Good settings that would be ABSOLUTE SHIT for a roleplaying game.
Good settings that would be ABSOLUTE SHIT for a roleplaying game
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Star Wars.
Everyone has their own unique idea of what a Star Wars story should be, especially people who write the official works. And their ideas are often totally different from what each individual player thinks of when they think of an ideal Star Wars game.
Everyone has their own ideas and preferences about the setting, meaning you'll always have at least one person unhappy with the game.
>not wanting to role play a captain in the imperial fleet quickly rising through the ranks thanks to Kaiser Reinhard.
I bet you like to live amidst the mediocrity that democracy brings.
That would depend entirely on how well your dm could brew up political conflict
I think LotGH games would be better suited to starting as admirals. Those are the characters the plot revolves around, after all. Nobody wants to be the guy that gets obliterated in seconds after an admiral is suddenly flanked or led into a trap.
> Nobody wants to be the guy that gets obliterated in seconds after an admiral is suddenly flanked or led into a trap.
Fucking Yang Wenli with his knowledge about Semi-circles.
wouldn't you essentially be a macro manager at that point? I'm only some what familiar with the series but what few bits I've seen of the space battles has casualties in the millions on both sides (which seem ridiculous to me) Do anything actually get down into personal combat or would that not be the point?
For the most part battles in lotgh are based on formation and massed fire. This means the individual ship isn't very significant except as part of a swarm.
On the other hand, if you really wanted personal combat, you could play as the rosen ritter or other armored suit marines, or as a fighter pilot, but a single ship needs to stay in formation so if ship combat is your thing it's best to be an admiral and make big tactical movements.
Their was that one time bittenfeld killed two crusiers with his destroyer
Not in the millions, but hundreds of thousands. Close quarters combat does occur since they apparently have really good armour against handheld weapons, and they like to deploy this explosive gas thing that stops weapons from being fired where it's deployed (since everything blows the fuck up if someone does shoot).
Much as I'm a gushing fanboy, Dark Souls, there's just too much that wouldn't translate over to a nonvisual medium well.
Well the Gaiden series were set well before either Rienhard or Yang became Admirals, and instead focuses on their exploits as soldiers.
You could easily base an entire campaign off of their exploits, such as how Yang b came the "Hero of El Facil", or the time Rienhard and Kirchies were tank commanders in an ice planet.
Dune. Yes, I know there's systems for it already, but the entire point of the books was:
>No more terrible disaster could befall your people than for them to fall into the hands of a Hero. -Pardot Kynes
wile thats nice and all, really
problem arises when you punch go trough the plot, noone really wants to stay a lieuternament in a LOGH game, and at the scale goes gets too big too fast IMO
Why don't they shoot from outside the gas?
Something something they release the gas only when the soldiers are close enough to be caught in it. Well, it doesn't make that much sense, but that goes for a lot of things in LoGH if you look at it too closely.
That's not a roleplaying game, though, that's a board game.
I would argue for Star Trek. If you're not the bridge officer, or engineering officer, you die like flies on every away mission. Same if you are not on the Enterprise/Defiant/Voyager, you're cannon fodder.
All brilliant, complex military strategies or tactics can be boiled down to a ridiculously simple-sounding "well, you do this thing, and it does this, and they can't react fast enough to compensate, and you WIN! hell it's SIMPLE now that you just explain it like that with shapes and arrows and such!"
Muh semicircles and tactical retreats
You could always play as a Phezzani merchant.
id say welcome to PC plans, but mine usualy boil down to punch things
>lol why didn't WWI soldiers just leave the mustard gas cloud lol
You do realize that this usually takes place on ships - where flooding an entire compartment is trivial, retreat to a separate compartment might be impossible or inadvisable for tactical reasons, and an explosion would almost surely destroy both parties - and happens right before an attack by design?
I mean, I guess you can pretend that seasoned generals would be like "hey, let's flood the area in FRONT of them with gas, or better yet, the area WE'RE in with gas, then the enemy can just blow us all up from range!"
