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I made a change to pages 5 & 7, but the other thread is already dying & this one is up, so they might not be seen if I just post them there.
Been trying to work out a good Gluttony build for this one, since it's my favorite sin for villains to follow. But Ogre Power is just so utterly crap compared to all the other T3 powers.
>I'm Greed, I'm a master negotiator and businessman, I can run all kinds of illegal businesses
>I'm Envy, I can take over the bodies of those in positions of power, and cause all kinds of chaos completely consequence-free
>I'm Gluttony, I get really big and smash stuff
Is there a newer version of this? If not, anyone see good potential in the sub-powers?
Oh goodie, saves me the trouble of posting it myself. Thanks user.
That change is restoring the original potency of Zoey's effect.
Hi again. Let me say again that this CYOA is amazing, I can tell you put in a lot of effort into it.
The next question I have about reaper witches is how to get them on your good side? What things do they like, and what things piss them off?
Er, what? Gluttony is an entirely unbounded power. Your strength only grows the more time passes. For hedonistic purposes, pair it with Lust. For raw power pair with Pride.
This takes so long to post...
Thanks, glad you like it!
The best way to get them to like you would be to help them. They limit what influence outsiders can have, but the quest with them is a good start. And I think I pretty well described what gets them mad in the last thread: don't mess with the flow of souls. Minor things are fine, but don't cause major changes.
You're just going to keep spamming this garbage, aren't you?
>That change is restoring the original potency of Zoey's effect.
Aww now I can't master ALL forms of magic at once (thank you that build was absurd)
I dunno, way I see it, the amount of evil I personally can do with any amount of power pales in comparison to what can be done by manipulating masses of others.
And your power doesn't just go up; you burn through what you've accumulated, as evidenced by the Pride sub-power talking about what happens when your power subsides.
Don't be a child about not liking something.
>Dorothy McTits
>Nia Koh
I get that, that would piss them off. And they probably aren't happy about my soul being summoned back. But as for things that would piss them off I meant things like tyranny and cruelty because thats the stuff that gets your soul killed. So what kinds of things besides genocide, mass torture, and mass rape would get your soul kiled?
Not that guy, but it's kind of annoying to have nine whole posts of the same CYOA clogging up the thread and drowning out any other discussion. S'what PDFs are for.
>OC is clogging up.
>We have a limited number of posts (when was the last time we even hit image limit?)
>Drowning out the no discussion you were having.
>He still doesn't get that you can't put large imaged CYOA in pdfs.
I wonder if they might take offense to bringing in the nukes.
>you can't put large imaged CYOA in pdfs
Then why not just take out the generic anime waifu pics to trim it down? Not like they add anything.
Yeah got to agree, might be best to put it all in one document at this point, Otherwise we get 9 or so post every thread, and more when some minor thing is changed.
I didn't want to post it in this thread since it didn't really have anything new from the last time it was posted, but I wanted to make sure there wouldn't end up being a bunch of outdated versions out there & people already started migrating to this thread before I could post the fix. I just felt it'd be kinda rude to only post the two pages I needed to, though, because if it was someone's first time seeing it, they'd just get really confused.
They're fine with your revival, actually. The fact that it worked helps with their analysis of things. That much less of their teachings relies on belief. What else would get you killed? Just your typical, severe immoral things, having done such things for multiple lifetimes. That sorta thing.
You're bringing in weapons of mass murder. Yes.
If you want boring ass text only CYOA, then you go to jumpchain and leave us be.
Yeah, and if it was a PDF it would take up at least 25MB without the quality being literally worse than dogshit. Slut Life alone is 51MB using JPEG sources at ~95% quality. PDF is a document format, not an image container format.
Hey you know you should get a name for yourself so we can know you are the creator. Also just to deal with this question underneath your post, if we taught how nukes were made would the reaper witches be mad at us?
Finally that's done.
>Then why don't YOU...
You weren't replying to me, but I've never really seen a CYOA with marriage options that don't include a picture. I don't think such would be received well. And again, I'm sorry for posting it again. I wanted to be quick enough to have finished it for last thread.
It's Beri.
Don't feel sorry at all. What you're dealing with is the same kind of people that complain every time a CYOA is popular and they don't like it. Instead of accepting that people like things or going off to do something else, they bitch and moan like their safe space is being invaded by people talking about OC. Happens to every single CYOA that gets more than five responses.
