EDH/Commander general

Flipped table edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to build a janktastic Mishra deck with Possibility Storm. What are some must includes?

Okay Veeky Forums, right now I'm making 4 seperate decks.
Silumgar, the Drifting Death - Zombie/Dragon Tribal
Oona, Queen of the Fae - Exile All the Threats before they are drawn
Chorus of the Conclave - Huge Threats/Ramp, Hasty Infect
Yasova Dragonclaw - Only for colors, Land Manipulation and Creature Damage Based Card Draw

I'll make list if anybody is intrested.

Sensei's Top, he can dig like no other with the shuffle ability.

What's the best U/W general for a "good stuff" deck? Just a bunch of board wipes, counters, fliers, etc.
I've learned that i just cant play build around or theme decks since i get bored of those fast, my mimeoplasm good stuff is the first deck ive kept together.

just gonna crap out damia good stuff because i'm tired of not having a deck

If you want to go for the quick kill with cheap counters and early disruption go with Geist of Saint Traft.

If you want something more controlly go with Grand Arbiter Augustin IV

A 3rd more midrange like option is Dragonlord Ojutai

Still looking for opinions on my Grixis deck folks, people on Tappedout don't like to leave comments at all.


Is the deck's soul purpose Possibility Storm? Get some tutors.

What does your meta look like?

ojutai, grand arbiter, and depending how counter heavy your goodstuff decks get noyan dar are all fun goodstuff commanders in blue white. obviously building towards their strengths will boost up the decks power.

Ah I like the midrangey/control option but i cant run dragonlord Ojutai.

One of our friends in our playgroup came into the shop with Ojutai sleeves, only Ojutai dice, an Ojutai playmat, and Ojutai as his commander. He very shortly dissembled that deck after our entire group kept saying how he was sexually attracted to Ojutai and wanted to fuck a dragon.

Too many fatties. I'd find more ways to cheat them in (Quicksilver Amulet, reanimimation, polymorph)

chorus of the conclave is complete shit!

save yourself the suffering and embarrassment and turn back now

why choose yasova only for colors?

there are other temur color commanders you know

even surrak sounds like he might do better for what your deck wants to do

It's actually really good, especially in multiplayer. It probably my favorite deck.

Outright killing somebody in one turn with a Putrefax or Tine Strike feels great.

>after our entire group kept saying how he was sexually attracted to Ojutai and wanted to fuck a dragon
Actually kek'd

To his credit, Ojutai knock dice are pretty sweet.

He did deserve it, as a person hes nice. But he builds decks that are only board wipes, counter spells, and stalling without actually putting wincons in and complaining how people gang up on him and how he never wins.

Yasova is usable if you're playing Duel commander and want a general you want to get out quickly so you can start laying on the damage. Admittedly though if your playing those colors in Duel Commander a better strategy is building Animar combo. But to each his own.

Yasova gives me early game board presence, and by turn 5-6 I'm usually setting up my board or disrupting my opponents so I've opted out for surrak.

Animar draws too much aggression and I don't want a generic Animar deck. Thunder-face explosion-chest, again, draws too much aggression and disrupts my "combo" potential.

Does anyone know of any cards along the lines of:

Pay 1 generic: add one mana of any colour to your mana pool

Not off the top of my head, but the card search link in OP should turn a couple up.

plz respond

im sure the 99 is good im just saying chorus of the conclave is a bad card

Closest you'll get is the guild signets and a set of ally-color lands from Odyssey.

Bog Initiate and Initiates of the Ebon Hand will let you filter into Black
Gemstone Array lets you get any color but at a 2:1 rate.

i used gatherer one to look for this and didnt find any that did exactly that

theres manaforge cinder that turns generic mana into red or black, which is cool

there's orochi leafcaller who turns green mana into mana of any color

but as far as turning generic mana into mana of any color, i have only found chromatic star and other one-use effects

Thanks for the responses
I was already aware of those, I was hoping there was some old card with weird wording that I couldn't find

It's a shame, I really needed some way to turn infinite generic mana into naya mana, the closest I can get Skyshroud Elf or Gemstone Array

why do you need to do that? how are you making infinite colorless mana? the method can often be adapted to create colored mana

usually theres a more complicated way of doing that that doesnt require any cards that are otherwise fairly weak outside the infinite combo (like gemstone array)

Unknown Shores, maybe?

shimmering grotto

In naya colors, my uneducated guess is that he is using Marath and a Mana Echoes token loop to generate infinite colorless. I'm not sure why he'd then need colors, since that actually wins, but if he does, Gemstone Array is easily the best option. Of course, if he's a complete madman and using Rings/Monolith, Array makes perfect sense too.

In either case, nayanon, just use Gemstone Array already.

Ugh, I remember my first pauper game with experienced friend. I made some cheap RB deck based on Rakdos just to learn how to play and he pick some mill machine and discard something like half on my deck in t4

I'm using rings/monolith too, love me some combos. I don't see how mana echoes + marath is infinite on its own though?

