

Same request I'll always make

Wonder Chest can carry Princesses too, right? Or is that cheating? Because it'd be possible to save everyone with Mimic's Wonder Chest that way.

Here is something!

I like thing!

It is something, a cute something.

splintercell, heh.

Now, Gorgon princess in the grand hall of massive stone dicks.

Yes, that's allowed, so long as they "belong" to you.
Which in most logical processes means you need Goblin Princess' Breeding Contract.
And then you can stuff EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in your Wonder Chest.

Who is best knight order, user?

Ding. Ding. Ding. You've found ONE of the ways that you can rescue everything. If someone wants to rules lawyer you that princesses aren't your "belongings", just Amethyst Gossamer for the Stud's Draught and grab the Breeding Contract. Boom. You've just gone around and had gratuitous amounts of sex, now own all the princesses, and have managed to get around that rules lawyer.


In all seriousness, I rather like the Templars because of all the mystery surrounding them and the rather striking aesthetic.

Then again, the Knights of Saint John were badasses who refused to let the Turks win. As a Romaphile, I'm happy to support anyone who'd fight the Turk.

I'm feeling stupid.

In Gen 1, the rules don't say you can take only 1 dowry from each princess. However, I never see anyone take more than one. Is that just preference, or did I misread a rule somewhere?

the correct answer is Lantern Knight, but good try.

Probably for space reasons.

You only have 4 slots on your cart plus 1 free Dowry slot.
And different tastes mean people take a variety of stuff.

That's just it; for some reason it clicked in my head that, since nobody took two from the same princess, it's a rule I missed or something.

Glad to know that it was all in my dumb head. Time to figure out fun runs.

AHA! But you misread his question, user. His quest was not whom is best knight, but 'Who is best knight ORDER". Lantern is alone, but the Templars stand together!

We don't know that

Bear Knights.

Fuck honor, get picnic baskets.

Would bear knights even have allies?

Picnic Basket Knights. It'd be a very S/M relationship, but still.

just remember that the chests are OP in Gen 1, and are usually the source of ridiculously broken runs or SERIOUS runs. For example:

you could technically get DP's itemchest for free slot, then put her inside it to get the Dragon Ruby, re-summon DP, then get another Ruby.

So you can leave with either 4 Rubys, or 4 Dragon Princessess (because you can exchange the Dowry back for the Princess)

Player Knights, They make sure to optimize themselves to be the best at what they do.
Not to mention make up the most rounded Order.

Knight order from Paladin PR., trained in magic from Witch PR college, and mounted on Triclops PR's dinosaurs

Skeleton Knights. Merry, friendly, great at telling ghost stories, will scare your worst enemies away, and they tell the best bone jokes. There is no better order of knights.

>Clockwork Cobbler's Kingdom
>Automaton Trooper
>Passive Boon: Handcannon
>Grants small cannons that can be carried.
>Powerful, but heavy and inaccurate.
>Unique ability: Better, Faster, Stronger
>The Automatons will improve and repair themselves outside of battle.
>Endurance - 5
>Numbers - 5
>Training - 1
>Power- 3

>Specialty Unit: War Machine
>A titanic mechanical humanoid seige weapon.

>Fun runs
Here's one I've been musing for a while. Just took the time to compile it.


I miss this art style. It was so much more lively.

She has got a point.

Photo user here. I will either do this later tonight or tomorrow. Sorry for my laziness this week. Been looking for work and enjoying Stellaris.

You're not required to follow any kind of schedule, so nobody can blame you for not doing anything this week. Take your time and enjoy the game, man.

I don't like the way this turned out but eh.

Good shit, Eversor. I agree, the pose is a tad odd and looks off in that style, but I like it.
Not OR.

God, we are DEAD.
Guess everyone is busy this weekend.

some of us are busy programming cool shit.

That too, we have some game developers, people who play tabletop games, etc with lives outside Towergirls. Oh well.
>Conquer the Universe with a boundless kingdom of Machine People
That's one way of doing things.

Sorry if I came off resentful, but having to go over 840 entries across a 2d array 3 times will strain anyone's patience.

If it makes you feel better, I have just been reading since this is my first time getting into Tower Girl stuff in months, and I really like the progress

I've almost got my current waifu list done. The only problem is choosing one more princess via Hourglass. It's just I didn't feel like talking about it here until you mentioned everything being dead.