Man, you have some seriously terrible opinions. You should get that checked out.
I just love how everyone KNOWS it's Beri even though he never, ever states that.
He's literally the only one who makes CYOAs of this quality, specifically in terms of the layout and visuals.
It's also because he's so nice an friendly. Most other CYOA makers are salty and sour.
Also if you didn't repost it someone else would have. Even me.
Look for the 'b' in the top left or right corner of all pages.
See . Yes, they'd be upset at that.Nukes have the potential to kill off an entire planet in a very short time. That's not something they'd approve of. They're actually very concerned about world-ending things like they. They dispatch witches to investigate world-ending dangers like magical super-weapons and colossal monsters of untold might.
>CYOAs of this quality
>so nice and friendly
What did I do to deserve all these nice words?
I like the name Beri, but I think he should put the up his name instead of being anonymous. That way we know that the creator of the CYOA is answering a questiong instead of a random person making a comment/guess. Like the guy earlier who said that the witches will get mad at you for inventing nukes. I don't know if thats Beri or not Beri.
>What did I do to deserve all these nice words?
Short list, making lots of good OC, being highly responsive to players, and a good sport throughout all the vinegar around here. You're just generally great to have around.
I don't mind that it's 9 pages. That's just 9 out of 1fiddy. It's super popular now though, so every other CYOA's ignored. I don't begrudge anyone liking this, alas, I saw the first couple pages and it doesn't seem to be my personal taste, so I reckon I'll have to wait a couple days until the hubbub dies down.
>Beri actually quoted that post you mentioned and agreed with it.
>That post was me.
What OC is being ignored? Seriously. Nothing has been posted. What cyoas are posted still get discussion. Maybe less. Maybe it's more spread out. But please stop just pointlessly doomsaying all the fucking time.
You're so nice, today!
I like that you like it. I would put my name in the field, but people don't respond well to that. Besides, it isn't very secure without a trip, but including one just makes it received even worse. I prefer to just use words like "When I wrote it...." or "That's why I made it so that..." to indicate that I am me in my responses. I also try to keep a consistent MO for easier identification. I also try to point out any posts that aren't me by referencing them. Things like:
What (link to a post) said, blah blah blah.
I hope you don't mind I like to answer those questions when the reading is pretty clear to me about what it should be. I don't think you've ever directly contradicted one of my answers, and there's been quite a few.
>That change is restoring the original potency of Zoey's effect.
Damn, makes it a lot harder to do what I wanted with enchantment now. No way I was going to go with the Mage Guild, and she was the only other way to get enough magic types.
No, that's fine. If I'm not there, the question might not get answered, otherwise. And that would be the worst outcome. I just like to reference such posts to put a sort of "official" stamp on it, you know?
Go to the last thread or two, scroll down to the bottom and see how the CYOAs have minimal responses or outright ignored.
Hey, I'm not knocking Royal Revival. It's dominating the general right now, which is A-OK. It's good that there's a CYOA that captures everyone's imagination. But please stop just pointlessly naysaying all the effin' time.
Eh, let's be honest here. You're a young princess, even if you're going to be busy a lot you should be able to find time to at least learn a little bit about your missing magic type.
Those weren't OC. user is asking you if anything new is being ignored. Old CYOAs being posted to absolutely no response or interest is the norm.
My Room + High Energy (Blonde and muscular like Ronnie Coleman)
Blood Gem (more resilience in combat)
Figure Cake (make myself look 'just fit' despite having muscles on my myscles)
Featherweight Perfume (doubles my strength, effectively, and makes my weight fit my actual look)
Cocoa (hoping she can get me a cool shield)
High Knight Judith
Ranged Combat
Power Seeker, gonna learn them martial arts
Help Test New Magic (hoping those physical enhancements are for real)
Join the Fight
>chivalrous tactician and leader, adept at ranged and unarmed combat with a great focus in defense
>strong, fast and tough, specially if those magical enhancements work out
>uses a shield, specifically a mythic one if the cocoa deal works out
You can call me Captain Eclan
Well, first time posting a build for one of these, hope I don't fuck up too badly
These are mostly blind picks, but I streamlined a few in order to fit what I wound up wanting to do.
