Ushoran is The Carrion King edition
"No one care about Flesh Eater... "
"...not even a qt ghoul."
Ushoran is The Carrion King edition
"No one care about Flesh Eater... "
"...not even a qt ghoul."
Other urls found in this thread:
Why isn't the new Ghoul art PG like the rest of AoS's offerings?
I'm still sad and mad that they scraped couple of last vampire novels from Age of Legends series :(
>tfw you missed out on a starter box tourney because you are dumb
How is this game normally played?
Like I just want to walk into a gw and get a pick up game?
when are the comp rules coming out?
Yes, you walk into a store, see if anyone wants to play, and play them. The General's Handbook is coming out this summer, we don't have an exact date.
We already have a couple of AoS generals but whatever.
Flesh Eater Courts Battletome
Fluff question: what's up with godbeasts? where did they come from? How related are they to the realms and the winds of magics? Are they a very specific type of beasts or does every thing big and powerful enough gets called a godbeast? But, more important to my purposes, where were they during the existence of the old world?
In short.
>where did they come from?
No clue.
>How related are they to the realms and the winds of magics?
Not related.
>Are they a very specific type of beasts or does every thing big and powerful enough gets called a godbeast?
You are a noble soldier, sirrah. I shall pass along a commendation to my lord when he has finished claiming hunting trophies.
Thank you very much, user! I wish you all the best!
Little positioning question about the Plague Furnace. Assuming we are decent human beings and measure from base to base I can get at max 12 Monks within 1" around the furnace. This gives it both +4" movement as well as better impact attacks if it attacks. Now what would be the best movement MO? Run the furnace first and then let the Monks catch up, risking that it rolls too far? Or let the Monks run first, making an reverse U to house the Furnace for the next turn? I could surround the Furnace completely during setup, resulting in two more inches, but forcing the Monks to move first.
Are there any other formations that are good for the Furnace?
you wouldn't happen to have it as a pdf as well, would you?
Not him, but give Readium a try.
So we have 3 generals for some reason, and this one has the most replies so this is the one we should use.
So, what is everyone working on for their armies?
Thinking of getting the Ghoulish Court starter set tomorrow.
How lore friendly would it be to have them backed up by a force of Skellies?
I guess fluffwise I could say the necromancer in charge of the Skellie army thought he could string the Ghoul King along but wound up losing his mind.
>we have 3 generals
OP here, if you start a new thread, please post the link in the old one.
>How lore friendly would it be to have them backed up by a force of Skellies?
Fluffy, especially if they are the type that are loyal to Nagash.
Come up with some delusion for the skeletons. Maybe the ghoul king thinks his court wizard is summoning noble spirits or something. And so does the wizard himself since he went mad.
How often do people use the back of the list army configurations?
Like the exiled blood cultist list from the DE?
I really dislike the no list building part of AOS.
So whats the deal with the undead? I thought Nagash ruled them all?
Like the living, not all Undead like to be told what to do.
Ghouls aren't true undead so Nagash doesn't have full power over them like he does with skellies and zombies.
Maybe the Ghoul King can see an army of animated armour, that normally decorates his castle halls.
new player here. having played couple of games now and read all the rules for armies i can't help but wonder if i am missing something
it is very easy to stack offensive bonuses to turn basically any unit into unholy rapetrain of doom but there is basically no defensive bonuses other than mystic shield and couple of unit specific special rules, this resulted in games being decided solely by who gets the charge.
for example ogre stonehorn does average of about 16 wounds on charge which will obliterate basically anything including another stonehorn. only a big blob of infantry might survive that and then die to battleshock.
Golden Demon Slayer Sword winner.
The leaders of the Ghouls are Undead.
Don't let the stonehorn get a charge, weaking it with magic/ranges attacks or lure it into a big unit that has Inspiring Presence from your general on it. Lizardmen can have a really, ungodly strong defensive lineup with rerollable 1+ saves. And even a stonehorn would die if it charged a halfways decently buffed mob of Plague Monks, who probably are among the worst units in the game but really benefit from the synergies in their own pestilens Battletome.
But the best thing you can do is not play by wounds but play by some kind of pointcomp, because as you already realized: 12 wounds of a stonehorn are not 12 wounds of goblins.