I was referring to real-world military plans, but yes.
Sometimes, fighting a losing battle is not only tactically sound, but utterly necessary for a plan to work.
>well, you bring your fist here into his face there as hard as you can over and over, and it just gets more and more bloody and collapsed, and they can't react fast enough to dodge or block, and you WIN! hell it's SIMPLE now that you just explain it like that with shapes and arrows and such!
Wouldn't the Imperial just need to focus firepower on yang semicircle and it would force him to redirect ships from the side to the center in order to mantain the form.
*on the center of yang
The formation breaks into more semicircles because of reasons.
Yang now wins because he's close enough for his stupidity field to affect your officers which suddenly lose competence in the face of too many semicircles.
I don't remember the specific battle very clearly, so I'm just going to do a surface analysis of the limited features of the formation.
Assuming a similar spread of ranges, damage, accuracy, acceleration, and top speed among ships on both sides in the engagement - and that Yang is naturally on the defensive and Reinhardt is naturally on the offensive - these are the strong points of your (Yang's) formation:
1. If the whole enemy force comes towards you: you retreat at the same speed, maintaining distance and attitude; the important distinction is that since they are coming towards you, they are constantly entering your effective firing range and taking fire while you are constantly leaving their effective firing range, meaning the advantage in [this scenario lies with you and results in the same field position afterwards.
2. If one enemy flank determinedly extends into yours, you simply reposition your formation (moving back and to the side, ideally sliding to the extended flank's outside in order to put maximal distance between your formation and the main middle body of the enemy force; this maximizes both isolation of their extended flank and the difficulty of the enemy pushing forward with the remaining groups to reset the field position) so that their extended flank is at your center, making it the focal point of attacks from the entire front edge of your force, reducing their number quickly while taking minimal fire in return. The extended enemy flank can either: a) continue in this fashion, taking more damage; b) pull back into the starting position, while you follow suit (while staying out of their firiing range); or c) slowly and awkwardly try to swing their rear side forward , bringing disarray into their ranks because of the circular rotation of rectangular formations and taking focused fire from your entire front on their extended flank for the duration.
But could you still counter this tactic effectively using rectangles?
on my head, deep penetration or "slicing" the semicircle would break the formation easy
Funnily enough, this is how I feel about Game of Thrones games. One person wants the Wall, one person wants whoring in Dorne, one person wants schemery, somebody is ALWAYS the goddamn Mountain, the GM has actually read the books, etc. etc.
I've tried for the life of me to think of how a Fate RPG would work but it never pans out.
But how would you keep him from retreating?
The moment you focus firepower on his center is the moment Wenli would retreat to spare his forces.
on my head is les about wining and more tire him into a strategic victory
but that just on my head
im sure some armchair here can pucnh trough that
For some reason, Bittenfeld is the only person who actually manages to do breakthroughs somewhat effectively in the series. He also has the highest character killcount.
The setting itself could probably work, but the holy grail war probably would be more team killy than a black crusade game
Nasuverse, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Atelier series, Worm, Raildex, Bloodborne/Dark Souls, off the top of my head.
i keep thinking he would die or something
he must have lady luck on speedial or something
He's too moe to die.
>highest character killcount.
Of his forces that's for sure, there are no veterans in the black lancers.
There's a system based on Unisystem on a site called Heaven's Feel, I played in a Grail War with that system and it worked very well. Everyone knew it was PvP going in.
STRfag vs DEXfag.gif
It's been a while since I last saw the series but I'm fairly sure that he kills at least two characters that weren't just throwaway ones that appear for one battle.