For infinite mana the effect needs to be repeatable, thanks though

mana echoes plus marath isnt infinite it requires another piece like cathar's crusade or ivy street denizen

Yeah, that's what I thought, I was questioning why the person I was replying to thought it was infinite

>Mana Echoes + Marath is infinite on its own though
It isn't by default. Using a token doubler or an effect that places counters on Marath makes it infinite after a few tokens.

As for your specific situation, yeah, just use Array. It's the best thing you've got in the circumstance and that it's 2:1 doesn't matter when infinites are on the table.

> I don't see how mana echoes + marath is infinite on its own
I know mate

Yeah, it's a little expensive mana wise but it seems to be the best I've got

>Yeah, it's a little expensive mana wise but it seems to be the best I've got
From context, it is clear what you meant, so I'll respond to that.

Yeah, Array is sort of a feel-bad, but it is definitely the best tool for the job that you want. Out of curiosity, why are you running Rings/Monolith in a Naya deck? What's your deck doing? Those aren't very typical colors for artifact shenanigans.

It's allthecombos.dec
Literally just ramp, removal, tutors and combo stuff
It mostly revolves around Marath but there are some other infinite mana things in case Marath becomes prohibitively expensive

Nether Void, Blood Funnel, et cetera

I'd like to see the Oona list

I like this card and will be using it in future decks

Why is this useful? It doesn't even do that much for the mana cost, you're better off playing Rhystic Study.

Post commanders you would like to run just for their arts


It's not very good, since it says casts rather than "Whenever a creature enters the battlefield under an opponent's control..."

It's also an opponent's choice, which means it never goes how you want it to. And the 2 damage isn't very much punishment if they're hitting you for 4, 5, 6, whatever damage

Not him, but at a minimum it prevents Animar shenanigans.

Doesn't fit the same roll as rhystic, and there is plenty of room for 3 cmc cards in most decks.


Made my second Commander deck, but this one feels alot worse than my last one (Hazeon Tamar lands). Any suggestions? It was meant to be an artifact deck and I wanted to use Zur, but it kind of got awkward with the non-artifacts. I realise there are some 'off' cards that don't really fit with my theme so I'm looking to get rid of those and be less all over the place.

Why are you using Zur with an artifact deck? Surely someone like Sharuum or Sydri fills that role better?

Theros Gods are god-tier cards

I dislike Sharuum's effect, and I feel Sydri's effect is less useful when I have March and the Tezzerets. The deck was originally used to use March as its primary win con, but that seems to have changed as I built it.

>General tutors up enchantments
>makes artifact deck with said general
>thinks it's worse

Gee I wonder

Is there anything worse than the "spirit of edh" fags? I'll play this format however I want and if that means playing good decks that win early or strategies that annoy people like MLD or other stax effects, so be it.

I had an old playgroup that was ok and had similar mindset, but now the people I play with constantly bitch about my decks. Unfortunately, these are the only people that play edh in my area. How do I get them to see things from my point of view and actually upgrade their decks so that I can play fun magic? I've tried tuning down decks and building weaker ones, but I never have fun with those, I just like playing with cards that are actually good.

Silumgar sounds like fun
mind sharing a list?

Stop being a Spike

i really wanna do a genju of the realm edh deck with lots of kamigawa spirits. i know its not a legal commander but there are no five color spirit generals plus something like progenitus doesn't really fit the theme

You just play how you want to play and your group will react in one of two ways.
1. They will get tired of getting stomped and start playing better, faster decks. Problem solved.
2. They will ask you to stop playing those decks or ban you. Either way, nothing is going to change their mind. You just have to find a group more suited to your style of gameplay.

Does Skullbriar want ESG?

EDH can go full Vintage very easily, which is only fun if you *like* that kind of gameplay. Most folks don't. If you seriously cannot play anything other than full Vintage-style EDH, that's fine. Just shelve the format until you find more amenable players to jam with.

Basically, you can't "get them to see things from [your] point of view". It's not going to happen. They don't seem to want to play full Vintage-style and you do. Just set EDH aside for awhile, maybe do some throwback drafts or something with your friends instead.

How many decks do you have? You could just lend out some of your not shit decks to get a multiplayer game with a decent power level going.

>Does Skullbriar want ESG?
I dunno, Skullbrair seems like a death metal kinda guy, not a post-punk kinda guy. I'd recommend that maybe you go with some Slayer instead of ESG.

Will it be a good idea to set up a Damia deck with an emphasis on Golgari recursion?

How should I build around her anyway?

Probably great if you can get it early

Seems like a dead draw in the later game

I desperately want to make a tribal deck. I love myr, scarecrows and spirits. None of these work for shit. Raaaaage.
They need yo make more myr and scarecrows. Mosy importantly since I have spirits, why the absolute fuck are there no decent spirit comanders with blue and white? Blue white black would be the best but nooope nothing thematic there at all. I get geist of traft and brago, and both of them kinda suck.

use Karador

>why the absolute fuck are there no decent spirit comanders with blue and white?

