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Black fa/tg/uy thread
i have never seen or heard of a black guy playing tabletop
Really? I met one in college, he played Golgari EDH and was as bad as I was at magic...
There has never been a black person in the store I frequent. The most unusual person was a Canadian passing through who stole one of my Etched Champions.
Black dudes fucking love Yu Gi Oh for some reason.
>be me
>back when i played 40k
>at FLGS during the yugioh tournament
>be painting models in back with other 40k bros
>trying to ignore the inane retard screeching of the yugiohers
>hear massive 42 year old black neckbeard shouting above all the rest at the 12 year old asian boy sitting next to him
>yells at the little boy "NO! you got a tiny micro penis because you asian! I got a huge dick cause im black! your penis is shriveled!"
>everyone can hear this
and it wasn't even because he was black, they were all like that. yugioh got banned shortly there after from my FLGS and all other stores in my area.
why dfoes it matter?
this is the same as the pointless "that girl" threads
>be black fa/tg/uy
>on a date with qt black girl from okcupid
>she's got that adorable black hipster nerd vibe, you know the one, big dorky glasses with natural frizzy hair
>but I gotta hide my powerlevel cause you never know
>get japanese food together
>"wow you've really got that japanese pronunciation down, do you speak it?"
>very carefully don't mention anime
>talking about movies
>"user who even is deadpool? What's his story?"
>fuck now I'm talking about comic books
If there had been some kind of DnD segue, I would have just spaghetti'd myself into oblivion, especially since I'm full to bursting with setting problems because I'm getting ready for my very first GM experience. She just wants to be friends though
Please, don't make a habit of making these stupid threads.
It's more about black guys and anime. Protip: the harder the man, the softer his taste.
Calvin the skinny nerd likes Berserk. Raekwon the jacked thug likes K-ON. They both like DBZ and YuGiOh.
Black user reporting in.
I'm in an online game with some guy whose a white nationalist. Shits awkward to say the least, especially when the GM let me know he's been trying to screw over my character behind the scenes the moment he learned I was black.
Life is pain, my melanin-enhanced friend.
Aside from telling you about it is the GM doing anything to keep the stormfag from bringing out of game bullshit into the game?
He's been foiling all of his attempts and told him to roll it back a little.
Just petty stuff, hiding loot my character would probably like, trying to turn NPCs against me, etc.
I for one want to get to the bottom of this "black guys love DBZ and Yugioh" thing and if we have to have this thread every now and then to do it so be it.
Met a lot of black nerds in the fighting game community.
I think they mostly just keep to their own social circles in terms of TT stuff that doesn't involve competition, like Magic or the like. I'm hardly an expert on it, I just noticed that when they'd talk about their gaming and shit TT wise it was always among their friends.
Got 1 black player in my RT game now.
Had a great laugh when we realized him and the Indian are the only nobles while every white guy was enslaved at some point in their backstory.
He's chill but overall seems pretty lukewarm to tg, so fingers crossed I can get us another convert with this campaign.
Black fa/tg/uy reporting
Ok, what is so special about being black and a fa/tg/uy?
i dont believe you
It's like a unicorn. Good friend of mine from college grew up in the ghetto and nerdy stuff was even harder to get into there than it was for the rest of us due to ghetto culture and whatnot. Lot of big groups tend to have one guy who isn't white or asian so having a thread like this every now and then would help a guy feel less different
dafuq this mean?
An arab chink and indian aren't the same people.
Interestingly my black roleplayan friend has basically that expression all the time.
oh one time our least socially-together member commented he had a benefit to stealth checks due to his skin color.
otherwise no real comment. he's chill, gay and quiet. one of the most pleasant people in the group.
They are comparatively rare in America because of demographics and class distinctions, but when they occur they tend to be super, super Veeky Forums.
Black Yugioh fans were almost stereotype for a while.
