Any good youtubers that talk about magic/new brews that are not as autistic as MTG LION? Honestly he has good topics to talk about but he just seems like imba autist to me and I can't handle to listen to him.
MTG youtubers?
i think rogue deckbuilder is pretty ok, he says some stupid shit but overall he seems much less autistic then the other mtg youtubers
>Honestly he has good topics to talk about
He just does the same 3 topics over and over again.
>he rants about how standard is too expensive and speculators and card hoarders are ruining MtG, while sitting in front of a ceiling high stack of sealed product
>he talks about price spikes and what cards he is currently speculating on
>he talks about stolen MtG collections
Seems like an okay guy for an autist though
oh, and cheaters
he loves talking about cheaters
>MtG Speculators
I remember when I worked a minimum wage job 5 years ago and thought that making $20 off of selling cards on ebay was a lot of money
Tolarian community college is a pretty decent mtg tuber, he shills the shit out of his pateron though. And is an English teacher at the college level so he don't math very good.
And he focuses more on semi casual budget brews that are fairly okay.
When you talk about people instead of content mean that they are bad, like, really bad.
Most Deck Techs on YouTube are obnoxious and completely boring.
I hardly can recommend one.
I believe I'm, by definition, memeing it and following CFB, The (Staff) Professor of the (accreditation under review) Tolarian Community College, and Wedge from The Mana Source. I was also subscribed to Top N Go Productions, but they seem to have gone MIA. I recently subscribed to a bunch of Pauper players such as Mtggoldfish and Forest Bear Studios, and of course I'm following fellow bitter fuck-the-secondary-market fellow Jeremy from mtgheadquarters.
God, The Professor can be dramatically depressing at times. I think it comes with his background in English.
Tolarian Community College is the only one I can tolerate.
I don't always agree with him, but his topics are varied, his demeanor is agreeable and non-abrasive, he's not a fat autismo and his production values straight up blow everyone else out of the water.
Even his shilling isn't bad compared to people like Wedge and at least he mostly shills himself, not some fucking vendor.
Yea, desu I really dislike/borderline hate wedge.
Have you checked out twoo's latest venture, magic for good? He's pretty hilarious and his energy is ridiculous; he also responds to alot of comments, which is always worth a laff or 2
twoo did nothing wrong
Don't you understand, brother? TWoo IS free.
Professor is great, he says what a lot of us thinks. but wizards don't listen to him. he has fought and proven maro is just an idiot
The Magic Show.
Wedge is a faggot.
>The Mana Source's nasty, square-shaped beard
He needs to either learn how to groom a proper beard or just shave that thing off. I hate having to look at his ugly mug when I stumble onto one of his videos.
MTGGoldfish, of course.
Can we all agree that Desolator Magic is the worst magic youtuber?
CFB has a couple people who make great videos, LSV and lately Frank Lepore are great
MTGGoldfish is pretty good too
Oh Jesus Christ that fucking guy.
I'm subscribed to him just because I can't wait to hear what bullshit he'll spout next.
>"Net decks raped my grandmother. Also I'm the best in the world at MTG and I could totally beat all those shitty pros and their shitty net decks if I wanted to."
>"Did I mention that I hate net decks?"
To be fair, Jace hoarders made some serious bank when innistrad was being spoiled.
>tfw hate netdecks but also realize that I'm fucking terrible at non-draft deck building so I netdeck myself.
I watcg Wedge whenever a new set comes out. As autistic and biased as he is, he does make some good points during spoilers. Don't watch his other stuff, though.
the Magic Show is my go to for full set releases, Evan and Brad are genuinely good Magic players and know what they're talking about and also have good chemistry as presenters.
I'm only posting because I happen to actually hate MTG LION.
I stopped watching his videos when he admitted to spending $1,000 a month on Magic. He also hates counterfeits.
I hate this idiot so much
I like tap tap concede but then again I am casual scum
i love his product reviews and occasional rants but he is pretty bad at actually playing the game
i have really enjoyed everybody at cfb with the exception of cheon, but i dont watch standard or current limited at all
paul has to better at standard than he is at modern right?
His wife has done streams with him. She's actually a better player than he is, but doesn't really do videos. Still enjoy his channel though
It's probably the wrong reason to hate on someone, but his intro music makes me cringe
He's the worst Magic YouTuber because, let's face it, he's all of us combined.
Holy shit you are right.
He is every shit trait of the Veeky Forums magic community put into one insufferable, self-righteous cunt.
I look up to Cheon because as a guy starting a family while still being a manchild who likes games and shows for children, he's a beacon of hope and a positive example.
>family while still being a manchild who likes games and shows for children
he also bans people for even the slightest curse on his stream
gotta keep things 13+ !
IMO, Tolarian is probably the best out of all of them. LLR comes close to him.
I Hate Card Games is the only good mtg youtube channel
>Top tier
>Good Tier
Tolarian Community College
>Okey tier
Rogue Deckbuilder
I Hate Card Games
>Shit tier
The rest
Pick one motherfucker
I like this I Hate Card Games guy.
His format seems pretty simplistic but it's good for a quick laff
He is unbelievably bad at the game, it hurts. His worst offence, though, is he thinks arron fortsythe is the best guy ever. Unforgivably horrendous offence.
He sucks when it comes to lore.
Maybe, but i think he's on top on the rest of youtubers. As said, those listed seems to be worth to watch.
God I'm in love. Thanks for the rec. If Desolator Magic is the worst of us, I hate card games is the best.
If you want to see someone who really sucks at understanding the lore then you should watch SeibenMTG sometime.
He reminds me of Cr1t1kal a lot, with more blatant memes and a less soothing voice. It makes me wish more channels would at least try to be entertaining instead of just boring info dumps.