BFGG-Battlefleet Gothic General

Remove heretic edition

Previous thread: >Where can I find the rules?

>What the FUCK? What rules books do I actually need? (embed)
(Short version: 2007 edition of the rulebook, 2010 Update, and Armada)
Revised is a set of fan-rules, written almost entirely by a Dark Eldar player. It shows.

>Where can I find physical miniatures to use/proxy with? (embed) (But we always need more - Feel free to chip in with others you've found in-thread)
Also looking for more non-GW minis suitable for running boarding party games.

>Paper ship Proxies:

>Boarding action rules
See the physical models link for some appropriate options for Navy troops

>Tactics and strategy resources for tabletop
Marine Tactica underway.
AdMech tactica: (embed)

>BFG:Armada is now live
>Battleflee/tg/othic Steam Group

>user is hosting a campaign, for more info go here:

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw these threads last for days because they're bumped so slowly.

Are those bfgg threads still TT related? If so let me bump with some wip

Its sorta comfy. I can go to work comforted with the knowledge that battlefleet tg will still be here when i get back

When will the new campaign expasion arrive?

Yeah, that's some good shit, user.

Going with a Slaanesh fleet?

There are no announced plans for a new campaign in the near future. If they do, they might make one for the Tau when they arrive.

Both the tabletop and vidya are more than welcome here.

>they might make one for the Tau when they arrive.

t would be a logical step will only buy it if I'm able to play as the crusade though

Yes! Want to make the prows white and give an overall gold trim. Will post result later/tomorrow ITT

Also how should i do the Bombers? Someone got reference for Chaos interceptors/Bombers? Got these i think dystopian wars flyers

Wasnt thectau announcement something about " transmissions coming from the damocles sector"

Solid man.

As for the bombers, here's a picture of a Talon in the artwork.

I think you could do something solid for pink/gold/white here.

Here is a Hellblade, Chaos intercepter.

I'll be honest man, those Dystopian fighters you got fit far more with the Imperium, I notice you got an Imperial ship painted to look Slaaneshi back here.(Dunno if it's the angle, but the thing looks a bit crooked), maybe you could fluff those fighters as being recent heretics and sporting the usual Imperial gear? Brought in too replenish losses of the older stuff?

For the vidya game what's the best Chaos battle cruiser?
I like the Archeron but the Styx also seems appealing

What are you going for?

Something simple detect enemies early and strike from far away.

Yeha i was the user who fucked up a cruiser by drying it on a heater for 5min. Some guy did "the warp overtaking me " macro With it i think.

But you are right those tokens look Mord like IN Thunderbolt fighters. Maybe i go With a generic Themen for them until i get hands on something closer to Talons or hellblades

Take the carrier and slap some detection skills and upgrades on it.

Man, I remember you, sucks dude.

I mean, use what you want man. I was just musing on ways to fluff it out.

Veeky Forums help me make chaos fun?
I've gotten to level eight with the IN easily. Orkz were a (violent ramming and dakka filled) breeze. Eldar are piss easy to dominate with and it's sorta fun being that OP.

Chaos though are flimsy and dull.

The only way I've found to do consistent damage is launch bays on everything, keep the enemy spotted and assault and/or bomb them to oblivion.

This seems to take forever and generally is fantastically dull after the other fleets. .

Wat do?

Also general chaos tactics appreciated

Put Slaanesh on everything and laugh as entire fleet warp out after losing a single escort.

Chaos is the sneakiest faction in the game. Use spotting/identification shenanigans to your advantage - entering silent running, then activating augur disruptors once the enemy enters your ability range. If you're able to get the jump on your foe at the start of the engagement, you'll be putting in a lot of damage before the enemy ships can strike back.

Also take probes/detectors to keep the enemy identified and to flush them out, if they try to use similar feats of stealth on you or try to shake off your bombers.



make sure to rig them with asteroid proof shields for maximum shenanigans

I feel like asteroid shields are an underrated investment.

Hellblades and Helltalons are atmospheric craft. Chaos space strike craft are the Swiftdeath and the Doomfire.

Huh, I'm retarded then.

Marine DLC dropping when?


WHO /slakingslaaneshsthirstforeldar/ HERE?

psshhh nothin personel kid

uh oh






TT players, what's your favorite set up for a Chaos fleet?


What would be a good nickname for a Tau admiral who uses a black hole/neutron star (taking advantage of the titanic gravity) as a gravity slingshot point for their fleets and interplanetary missiles and spy probes?

2/3 Light cruiser lancers.
1 Heavy Carrier.
1/2 Carnage support.

Improve range/lance damage.

Note that a Neutron Star is incredibly radioactive. It's a solid piece of nuclear/quantum "matter" of the size of a city.

Singularity Tamer.

Gravity sailor.
Force bender.
Trick shoter.

Reach arounder

Ri'k Aun'rund.

>Use terminators on an ork light cruiser
>They failed
Do orks have space hulk genestealers there, or something?

Take a look at the obstacles on the map.

Namely, the asteroid cities. Your ship covers about half of that, dwarfs it if it is battleship. Terminator squads are what..six men? 12 maybe?

12 Terminators going up against an asteroid cities worth of Orks. Or maybe 100 Stormtroopers if you didn't get the favor.