Just started working on this one an hour ago or so; Drakoth Chariot. Working on the second drakoth as we speak.
Obviously still very early in the process, there's a ton of work that needs doing, not the least of which is working out how an axle would work on a thing like that.
Just looked the Stonehorn up. How does the Stone Skeleton rule work? It just says halve any wounds it would recieve. Does that mean any individual wounds? So when it gets hit by 4 D1 weapons it gets 4 wounds, but when hit by 2 D2 weapons it only gets 2? Or does it count for a whole battle phase? As in my Goblins inflicted 10 single wounds and it takes only 5?
It really only matters against multiwound attacks. Singular wounds are unaffected. Your gobbos would still inflict 10 wounds.
Thank god.
Don't thank the god, becasue that guy is wrong, Your gobbo inflict 5 wounds only, in case ofLong answer is, the sequence of attack is:
1, to hit
2, to wound
3, save roll
4, damage roll
5, wound ignoring skill
The stonehorn ability active at 5, of you want official clarification, the FAQ draft have it.
Working on my khornate dragon, played with it for the first time in a mega battle kinda thing with like 5 people per side. It was a complete mess and I'll post a quick report and pics in a bit.
Oh shit m8 I hate Extremis but this is just fucking rad. Not enough chariots in life.
use a unit with ethereal armor + mystic shield, or rerollable saves to tank it, wear it down with magic/missles so it doesn't hit as hard anymore, create a blockade with expendable units it has to charge and attack first while you set up a counter attack force within charging range...
There's a bunch of stuff you could do but it depends on the army and also what kind of terrain you've got going.
Good lord user, that already looks like it's gonna turn out to be pretty bad ass. Great idea man, have you already decided who/or what your gonna use as a rider?
Time for me to get a Stonehorn...
(1/3) probably
So this big game went down yesterday. First, the forces on each side:
>Me: with khorne dragon, 10 blood warriors, 20 blood reavers, 5 wrathmongers, slaughterpriest, 6 bloodcrusers, 5 skullreapers, bloodsecrator, mighty lord, 12 chosen, in everchosen chorne formation
>nurgle bro with glotkin, 21 warriors, 21 warriors, 14 warriors, 5 blight kings, sorc lord, festus, manticore lord
>random newbie dude I havent seen before who just has khorne starter, archeon and the khorne anvil guy, he becomes the grand general because OMG U HAZ ARCHEON!11!!
>random newbie with like manfred and 40 or so random skellies and 2 heros that did a whole lot of nothing
>stormcast newbie dude 1 with starter set + dragon, he becomes the grand general because OMG U HAZ BIGGEST DRAGON!11!!
>stormcast dude 2 with starter set + 2 units of 2-hander dudes, 2 units of bows, teleport banner, horn dude, lord celestand on foot plus lantern dude and a random wood elf wizard
>stormcast dude 3 with starter set + 2 units of 2-hander dudes, 2 units of bows, 3 drakoth knights teleport banner, lantern dude and a random life wizard and fire wizard
>sylvaneth dude with 3 treelord ancients, 32 driads in 1 unit, 20 archers, 3 branchwraiths, 2 random wood elf heros
>dark elf dude with a monster chariot some knights
>empire newbie with like 30 dudes and 2 or something heros
Scenario rules:
>6 blood geisers that erupt randomly and do mortal wounds
>order it at constant -2 to battleshock
>chaos objective is to kill each order general by turn 5
>chaos units fully killed come back on 3+s on any board edge more than 9" away from enemy
>each side gets D3 command abilities per turn distributed by grand general
>ogre reinforcements come in randomly (he didn't tell us right away)
We set up at 2:30, go to lunch and get back to start at 3:30. Half hour player turns. First thing I ask at deployment is "DOES ANYONE HAVE TO LEAVE EARLY" because I've seen this shit before. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?
Working on building my Khorne themed everchosen and some StormCast.
>all that grey
>using chrome
Did someone leave early?
Yesssss, let the paint vs no-paint debate begin!
I shall begin:
If you aren't going to engage with the hobby side of the hobby, why don't you just go and play video games instead of dragging the general standard down?
