So, I heard about this early predecessor to 40k, where instead of Xenos - the Imperium hates real-world minorities. And there's this army of muslims that's in opposition to the Imperium.
Any truth to these rumors, or are they just bullshit?
So, I heard about this early predecessor to 40k, where instead of Xenos - the Imperium hates real-world minorities. And there's this army of muslims that's in opposition to the Imperium.
Any truth to these rumors, or are they just bullshit?
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That's where you need to go
It's called modern day America
Yes, in fact. Back then they called the magazine White People instead of White a Dwarf and they taught you how to make land speeders out of deodorant and dildos and shit.
No, this oldfag in the LGS was talking about what seemed to be an actual game.
Sounds like Laserburn.
>The optional setting for Laserburn occupies two pages in the back of the book. Warhammer 40K players will find it strangely familiar. There are no space orks or Eldar, but the Imperium, the Inquisition and the Lord Knights are there. The Imperium’s main rivals are the Red Redemption, a splinter human group of African and Middle Eastern origin said to be identical to the Imperium, except these chaps worship Allah. The Redemption’s leaders have their flesh flayed and their armour welded onto them. I don’t really detect any Islamophobia in the presentation of the Redemption (though there may be some ignorance); it’s made perfectly clear that the Imperium and the Redemption are as bad as each other. That being said, I’ll ask Muslim friends what they think.
"Seize them and slay them wherever you may find them."
- Sura 4:89, on outreach and coexistence
Loathing 7th century sand nazis is not a "phobia." Ask your muslim "friends" what they think about nuking Israel for having badwrongfaith.
>he asks about a traditional game
>you tell him go to /pol/
that's where you need to go
>Israel for having badwrongfaith.
the quran states that jews (and christians) are brothers and don't need to be converted. Literal word of god in islam is that it's not badwrongfaith.
the more you know
>I'll take infidels for $500 Alex
You can cherrypick religious texts all you want. At the end of the day a religion is defined by it's followers.
>they taught you how to make land speeders out of deodorant and dildos and shit.
mfw this part is actually true
>You can cherrypick religious texts all you want
Just as you did here >At the end of the day a religion is defined by it's followers.
And surprise surprise, you can't cherry pick the followers either.
There are over a billion people of the Islamic faith in the world and most of them just live their lives and don't care about other faiths.
I think most of the stuff people find crazy or horrible about Muslims' beliefs is the stuff that comes from their Bedouin Arab warrior heritage and not the actual contents of the Quran. The two have become deeply entwined in many Muslim cultures. If anyone wants to call me out now on my lack of understanding, they're welcome to. I just find this topic interesting and want to help explain some of it.
For instance, the idea of non-Dhimmi Jews (Jews who don't pay a tax to their rightful Muslim rulers in exchange for being allowed to not convert) running their own country on land (holy land, even) that was owned by many generations of Muslims is a major insult to pride and that has the violent people's jimmies rustled in a way that demands war even though the Quran doesn't.
You probably already know, but in case you don't the Suras are a pretty sketchy set of scriptures. I believe they are all supposed to be quotations written down (on palm leaves, I think?) by people who were listening to Muhammad. So they might be true, and they might be paraphrased accounts of someone else who either heard Muhammad or made up a quotation because they thought Muhammad should have said it.
I'd wager a majority of them don't believe in equality among sexes, races, sexual orientations, and religions. Which seems to be a religious norm, but Islam is at least as guilty as everyone else.
He says that he doesn't give a shit
Most people don't. Nothing special there.
>Just as you did here
That reply wasnt me. Newfag doesnt know how to identify samefagging?
>And surprise surprise, you can't cherry pick the followers either
Im not cherrypicking anything. Im not on a side either. I was just pointing out how stupid it is to take one idea from a text and pretend thats what defines it. But you're just here to argue, and I can tell you're not that bright. You've decided what you believe and will just find evidence to support that, while ignoring anything that contradicts it.
You've been trolled IRL.
Or you're a huge faggot.
Probably both.
*citation needed
How is it that you are aware of what the majority of Muslims feel toward other faiths? Not saying you're wrong, I just want to know how you gathered that much data.
except so in a totally foreseeable series of events it turns out it's you who are the stupid faggot
Most muslim-dominated countries have governments which adequately represent their peoples' desires, and most of them aren't currently engaged in wars against non-muslims.
On the subject of predecessors to 40k, I worked at a GW hobby center in the early aughts and one weekend, early on a Sunday, not so different from this one, I had some oldtimer walk into the store. Never seen him before then, he swore that he knew the manager and that they went way back. Obviously a lie, I let him keep going, anyway.
So he said that he'd been playing since it was just Warhammer 2000.
Gee, I observed, that must've been, what... the '70s?
Oh, yeah, right when the mall opened.
I didn't call him out on his bullshit but to this day I've gotta wonder why people choose to tell such transparent lies like that.
The only thing that Laserburn and 40k have in common is Brian Ansell. That's like saying StarCraft is a successor to 40k because Andy Chambers worked on it. They're completely different games.
So you remain the faggot, here, faggot.
But the problem is that most religious people also cherry pick from there books, that's why there are different "sections" of a religion like with Christians you've got Protestants, cathars, Lollards, and Catholicsto name a few, with Muslims there's probably some some random section in Arabia that wants to kill anyone who isn't brown, Muslim, straight, of "holy enough", meanwhile you've got my friend the "gays are all right , people of other religions are all right, and atheists are all right." Who thinks the Quran should be updated. There is no "Muslims are cancer" only "this Muslim sect is cancer".
Ah. So you see, you're full of shit.
You may have convinced yourself of your own bullshit; you might be correct, but you might not.
In any case, you cant base an argument on claims that you have no evidence or data to support.
And you, arguing the opposite side of the question from me, have the exact same problem.
Unless of course you're not interested in proving a point either way and just care about being right in internet arguments.
I never said Muslims are cancer. And I think the word you're looking for is denominations, not 'sections'.
And yes, Islam is split in a similar way. Shiite and Sunni being the two largest and most well known.
I dont even know what the fuck you're talking about. Im not on a side here. Im not arguing for or against anything or anyone. The only thing Ive said that you could even disagree with is 'at the end of the day a religion is defined by its followers'.
Which I assume you're reading something negative, or anti-islam into?
I dont really give a shit though user. It's pretty clear you're an idiot, so you'll just have to overcome that or live with it.
islam is in dire need of a reformation, the religion and its current state does not mesh well in first world countries. Especially because they make little real effort to integrate them.
Hilariously other religions in the same regions from the same genetic groups have been integrated well into western societies. One of my friends in high school was from pakistan and his family were sikhs, they were all exceptionally kind people.
Sikhism seems great. I hope I meet a Sikh someday.
Fun Fact: Neither did Christians.