Princess: Because if I was a girl in this universe, why not? Also I maybe just wanted to be a girl
Room: High Energy A lot of good picks here, but the gym room seems like the most useful and I like stars. The dollhouse seems really fun though.
Mentor: Teresa. She seems like the one who wanted me back the most, and she brought me back from the fucking dead on her own coin no less (thanks dad) And she has my favorite specialty: direct combat. So the sister who arguably loves me the most can teach me to stab people and defend my nation? Hells yeah.
Breakfast: Waffles. Because waffles are amazing.
Crystal Dagger: For stabbing fun times, and it seems like an insanely versatile weapon.
Warp Crystal: Aside from it's obvious utility in combat, this thing just seems fun to have for hi-jinks.
Spirit Dye: Not everything has be for war. Just something fun for the hell of it. Also, anime hair.
Suitors: None. As flattered as I am, my mind is still that of a mostly strait man, and if almost everyone there is strait, then I'd rather avoid the whole thing. More on my love life later I guess.
Retainers: Quite a few good choices here, but I think these two will help me the most:
Charlotte for three big reasons: 1. I'm a naturally disorganized person, and I feel like she could really help me settle in to being someone important. 2. She is cute as fuck, and she could make a half-decent spy if no one notices her in meetings and stuff. And 3. I kind of just want a maido, not much beyond that.
And the character limit is fucking with me, more next post.
What are some cyoas that have decent lore in them?
And for my personal bodyguard, Suice.
She seems like a capable mage, she can deal with specialized threats so that I can focus on the more common ones, and her manner of speech is weird and cool. And by anime logic (and the authors hinting) She's probably into girls, so y/u/ri is a go. And probably Charlotte too, for that matter.
Onwards to schooling
As Teresa is my mentor, Combat and Crystal Mastery are a must, because I want to be a badass.
And for my secondary courses, Elemental Magic for fire and lightning attacks, Charisma for inspirational speeches and shit.
And as my responsibility, you guesses it: Crystal Knight
If my country and family are at war with an evil asshat, you can be damn sure I want to be on the front lines. And what better way to do that then lead our most badass company of badasses? And from them I can get the Crystal Ring, just to make my sword all the more powerful.
And now for quests:
Firstly, Join the Fight needs no explanation.
Secondly, Search and Rescue seems like a good test of my abilities, and just a good thing to do in general.
And finally, Adopt the Orphaned Princesses. Because they're adorable, they didn't deserve what happened to them (something that hits me in the soul), and they're adorable sneks. I will raise them as my own, and I will try my damnedest to make them happy.
And that's that, hope it was neat. I can write a short spiel on this if anyone's interested. No? Alright then...
It was nice, although just a touch aggravating, that there were always one or two more things I wanted to pick in every category. That just means you gave us a lot of options, though! I eventually decided on a practical yet regal princess. Inspired quite a bit by Lady Sybil Vimes from Discworld. I'm going to mention the options I would choose if I had a lot more picks, sort of as a note to how I'll spend any extra time or money and my plans for the far future.
Regal Room.
-The Harsh and eventually Rose-Tinted rooms would make nice upgrades here but ultimately Regal serves my broad needs the best.
-The closest to my idea of what a princess should be and the most helpful towards my own plans for helping the kingdom.
Shield Shards
Devotion Gown
-My one true love is the kingdom of Eclan. It might sound a bit too close to trying to cheese the rules but I really am into the idea of being the national figurehead for romantic love and devotion to the nation. Being empowered by that is just fitting.
Featherweight Perfume
-I'm assuming that Freshwater Shells are in enough supply that our field hospitals have their own. If not then I am seizing this one in the name of the Crown and no my sister is not paying for it. A Crystal Ring would be very nice to pair with my Shield Shards but that can be a later acquisition.
>Potential Suitors
-Though other people have pointed out the practical necessity of marrying outside the realm I must confess my almost selfish desire to promote Eclan above other states in all matters, even my own (valuable) marriage. Plus he is in fact a very dreamy guy.
-Dry and certainly not my choice for personality but a marriage with Hadew seems useful. He's mostly on this list by dint of being the 'practical' suitor most likely to understand that our marriage would be for political reasons and I hold not particular love, nor ill-will, towards him.
So, how's the culture in this world compared to Earth's?
Like, if I ripped off some Earth musicians, authors, or others and tried to pass their work off as my own, would the populace react by (assuming I'm successful) hailing me as an artistic visionary, considering me a talentless hack, or burning me at the stake for blasphemy?