So, tasked with the impossible of killing 6 heros through a wall of like 80 stormcast with every buff imaginable, I obviously don't expect to win since we will NOT get through 5 turns.
Chaos goes first
>5 blightkings and 14 warriors hop through the realmgate to the left and lock 3 players into their deployment zones for the rest of the game
>everything else advances, we buff archaon to a 2+ reroll 1s on saves (should have just gone 1+), newbie dude forgets eye of sheerian the whole game
Order T1:
>Everything advances, stormcast dracoth get buffed to a 1+ with a 6+ ward from lifebloom, run into bloodcrushers and are there for the rest of the game
>stormcast double teleport banners 10 2h hammer dudes into archaon
>driads get buffed to 1+
>shooting phase archaon takes 8 wounds
>chosen get charged by axe guys and all die from battleshock because GM is like LOL CROWN DOESNT WORK BECAUSE I JUST REALIZED THAT BROKEN
Order wins priority, so Order part 2 electric boogaloo
>death guy leaves, no big deal
>archaon is shot more
>archaon dies to combat, at this point starter set khorne dude has basically lost intrest in the game and is walking around randomly, nurgle bro is salty
>stormcast starter set dude packs up and leaves but leaves the dragon with his friend khorne dude
>GM is like oh shit and brings in ogre mercenaries during order turn for some reason on chaos side, he brings like 3 monsters 20 ogres
Chaos T2
>ogre guy shoots stuff, fails all his charges and leaves because his 5 year old kid got bored of rolling dice
>khorne dude has since taken all his stuff off the table
>my khorne stuff gets stuck in now that my angry portal is planted, stomcasts start dieing, my dragon is buffed to a 1+
>blight kings come in behind as reinforcements, wound some heros but don't kill anything
>the left side of a table is a clusterfuck and I think the glotkin did stuff
The Order Battletome encouraged me to start an elf army with a Lion Ranger focus, because I love their fluff and models. Planning to combine them with a small army of Wanderers I have, led by an Archmage and either a Nomad Prince or Loremaster.
I really wanna get into AoS, but I've not entirely settled on an army as of yet. I'm leaning towards Dwarfs, a Ghoul king-court, Ogres or Chaos (most notably Nurgle).
so my questions are thus: How conversion-friendly are these? How would I go about making my own deal with them? Any tips or advice to throw my way?
1. I'm not a great painter.
2. I don't enjoy it painting.
3. I didn't force you to play against me.
Should be (3/3)
ding ding ding
You realize like 4/10 of these players are new right? as in built their armies 2 weeks ago new. I have no excuse except finals.
Order wins priority, so Order T3
>Oh forgot to mention all shotting was -1 to hit because order had a ton of ranged
>I think some random fyreslayers get set up because omg order is getting beat up
>their dragon charges in kills some blight kings before khorne dude takes it and leaves
>GM was planning on setting up some khorne deamons of his since ogres left, but we don't even care because it's impossible to get through 32 0+ dryands to the hero's behind them
Game then ends and we spend like an hour bullshitting on how to make these kind of games better. We identified a few key problems:
>too many players, plan is to have 3v3 max next time
>combats with multiple players not working well with the activation system, we split the table into 3rds and did it that way but need a better way of doing it next time
>People leaving (duh) plan is to have concrete sign-ups next time
>different skill/experience levels of player playing, plan is to have a secondary game with newer players/have them play each other
>xboxuge armies, plan is to limit drops next time (local comp system)
>still need a good way of limiting magic because it was agreed it was not fun. 12+ order wizards plus lanterns and teleporting was too much
>Planning on splitting up games into 3rds for 3v3, but we need a good way to link the 3 mini games or have them influence eachother without making it a clusterfuck
Any thoughts or advice for bigger games like this is appreciated. I know I'm bringing hellcannons next time because sniping wizards is amazing and holy fuck they're powerful for a warmachine.
>hurr durr triggered i'm an autistic fuck
>being hobbyist is bad
>Veeky Forums
Nigga, that isn't even the point but I'm tired of ya'll fuckers shitting on the day of people who don't paint their models when the reason isn't even known to why the grey tide exists.
Painting takes fucking time, especially if you don't want it to look like absolute piss by speed painting like some do.
