What does Veeky Forums think about the Giant in the Playground forum?
What does Veeky Forums think about the Giant in the Playground forum?
I have no opinion about it, because I know nothing about it and do not visit it.
Bunch a pussies
I literally only visit(ed) it for optimization discussion and to talk about the rules and editions and stuff, for which it tends to be great. The board about the actual comic is shit. It's filled with overanalysis and people taking it way too seriously (I think someone stated they legitimately cried when Miko got her ass kicked. Not when she died, mind you, but when she got her shit slapped before that). The friendly banter section is full of SJW and normalfags.
tl;dr: Inferior to Veeky Forums in every possible way unless you want to talk optimization.
Once upon a time, many dark moons ago, I joined the forum and played a game.
It was terrible. The end.
A place for extreme player agency with little respect for the balance between players and dm.
I am by no means a dm cocksucker but those forums would tell you, unironically, that presenting a challenge or trying to balance an encounter in any way is cheating and you are shit for ever trying to make wizard not the answer everything.
Like anything else. The canon may be good or bad, but the fandom always sucks.
I am just about to read "No cure for paladin blues". I purchased it mostly to read the authors comments on the character Miko, because apparently shit went down once upon a time.
It's okay, they are very heavily 3.5 and optimization focused, but there were some threads I used to follow regularly. The 40k threads, when they happen, are great, with a small community of dedicated regulars.
The comic is occasionally interesting and not halfbad, but it did turn into a never ending story some time ago.
The forums are usually focused on builds, meta and optimization. When 5ed came out a lot of people there probably got brain aneurysm because all the intentionally ambiguous rules.
If you need character personalty, roleplay and background ideas/advice come to Veeky Forums, and if you need build optimization advice/ideas go to GitP forums.
The actual gaming section of the forum is actually pretty good, at least when it comes to 3.5/PF. If you're looking for character optimization or want to talk to people with a lot of system mastery for those systems it's not a bad place to check.
Avoid every other section like the plague, especially the social forums or the comic discussion forums. I'm about as liberal as you can get and even I feel like hoisting the /pol/ flag when I visit there. It's a giant hugbox filled with some of the most spergy tumblr-style stuff you can imagine.
>I'm about as liberal as you can get and even I feel like hoisting the /pol/ flag when I visit there. It's a giant hugbox filled with some of the most spergy tumblr-style stuff you can imagine.
Probably because that's the mainstream. I've found that wherever there's a persistent identity and reputation sytem, people tend to lean to the left whereas they tend to lean on the right whenever there's true anonimity.
This probably also explains why in North America and Europe those with higher than average intelligence tend to lean left while a country like Japan with a significantly higher average IQ is overwhelmingly right leaning: the highly educated have a "reputation system" in real life, in which one bad remark can ruin their carreers. Blue collar workers on the other hand don't, or at least not to the same degree
tl;dr: Anonimity is the best part of Veeky Forums, GITP's lack of anonimity is why its non-optimization threads are shit.
bunch of weirdo if you as kme.
Hands down the best resource for optimization discussion, and good for most RPG discussion.
One weird thing though... They hate mundanes and seldom understand the appeal of anything that doesn't offer a significant numbers advantage. They are the hollowest, lamest optimizers on the planet. Look at any thread of someone looking for advice on a mundane warrior.
I don't remember the context but I was talking about a martial character and someone unironically suggested I play a fucking Anthropomorphic Whale with a Spiked Chain. Even more interesting was the fact that everyone else thought this was perfectly reasonable and playable.
These people have no sense of flavor or roleplay whatsoever.
Some of the biggest retards I have ever seen.
True. Stay out of friendly banter. It's horrible. Worst part is I was at one of the meet ups. Hint: Don't go to meet ups. Everyone is a special snowflake there and don't you dare to give anything but positive feedback.
>Anthropomorphic Whale with a Spiked Chai
pic related
It doesn't help that the forum is pretty heavily moderated, by pretty tumblresque mods (I'm pretty left, but this is very cringey and identity-focused), so you've got both social and actual pressure not to mention anything
Anthromorphic Creature template has a fixed LA but gives stat boosts based on the original creature's stats.
Whales have absolutely massive Strength and Constitution.
Heh heh heh.
Also were not that weird. Just very abnormal.
Are you saying that people are encouraged to play a literal landwhale?
Might be a litoral landwhale, I think that's where they'd live
A bunch of cocksucking pussies who don't like it when you fucking swear on their precious-ass forums.
>free from problems of persistent identity and lifelong stigma
Is this an actual joke? You don't know what happened to Aya Hirano? Seriously, I have seen no indications that Japan is any better off than the United States in terms of having persistent identities and reputation systems. If anything, they have it worse than WE do.
