Warhammer Fantasy General

Warhammer Fantasy/The 9th Age General: Anonymouskeleton Edition

Remember to ignore or report shitposters and off-topic discussion.

Previous thread:>Newbie Introduction To Warhammer Fantasy
mediafire.com/download/i330182xo9b1hsi/Rulebook (Hardback).pdf (Download, start reading at page 174 for the story and all the races)

1d4chan.org/wiki/Category:Warhammer_Fantasy (All pages marked WF on the Veeky Forums wiki)

>Warhammer Wikis
whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Online_Wiki (Warhammer Online wiki with lots of background articles too. Also AoR is not ded: Veeky Forums for details.)

>Resources(Armybooks, Supplements, Fluff, Crunch)

>9th Age

>Total War: Warhammer (Now confirmed to have mod support!)

>End Times: Vermintide (Drachenfels DLC confirmed!)

>Mordheim: City of the Damned (New Warbands in production!)

>Bloodbowl 2 (More races on the way!)

>Man O' War (First patch out, improved world plus Orc/Pirate ports, raids, Bretonnia/Khorne/Beastmen)

>Third party Miniature manufactures
Google "Unsupported Age", because we can't link blogs here.

Other urls found in this thread:


Has anyone taken the 9th age army books and replaced all the lore and names with WHFB names, but left the rules intact?

It's so soulless.

>that bat posing
This pleases me.

I am pretty sure 9th Age fluff is supposed to be optional. It is just there if you are a new player with no tie to the Old World. You are more than free to build your army as a standard one from the old world if you like.

You talking about Undying Legions? Because the others are just crunch until they get their lore and artwork.

>Blood Bowl
>WHFB general
Sorry, it's AoS game now.

>Witch Hunters announced for Mordheim: CotD

Looking for the skirmish rules from the back of 6E. All the scans I've found seem to be missing them. Thx!

-> Veeky Forums

No need to ostracize him warhammer vidya is allowed too. I've been looking at Man o' War lately but i'm getting wet feet, should I go with my instincts make the plunge?

>warhammer vidya is allowed too
In /v/ or Veeky Forums, but not in TRADITIONAL GAMES board.

user, please.
>>Mordheim: City of the Damned (New Warbands in production!)

He's just shit posting let's move on. Anyone have any games going on this weekend? Tomorrow I'm trying out my mounted HE list against my friend's Tzeentch Demons should be fun assuming especially since we both are going to have a crazy magic phase

>>>Mordheim: City of the Damned (New Warbands in production!)
So? It's still off-top for this board.

Sounds like fun. I wish I could find some opponents.

>the mental image of a skeleton with a paintbrush making that banner

So how does 9th age compare to earlier editions of fantasy? Does it still have the same bullshit magic and massive horde sized units that were a problem in 8th edition?

>big units
Shouldn't you await point system for AoS in near general?

It's a nerf to magic, and unit sizes have maximums now. I'm frustrated that it stops me from running an Ogre Horde, but whatever.

The books are rules- only versions, with the exception of the not!TK.

The TK are the only ones with fluff in their books.

Go tell that to the TESfags.
There's never been a TES tabletop, but those Generals have been up at all times since the beginning of Veeky Forums.

Yes, not liking the mosh pits that 8e battles degenerated into automatically means that I like age of shitmar. Excuse me for preferring battles that are based around manoeuvring units into the best position possible rather than if seeing whose block of models can outdamage the other.
I was asking if 9th age had the tactical depth of earlier editions of fantasy or if it failed to fix the brokenness of 8e.

No voice will ever be as good as Salty's though.

9th is kind of a callback to 6e, but its faint. Return of Bloodlines and such.

Mostly it just fixes what was wrong with 8th.

Magic became easier to cast at low level spells, and really hard to cast at high level spells. Also, favors plural Mages rather than a Level 4. You basically only run a Level 4 Wizard if you are trying to save points.

There's a maximum unit size for everything now. But rules for models joining units is relaxed, so your horde is more likely most of core and special in the same unit with rare filling up your minimum required units rather than a monster glob of cheap things. Hordes aren't that great either, you actually want to flank enemies now so its better to be in smaller units.

>that I like age of shitmar
Well, yeah since you here and crying how hard for you to play something larger than few sigmarines tactical squads.

I might do it myself if I get bored enough one day

don't bother replying to slavposts

Which edition?

stop. replying. to. Slav!

So, /whfb/ what are you currently working on?

Slav doesn't talk about vidya though. At least not to my knowledge

Sold an old Vermin Lord in order to raise the cash for an Arachnarok and pic related, currently in assembly

slav talks about anything that he thinks doesn't belong in this thread

Cleaning my Island of Blood Skaven, then my Ghouls.

at first glance i saw Blood Skaven in your reply and now I want Blood Skaven.

