Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Favorite deck?
>Next MTG Purchase?
SCG Indianapolis weekend
Do you like the current Modern Metagame?
(picture below)
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Favorite deck?
>Next MTG Purchase?
SCG Indianapolis weekend
Do you like the current Modern Metagame?
(picture below)
Other urls found in this thread:
Modern Metagame
Link to the stream for SCG Indianapolis
>www twitch tv/scglive
About 20 hours of anime per week
Fun facts are always hilarious because none of them are serious.
>20 hours of anime per week
>profesionnal teddy bear namer
>bagel enthusiast
Loving how two days ago almost everyone was shitting on Nahiri.
Where are you guys now?
Threadly reminder that deck thinning is a myth:
>... The overall impact of fetch lands upon the number of extra spells, (as opposed to the true lands the fetch lands removed from the deck,) drawn is not nearly as high as the number life sacrificed for the effect. While the dead draws over the first 16 turns are not surprisingly negligible, over the first 16 turns we cannot realize, on average, a single extra card from our fetch lands. Even if we propagate this data further, the first card we see in the 4/16 case is not realized until around the 36th turn, and at an average cost of 2.8 life. The first card for 8/12 is realized on the 25th turn, but at a cost of 4.3 life.
Pls help me modern general I want to be a fucking snowflake but I have no brew skills.
My favorite card ever is mulldrifter and I want to force a deck featuring it. I have a play set of KTK fetches, and willing to spend ~$1200-1300 to make it work since it would be my only modern deck.
Any ideas?
Play mono-U delver in Pauper.
>He doesn't pull every land out of his deck with KotR and Coralhelm
The article doesn't account for cards like evolving wilds. Nice try though.
I was actually thinking about building sea stompy for legacy but I already have a legacy deck and the legacy scene at my shop isn't very impressive. I figured I should try breaking into modern since modern continues to grow at the store every week
I don't think "myth" is the right word to use here. Is there any single word that represents a cost-greater-than-benefit scenario?
The best thing I can recommend is for you to go to a site like MTG Salvation, MTGtop8, or MTGGoldfish, and take a look at the modern decks they have on there. Find one that suits you or is close to what you want, and make adjustments as the local meta requires.
Save brewing for when you have a strong understanding of the meta, and what makes good decks good and bad decks bad.
i think myth is the perfect word to use here
many myths take the form of a failed cost-benefit analysis
Fun story time about the bank knightfall deck - I went to the LGS with my affinity deck, turn 3 I swing in with a vault an inkmoth nexus wearing plating for 6 poison, try it again - path. Fair enough. Turn 4 opponent drops worship. What I had a vault skirge, and he didn't deal with my Steel overseers or cranial plating.
>he has 3 11//11 knight of the reliquary's
>I have like 3 6/8 ornithopters, vault skirge with plating gaining me like 12 life per turn - I'm at 51 life
>2 Ravagers with 5 or 6 counters each
>Opal and Glimmevoid to move plating at instant speed
>turn 16 or so i get inkmoth nexus - he has no removal left because he kept trying to stop me from gaining life with vault skirge
>he swings in for like 40 damage - I just take it - kill him with inkmoth next turn
Game 1 lasted about 45 minutes. We didn't get to go to game 2.
>grasping for straws this desperately
>not understanding the point of the article
>clearly not even reading the article
1/10, try again.
I have 4 of her and still don't get the hype.
Trying to sell them to my friends right now since I know they won't stay $30 for long.
Are you actually this dumb? The point of the article is that using fetches and fetch effects for "thinning out the deck" is of negligible benefit. Even if you're not paying life for it, you will not see a return on average until some time between turns 25 and 36, depending on the amount of effects in the deck. Cramming fetches of any sort into a mono colored deck is effectively pointless. Please read and comprehend the things you attempt to criticize in the future user.
why is everyone going on about fetches jesus you all crammed the last thread up too.
if people want to run fetches let them run in, if it doesn't do them any good, let them run it, if they feel better using fetches, let them run it
>Why is everyone discussing modern deck building in the modern thread?!
Commit suicide immediately.
The main reason for fetching, though, is typically to fix your colours. The small amount of life paid is usually not that bad a price to pay.
>Andrew Elenbogen
Holy shit can't he contain his autism?
How would Mardu Pox do? I think it could work because of Asylum Visitor
Bloodghast + lingering souls + Nahiri.
Literally nothing but hype.