>Is this an actual joke?
No, it's something I never implied. If anything, I implied the mainstream there is conservative right. Just look at their politics: the conservatives have been in power for so long and so consistently since the end of WW2 the country might as well be a one party state. Their supremacy has only very recently been competed, and not exactly by leftie SJW types.
>Aya Hirano
You mean that "scandal" about her wanting to date older men? This isn't so much related to "pressure" from social structures as much as it has to do with the otaku market as a target audience. Either you appeal to them or you alienate them. Imagine if miss female empowerment Beyoncé suddenly started coming out as a MGTOW supporter, do you really think her fanbase wouldn't alienate her?
This is weird when you think that Burlew himself has stated he doesn't care for optimization, broken tactics or whatever else when some people complained OOTS characters do not minmax.
Seriously. Roy's a fighter and he's supposedly got high Intelligence, but what right-minded minmaxer would ever put any points in a stat that's supposedly useless to fighters?
Not really that weird. Autists were attracted to Burlew's work, and when he outright stated story trumps optimization the fanbase started redirecting their autism elsewhere.
Kinda related question, where do you guys go to talk tradition games other than Veeky Forums?
because they rolled their stats, Roy's player rolled godlike stats and he wasn't in the mood to derail the campaign so he made a fighter
The moderation on GitP isn't as bad as it was on EnWorld, but slightly shittier than the old Wizards.com boards. Even so, it's not a place where I post but sometimes people write things worth reading.
3E/4E-style "Optimization" is pure cancer so the whole forum is pretty much shit.
The only two wortwhile rpg boards are theRPGSite and Veeky Forums.
Skype, or Discord. I'm not even sure I'd want to go anywhere else, given the few trips to name forums I've made.
>4e optimization
I haven't played 4e but I was always under the impression there wasn't much optimization to be had in that edition.
The friendly banter isn't actually friendly.
Everything that isn't about character building is a poor man's Bay12.
I talk to people in real life
It's pretty much the only RPG forum that won't ban you for wrongthink.
There aren't many forums that won't ban you for wrongthink. I used to think stomping on dissent and deviancy was strictly a right-wing thing, but nope! Plenty of "progressives" seem to do that as well.
I hate this hobby.
That's because the site is /pol/ in gaming forum form.
I take it you're an easily triggered type who considers everything to the right of Stalinism to be /pol/ material then.
>2 shit forums
this is extremely correct, pretty much exactly what I found when I browsed there
There isn't. Trying to optimize will fuck you over in some other fashion in a way that makes it not worth it.
You must be a massive nerd to have a life filled with people you can talk TG's with.
I thought Aya was caught on camera blowing guys in her band or some shit.
Typical 3DPD
>Aya Hirano
Why would I now about some random Japanese woman?
meta trash
The Aya Hirano "scandal" was a long time ago, and several other similar scandals have happened since involving female celebrities in similar situations. Every one is a lot more telling of the rampant sexism in Japanese society and/or toxicity currently plauging otaku culture than anything.
There's been more than one idol who nearly ruined their career because they had boyfriends. No, not illicit affairs or anything like that, just plain old normal boyfriends.
And more recently there was the Becky scandal where an actress, not even anything otaku related but a normal TV actress, nearly ended her career after a huge blow up when it turned out she was having an affair with a dude celebrity who was married (who, himself, faced ZERO consequences or scrutiny in the media).
>Anonimity is the best part of Veeky Forums
Once upon a time.
Compare that to the sexism in the west though.
4e optimization exists, man.
I can't recall a single western celebrity whose career was nearly ruined by the fact they began dating someone.
That British footballer?
Went there a while ago, turns out that the only thing that gets discussed is optimization techniques, how the wizard will win everything, and play-by-post shitfests.
It was better with Vorpal, TDO and Krimm.
Was he nearly fired from the team because he got a girlfriend, making him no longer appear pure and virginal to his fans, and solely for that reason? Because if not it's not NEARLY the same situation. At all.
I'm pretty sure the Whaleforged originated on Veeky Forums.
It happens every once in a while with clergy, but they're not really celebrities.
worse sexism != the same situation
Clergy are an entirely different thing if that's part of their religious vows.
I know what website that's from and I am both ashamed and disgusted that I know you go there and that I know where that is.
The trick is to keep it secret until it doesn't matter anymore.
Don't let anyone fool you, 4e requires pretty heavy optimization. It's just not 3.5 optimization.
I prefer Paizo's.
Not even joking.
>It's just not 3.5 optimization.
So it lacks trap options and martials aren't sitting in the back of the classroom?
Sign me up.