Blood Skaven like Khorne?
Blood Skaven like Blood Elves in Warcraft?
Blood Skaven like Skaven who bleed a lot?
Blood Skaven like Skaven obsessed with blood?
Blood Angels Skaven?

dunno. just Blood Skaven. sounds cool.

will there be core/special/rare limitations in Total Warhammer? or you can take any amount of anything, provided you have resources?

>Mors pitfighters (large infantry, special choice, 5+ models, more points than stormvermins but I don't remember how much they cost so I can't try an estimation)
>M5 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W2 I5 A1 LD6
>strength in numbers, (that rule that gives +1 to fleeing), fury, berserks (each model gains an additional attack if the unit is flanked on the left, an additional if it flanked on the right and another if attacked on the rear, so up to 3 additional attacks per model if surrounded)

>light armour (skull trophies and leather coverings)
>must choose one of the following:
>-pickaxe (two handed, +1 strength)
>-pair of hand weapons
>-hand weapon and sickle-fist (confers a parry save like a normal shield, but no armour save, furthermore if the parry save roll is successful the bearer can make an immediate attack that hits automatically and has the killings blow special rule)

I don't know if the sickle fist parry save work when use by a model attacked on the flank or rear, opinions?

*should be better working

I'm forgetting post pieces everywhere

Glueing Saurus Warriors. There are a lot of fucking moldlines on those models.

If you get a chance, have a look at the latest Miniwargaming battle report. Guy brings his Wood Elf army in, and they're basically "What if some Wood Elves got lost in Araby"

Magic carpets proxying as great eagles etc.

Into the trash it goes.

>doesn't get tired, negating biggest disadvantage of heavy armor
>faster reflexes than mortal men, with decades of combat experience
>don't need to stop for supplies, they can go just about anywhere unsupported
>far more durable than humans even without armor

Anyone think chaos warriors are way too OP fluff wise to be core units? Champions of other factions like Grail knights don't even Match them in stats. Seriously, how does one even fight a war and of these things, let alone armies of them? Maybe if they were slow, lumbering brutes it could be a little more fair, or if they could actually get exhausted from lugging around all that armor. Not getting tired in a fight is a HUGE advantage, even if we take warhammer a unrealistic approach to warfare where 2 armies smash into each other until one is almost destroyed. Anything caught in a grinder against 7 foot tall superhuman who can fight continuously is going to get BTFO

shoot his dumbass face in with a rifle

Kek, how would that even happen?

They are supposed to be relatively few in numbers compared to the troops of other factions

teamwork. all WoC in a unit fight as a bunch of individuals. imperials, bretonni, dwarfs, high elves units fight as unified forces. even 7 ft. tall superhuman gets offed when he's simultaneously stabbed by half a dozen halberds

and then there's ranged weapons and stuff. units are separate in game, in fluff they act more like real historical troops did - a couple ranks of pikemen/halberdiers, a couple of riflement ranks right behind. melee soldiers hold them off for a split second while handgunners shoot them into eye slits at point-blank range. teamwork.

>mfw 7ft tall superhumans that also have teamwork

Since 9th is finally in its final version, I decided to pick up my long-abandoned project of writing up a set of battlefield and terrains rules - i.e. all the mistery terrains, as well as rule for fighting in different surrounding - undergroud, in the jungle, in frozen wastelands, etc.

But I got a few questions first:
1) is random terrain fun in your opinion? like 8th's forests/lakes/swamps?
2) is stuff like all those various 8th terrains that you always have too keep track of (e.g. shooting statue, spellcasting portal, etc.) fun?
3) how would you feel about battlefield/scenario-specific model rules and whole units being added? e.g. a set of siege equipment for each faction for siege battlefields, or whole swimming stat for naval battles.
4) there's a problem with battlefields (e.g. jungle, cityscape, caves) where 5-man wide units hardly fit and many ranks make it unableto turn. what to do?
5) how would you feel about neutral monsters/creatures, provided they have explicit rules how they act?
6) would you even be interested in this?

>playing abandoned 9th Age

Nice. They are one of my favourite warbands.

Nah, I'm perfectly fine with Chaos Warriors being the mightiest mortals around that aren't the size of an ogre or bigger. Their gods have access to pumping more magic into their warriors than any other faction and the Chaos Warriors typically work to impress their gods all the time.

Still trying to come up with campaign rules

Also figuring out how to make proper rules for the maw krusha

The limitations derive from rarer and more powerful units having a higher Upkeep and requiring higher tier buildings to create.

So you can have as many arachnaroks as you like, but the Upkeep for that army would be insane and you'd probably be mid to late game before you could do it anyway.

Please dont antagonise all slavs because of one shitposter.
Thank you

Painting Tomb kings chariots for my new tournament list. Once these and my third scorpion are done I'll have this army pretty much finished except for a unit of Ushabti I'm never going to be able to afford.