Naa, not resentful at all, I was just commenting on how we all have lives, it's sad but nothing you can do about it.
Fair enough as well. How's the list looking?

>How's the list looking?
It's been hard. Now I'm just trying to pick the best of the runners up, and there are a lot of them. Though I will say that at least my Kingdom and love life both look to be in decent condition

I haven't been to these threads in ages, so I wasn't sure if it was kosher or not to share lists or if that would be considered poor form

Yeah, go ahead. We have a couple floating about like Mecha guy up there.
GM Princess and his body swapping nightmare fuel.
A few others.

Okay. Sorry if my tastes are a tad vanilla

Tower Girl choices wealth/power ( +1 floating from Milf Pirate list coin, applied to those I want to marry)
1st dungeon
Kobold w Red Candle =3+1/1
Insect =1/4+1
Golem =2/3+1

Fake Dungeon
Orphan w Free Mysterious Ring =0/0
Wyvern =3+1/3
Levia =5/4+1
Demon =3/4+1

2nd Dungeon (-3 Power from worship)
Milf Pirate- Worship =2+1/2
Plant- Worship =3+1/0
Witch- Worship =1/5+1
Centaur- Worship =0/3+1

3rd Dungeon: Pre dung W/P =27/31
Dragon III =5+1/5
Triclops =0/3+1
Moth =3+1/3
Lamia 4+1/1

4th Dungeon
Mantis-Surgeon =0/2+1
Gator-Beastmaster =1/2+1
Snake-SolidSerpent =4+1/2
Chimera-FireWitch =0/3+1
Time Turner (Cloak of Beasts, Paladin Princess) =W0
Paladin Princess =2/3+1
Snake Charmer Vase =W4
Choices for 2nd Hourglass princess to save: Slime, Knight, Frog, Angel, Monkey, Day Elf, Huldra, Holstaur, Dusk Elf, Sword, Gazer

And no, when I started I didn't know how good Golem would be, I just thought it would be sweet.

At least my nation has a strong military presence and power

>Time Turner
You don't get both effects, you pick one. Use the Snake Charmer Vase as an easy reference. It can't contain snake oil AND a bottomless supply of snakes.

Ah, okay. It didn't really make that clear in the rule sheet.
I'll plan accordingly.

Is the unlock just another choice to select then? Or is it an extra thing?

Unlock is a free bonus you get in addition to your choice of the 2.

Alright. So essentially, the only thing that's different is that I don't get the beast cloak and the Vase only has snakes
I still have to select a girl to save.

Beast Cloak + non-beast Princess + Triclops Princess Lust Bonus + Humble Trident

>Turn princess into a beast
>Triclops turns said princess into a subservient pet
>Humble Trident turns them back into a human

Cruel but funny.

>100% loyal and obedient primal giant princess

>body swapping nightmare
Hey, now you're just blowing things out of proportion.

On a purely platonic level, which two knights fits each other the best?

Sir knight and knight princess other than that Dog knight and Cat knight

One is a Beat, One is a Knight.
Witch one is witch will surprise you.


>One is a Beat, One is a Knight.

Fuck's sake me.


Thought you meant to say "beast" honestly.

Adorable, almost good enough to not body swap with someone else. o3o

Brethren before wenches

My build takes both of Goblin's dowries.


Hey guys, Who should I make alternate costumes for next? Take a vote here!

>Ninja princess winning
Please no Naruto costumes


Woo, Ghost Princess is winning.

Resist the urge, be different. Be the Prometheus Turret.

Lantern and Leper.

I don't know why, I think they'd get on overly well.

>Suddenly an explosion of Nomad votes

Why the hell does the captcha never stop loading?

Where the hell did all that Nomad come from? I mean, he was my second choice, but Ghost was more interesting.

The power of proxies.

No no! I posted the strawvote on my tumblr. So i think thats where the influx came from.

Your Tumblr fans like traps it would seem.

This. They must really want to suck some trap dicks. If Nomad wins, you should make some seriously indecent stuff.

One of them should be "the removed" and it's just a blank spot


Made with Bad Translator, don't plan on doing anymore because BT only gives me a set amount of translations a day, and the translations I do get aren't that funny.

The icy reaper from ice hell.
Nice one