(what an awkward place to have to put the post break)
-Nelsland may not have the might of other potential alliances but they certainly are no slouches. He's maybe a bit too doting for my tastes but he does share in my penchant for somewhat eschewing the traditional standards of royalty.
-Zoey being the obvious "crunch" pick I am glad you dropped her bonus. I don't think I could've passed up on 2 more skills. I imagine Reginald will be acting independently which is fine with me as long as the royal coffers (and perhaps my own pockets) stay full.
Charisma +
Regal Hobbies +
-Hopefully I'll find the time to pick up at least a decent understanding of Academia, Fashion, Etiquette, Combat, and Chivalry, though that is a whole lot of stuff I want to know!
Join the Fight
-This is exactly the role I want to fill. It's a shame I won't have quite as direct an impact on the battle as some princesses but ultimately I want to get out there show the people, both Eclan and otherwise, that royal family is right there in the mix.
Clean the Storeroom
-The most on-character option, I'm more interested in getting it done because it needs to get done. Still, finding some interesting trinkets could be nice.
Enjoy the Party
-Again, getting out there and helping the effort, if in a much more indirect setting this time. Not exactly my battlefield of choice but I am proud to help the kingdom where I can and this is the role of a princess. I'll bring Simon along on my arm as well, both to enjoy his company and let the other nobles know that I am not found wanting for suitors within my own kingdom.
(not Beri)
I mean, that really depends on what you're playing. Johnny B. Goode might be a bit too early for them but if you happen to be a classically trained musician you've got quite the edge. Whatever you play, though, you've got the advantage of royal backing. Whatever you make is going to have a pretty big impact on the cultural landscape just because you're the one making it.
Revised Magitech build from last thread.
Sex: Female
Room: High Energy Study Room
Mentor: Elizabeth
Gifts: Crystal Seed, Goldberg Automaton - I could use a lab assistant.
Suitor: Robert. Might date Victor for a bit, but I still think I'd prefer Robert personally. Also, his soldiers are excellent candidates for learning how to use rifles and vehicles, since they're not already skilled in something else.
Retainers: Mercurio, Lewis. I think Mercurio's really going to "get" what I'm doing, and his technical expertise will be invaluable, especially when I start working on aircraft.
Skills: Tactics, Management, Enchanting, Elemental Magic. Like mentioned in the last thread, the Tactics skill is useful for knowing what to prioritize, and figure out how to best make use of my developments.
Job: Earth Studies.
Quests: Investigate the Mysterious Object, Join the Fight, Manage the Crystal Forge. Not sure how good a job I'll do with that last task, but it'll help me see where I can improve things, and what I can improve on in my own processes. Ideally I'll want to introduce as much weaponry as I can for the Invasion - some machine guns, a number of rifles, maybe some airdropped explosives... We can really crush enemy morale.
Depends, some powers are easier to fuel than others, and gluttony is one of the easiest and fastest to power up. It also pairs nicely with most other powers.
If you just want to be evil and fuck up the most possible people with pure gluttony, how about this:
Bottomless stomach and orgre power means you can consume limitless amounts of anything. You could literally drink an entire sea, like say the Mediterranean sea, and Godzilla crush the entire city of rome into dust from the accumulated power.
Prince - "My" Room - Teresa - Sausage - Soul Box, Blood Gem, Goldberg Automaton, Binding Band - Chrysanthemum of Enela - Lewis, Mercutio - Combat, Defense, Charisma, Tactics - Earth Studies - Clean the Storeroom
My real goal with all of this is once i found out about lewis' ability to (maybe) get the internet. It would be a godsend and would boost the country's tech by ludicrous amounts. Eventually I hope that we could be the first nation with gun technology!
It might also depend on what country you are in, yours may be more tolerant. But Max's country where the men are Chivalrous, and the women are fair ladies may frown on certain types of music.
Yeah, I was just wondering how far artistically advanced I could get away with (would they start rioting because the waltz is in 3/4 time instead of 4/4? Or would it take some Dead Kennedys covers to get someone to throw bottles at my head? Or have they moved far beyond enough that, say, hardcore hip-hop would sound extremely dated to them?).