May as well try winning with a felidar sovereign
>Literally nothing but hype.
I guess you didn't watch SCG today....
>deck thinning is a myth
>well, not really but its almost negligible
So it's not a myth?
Given the sheer number of players paying uwr nahiri some will get to day 2, and even do fairly well. It's a huge chunk of the meta at this tourney.
Indeed, the article mostly deals with the idea of people running fetch effects in mono-color decks, or having the mentality of "this is thinning the deck" instead of "this is fixing my colors".
Do you games last longer than 16 turns? If not, then yes, it's a myth.
>Bagel enthusiast
A myth is something that isn't true
Negligible results are still results
>durr I'm autistic
They're called negligible because they're of no use. They may as well not exist. It's a myth in the sense that people think it's helpful, which it's not.
>being so mad about someone mentioning deck thinning that you shit up two threads in a row
I think you should check a mirror buckaroo
Okay so if you're saying that deck thinning has significant results is a myth then sure
But it does have results
>you wouldn't reduce your deck to 59 cards if you could
Tell me, whats the difference between 19/50 and 18/49?
UB Heartless summoning
Did you forget the fact that we're in a thread for the format that regularly ends games in around five turns? Just look at the graphs, the numbers don't even start to diverge until about 14 turns in, making the life you lost a pointless disadvantage. Deck thinning is completely negligible in Modern.
You should only use sac lands in a mono colored deck if it focuses on either lifegain or having cards in the graveyard.
quite a lot, actually
>you would reduce your life to 19 if you could
i've been shilling that card non-stop since spoilers
i mean i sold my modo jeskai deck once it became a meme but i still have all four nahee-hees for standard. i also still have my mardu darkdwellers list, which mite b cool with nahiri.
you know whats super good? playing megamorph guys and pitching deathmist raptors to her +2.
42nd for jeskai control is bad.
Also training ground + eldrazi displacer is pretty annoying.
Are Nahiri shills worse than cancer?
I bought the deck builder kit, a few of the new packs and built my water/grass deck. Now what do I do ?
>water/grass deck
Heyo friends, what's the best way to ease into moden? I mostly play limited but I still don't have a good collection. I want a deck I can upgrade over time, and eventually have it be very good. Elves looks like a pretty fun deck I could run without breaking the bank, but I've noticed that almost all of the sideboard cards are white, meaning that I'd need to invest in the land base, something I can't currently afford.
Going from mono red burn to the R/G, R/W, and finally R/G/W versions could be an option.
I actually have a really shitty shell of a burn deck, no guides but skullcracks, bolts, rift bolt, shard volley etc
Should I splurge and grab a set of guides? Or is a sideboard a higher priority?
>Heyo friends, what's the best way to ease into modern?
play mono-red burn. you can convert it to legacy burn for not-that-much. it's like two decks for the price of one.
goblin guide and eidolon of the great revel are mandatory 4-ofs. sideboard cards are very low priority.
Run elementals if you just want to do a budget mono red aggro build.
Don't do it, Modern is a bastardized version of Standard that rotates (under the name of bans for "competitive diversity") just about as often while costing twice as much. Get into Legacy if you want to play something else besides Limited.
Collected Company Elves has a mono-green variant.
Is this the hot new meme ever since the pokemon thread went up?
Weenie is back and it's here for blood. Do you think guys this deck is legit? I'm quite afraid it might be a just one-event-rogue-deck. I play modern and standard and I bought into people deck when it was like 60$, if this deck is any legit I can transform it into a modern deck for pennies considering cards I already own
I want to make a Kamigawa modern deck. I love the Kamigawa cards -- yeah, I know, it's a block most people love to hate. With good reason too, but still, I like the art on some, and the weird abilities on others.
The only problem is I only have ninja cards from Kamigawa. A lot of the fun rares (like gifts ungiven) are extremely expensive for my budget.
I've never bought sets online before. I don't think it works out. But for $9 bux, I could try gambling at CoolStuffInc - they're selling Kamigawa block rares x20 for $9. It smells like a trap, like I'll just get x20 $0.25 cards, but has anyone ever lucked out with trying this methodology?
Any other ideas for getting most of the cards from this set efficiently?
Making a bogle deck, what should I sideboard to deal with Spellskite? G/W deck
nature's claim?
buying singles is always better than buying random cards.
Bah. But it still sucks. Maybe I should just try buying a booster box. It just feels bad spending thirty bux to get a single copy of a single card.
