>The NPC is female
>OK, pitch my voice a little higher and make it a little softer
>The NPC is a tough mercenary
>OK, pitch my voice a little lower and make it a little rougher
>The NPC is a tough female mercenary
Fuck this shit.
>The NPC is female
>OK, pitch my voice a little higher and make it a little softer
>The NPC is a tough mercenary
>OK, pitch my voice a little lower and make it a little rougher
>The NPC is a tough female mercenary
Fuck this shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
I did a female voice once. Half the players at the table were gawking at me, one of the others was laughing and the last one had a very prominent blush on his face.
This is why I don't do voices any more.
That's when you do your Scarlett Johansson impression.
Pictured, tough female mercenary.
I joined a game without realizing that we were doing IC in voice chat (I'm used to OOC voice chat and IC text chat), where I had a signed up as an old witch.
I just said fuck it and did my best, and people had a good time. No one expects you to be a professional voice actor.
>no massive stuffed codpiece
That is no landsknecht!
So are you and the blushing player dating or what?
Just talk like the Boss.
Smoke a pack of cigarettes and pretend to be a cute girl
No. Apparently I sounded almost exactly like one of the girls in an eroge he plays.
I'm not that big of a faggot, senpai.
One of these. Or both.
>this advice taken out of context
When you have dem hips you don't need to stuff your codpiece.
That or she wants everybody to know they're getting their asses kicked by a girl.
Maybe she's comfortable with the size of her penis.
Sound like you're dead inside?
That quest is shit.
He should be able to pull it off.
>that sword
Nah, she's compensating for something.
Lets hear them character voices:
Then she doesn't need a stuffed codpiece because she already has her compensator.
First time I tried a female voice, I gave her a deep, sultry voice.
I was worried about trying it, but after I did, everyone said they were impressed.
I'd vocaroo it, but I'm in the ass end of nowhere on my phone as my only internet connection.
I usually roll "femme fatale" if its gotta be womanly yet deep at the same time. Ain't much of a range, but it gets the job done
What quest?
It's in a horrible place.
Also, in said quest, the MC killed a young boy by raping him so hard he cracked his head open on the stone floor.
what does this have anything to do with trying to voice act tough women
About as much as tough women have to do with Veeky Forums.
>Though mercenary grill who has a severe case of penis envy and is incredibly jealous of the large bulges of her brothers in arms
Why is this hot? This shouldn't be hot
I'd pick The Boss over Debra any day.
Tough female mercenaries never actually existed, and you shouldn't feel compelled to include them in your game for PC points.
I'm pretty sure in fantasy settings girls need not suffer from the genetic or cultural limitations imposed by reality. Because fantasy.
Pitch higher, make rougher. Try for Ryoko of the first season Tenchi Muyo. This isn't hard.
I get people to do lines for me. I though a lot of people did that. Does no one use vocaroo anymore?
>Try to do a russian accent
>Try to do german accent
>Sounds russian
>Try to do french accent
>Sounce russan
>Try to do old man voice
>Try to do any other age category outside of old man and my age
>Sounds like old man voice
This is why I decided to stick to text only games.
>GM is female
>Has a really high pitch
>Signals characters are women by making come hither eyes and wiggling in her seat
>Signals characters are male by grimacing and squaring her shoulders
>Calls in her housemate to do deep voices and animal noises
Turns out one of the party members is a serious audiophile and became incredibly sexually attracted to the sound of him speaking. The guy can't use phones and has to buy high quality mics due to his incredibly deep voice distorting audio.
Mm, I think the voice's inflection is only part of the whole.
I tend to prioritize vocabulary, cadence, and some reliable idiosyncrasies. Of course, trying to simulate the pitch of the characater can come off as very humorous--but that is clearly not always optimal.
You know, you can just describe what the characters sound like, you don't actually NEED to do an impression.
>tfw DM is a woman
>tfw she keeps giving her serving girls adorable southern accents
>tfw she gets a kick out of giving us the "proper" experience, which includes copious amounts of flirting and implied skirt lifting
Had our GM voice a squeaky voiced ork teen NPC last session (Shadowrun)
Entire table burst into laughter
>Players are encouraged to get the murder hoboing done asap so they can return to the tavern and be rewarded with lewd dialogue?
>The guy can't use phones and has to buy high quality mics due to his incredibly deep voice distorting audio.
>flirty southern belles
Literally the best kind of woman there is.
>The GM gives you foot from under the table as the NPC flirts with you
Aaaand you ruined it.
>southern accents
Absolutely disgusting. You should feel ashamed of yourself. Literally the only way you could make that worse is if it was a Boston accent.
The picture is quite nice though.