What is he holding?
Is it a banshee's hair or something?
What is he holding?
Abbadon's topknot. He got krumped by a Grot.
Clearly, that is a root for some plant he uprooted.
He saw that this whole place is pretty dusty, so he got his best feather duster to clean up.
It's a plant numb nuts. Jesus, get your eyes fucking checked you short sighted ass-a-tang. It's got fucking roots. It's got fucking leafs. It's even got a fucking stem. But you're piece of celery brained visual center saw a fucking head. The fucks wrong with you.
A fancy gubbinz.
Cat o' 999 tails.
Yo chill. It could be anything in 40k. Jesus.
>The fucking detail of his frayed sackcloth pants
Yeah, it could be anything in 40k. But ya know, it's obviously a FUCKING PLANT. If you asked ten people on the street what they thought that looked like, they'd give you a look that implied that you were obviously retarded, and they'd call it. a. fucking. PLANT.
Thanks based user, didn't think about that.
The studio that made the trailer definitely knew their fluff, between that and the nicz bony look of the eldars as it should be, it's nice to see good knowledge of the universe.
I thought so, nice to see I'm not the only one who picked that up.
To know there are people that don't know about hair squigs...
Calm down user.
Them people on the street would also call the Wraithknight a japanese mech and think that Space Marines were a Gears of War ripoff.
I had no idea what it could be, but shotwise, lorewise, and common sense wise, it could be a banshee topknot, a hair squig, or a piece of miscellaneous scrap/plant. Good for you that you've figured it out so fast.
Whoa whoa whoa wait a second
Do you mean to tell me this isn't just the Ork's hair that he has tied up?
Why does that sound oddly plausible?
>This feather pen flags and signals
nope according to lore all orks are BALD.
look at this retard thinks a hair squig is a plant, fucking retard
I also thought, that that was a Banshee hair...
nope, any hair on an ork is squig.
There's a dead Banshee at his feet, I think it's fair to assume it fell from her helmet.
orks have no body hair
every hair is a parasitic squig organism the orks use for ornamental and medical purposes