Empire,Bretonia,Kislev and Dwarfs are the weakest factions in fluff and even they can quite reliably deal with Warriors because there are only few of them outside of invasions.

Tell me about Necrach. Are they just magic-focused, or they have other traits, fluff-wise? I remember they like making Abyssal Horrors, so are they like Tzimisce of WHFB?

Okay, it seems there's a mod on slav's side. Yesterday all my replies were purged because I was reporting all of slav's post.
Today i'm on different PC and got warned for reporting slav again.
This sucks.

Maybe slav IS the mod

hm, mayhaps. this sucks even more.

okay, no reports. just ignore him.

They are sort of like a cross between a lich priest and a vampire. They don't need to drink blood and instead tend to sustain directly by absorbing the winds of magic. A lot of the older ones worships Nagash and desire to aid him in his vision for a dead world. Most of them are also increadibly cruel and batshit insane. Besides being naturally talented necromancers they also tinker and experiment a lot with flesh. They would make 10 different Frankenstein's human centipedes just to see what would happen. Then they would try mixing Orcs, Haflings and Fairies into the centipede to see what would change.

They are not very social creatures either and if they take apprentices it's not uncommon for them to do so with the purpose of observing their apprentice for the purpose of their own necromantic science.

ah, so fleshcrafting is in their portfolio too
'cos I wanted to make some PoE-styled Necrarchs to add some variety to the bog-standard Dragon/Carstein/Lahmian vampire collection

For some reason GW just decided to not include the Necrarch a whole lot in the fluff with 7'th editon and they are hardly mentioned in the 8'th edition.

I think one of the early influences was also Count Orlok. Mostly based around the aspect how he brought plague and death with him whereever he went. So in their first incarnation they had the Nosferatu rat fangs that went away after one edition. In addition to stitching flesh together the Necrarch would also try to manufacture diseases and poisons that they would try to kill the surrounding region with.

Not sure. It's really odd, felt it was strange enough to bring up.

What's wrong with them?
Sand elves are cool and unexplored concept,dunno why he chose WE instead of HE

Apparently the Wood Elves can manifest Loren in any forest of the world as some kind of magical travel thing. So I imagine a Wood Elf army marching out of a tiny oasis.

>Also figuring out how to make proper rules for the maw krusha
But they already exist, you should ask in your general.

I was thinking using the Stonehorn as a base, then 50pts to give it fly and another 30pts for a str 4 armour piercing 'breath weapon'

Sound good?

insee nothing wrong with them being super powerful, but being as common as they are in fluff kind of makes things like Grail Knights and warrior priest seem unimportant. When one of those shows up its supposed to be a big deal, but what's the point when the chaos forces have 50 guys with the same stats and better armor?

Speaking of Grail knights, how powerful are they supposed to be? I remember seeing something in another thread about them being around the stats of mcu captain America, woukd that be reasonable? And where does the average chaos warriors stack up to that?

Nah sounds stupid.

Grail Knights is MCU Cap
Chaos Warrior is MCU Black Panther
Warrior Priest is is MCU Iron Man (i.e. regular tough guy, empowered by suit/blessings in combat)
Forsaken/Chosen are MCU Inhumans

I'd imagine Warrior Priest tier

It's because the Stonehorn kinda has the perfect rules to represent a brutal, durable, and heavy-impact unit. It costs a daemon prince 40pts to fly, but a DP has movement 8, so 50pts seems more appropriate.

A chimera pays 30pts for its str 4 flaming breath weapon. I thought paying the same and replacing flaming with armour piercing (since they're relatively equivalent) would be fine.

I reckon it'll work!

Flaming is weaker, 'cos Flaming is countered by a lot of stuff with Fireborn rule. ArP has no weakness, and armor is more widespread than Flammable units.

>t's because the Stonehorn kinda has the perfect rules to represent a brutal, durable, and heavy-impact unit
But why you didn't want to use official rules for maw-krusha and discuss it in proper thread?

They are only really common during a Chaos incursion because they have been gathering far up in the Chaos Wastes. There time doesn't work like in the rest of the world. This creates what would otherwise be an impossibly huge gathering of legions. They could spend hundreds of generations just gathering up in the far north to one day be let loose for full scale invasions. To them it would feel like a short period of time. Otherwise they typically band together in armies to earn greater glory than just burning villages and slaughtering small towns.

All Grail Knights are basically supposed to be a cross between Captain America and Knight Roland.


if Grail Knights really have these kind of stats, I am very impressed. I wish we had some lore that shows Grail Knights being this badass. Plus you have to factor in the lady's blessing, which is stated to be able to shield them from even canon balls. Grail Knights OP

I think this
is what people usually post to answer such questuions..

