What would happen if the local Imperial Guard decided to not join with the Gue'vasa when the Tau came, but instead go underground?
What would happen if the local Imperial Guard decided to not join with the Gue'vasa when the Tau came...
Do you mean the PDF?
Guirella warfare. Tau would catch those who reject the Greater Good and send them to concentration camps, where they are sterilised and put to work.
Well really, there is no such thing as a "local" Imperial Guard. The Guard goes were the war goes.
What you get for "locals" is a Planetary Defense Force. And for a good look at PDF going underground and fighting a hit and run war, see the book "Death or Glory"
A cool ass Dark Heresy (or other appropriate 40k RPG) campaign is what would happen
I think XCOM 2 would happen.
This probably happens all the time.
>Weak, oriental themed enemies and gooks? Check.
>Underground guardsman resorting to guerrilla tactics? Check
>Jungle World? Check
I'd play that.
Sucker for Guerrilla Warfare.
Short Guerrilla War. PDF are generally trash.
Even if some left over proper Imperial Guardsmen did go underground, it wouldn't last long. Guardsmen hold the line, without support they can't do much.
There are tons and tons of IG regiments. Whilst there are some where they do nothing but hold the line many regiments specilise in SPACE GORILLA WARFARE
Let's say the Catachan Jungle Fighters at the regiment in question.
They still wouldn't be able to continue indefinitely. They'd do damage, but it wouldn't be enough to push the Tau off world without support or reinforcement.
But if either was received, it would stop being a guerrilla warfare.
Which Marbo movie is the one he joins the blood pact to fight the Tau?
Catachan Jungle fighters couldn't definitely fight a prolonged period of guerilla warfare without support and could do massive damage if they maintained certain weaponry at their disposal.
These are the fuckers who waited weeks in hiding for the perfect moment to murder a fucking Space Marine Chaos Lord. With a knife. Tau would be cake walk compared to that.
>fighters couldn't definitely
Could, God damn it.
The Tau would be ready and experienced at countering a guerrilla war. I'd wager that the Jungle Fighters would take a lot more casualties than they would've if they were waging a guerrilla war against a non-Tau enemy.
They use a lot of the same tactics against armies. Plus, a large portion of guerrilla warfare is public perception. It is well known that the Tau Water Caste are master propagandists.
Even if the Jungle Fighters did make significant gains, the people would turn against them due to the propaganda being spread.
This is literally the background for my army. I use Tallarn models to represent them on the tabletop.
This would.
>muh tua
I am an Guardsman, fighting in the forces which guard the Imperium and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.
I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command. I am prepared to fight to the death for the Emperor.
I will never forget that I am an Guardsman, fighting for mankind, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the Lord of Man. I will trust in alone in the one Almighty Emperor of Man upon the throne of Holy Terra, long may he reign.
>Even if some left over proper Imperial Guardsmen did go underground, it wouldn't last long. Guardsmen hold the line, without support they can't do much.
That's defeatist talk Guardsman!
Why can't the guardsmen use captured Tau and Kroot weaponry?
>Tau Water Caste are master propagandists.
Have you heard of the Imperium of man? Its a church, its a government, its a way of life.
occupation really only works if the occupier can create a better life for the people if theirs any kind of insurgency
>Tau and Kroot weaponry
Man portable weaponry, sure. But what do they have against Devilfish or Piranhas or even Stealth Suits.
They might, might be able to scavenge fusion blasters. I only question if they can or not because those seem like they're built into the Battlesuits.
Tau have a good track record of doing just that.
Tau have mass produced autonomous flying drones that see in the dark and are known for not leaving things up to chance.
America has mass produced semi-autonomous flying drones that can see in the dark and are known for not leaving things up to chance.
And yet we still have problems with guerrillas
>implying Tau Tech and Ameri-Tech are the same caliber.
Didn't those Karshkin do just that in dark crusade?
Also, reading those small snippets of love for the region reveals rogue commissars and stuff.
So pretty much that, with some polish partisan stuff mixed in.
PDF varies wildly in quality. On some pleasure world they may only some sort of nice looking police, not worth much in a fight. But on another world they are of the same quality as the guard.
Regarding the guard: Depends on the regiment and home planet. You do not expect a elysian tank regiment to hold the line. You do not expect a krieg artillery regiment to spearhead an offensive.
And regarding gurillia warfare: it's the opposite of short lived in all books and some codex if they mention it.
A planet is a pretty huge place to police, especially considering the Tau's limited resources.
Pretty sure there are territory descriptions of that happening with the Dawn of War games.
Commissars, Stormtroopers and other schola trainees (adepts, etc) are usually the ones to organize those kinds of resistances.
They make their explosives themselves?
Work with surviving admech personal?
If they fight a guerillia they will rarely meet something other than garnison troops.
>The Tau would be ready and experienced at countering a guerrilla war.
The only people who can compete with the Catachans are Tyranids and Kroot.