Being a hobbyist is rad, but being a jackass is silly
What kits did you use for the chariot?
>Painting takes fucking time
BREAKING NEWS tabletop games takes time.
Well that is pretty fucked up. Guess GW needs to sell those big Orgre models. :^)
You said some of the players are new? I would have a lower scale battle than what you guys fielded. Still be 3v3 so that you guys can collaborate and shit, but not as big so that Team member A is stuck trying to get out of his corner when he gets trapped and Team Member B is all over the damned board. Ive had similar experiences if you cant tell already.
I think painting is part of the hobby. I just think it is simply more engaging to pit to painted armies against one another on a well made game board.
I would prefer to play two small painted forces against each other more than two larger, unpainted armies.
I think lack of painting skill isn't acceptable of an excuse, unless they are specifically referring to certain models, and are practising on other ones, since you aren't going to improve much by not painting. Also there are loads of guides out there to learn from nowadays.
As for lack of time, that is acceptable as long as you have some progress here and there. If you turn up one day with more units than before, yet your current stuff hasn't had a bit more work done to them, then you are just being a little lazy.
This is literally the worst way of playing AoS. Big battlelines moving towards each other, no room to navigate and 'kill model X to win' don't work according to my experience. If you had fun, more power to you, but I like more objective focused battles.
When we have that many armies we usually take two tables, connect them with Realmgates and have different terrain pieces interact with the other table.
For example: If a Priest on table A prays at the monument you can explode terrain on table B with each team needed to win objectives on both tables to get an overall win.
I can build shit really quickly, and I love playing, but most of the time Im buggered to have the inspiration to paint stuff, and the motivation to do so. Ill get the cool ideas in my head, and then I never follow thru. Maybe Im just lazy or maybe Im just not a painter, but either way thats why I find myself sometimes having a whole primed unit on the field.
I hate painting. I despise it and think it is the biggest waste of time. I can not stand people who constantly talk about the hooby part and talk about their newest freehand and shit.
That being said, all my shit is painted. I don't play with unpainted models. Base colors and a shade, sometimes drybrushing. All bases have painted basing paste, grass and sometimes bits I found in the sprues on it. It looks decent on the table and no one can bitch at me for "not doing the fucking hobby abloo bloo".
Also, and obviously, have some commitment. You guys set up, leave for a whole hour, come back, and THEN ask if anyone needs to leave soon? Not trying to be an ass about it, but it would have been better if you had cleared that bit up from the very beginning.
Yup, we're planning on toning down the scale a bit. Like the 3 stormcast guys vs me nurge bro and another dude would have been a good game.
Trust me it wasn't that fun, that's why we were trying out how to do it next time. My main issue is how to limit mystic shield spam. Every order player had at least random empire wizard because it was just lieing around. I'd have thrown down 3 myself if I knew how it was going to be. Right now we know we aren't going to be able to buff other players units, but we don't know much else other than that. I'd rather now have to use multiple wizards because you know, khorne.
I asked at like 2 before anyone set up any models. We were planning on keeping the store open later and only the death guy knew he had to leave early.
My local GW has some houserules that the redshirt suggests us to use.
>no buff stacking, so only one shield per unit
>don't be an ass about summoning
>measure from base to base
>play a scenario, feel free to use the shop's books to get a battleplan, no need to buy 'em
>rolls of 1 on armor are always a faliure
Works out really well and in that GW there are usually more people playing AoS than 40k unless there is a big 40k event.
Hey guys. Can one unit attack more than one unit in combat? For example:
Enemy Unit A and Enemy Unit B charge Your Unit C.
Some of Your Unit C is in base contact with Enemy Unit A, and some of it is in base contact with Enemy Unit B.
Can the models in contact with A attack, and then those in contact with B attack?
So as someone who was a long time GW player who jumped the boat around the time fine cast was released, I'm legitamitely curious as to the appeal of AoS. I've invested large amounts of time in warmachine, malifaux, and guild ball. While I love and enjoy those games immensely it's impossible for me not to feel nostalgic about the large army vs army clusterfucks that warhammer specializes in.