You would need to get close enough for boarding, but then he would simply focus fire on the advancing force (as you stated)
(continued from )
sorry for delay, real life happened
3. If both enemy flanks extend, trying to envelop, you simply retreat evenly, matching speed, with the same result as #1 except that the enemy middle is absent, allowing your front edge centre to increase fire on their flanks by a factor of 2 while still taking no damage, and they either let this situation persist or lose tempo in order to retreat their flanks or bring forward their middle to reset the field position. A variation is if for some reason they are not extending at full speed, you can use tempo to a rotating retreat, put one of the enemy flanks in the focal point of your front in a similar scenario to #2, with the main difference being that if the enemy fleet is haphazard in its position changes, the other flank will reach engage distance with your front before the enemy main force, which gives you additional time with the advantage and a strong opportunity to encourage disarray in their formation which they will have to spend time - and therefore fuel, ammo, and ships - in order to remedy and return to the neutral field position.
4. If they extend the main middle group in a spearhead to try and "punch through" your formation, they are committing the bulk of their forces at the place of your greatest destructive power: withdraw the middle of your front, creating a semicircle (2D) or more realistically a hollow hemisphere (3D) with the enemy spearhead at the epicenter, creating a "killing field" where your entire force can fire on their bunched up mass in the centre, while they can only focus fire on a very thin substrate (comparatively) of your force at a time, else disperse their fire ineffectively. From here, the battle is committed, and the field position cannot be reset without significant enemy losses; they can: a) retreat their main bulk, taking heavy casualties for almost no benefit;
Should probably point out the only reason this works is because Yang happens to have a really good supporting cast that let them retreat and reform as fast as the enemy can advance. Bittenfeld's approach works because he's way more aggressive than every other Admiral and will keep charging despite taking heavy losses, which is the only way to catch Yang's formations.
Threadly reminder that gun control killed Kircheis
Well, technically it was Oberstein's fault but Oberstein can do no wrong so it was Kircheis' fault for getting shot.
LOTR because no one wants to play as anyone but the order of the ring. and anything else other than that and the hobbit is lore so fucking dense its hard to make your own settings or events. and lets not forget half the race and class restrictions if you want to keep things balanced.
I see what you're saying, but disagree heavily. You could easily say this same thing about any RPG's theme (ex "This is a Sword and Sworcery game" gives five people ten different ideas of what the game will be like), and playing in Star Wars gives everyone a much more thorough grasp of what the game's themes will be. The only problem I've had with playing in Star Wars (and I've done it with multiple groups) is when people get their panties in a twist about Jedi, which are kind of like D&D Paladins in how they tend to split people's opinions.
don't forget about ds9
which would probably be boring for an RP setting
Ah, you beat me to it. As much as I like the series...
>only one race is relevant
>fights usually focus on the lesser guys getting BTFO, until one guy (usually Goku) steps up and either gets reamed and gets forced into a training montage, or wipes the floor with the baddie who proceeds to [regenerate/enter final form] and performs step 1 anyway
>major focus on 1v1 combat
>straining and screaming is a requirement to reach full power
>close enough for his stupidity field to affect your officers which suddenly lose competence
That's explain the Mont'ka book.
Gundam. Any of it. You MIGHT pull off something set in either the SEED setting or Universal Century, but itd be touchy
Something like a grim and dark setting lek
Oh and stuff with dragons, and maybe dungeons
Especially settings with magical and realm desu roodypoo moot rei>asuka original comment frogposter ebin
I wish it weren't true.
I've played multiple games in the gundam universe and I can assure you that it works just fine.
continued from this resets to neutral field position, but all the other options branch out from the dome-spearhead field position and so get their own number.
5. If the enemy brings one or both flanks into their main body at the epicentre of your dome, they minimally increasing their attack potential while theoretically increasing the devastation in your killing field by 50-100%; from here all enemy development is either more and more heavily in your favour, resulting in a win for you, or resets to dome-spearhead.
6. If the enemy sends both flanks directly through the arc of your dome along a flat plane towards each other, trying to "slice" your dome in half between them, they gain limited targets on a thin substrate while your entire force fires on their massed centre; from here you have several interesting formations open to you, including a bisected sphere, but somewhat boringly the best move is probably to transition your dome into two pincers on a perpendicular plane through the epicentre of their main mody, and surge both halves of your pincer almost directly at their main body, but aiming to circle just outside it to the opposite side, ideally getting around the enemy main body and spreading out to join into a new dome, with their flankson the opposite side wheeling to repeat the maneuver.