I want to build a Boros Burn using Skynight Legionarie and no Goblin Guide. Any tips?
don't run a 2/2 for 3
do run a 2/2 for 1
I know it's slow, but it also has haste and flying. So I'm planning it to be more like a finisher and leave turn 1 to Swiftspear..
How about an elemental deck like this:
Land (23)
2x Arid Mesa
3x Cavern of Souls
2x Flooded Strand
2x Hallowed Fountain
1x Island
1x Mountain
1x Plains
3x Primal Beyond
2x Sacred Foundry
3x Scalding Tarn
3x Steam Vents
Creature (18)
3x Incandescent Soulstoke
4x Inner-Flame Acolyte
4x Mulldrifter
2x Nova Chaser
3x Restoration Angel
2x Reveillark
Instant (19)
4x Cloudshift
4x Essence Flux
3x Mana Leak
4x Path to Exile
4x Remand
Do you think that could work?
SCG stream in 6 minutes.
As for day 2 metagame, my money is on a lot of Nahiri Jeskai, RG Valakut and Sanctum Tron.
>it's slow
you're BURN
The very first card to add while splashing white is Boros Charm, and then like lightning helix or something
Oppresive rays/gelid shackles if you play open the armory build
Good idea. Better to spend $300 to get a $30 card. At least then you get $100 in other cards that you don't need to go with your $30 card.
where is this from?
Yeah, that's the plan. Lot's of Helix, Boros Charm, 2x Paths and Deflecting Palm on the side.
I like Skynight for the evasion and can't into Guide because of the price.
Any way to make it better?
post list
Monastery Shiftspear x4
Eidolon of the Great Revel x3
Thalia's Liutenant x4
Skyknight Legionare x3
Seeker of the Way x3
Lightning Bolt x4
Searing Blaze x4
Lightning Helix x4
Boros Charm x4
Skullcrack x2
Rift Bolt x3
Path to Exile x2
Arid Mesa x4
Sacred Foundry X4
Mountains x5
Plains x3
>people referring to dredgevine as just 'dredge'
>do you even archetype
>Thalia's Liutenant x4
>Skyknight Legionare x3
>Seeker of the Way x3
>asking Veeky Forums for help
just go to tappedout for help
take out all of your white creatures and path
add one more eidon, some lavamancers, you have no lava spikes, one more rift bolt, and if you want to run some fresh tech add sin prodder
or splash green and get nacatl, revelry, atarkas command
>just go to tappedout for help
hey ur deck is cool i like it +1 but hav u checkd out my edh human tribal (link) upboats appreciated!
Green has enough artifact hate.
Literally pick one
Can I keep at least Skyknight? I really like it and it won me 2 games on Xmage this morning.
There is nothing I can do to make it playable?
No, build a good version of reveillark control.
run craw wurm instead
it has won me a lot of games
This general is slow today
Has there been any new U Tron tech lately? Does U Tron have a good position in the current meta?
>U Tron
salty jund player detected
Uw tron is in a better position than its monocoloured counterpart.
just splashing white or adding the gifts suite?
>Ad nauseam is the second best combo deck at the moment
>implying infect is a combo deck
Does this mean that Ad Nauseam is finally no longer a meme deck?
What would you splash white for if not Gifts stuff? Just Path? That sounds pretty retarded.
It can always win you x games. That doesnt mean its good. Ideal scenarios =/= consistency
that's why I asked jackass
>viewership on SCG Modern streams are sharply down
>attendance is about 500 at several SCG events
>after reasonably fun cards have finally been unbanned
Is Modern dying, bros? Have a critical mass of people given up on this shitty format after the Eldrazi Winter?
No I mean, no fucking shit that UW tron plays Gifts stuff, you don't even need to ask.
I think people are just mad about modern prices and don't really want to pay a fortune for a few hours of entertainment anymore. Financially the gap between legacy and modern gets smaller every year. Duals are the only thing keeping legacy ahead at this point.
this is the reason people don't like the modern general
saying UW is better than U doesn't necessarily mean gift tron and then you get all offensive when the honest question was asked if there was some new development or if it was the gifts version
chill the fuck out dude
Most blockers made to deal with burn don't think about flying. It usually able to deal 6 damage each match it's actually able to land.
I removed all creatures white creatures besides Skyknight and added Ash Zealot, more Eidolons and more Rift Bolts and Skullcracks.