You also have to keep in mind that the heroes, dukes and the king can also be grail knights as well. Those are clearly the pinacle of Grail Knights. Chaos Knights are also described as being the best of the best, but then there are also Chaos Lords which are clearly better. So unit powerlevel fluff in WHFB should probably not be taken too literally.

Speaking of the good old Cap: I would like to see a Grail Knight dressed in his colours throwing a kite shield like the Cap does.

Warmachine miniatures 2bh.

1) it depends
2) nah. me and friends always kept forgetting about it
3) could be cumbersome. better to avoid this, unless really well executed.
4) either allow any unit to skirmish or make some sort of rules adjustment to make small units competitive
5) see 2)
6) why, yes

Painting Mantic minis for Frostgrave which I'm just gonna pretend is Mordheim.

>But I got a few questions first:
>1) is random terrain fun in your opinion? like 8th's forests/lakes/swamps?

No. We never played it in 8th. We just used regular hills, forests and impassable. Also buildings were impassable.

I'm quite happy to use the 9th age terrain rules now.
>2) is stuff like all those various 8th terrains that you always have too keep track of (e.g. shooting statue, spellcasting portal, etc.) fun?

See above.

>3) how would you feel about battlefield/scenario-specific model rules and whole units being added? e.g. a set of siege equipment for each faction for siege battlefields, or whole swimming stat for naval battles.

Eh, depends?

>4) there's a problem with battlefields (e.g. jungle, cityscape, caves) where 5-man wide units hardly fit and many ranks make it unableto turn. what to do?

If the can be made fit by for example removing parts of the terrain (like you can take the GW forests off the forest base) then I'd just have them stay in formation, only get penalties like cannot get rank bonus. If it's absolutely impossible to fit a unit, have it assume a skirmish formation comparable to 6/7th edition but force the unit back into a block as soon as possible.
>5) how would you feel about neutral monsters/creatures, provided they have explicit rules how they act?
Depends on how they act and how large of an impact the'll have on the game. If the oponent got 600 extra points worth of dragons on his side because the monster reaction tables demanded it, it wouldn't make for a balanced game.
>6) would you even be interested in this?
Not really. Others might show more interest though.

>Champions of other factions like Grail knights don't even Match them in stats.

Ive been playing 9th fpor awhile but as far as I remember they were comparable in 8th. In 9th grails are certainly better than core warriors and arguably better than the elite warriors, at least if you factor in the ward and blessed attacks.

I appreciate the feedback - how about str 3 AP instead of str 4 flaming?

that's better imho

I'd make it cheaper then. I would much rather be s4 flaming than s3 AP.

How did nehekarians interact with dragons?
Did the climate make their meetings rare?
Were they venerated or hunted down?
What's up with pic related?

To my knowledge the Nehekharans didn't interact a whole lot with dragons.

Most zombie dragons comes from the Plain of Bones which is east of Nehekhara and over the World's Edge Mountains. In ancient times when dragons sensed that their death would soon be upon them they would migrate to the Plain of Bones and die amongst the remain of their ancestors. This practise of the dragons ceased after the first Chaos Incursion and the Plain of Bones became cursed with dark magic and the dragon remains became undead. Undead wizards will travel there to bind one of these undead to their will.

Sometimes an undead wizard will be powerful enough to reanimate a dragon from scratch like the Necrarch vampire Zacahrias the Everliving.

That image is also from a period before the first Tomb King army book was published. So it's entierly possible that it was later disregarded in Nehekharan context.

>That image is also from a period before the first Tomb King army book was published. So it's entierly possible that it was later disregarded in Nehekharan context.
Found it in the 6th edition rulebook, in fact, along this little gem

perhaps it was still influenced by the TK being relatives of the undead as a whole armybook


The army looked sick, but the battle itself was pretty underwhelming. Would not recommend watching past the army description phase.

most likely though they were just another kind of lizard from southlands.

>What's wrong with them?
Bunch of casuals pretending to look like good players.

>Play skaven
>Consider myself pretty good player, win more than I lose
>Preparing for tournament
>Submit list
>Decide to read up on some skaven tactica
>mfw nothing mentions any of my tactics
>mfw recommends troops and strategies I don't use
>mfw suddenly feel like a shit player and confidence gone

I'm scared. Am I going to get mauled?

That's a tough question, tourney lists and tactics are usually based around dealing with tourney staples and gaming the comp system. Specifcally because you need to table your opponents consistently to win first place.
If you can beat the high powered armies
>light empire council
>chimera spam Woc
>tripple terrorgeist VC
>Double pheonix/ banner of the world white lions HE

You'll be pretty much set, if not it'll be an uphill battle.

What does your list and tactics look like?

Painting and assembling the skeleton horde box for AOS and prepping my dark elves for painting.
>tfw main gaming partner made the switch full time.