I mean, the country (continent?) the CYOA is set in obviously look like they have a medieval aesthetic, but all the fantasy and magic and intermingling of different intelligent species might have led to an extremely diverse art scene on the planet overall.
I don't think any of them would appreciate rap. Especially not coming from the mouth of a princess.
The Gluttony II power can cause people to become very, very hungry. This would allow someone to create general strife within communities by causing people of importance to commit acts such as cannibalism, causing a possible arrest.
Even with this, the real power comes from the modifiers; with the Greed modifier, you can cause the poor to become poorer (which when combined with Greed I, could halt your aging by several years at least). With Envy, the amount of hunger spread would be multiplied by ten. With Pride, anyone becomes completely unlikable, a rather powerful tool when used on politicians.
As for Gluttony III, the sub powers are what make it great; with Pride. you can cause great chaos and no one will know it was you. Sloth can cause great inconvenience to anyone within a good range, and Greed just provides a safe way to grow your net worth.
I might have more, but not right now.
Minor Djinn seem like the comfier picks but among the Major the only one worth even considering is Tahira, the Loving Djinn. She'd be the only choice at even 1 wish. If you really, really wanted to you could maybe make and argument for the Lawful Djinn but come on people, the entire point of this mythology is the backbiting nature of wishes in the first place.
Nah, Maximillion just needs to get a little Footloose ;)
Hahahahaha oh god that would be hilarious. Someone here should do a princess rap.
Alternatively, you could go into zoos and museums to eat all of the endangered animals and priceless artifacts, all while using your Gluttony II power to cause other people to hunger and consume, causing you to gain even more power.
Wait? Do you mean Vinian toast for breakfast or just slices of bread that were put into a magical not-toaster? You've certainly got strength & survivability down.
>first time posting a build...
You didn't goof anything. Don't worry.
>dollhouse seems really fun
I really thought someone would have chosen it by now. If nothing else, it's like a bulky, slower bag of holding.
With your items & retainers, you're all set to be anime.
>spiel on this if anyone's interested.
I like to read spiels. That's what I've been doing all day.
I think you linked wrong.
You could get some boosts using the Devotion Gown like that, but it won't be nearly as effective on something as non-concrete as a country. Yeah, they have more Freshwater Shells where absolutely necessary. The item in the bazaar is more for solo travels. It is interesting to see the whole "stay in the back and support the war effort outside of combat zones" sort of build with Reconstruction & all.
There's a lot more than just the art itself involved. There's the current climate & interests to consider as well. Just because something is famed here, it might not pick up in Eclan. That being said, being royalty is certainly an advantage for any artistic pursuits. They don't have their own not-Shakespear and their own not-Beatles, but they have their own artists that just created works differently than what we got on Earth. When you think about it, you'll get a sudden flux of a lot of new material. As far as their current tastes go, the upper class will always have a soft spot for classical things. Newer things like your not-MMMBop and not-Burning Love and not-All Star are also more popular among the citizens. (I just tried to come up with "vaguely" recent, upbeat songs off the top of my head). Think of it like Classical + Pop (I know pop is a poor classification, but still) as the two most popular sorts of music. Typically lighthearted music. Anything depressing wouldn't be popularized during wartime. This isn't something I've thought too much about, so it is a bit of a rushed response.
Lol after that idea, I looked up on youtube some princess raps here is another.
I think Papa or Max would be very unhappy if they heard their daughter or fiancee speaking like this.
Oh, I forgot the most important thing!
Breakfast: Waffles. Because waffles are the height of human engineering. So why not indulge in this joyful innovation?
Blue board.
Hah noo I didn't link wrong, I wrote two whole posts on the topic of why Mecha Cruxillon 17 is best girl!
And yeah, I can accept that on the Devotion Gown. It really is more about the symbol than anything. And hey, might end up figuring out that "true love" thing with one of these guys so it'd be nice to have on hand. It's not really that I'll be staying out of warzones, I'll certainly be doing my fair share with the reconstruction effort and going out on morale tours, but more that I feel a princess can have an overall larger effect that just killing a couple hundred mooks herself. That's the sort of character and strategy that interests me far more.
Can't forget those waffles!
You're like a godsend to someone like Mercutio that has to deal with all the snobby magic people dissing his technology all the time.
I think 30 minutes is enough time.