I like the look of Fyreslayers enough that I thought I'd at least study up on the game before condemning it. I've moved past how batshit insane the game looked upon release, so can someone give me a rundown of their experience with AoS that isn't just summing it up as "it's a beer and pretzels game"?
>no buff stacking, so only one shield per unit
Is this like any buff? so mystic shield + sigmarite pantern?
>don't be an ass about summoning
We already do this, not many people have enough units to summon but I may pick some up.
>measure from base to base
Already do this.
>play a scenario, feel free to use the shop's books to get a battleplan, no need to buy 'em
We use scenarios, but we have to buy the books so until the generals handbook comes out it's kind of a pain.
>rolls of 1 on armor are always a faliure
Probably going to start doing this.
Do you guys limit mixing of races? like letting an empire wizard chill in a stormcast army? I feel like it can get out of hand quickly.
So, besides death guy, everyone else just kinda bailed? Yeah, that wouldnt fly with me.
Anyway, it seems the biggest problem was the size and the number of players. The pulling of armies when people left just added to the confusion towards the end. Now, for the wizards, I'd do some heavy limiting on it, such as 1 designated wizard per army, one that can comfortably handle all your spelly shit.
Ive wondered this also, as I have never been in a situation where more than one unit was up against another.
You can attack any model in your weapon range. Even if that means half of your units attacking Unit A, and half attacking Unit B
Thanks user.
You can stack the Sigmarite prayer + Mystic shield, but not two or 3 shields. But if you guys keep playing sooner or later there will be some kind of armor meta. So be prepared to face a lot of mortal wounds or armies that can put out a crapton of attacks.
As far as mixing races go we usually say the first Keyword (Order/Destruction/Death/Chaos) has to be with all models you play. Yes you can get Stormcast that can Mystic Shield/Pray for 2+ armor and get a 6+ ignore wounds from the Highelf Wizard. But at the same time Chaos can get the same and the game really rewards you if you play fluffy in shape of Battalions.
Also, if you balance, don't balance by wounds. Get any of the schrollbuilder comps.
>>rolls of 1 on armor are always a faliure
I haven't had much of a chance to play AoS, what's the reason for this rule?
So far, the only rule I've considered has been no shooting into combat
AoS, in my opinion, is a good balance of trying to play smart while also having fun. Each army has a certain play style that appeals to different people. I can have a plan of action, and follow through with it, to find out it worked gloriously, or downright horribly. Ill admit, there are things that should be tweaked, but in the end the whole point of AoS is that it captures the feeling of "Im having a battle right now" while still giving you something to think about. Some people will feel differently about this, but I believe the first half of the game is in the rules guide. The other half is when you read and understand what some units do, you start "forging the narrative."
If you have a good scenario, friendly opponent and balanced the armies AoS can be surprisingly deep. It has a lot more of Warmachine that I initially thought, with model synergy being really important. Also, having to prepare for uncertain turn orders really makes your movement pretty interesting.
That being said it isn't as deep as Warmachine or the old WHFB. For me it strikes just the right amount of random fun and tactics.
Making huge murderblobs that have a 1+ armor and ignore some, or all, rend is pretty easy and games can get stale pretty fast. It seems much more healthy for the meta if there is always a risk to losing at least a few of your guys.
My main issue is not only you can buff youself to a 1+/2+, it's that reroll 1s for sigmarite shields means a rerollable 2+ for very little commitment.
>Yes you can get Stormcast that can Mystic Shield/Pray for 2+ armor and get a 6+ ignore wounds from the Highelf Wizard
I thought you said one buff per unit? or is that just for each buff?
Also we usually balance by "drops" aka 1 box of dudes is roughly equivalent to every other "box", aka 5 wrathmongers = 10 blood warriors = 20 blood reavers. Not perfect but noone has really abused it yet.
Square base.
I think I've worked it out.
The Ghoul king sees the Necromancer as a great priest who inspires the poorfolk of his realm and those inspired by their great victories (ie the corpses kn the battlefield) to take up arms and join his great quest to reclaim their homeland.
I guess the Necromancer could think the same: that his incantations and dark spells are actually holy sermons.