And even then the casualties would be horrific.
Tau tech is quite primitive compared to top tier imperial stuff. If they use drones to much any techpriest will fuck them up with glee.
And Tau have shit supply lines and are already overextended. Any loss would take a while to replace if not at all.
If they were strong enough to win they would not have been forced into irregular warfare to begin with. Without external help the prospect for eventual victory is low.
There'd be more emphasis in intelligence work and sabotage than skermishes. People are banging on about armor and special forces, I think they'd try to pick their battles better than that.
>not join the Gue'vasa
By 'not join,' do you mean repel the fish-faced invaders and slaughter their traitorous collaborators wherever they might be found? Cos, that's what usually happens on Imperial worlds with a standing military.
>Regarding the guard: Depends on the regiment and home planet. You do not expect a elysian tank regiment to hold the line. You do not expect a krieg artillery regiment to spearhead an offensive.
By the Emperor you Xeno loving defeatist! They are all Guardsmen and they are expected to fight! Without tanks or cannon they become provisional infantry. And in time they all become heroes.
The defeatists in this thread have no fighting spirt and would be first to lick the invaders boots to secure the best possible deal for themselves. They are nothing but quisling scum.
Be pure! Be vigilant! Behave!
Then out spake brave Commissar Horatius, The Captain of the gate:
“To every man upon this planet Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his God Emperor
I imply only that technology is not the deciding factor in warfare.
Wasn't there a story in one of the collections about that in one of the Omnibooks? I seem to remember a story about the Jungle Warriors leading the best Firewarriors the Tau brought to their deaths so it be easier to continue their campaign.
It seems you aren't fully aware of how a competent military force operates when undertaking guerrilla operations.
The thing about asymmetrical warfare is that most of the time, you don't have an enemy to fight as a defender, and your enemy doesn't adhere to any traditional way of fighting. Small, fast-moving and independent cells are capable of inflicting extremely high casualties and widespread destruction if they know what they are doing and have faith in their cause.
A guerrilla outfit wouldn't fight pitched battles vs battlesuits. They'd hit an important location or person, retreat and disappear, or maybe ambush an unwitting convoy or sabotage power plants.
The point of guerrilla warfare isn't to win by inflicting massive casualties or holding ground. They just make living unbearable for their opponents until help arrives.
the 5th edition rulebook's tau section has some fluff like that
>tau capture key parts of planet
>catachans fuck off to the jungles and keep on fighting
propoganda starts falling apart when the presenters of it are disappearing from broadcasts after they've been pulled down through the plumbing of their toilets by some shit-covered catachan proto-ogryn
I'm intrigued, I want to hear about this one now.Is it the one about confederate army in space
In order for it to be a engaging sort of campaign you'd have to have a reason that the Tau can't go "fuuuuck this" and just lay waste to vast swathes of forest/etc.
If the guardsmen decided to go underground and hide with the local population and the Tau NEEDED these populations (they operate a production facility, water treatment plants, mcguffin factory, whatever) they can't have them pissed off and begin murdering folks block by block.
You'd have the guardsmen popping up out of no where, raiding a convoy/killing some one important/sabotaging a power station/etc and then disappearing before the Tau could really react.
Kroot would make excellent antagonists from a story perspective since they have hounds to hunt and a variety of senses which are above the Tau line soldiers.
StealthSuit teams would be an everpresent threat since they're basically ghosts and would require a very dedicated amount of resources to find let alone fight.
Things like crisis suits would be strictly maneuvered around. There is no reason for a small group of lightly armed and armoured guerillas to fight something like that on any sort of fair terms.
I think it'd make a great setting to run a game in if you could avoid being heavy handed with the real-world politics of this sort of thing.
>Imperial Guard
>Competent military force
>now.Is it the one about confederate army in space
Dear god no. That one was confusing as shit. No this one was a short story. I can probably go and get it I still have the Omnibus.
Thanks I would appreciate.
What are you implying citizen?!
It's "Hunters" by Braden Campbell
Always low tech ways of finding stealth suits like silly string, smoke, foot prints in soft earth, rain drops, paint, baby powder.
>not gue'la warfare
You had ONE job
Sure they are, fluff for the IG talks about how this or that regiment is the coolest shit ever at fighting in the air or in trenches or wherever.
And then they get put up against seven foot tall giants who can spit acid and eat brains with demons on their side.
Not all regiments are "TOSS DUDES UNTIL IT STOPS"
Som regiments are "the right dude, the right moment, the right place"
fucking kat is not pairing anything
Suits of any size (from Stealthsuits to Riptides) are linked to their pilot somehow, so the guerrillas can't salvage them.
Actual vehicles, though, are fair game. Wear the colors of the Blood Ravens and that's a nice Hammerhead depot you got there.
Would you have a link or anything?
Sadly no. Only got it in print m8. It was part of the Honour Imperialis omnibus.