And I guess it's time for the "adventurer" build
High-Energy Room
Harsh Room
My Room
Figure Cake
Warp Crystal
Healing Magic
Search and Rescue
Help Test New Magic
Clean the Storeroom
So I have a Wizard, a Knight, a Scout, and I guess with healing magic and chivalry especially that makes me something like a Paladin. Pretty good team for any standard adventure. I was also considering Dynamo, but that was too many melee, and Death, but decided the Scout was better for general purposes.
Rooms support my physical and mental abilities. The Figure Cake is kind of necessary if I don't want the "muscles on muscles" look. Warp crystal with a recharge of "a few seconds" seems hilariously powerful. I'm sure I can acquire more "standard" gear that still holds up in a fight. If I had one more pick it would be the Featherweight Perfume, combined with my fitness level I'd be going "John Carter of Mars" here.
My quests here aren't very "adventury", but I figure I get enough of that doing my job (though search and rescue is almost bog standard). Testing new magic can further enhance my abilities (with luck), and cleaning the storeroom could come up with valuable loot, I might also want to Join the Fight if I get the chance, but I'm not taking it as one of my quests.
Now that it's been a day and a large chunk of builds have been posted, what are some of the best/most likely to win/your favorite builds, beri? Who would you bestow upon your notice, senpai?
Last two threads, for reference, if you wanna go back and check
>You were assassinated
>You grow up (for 18-80 years)
>They bring you 'back'
>They act like it's been a few years at most
Timeline seems kinda suspect to me...
You are right. I thought about it and dismissed it as a convenience necessary for the CYOA to function. I can come up with potential explanations and then poke holes in them all day. If I asked her she probably wouldn't understand it any better than I do. It gives me doubts as to whether or not I'm actually the person they think I am, but I think that after just a few days I won't really even care.
Time flows differently between dimensions.
>But if time is disjointed how can you access the internet in real time?
Soul residue. You are linked to wherever it is that you left this dimension (moving forward in time at the same rate you do).
The real question is why did they pull you back NOW from your perspective, but that could have just been the easiest target.
Teacher Djinn or Adventurous Djinn...
Have neither of you read Narnia? Different universes don't need to run at the same speed. They don't even need to run at a constant speed relative to each other. 20 years in our world could very well have been 1 or 2 in Eclan.
Or the episode of Star Trek TNG where Picard lives a whole life in the blink of an eye. Stuff like that.
I think there's a unwritten understanding that it's a real possibility you weren't actually her sister, and just some unlucky soul that got summoned that she thinks is her sister. Still, do you want to disappoint her? Look how happy she is.
And the memories are more a result of the spell than your soul.
Like I said, it doesn't even matter to me. If I'm NOT I don't even want to know
I don't remember them all in the least. Hmm...
did a good job of anticipating Teresa's responses. It felt cohesive.
I probably wouldn't pick an Earth Studies build just because there's too many of them & I don't think any one really shined above the others. Though I recall one that used Reginald to fund their science, which wasn't something I had originally expected.
I remember that the very first build went straight for being a Reaper Witch. That caught be off-guard because I didn't think it'd be that popular.
I also thought it was neat that one user got really into the rooms, taking several & picking Whimsy.
I'm sorry. I'm thinking about it & I just can't pick a favorite. The best I can do is mention ones that are more unique. They're all good builds, so I can't really pick one above the others.
Why does time have to travel at the same speed in different universes? I mean, magic is possible & humans can cut through steel walls with a regular sword if they're skilled. The laws of physics clearly aren't a standard used by all universes. It's theoretically possible that you've actually had other lives between now & the CYOA.
You're definitely the princess. Otherwise, you wouldn't be getting your lost memories back. They return as a result of your soul being in that world again. The magic they used to bring you back wouldn't have access to your lifetime of memories to inject them into you otherwise.
If I say that it isn't a possibility, would you believe me?
Nah, Beri said otherwise last thread. The understanding is that you ARE the reincarnation, but obviously you can have your grimderp interpretation if you want.
Are you stupid? They explicitly summon you back to their setting 1 year after your death - not that you should need to be told, you should be able to figure that out on your own.
Tweaking my muscle princess build for better gains and to get swole as quickly as possible.
Body: Princess
Rooms: High-Energy/Harsh/"My Room"
Mentor: Teresa
Breakfast: All three of the options
Items: Replenishing Bracerx2
Husband: Peony
Retainers: Whimsy/Jella
Responsibility: Power Seeker
Quests: Defeat the Crystal Overlord/Help Test New Magic/Enter the Tournament
In-depth explanation to follow.