>best friends black
>didn't really hit us that we both look like hulking, resting bitchfaced, minorities
>we even wear hoodies all the time
>casually mention this shit one day while we're sitting around getting drunk watching shimoneta, talking shop on black ops, yugioh, and he's trying to get me back into card gaming again, namely magic
>hits both of us that we're what white people think of when they think the words "minority" and "ghetto" even if my best buds a giant teddy bear
>realize this is why he gets hit on at bars and shit cause he's a tyrone looking motherfucker black guy even if he's anime protag tier dense while i can easily be mistaken for mexican or tanned asian
>he gets all the bitches, gets fearespect, immense natural strength, and can grow facial hair even though he's the sweetest bastard in the world and the highest power level out of all my friends
Its unfair Veeky Forums, its so unfair.
You think you should talk to him ooc and tell him to knock that shit off?
Tell that to the British government and the 'asian' rape gangs.
asian is britspeak for subcontinental
and subcontinental is polite speak for punjabi.
Sounds like ygo is to mtg, what mtg is to other ttgs.
In America, "Asian" specifically refers to East Asian. Usually Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.
I wish they could be called gooks.
I'm sure you wish for a lot of stupid, meaningless things.
White fatguy here.
I posted in your thread, even though it wasn't for me!
How rude of me.
White nationalist here.
I think you should get a Black nation too, so we can both have a nation and work for the benefit of our own people rathe than being forced to share.
>black fa/tg/uy thread
this is why ya'll will forever be regarded as niggers
if you can't integrate into a society after 200+ years, you will never be regarded as equals
especially after the segregationist movements cropping up on uni campuses in the name of Black Lives Matter
Fuck, this explains a lot actually.
>just stop being black and then cops will stop shooting you!
That's kinda cute actually.
>stop acting like niggers and integrate into society
user, you reallllly don't want to go down this road
Low IQ nigger get out of a white mans hobby.
If you want to really freak people out you two should get in a heated argument about watamote and use as many weeb terms as possible.
My store banned yugiho so no black people anymore.
One of my best friends is black fa/tg/uy. He made a convertion of 3.5 that was classless, allowed you to create a special signature move, and gave the option for binding your character to a special being to learn magic, just to run a FF8 campaign.
Right now were are in a group and he is playing a female human monk that is basically Applejack from MLP but her family raised dinos and not apples.
Now that I think about it most of the characters he's played have been women...
So your friend is a 3aboo weaboo brony that exclusively plays as women.
ITT: we post feels white fa/tg/uys will never understand like racial self-hatred
I don't know. There are plenty of white guys out there that almost exclusively hate other white guys.
Black fa/tg/uy from SoCal here.
The ratio of people is almost overwhelmingly split down whites and latinos but there has never not been at least 3 black regulars at a time. I've never actually had to deal with any Veeky Forums related racism aside from the occasional awkward tired black joke in a game. Shit's cash.
also yes, but in his defense that was the only game he knew at the time. I introduced him to tabletop and he has grown since
Alright, fair enough, but he did change up an entire system just to play a game of Final Fantasy 8, almost exclusively plays as women, and is a brony. His power level is still pretty strong.
Black dude in my group, he's a proper London born roadman on the streets, but fucking hell, the biggest weeb alive anywhere else.
It's kinda adorable.
Hearing the same fucking black joke for the billionth time in a row because you're someone's new first black "friend." I don't give a shit about the racism, just be more creative for once!
c'mon now there are tons of white cucks that hate white men
Deep down, below my pasty vanilla dough skin, I am a black man and every day I wake I die a little bit inside because I can never have a glorious afro and be smooth with the ladies.
Does that count?
Why would you ever want to be black?
A.) I'm Swiss and we don't have ghettos like Murcians have, so our racial stereotype of black people is different
B.) It's a continuing desire from when I was a little Swiss cheese when I saw my first black dude and decided that it must be my fate.
>A.) I'm Swiss and we don't have ghettos like Murcians have, so our racial stereotype of black people is different
Is Sweden leaking into your country?
I do have a surprisingly large amount of Swedish friends, but I suspect they're all more or less on the /pol7-side of the political spectrum.
I have a mildly amusing story.
It also happens to be my only experience with Deadlands.
Our group for decides to have a Deadlands session at the FLGS open to the public.