Brago is awesomefor ETB and LTB effects, what are you talking about? He's value town, all the way.

brago definitely doesnt suck in any way shape or form, honestly i consider him to be tier 1 or 1.5 maybe

if you mean he doesnt facilitate spirit tribal... i wouldnt know because ive never tried to build spirit tribal but if there are any etb effects involved, surely brago can help

geist i understand doesnt really help for spirit tribal, since hes first of all, a card that isnt as good in edh as he is in other formats, and secondly he doesnt support other creatures which you want your tribal commander to do


What you think family? I'm probably forgetting a few cards since I threw this together off the top of my head, but here it is.

i like it senpai

dont know what to critique because you could go different ways with the deck

> My dick can only get hard by showing off my $1000 deck
>and my new lessers who I play a game with refuse to take a mortgage payment to do what I want to do
>I can't have fun making "weaker" decks

I dunno, man. Maybe just stop playing EDH. You sound like a total tool. If you can't have fun playing a janky Sherie deck, then you probably get off on infinite combos. Christ, just play Jhoria without any extra turn cards.

Can anybody help me make cuts from this Sedris, the Traitor King brew i have going?

I need to cut 9 entire cards and its agony to part with any of them


>mortgage payment
>work two weeks
>suddenly have enough money for any EDH deck ever

>how DARE people try to win

Casual formats aren't for you, clearly. Go play vintage or legacy, man.

I think Whip can go.Sedris does the same for cheaper and you have enough general reanimation effects that keeping him on the field doesn't seem like it would be too difficult, Lifelink is largely irrelevant a lot of the time what with infinite combos, general damage and alternate wincons all over the place. I would also cut both Swan Song and Attunement and put in Forbid as it does the job of both cards in one. Zealous is nice but I'd rather see more synergy in the deck to justify it's position. Either an assortment of Sac effects or Kiki-Jiki or both. Time Warp is obviously strong but you might get more value out of Evacuation.


Depends on what you're trying to put in.

I'm gonna tell you right now though as one sedris player to another, you want this in there. Probably desolate lighthouse too for sifting.

Not putting anything in, I am like 9 cards over 100 right now of cards I want in the deck so I need to just cut 9

Sundial of the infinite is good but Its one I've already cut from the list, because I've built my list such that none of my creatures need live past entering the battlefield and maybe attacking once with haste, the point is to just get big value over and over with little utility creatures but I'll definitely think about finding a spot for sundial, since it does go well with Balefire dragon unearthed for instance

I think you're right about whip of Erebos, I love the card but my main strategy makes it too redundant

I don't think I'll be taking out Attunement because it seems like one of the best cards in the deck, repeatedly draw 3 and fuel my graveyard, I couldn't ask for a more perfect card for what I'm doing

I think you're right that forbid is better than swan song, I generally stay away from 3 mana counterspells but I think in this case advantages are insane

Oh man that guy looks fun

I want to build with him

The reason for time warp is that it's really strong with all the recursion I have

Evacuation is one of my favorite board wipes though, might try to find a slot

Anytime I see archaeo and chonarch I recommend Evac just because the ability to stall the game out with them is so stupid.

Run for the art, stay for swinging in with a 40/40 trampler on turn 5.

It's a shame that artist is a fucking nutcase because some of his pieces are really good

tell me about this, user

That's something I've utilized extensively in my Azami deck, hard for many decks to deal with

Depending on how casual your EDH group is I'd reccomend throwing in Mox lotus. If you're making infinite colorless mana you can get any mana of any color on a 100:1 ratio. Although it doesn't tap and you can tap it for infinite mana anyways.

Any deck that runs due as a commander is instantly set upon by nearly every single EDH player in my current shop due to one guy being an asshole in every possible way with indestructible enchantments. I mostly agree since enchantment control is pillow fort as hell.

No, I prefer to play with groups that follow the rules of the game.


>40/40 trampler on turn 5

You mean the ban list? The card costs 15 mana, and if you're making infinite mana regardless I don't see why it's a big deal.

Elvish Spirit Guide

Emrakul is also 15 mana, wins you the game when it's cast and is banned.

Oh right. Not sure if it's thaaat good on EDH.

The only I can figure is if he plays a double land grab or a mana dork T3, plays elvish piper T4, the enchantment T5 and Tap elvish piper for an absolutely massive creature with trample onto the battlefield.
Yet the infinite combos that win you the game nearly instantly aren't banned? Besides, emrakul is never actually castes dans dies to removal.

It costs a deck slot and is otherwise a dead card. If I wanted to run a joke/funny card in one of my decks I'd run a Nix to counter my friend's force of will, which at the very least is legal and has some fringe viability.

Am I missing something here, why would you use Mishra in a singleton format?

Joke commander