Think about that every time they pull it off.

Troop value's a bitch.

You know what's worse? Eldar cruisers shooting several Avatars into a single ship, and each flaming faggot fails to do shit (except, say retrieve the data).

Imagine an Avatar of Khaine attempting to steal data from an Imperial computer with its GIANT FLAMING MURDER HANDS.

>he tries to put the data on a USB stick
>keeps slipping out of his hands due to all the blood

>tries to type on the imperial keyboard
>his giant bloody hand types several at once so he has to keep backspacing
and this is why the strike fails.

>tries to call Webway tech support
>fingers are too big to press the right button and he's stuck on hold

>No Sly Marbo in Last Stand

Wrong thread. But I hope for more things for DoW2 until dies with DoW3 release.

>No Sly Marbo in BFGA

>Eldar boards a ship with imperial guard favor
>"I am Khaine a mensha khaine!"

Imperial guard favor
-Troop value +50
-Sly Marbo infiltration replaces lightning strike +5 assault actions

>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA replaces lighting strike and assault action sfx

What will replace lighting strike for the Tau? They don't have mature teleporting technology.

Short range Orca attack? Or would that be an assault boat? I think they might just ignore that piece of fluff for the sake of gameplay, lighning strikes are pretty important for balance on Data and vs Eldar.

Battlesuit assault?

I'm sure there will be a favours for Void Suits.


Stealth Assault Craft. They were mentioned in Mont'ka.

Drone strike.

Is the Extra Turrets upgrade ever worth it?

What about Voss shields on Dauntlesses?

>Is the Extra Turrets upgrade ever worth it?
IMO, it's just better to get a carrier for fighter coverage.

>What about Voss shields on Dauntlesses?
It's decent but it should be one of the last upgrade you should take for them since they don't have a lot of shield to begin with.
Additionnal shield, HP and AP ammo should be taken first, anything else is up to you.

extra turrets is pretty good on escorts, since they don't have a lot in general, and you can bring multiple of them and cluster them for a maximum benefit

Can the job of the Dauntless be done by two Sword Escort?

My macro-escorts have them for a plus because why not?

God damn when they will nerf this bullshit edlar laser of death? Can't anything and my battleship destroyed in 2 beams.

Void or mwj out of the way

Why is there no way to issue mass orders? If i want to unleash a wave or torpedoes when spamming cobras, I have to click on each individual one!

Use the tab button.

Rammin a panzy voidstalker in da rear with iz own hemlok

Why iz orkz so fun mate?

Seriously? Just mwj, overload void shields or whatever and then pound the Eldar ship to smithereens.


Dauntless has more staying and long term fire power if you know what youre doing. Swords or firestorms are good if you need to concentrate fire in one target

>crude understanding of void combat strategy

Micro Warp Jump.

Don't have it on all my ships and cooldown are huge.

You don't need it on all of your ships, just some.

Also why not? Along with stasis bombs, Taunt and the indestructible button it's basically the best ability. You are commanding slow moving ships with fixed arc weaponry and you can get an ability that lets you teleport.

This. Macro weapons shred Eldar, even when they're moving. Use this and novacannons at range. Use your bombs to limit his movement options, and focus fire on visible ships.

I play orks, i don't have Nova cannons.

In that cause, use taunt and BRB to close the distance.

If you need Nova cannon, Blood Axes favor gives it to you, otherwise take the Traktor Beam.

Threadly reminder that Eldar players deserve the vitriol they receive.
Also reminder that BFG: A has multiple bullshit game modes that with certain faction matchups are extremely poorly balanced.

>I play orks
>I don't have nova cannons


>Spess Mahreens
>Pre-set behaviors
>More skills, hopefully improving balance

How are you losing to eldar?

>tfw Space Marines will have Blood Ravens
>They'll be experts at boarding

>Implying they wont be experts at Data acquisition

They use bullshit laser and run away, no way to catch them or do anything to them.

>Blood Ravens will have a chance to be gifted a ship upgrade

Whenever Blood Ravens use an assault action on an enemy ship, they can get a "gift" as a crit result. This inflicts a crit on a random weapon, and the Raven ship gains the destroyed weapon.

Veeky Forums, what skills should you put on a Dauntless? Other race's light cruisers are pretty easy to decide (boost for Orks, stasis and probes for Chaos, vaul-bullshit for Eldar), but I can't work out what my Dauntlesses want.

All of the IN favors except for Space Marines make just as much sense applied to an SM fleet.

Go back to the steam forums to pour salt, you scrub.

>Blood raven ship has been fighting in a 2v2 match for a while and so far critted like a god
>Has now lances, a nova cannon, torpedo tubes that launch marines or regular torps, launch bays and 8 sets of plasma ,macros as well as 12 turreted smaller macros

This would be absolutely hilarious

Support stuff, like plasma bombs and stasis bombs. They're typically not the first ships to be taking hits so having those abilities can be important.
They are your fastest line ships, so having the skill that instantly refills your maneuver gauge could help too.

Is there a reason for getting anything beside mechanicus favour in mutliplayer?

Spehss muhreens for 5 boarding actions per launch.
Or 3 per lightning strike (must have the additional teleportariums for this one).