Veeky Forums is honestly one of the best forums for discussing tabletop games, and that says more about the quality of other forums than Veeky Forums, honestly.
It's not that hard to imagine when you consider that you could get banned from certain forums for having the wrong opinion.
Veeky Forums as a whole may be shit but at least you can voice an opinion without the mods banning you just for having a shitty opinion (though even then, you still see some faggotry).
How many people do you need? I've got my gaming group, people who I've gamed with in the past that I don't currently play with but still see from time to time, and the guys at the hobby store.
That's more than enough.
4e has plenty of optimization- methods for bumping up your to-hit chance, hitting multiple times with a weapon or grabbing powers that target a variety of defenses. And that's just offensive stuff, not worrying about stacking defenses, marks and defender auras, or generally working with the rest of the party.
4e is a lot more team-focused if you want to minmax properly, but there's still plenty of opportunities to do it.
Man, if all the classes weren't built off of the same generic progression, I think 4e might have been the best D&D by far.
At least it's still good for combat.
The 'generic' works in it's favour. It establishes rules, keeps them straightforward and simple to understand, and lets you play with them. You don't need to relearn how each class interacts with the rules. Anyone who says the classes are all the same has never played a 4e campaign.
Fighters literally cast spells in 4e, dude.
It alternates between passable and pretty awful, since the way the rules are set up attracts the thin-skinned, the passive-aggressive, and the authoritarian. This is a forum where "talking about Thor" gives you an infraction for talking about religion and "weeaboo" is considered "hate speech" on par with a racial slur by the mods, for fucks sake. There's no such thing as context, only blanket bans and rules.
Plus, you can get an infraction for criticism if someone reports it as a personal attack, which means no one is willing to give anyone actual critique. In the places where moderation is less active, you start to see how much passive-aggression some of these people get away with the second they're allowed to, and how quickly other people bail the second they meet resistance. Then they'll turn around and say it's way better than all those OTHER forums. It's really sad.
Regarding anything tabletop, it is cancerous. Second only to rpg.net
I know that they function differently, it's the presentation that's the same though.
Shit place for PBP.
Aya didn't just blow them, she fucked everyone in her band other than the base player.
The real issue though is that she is a terrible person that actually purposefully attacked her existing fanbase to try and alienate them and gain cred with the groups she wanted to ride with, namely more of the Music scene. But in the end she just turned off everyone.
This seems generally correct, with a few other sections:
Some of the play by post games are decent. Mostly they are shit, but a few are really good.
The Other games section tends to have some good generals.
Go to church, user. Jesus loves you and forgives you.
Butthurt wizard detected
>(I think someone stated they legitimately cried when Miko got her ass kicked. Not when she died, mind you, but when she got her shit slapped before that).
Seriously? Because that was a great scene and should fill rational minds with a kind of joy.
Miko was the best example of how the wrong part of Veeky Forums see's paladins. Of course someone got ass-mad when she died as a fallen.
Yeah but she was a shitty paladin. And her personality flaws ran to their eventual end where she did something unforgiveable. Maybe she'd have learned her lesson in time, but her shittiness also got her killed in the end.
O-Chul a best though for good paladins
>except the bass player
Somehow I'm not surprised
O-chul is a fucking saint
I feel bad for bassists and even some drummers. A rock solid rhythm section is what can separate the good from the great. They should compensate for the lack of perceived sexiness of the role by going around naked at all times.
People disliked Mikos death and story in general because it was a complete farce designed to push the giants view of paladins.
I don't get that, I mean we have an entire order of paladins fight, die, and then come back from death to die again, we still have paladins being awesome.
The only fallen Paladin, was frankly a tool who took it way to far.
I mean how does giant's view paladins? I don't go there.
That they shouldn't be so proud, inflexible and self-righteous rather than actual righteous they one day might make some terrible mistake based on that pride? See also: The rest of the paladin order who didn't suck
What was wrong with her killing Belkar again, as he was irredeemably evil at the time?
I don't think about it, and I haven't cared about OOTS for the better part of 5 half a decade at this point
But he has improved so he wasn't unredeemable.
Anyway, extrajudicial murder of a helpless person is sort of looked down again. Would probably count as a not Lawful Good action, certainly Chaotic. It's like how you can shoot someone to defend yourself, but when they're lying motionless on the ground you can't keep shooting them to finish them off.
Because she jumped off the slippery slope at the time and was ready to commit out right murder to do so.
Mods are bitches. I got an infraction one time for "wannabe modding" for "quoting the rules at somebody" because I quoted a post in which someone quoted the rules at me. Other than that, charop and worldbuilding discussion is pretty good, a bit dominated by the same set of personalities but pretty good.