I don’t know why, I was new guy to the group and 20 when the rest were in their thirties.
Only two people sign up, which is fine because our group is four plus the GM.
The two happen to be black.
One is in his thirties or forties, the other is his father.
Awkward glances around the table as everyone is introduced.
Anyone going to acknowledge that this is the first time any of has seen a black player?
Anyone going to acknowledge that one of our group who usually crass and occasionally absently racist is now acting like Eric Cartman wearing a sweater?
(Racist bro was raised by a racist as fuck southern dad, then moved up north and hates his bias, but hates it more that it gets confirmed by the literal crackheads that live next door and loiter in his driveway all day. Crass as hell neckbeard though)
We get into making our characters and everything is cool.
Older black guy rolls up an Indian shaman and gets absurdly good rolls all day. (Got 15-25 fate chips in char gen)
Femanon rolls up a female doctor or something, becomes defacto face and leader as the most respectable character.
Older black guy proceeds to perfectly roleplay how a wise old Indian shaman would cautiously, and quietly defer and demure to the white woman surrounded by armed white men.
Anyone going to acknowledge the old black man acting servile to the white woman in a public store?
Literally the only thing else I remember from that game was:
1. Racist bro splitting off from the party for no reason other than the GM clearly wanted our group to split up in dangerous territory
2. The old Indian character taking out the “boss” undead wolf in a pack bearing down on us from maximum distance, with one arrow, effectively ending the encounter, and then lowering his bow and acting like he had been doing it for 60 years.
step 1, apply pic to face
>Anyone going to acknowledge that this is the first time any of has seen a black player?
>Anyone going to acknowledge that one of our group who usually crass and occasionally absently racist is now acting like Eric Cartman wearing a sweater?
>Anyone going to acknowledge the old black man acting servile to the white woman in a public store?
Man you're way too sheltered.
We did sit some asshat down and explain that while wakfu is not technically an anime it is still grand and deserves a watch. Guy literally refused because it wasn't anime OR japanese. 3 hours while he played yugioh and i built models.
Any other black femanon Veeky Forums goers?
Good point, but just ignore that asshole
I ran a game of cyberpunk 2020 for a couple of white guys. They want to play again!
Or maybe YOU could just move?
>We did sit some asshat down and explain that while wakfu is not technically an anime
It is animé however.
They occur naturally out where I am. Side note, I have never seen a black pilot in X-wing
problem solved
>am black
>play games
Woooow. Though I culturally identify as Germanic because fuck those assholes, colonialism is no excuse to be a fuckup for centuries. All other colonies managed.
I've never played with hood rat niggers. Just as I've never played with poor white trash.
Tabletop games tend to attract more intellectual people I'd wager.
Separating countries by ethnicity would be begging for the world to become a clusterfuck. China, Turkey, India, and several other countries with wildly different ethnic groups would suddenly have to be split into a bunch of smaller countries forcing widespread migrations everywhere. Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, and most of Central/South America would end up fracturing into higher density non native fragments with a far lower density native fragment. And all this doesn't even BEGIN to account for people who end up with most of their heritage in several different places that are across the globe. Do they become citizens of those new nations, or do they have to have a nation of their own?
As a white cop myself I encounter constant racism from blacks. I am constantly accused of racism when they are breaking the law. I am constantly accused of profiling in traffic stops when I can only tell the male model and color of the car, can't even tell who the drivers is till I make contact. All enforcement actions on my part are interpreted as racism. There is no way to win. I'll just sit in my car and eat doughnuts and browse tg/
Just look at Syira, Iraq, Turkey and the Kurds. You big dumb nigger
Aww shit. I should have used that rather than breaking down anime to its fundamental genre's and age and gender targets and comparing the target of most anime (males 16-21) to the target audience of wakfu which was males who like anime between ages 16-21.
The race card isnt a card to be played its an integral part of the pooskin DNA
As is racist shitdickery to yours
brought on by pooskin antics
Let's not pretend the behavior of a poor minority class is brought on by DNA. I'm not absolving any one person of responsibility but social factors created this bullshit, not some fucking baked in idiocy native to anyone with skin darker than yours.