7. If the enemy is still alert and cohesive they may surge all three groups toward one of your pincers, trying to peel it off from the other and envelop it, decimating it before the other pincer can regroup and try to spearhead through. If they fail to peel a pincer off, they will take heavy casualties from the other pincer; if they succeed, you are in bad position of trying to punch through with the un-enveloped pincer, which can have a variety of results that require individual responses beyond the scope of this outline.
General advantages of the half-sphere formation:
- allows for better rotational positioning than rectangles without requiring significant regroup efforts
- encourages an enemy deep strike to your centre, while transitioning smoothly into the countering hemispere or dome formation
- swarm/blob organisation makes it difficult for the enemy to easily gauge where on your front, if anywhere, your forces are concentrated, and so makes it difficult for the enemy to formulate attack or defense plans resulting from such knowledge
- as ships on your front take damage or you wish to re-position your commanders, it is efficient for any group on said front to rotate with a reserve group in the "bowl" of the hemisphere and then potentially back out again, anywhere on the front; this is important because Yang simply doesn't have Reinhardt's pure ship numbers in this battle, and a rectangle formation would be less able to flexibly reinforce and shuffle commanders on so large a front, resulting in both reduced formation flexibility and a smaller, more easily enveloped front
I think that about covers the basics. I don't remember enough about their field limits, terrain features, or fortification/reinforcement line considerations.
>Space Prussia is glorious and perfect
>space NATO is disgustingly corrupt
>crafty space Jews manipulating things from behind the scenes
I feel like /pol/ wrote this anime, and I'm okay with that.
You did a good job.
So, out of all the animes that have been getting live action movies lately, why has LoGH been skipped over? Hollywood's busy with making remakes of remakes, while there's a glorious epic tale with lots of flashy sci-fi violence just waiting for an adaptation.
Is it that the general pro-dictatorship theme is too controversial?
Sounds like you've had some subpar groups.
>a glorious epic tale with lots of flashy sci-fi violence just waiting for an adaptation.
Sci-fi generaly sells like shit. The only exception is star wars and star trek are only funded on name alone beyond that sci-fi movies are kinda skiped over though this trend might be reversing.
No, it's a shit setting too.
Yeah, you're right desu.
Now, /thread
Also, a named cast of literally hundreds that NEED to be cast for type and have a fairly high acting ability for tens of them, a high need for quality set pieces, space battles, numerous distinct interiors, numerous city settings, indoors and outdoors, hand to hand fighting... it goes on almost forever. And none of it can look shitty or have second rate effects, because the whole charm of LoGH is that it takes place in a more "realistic" world that reflects real life considerations that don't often make it into epic space operas. That, and it's so well loved and so finely tuned, that fucking up any one thing can sour the whole symphony of intertwining nostalgia, admiration, and loss.
Can you imagine the loss of tenor if Trunicht isn't a truly detestable fucker? If Mashengo is a light-skinned bony short guy? If Julian isn't brave, fresh, and cutely innocent? If Oberstein doesn't hit that perfect note of detestable and pitiable? If Reuenthal isn't so goddamn suave and handsome that floor tiles across the face of the planet shatter as panties plummet into them, shot by gushing, blushing adulation? If Schönkopf doesn't have hair on his chest and arms? If Kircheis doesn't make you trust and admire him on a fundamental level? It goes forever; I haven't even menioned Yang or Reinhardt.
It's too well loved, too old, too niche, too expensive and expansive (110 episodes) to make, and too easy to fuck up (from pretty much any angle).
It would be far better to put your ships into a spherical shell. Its like a crossed T but in space and in 3 dimensions. Assuming of course that the ships fire broadsides (best sides)
In what way would it be better? How would you orient your formation with regard to the enemy formation? You be Yang and I'll be the Kaiser, and we'll see if we can't figure out which is better and why.
