Welcome back, Kestrels, to the eighteenth installment of Mecha Space Pirate Quest! As always, you are Admiral Roarke Susan Starwind, whose only known alias in the UJCIDF Bounty Computer system is "Dude McCool", leader of the Iron Kestrels pirate fleet, master of the starship Rhinehawk, and pilot of the Knuckle Kaiser.
Previous Threads: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com
Master Pastebin: pastebin.com
Upgrade Menu: pastebin.com
List of Moves: pastebin.com
Rogues' Gallery: pastebin.com
Last time, you felt uncomfortably squishy meatbag emotions, and had to do a lot of back-patting and listening. You also got with both Red Siren and Karen, allowing you to turn your rage at being framed as a colony-killer into resolve, as a space pirate should. You have asses to kick, and shiny mech boots to kick them with.
But before we get to the plot, we have a few other things to do. You see, the Rhinehawk is being upgraded, and you need to decide how you're allocating the two new spaces that opens up. Options will be provided in the next post or so.
You might also want to check out the Rogues' Gallery, seeing as it contains a new pair of fine machines, which I'll be going over in more detail over the next few posts.