How do you feel about tax evasion?
Are you retarded or just pretending?
Which colony?
Your kind only dates white guys, sometimes asian guys.
That ain't right
German speaking or French?
Seems like you are winning here
My favorite is how I cannot talk about white privllages because I am white and therefore it is impossible for me to even understand that I am supposedly privllaged. Awful convenient way to "win" a debate. Black racism is the topic which is forbidden to speak of.
The witch hunt environment for White only racism is actually stoking the flames of real racism. The irony.
and this
everything in the red circle is classed as Asian in the UK and americas interpretation of asian is east asian which we used to refer to as oriental
It's all about whose on your side. It's the same reasons people jump the gun at the words white pride
While that's definitely true, that's a propagation of White Liberals (Marxists) who are trying to transform race relations into a class struggle, because the last 5-10 attempts to overthrow Capitalism have failed miserably.
This isn't tinfoil level conspiracy theory, either, it's literally happening, and the people responsible for it admit it openly. George Soros is sort of the go-to guy for this, he openly funded extremist groups in Ferguson with the express intention of creating an echo-chamber (his words!) where an unrealistic narrative could form that could be used to secure the black voting bloq for another twenty years.
People have died because of these antics. Hundreds of people. In less than four years the trend of a safer, less violent America has reversed itself. We've seen a net increase of violent crime for the first time in thirty years.
>lol /pol/ da joos tinfoil
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. George Soros is literally the stereotype of an evil Billionaire, the only reason people aren't calling for him to hang from a lamppost in the streets is that he's a Leftist kike.
Now don't take this the wrong way cause the other user was an ass about it. I'm being 100% serious here and genuinely curios.
Why do i only see really attractive black women with white guys? All but two of them so far was with a white guy and the other 2 were actually with asians.
>Literally copypasta argument that has no relevance to the topic at all
Isn't it ironic that Stormers can't seem to migrate between boards without trying to force their culture onto everything?
Not the femanon but it's more than likely the location in which you live.
Black guy here, if a Klan march crossed paths with a BLM protest, I would want the Klan to win the resulting brawl. BLM have no idea how easy they have it compared to what my dad had (Yes I knew my father call bullshit if you want). The majority of problems black people suffer is a result of their own laziness and submission to peer pressure.
I'm not a smart man, but I hold a job, feed myself, shitpost on Veeky Forums, speak properly, and go to church on sundays. I don't have big money, but it's honest money, and I'm proud of myself for that. It's not a big deal to most but I grew up in a barely-literate household and went to class with other blacks who were not interested in learning a damn thing.
They're on pennies of welfare or in jail, I'm working 9-5 and renting. I don't blame the white man, I don't blame society, I blame laziness and arrogance. If BLM put as much effort into studying and tutoring disadvantaged blacks as they did acting like fools, MLK would unearth himself to give them a thumbs up. Only thing I can blame society on is the fact that we cannot sit down and discuss race without people shouting over everyone and pretending that the upsides and downsides don't exist.
Because black kids get babysat by the TV more than white kids and don't read books.
This is why they're into anime and the game based on it and videogames, not random western fantasy.
>Is Sweden leaking into your country?
This fucking meme every time race gets brought up on Veeky Forums.
Yes user. We're all cucked by the MENA immigrants we have here who all dress in track pants and are a fucking foot shorter than the natives and dress like they live in Southpark Colorado because they're cold all the time despite living in the warmest part of Sweden.
>A five foot Somali with a head the size of a softball wearing 3 layers of clothing indoors on a warm day slaps your gf's ass, what do?
I'm not from Murica/Yurop so I have very little contact with the hobby outside of Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums is better than most of the site but it has a lot of racist and sexist jerks. Is the hobby really like that in meatspace? Were I black I'd probably stay away if that was the case.
Minnesota, if that makes a difference. Specifically minneapolis.
Could be a really small minority population and cognitive bias. More often than not, perceived social norms about dating usually are.
No more than any other hobby
Doubtful. We're 3rd city on the list of common immigrant destinations. Texas and new york in that order then us.