>too old, too niche, too expensive and expansive to make, and too easy to fuck up (from pretty much any angle).
I would have said the same thing about Wheel of Time, but those faggots are trying to adapt it for TV anyway.
>space prussia
>beautiful and perfect
Watch the show.
In LOGH spinal mounted weapons predominate, probably due to the danger presented with presenting the sides of your ship (larger target). Formations also depend on ships facing forward or backward, since turning is relatively slow.
>I haven't even mentioned Yang or Reinhardt.
I feel like Yang wouldn't be that hard to get right, but Reinhard? That's going to be a tough one.
The idea of a young super-serious military prodigy works better in print or 2d than in live action. I mean, I get the Alexander the Great reference, but finding an actor in his early 20s who looks the part but has the gravitas to be believable in a role like that would be a nightmare. By definition, you're going to be looking at someone with very little prior acting experience, but he'd need to have the screen presence of fucking Patrick Stewart to not seem ridiculous.
Accurate adaptation of LoGH is like accurate Starship Troopers. Hollywood inherently hates the ideas presented.
This how you play it
Someone needs to get Trump to finance it.
Surely a movie focusing on the exploits of a brilliant golden-haired badass who sweeps away the corrupt establishment to become dictator would have serious propaganda value for the Donald.
People should be watching American anime not foreign imported Anime that steals hard-working animators' jobs.
I would, if someone would just make anime great again...
DS9 has an RPG. You can play as scummy types on the fringe, stealing, smuggling, etc.
The difference is, anyone of a type to give a shit about LoGH has more respect for it than that, I hope. Plus, fantasy is on a much stronger swell than sci-fi at the moment.
WoT fans are half dipshits and half people who spend their time being embarrassed that they "used to like" something so representative of "all that juvenile shit that I've outgrown now, thank god" and otherwise shitting on it all day.
Please respond. I sincerely want to learn from you.
>Reinhard is turned into a girl, played by Jennifer Lawrence
>the relationship between Reinhard, Kircheis, and Oberstein is re imagined as a YA-novel style love triangle
Hollywood, everyone.
The entire premise of it is that by having your ships perpendicular to theirs, you can fire all your guns, while the opposing ships can only fire those facing forward. By being able to bring to bear more firepower per ship than the opposing force you have a distinct advantage. The semi spherical shell is towards the same advantage, allowing all your ships to fire without danger of striking their comrades.
Of course this manouver is extremely difficult to actually achieve, as anyone who notices it happening to them would react and attempt to do the same, forming a line of battle. The only time I know that it happened was the Battle of Jutland in WW1, where the Brits used fog and mist to form up outside of the German's line of sight. When the Germans came out of the mist they saw the line of battle on the horizon and lost quite a few boats. Of course they then went and reversed course back into the mist so . . .
I know what crossing the T is, I was wondering how this would apply to 3-dimensional space combat... but on thinking about it further I realize that you are essentially referring to a smaller, shallower version of my hollow hemisphere formation, which the hemisphere formation leads to quite nicely. In any case, you can't just start in that formation, because it gives the enemy the ability to engage it on their own terms instead of more or less forcing the entire scenario listed:
Much like crossing the T isn't the formation you set out in (a single nose-tail column), but the formation you end up in, the hemisphere is the starting formation for the hollow hemisphere. Essentially, we agree though!
You forgot . Also, clearly didn't even read your posts, and doesn't understand the tactic he linked. Good job on your posts though, good to see someone actually giving a shit.
>1. If the whole enemy force comes towards you: you retreat at the same speed
That's the thing, those ships don't move anywhere near as fast backwards as forwards.
Bittenfeld killed Fischer who made Yang's fleet move like it did and fucking Merkatz. No other imperial admiral killed any people from Yang's fleet.
Dark Souls, pretty much. It's all so esoteric and open to interpretation that there essentially is no setting. There's a whole bunch of metaphor wrapped in layers of story and lore, but no actual setting.