I am playing often against a chap who sports a blob of 20 chaos warriors with shield. Thanks to his Tzeench trickery he gets a 1+ rerollable or something like that if he is in terrain or a 2+ if he is in the open field. I usually take one of my chaff units, run into them and there both units will stay until the end of the game while my faster, more kills units kill his weaker stuff. You don't need to kill your opponent if you can simply bind them in place.
I would say, maybe the nercomancer and ghoul king were at odds, until a mutual threat came. In trying to work together, they tried to ensare the other into their service. So maybe the ghoul king forced the necromancer to eat tainted madness steak and the necromancer had an illusion spell as back up and they both got caught, which led to something worse. a mass delusion that now has an army to back it up.
Oh, okay, so it's for buff stacking. I'm pumping on all cylinders now.
Thanks for the concise replies
Good to hear you identified the problems do you can have a better game next time.
If you do, make sure to give us another write up, was an interesting read.
So, I'm toying with the idea of creating a Sisters of Battle-ish Stormhost. Would be using pic related, those are 32mm heads, so they should fit perfectly on the Stormcast minis. Would that be enough? Or should I fiddle with the models themselves as well to get the point better across? Probably not going to resort to boob plates, but maybe slim them a little bit down.
This isn't always an option if your objective is somehow to do something behind them
Also, how do you guys feel about square bases? 25mm squares are infinitely better for chaos warriors as simple geometry means you get a second rank to attack every single time. 32mm bases really fuck you over. However, I want to rebase, so I'm not sure.
Also thought of something like this to protect hellcannons with square bases (likely using blood reavers) Even if they fail their controlling roll they literally cannot move, so you'd get the +1 to shoot, would it work the same for oval or circle if they rotated? The second layer could be outside 2" so if the reavers are charged (by teleporting stormcast most likely) they can't hit the hellcannons.
Also did someone mention not being able to shoot through units? I thought we used true LOS in this game.
forgot shitty pic
Not a huge fan of stormcasts with human heads myself, and the armor doesn't really lend itself to being unisex, even if the fluff says so. I'm more a fan of pic related
Aye, that could work.
I was thinking of saying that the Necromancer fancied himself as something of a trickster and the notion of disgusting Ghouls with delusions of royalty seemed like a great source of amusement to him.
Then in his attempt to string along a Ghoul King into thinking he's a great and noble wizard, he ends up catching the madness and thinks himself to be a priest leading a flock of inspired poorfolk.
I've actually been looking for good knight heads for my stormcast, I've seen a lot of really good conversions as soon as you get rid of the silly looking heads.
That would be pretty sweet, but samn, a lot of work to make the stormcast armors have a waistline. Probably need to leave the breastplate of the models away and greenstuff a tabard in place and that would still leave them with really bulky shoulders, arms and legs.
Chariots, man. You can never have enough of those.
I'm torn between a Lord-Celestant with some sort of poleaxe and two non-hero guys, but the chariot would be pretty cramped even with two Liberators.
The spare pauldrons and one of the shields from the stardrake kit, the wheels and the joke (not pictured) from a gorebeast chariot, the axe heads from two paladin kits, the metal struts from a valkyrie cockpit, the axle from some sort of cart i had in the bitzbox. Also, some greenstuff and various bits of plasticard.
People did create reasonably looking SM girls without resorting to boob-plates. But I kinda have to agree with ,the Stormcast armour just doesn't lend itsself to a unisex frame.
>Chariots, man. You can never have enough of those.
Agreed, what got me into AoS was an all chariot list :p
You could just have whoever's in the chariot to be freestanding, that way you can put whatever you like inside it.
Granted, I'm sure there are many drawbacks to that idea.
I always imagined the Stormcast to look a bit spooky and undead under their armour, like the hollowed in Dark Souls.
Now that it's confirmed that Ushoran is back, is there any other WHFB character you want to see return in AoS?
You know I really like the game now that I've stopped thinking of it as a replacement for Warhammer fantasy instead of a fun mini game to play with your toys
I think they have normal, human heads beneath accorsing to the fluff. But hey, maybe if they get reforged too often they really start to hollow, who knows?
Somehow, if they pull some sensible magic out of their butts to make it happen. I'd love to see Malus Darkblade. You cant write an amazing story like his, and let it be.(deathblade excluded, i hate the ending.)
c'mon, Veeky Forums, help a guy ouy?