Whimsy with high-energy and harsh room renovations will massively improve my gains.
In addition muscle fatique and recovery is the most limiting factor to building muscle, double replenishing bracers solves this issue. 20x recovery rate with 4x stamina means less resting and more time spent eating and training as much as possible. And since growth hormone peak out during sleep, sleeping more is even better for gains.
Prince Peony is still the preferred choice, I rather have a wider selection of strategic resources and valuable commodities at higher prices and limited availability then get stuck with one resource.
I will command Jella to pick up alchemy again, bitchslap some sense into the gelatinous NEET and order her to recreate that permanent entropic gel potion in return for a shitton of money and freedom to travel wherever she wants even to that hidden googirl village, I want to be immortal and indestructible dammit.
I need the heroic willpower from chivalry to push my body beyond its limit to actualize even greater gains. And chose survival for its hunting and tracking over its camping aspects.
>Do a bunch of work to finish a CYOA
>Agonizingly write out 10 characters
>Can't think of names despite giving all the regions phonology guides
>Unable to figure out how to name them
>Don't release it
>One of them is literally just a rock
this is CYOA purgatory.
The only plausible explanation is either , which feels contrived, or they are wrong, which doesn't feel all that much more likely. I'm ignoring where the author says they are absolutely 100% right because right now I'm dealing more with in-character doubts.
What I would want to do in this situation (in character), is express my doubts, but also express my desire to "make this work" regardless. I don't want to imply that I think that some stranger could replace her sister though. I think we could talk it out at that point though, since she doesn't have any doubts she wouldn't be worried about that, and only worry about me "rejecting" the whole situation which is what I'm explaining I won't do.
>Phonology guides
Anyway, user, why not use behindthename to randomly select a name? You can even limit it to the appropriate countries.
Yes I'm still going to eat all fucking three options for a preworkout snack. Profession bodybuilders and powerlifters tend to eat about 4k-8kcals per day. It might not be enough carbs for the gains and intense training regimen I have in mind.
First help test new magic and keep tabs on her to try out new spells as she invents them, I wouldn't mind being monstrously shapeshifted or growing a couple of inches and feet or two.
Second is enter the tournament, with event being single combat. I'm going to break their bones, knockout their eyes and teeth and choke the shit out of those power seeker bastards until they give me admission with their gasping breath. Probably enter the tournament after I master combat and defense classes and a couple of Teresa's signature moves, specializing in unarmed combat of course.
And finally Defeat the Crystal Overlord, after training with the power seekers, getting ripped from months of eating, training, fighting, hunting and sleeping nonstop and just absorbing hundreds of different experimental transmogrification and body enhancement spells I'm going to be an absolute fucking monster. I'm going to shatter all of his faggoty ass crystals and pull him apart limb from limb, motherfucker has it coming for sabotaging the prosperity and posterity of my kingdom when we're in the middle of a fucking war.
My heroic willpower from chivalry and mental fortitude from my harsh room effect guarantees that I won't be tempted by the voices emanating from dark crystals.
Alternatively, instead of bashing the power seekers; heads until they let me join their super secret man club. I can just dress up and pretend to be man and get training from them. If they ever discover my secret, I'll just fucking challenge them to single combat at the tournament and bash some fucking common sense into their skulls using everything I've learned from my big sister and their own training to prove to them that girls can be manly too.
Man, all of our theories for alternate realities propose that physics are completely different between universes, and suddenly you doubt time moving at different speeds? Come off it.
I can already see a potential problem in your build
Goo physiology -> No skeleton -> no skeletal musculature -> no gainz
Even if you achieve maximum swole before taking permagoo potion, will it matter once you're goo?
You know, I've used that site since like, 2008 or something. And I never thought of it.
Also yeah the phonology guides were kind of fun to do, even if they were simplified heavily and directly hint at real-world languages. I figure my errors will make it less obvious though.
Also my color design is godawful.
I can't be the only one that thinks it's more than a little fucked that builds like this can be female and just say
>lol I pretend to be dude
Or some other such bullshit
And get the benefits of being a power seeker where as because of the way Reapers are written it's impossible for a male to be one of those.
I don't even wanna make a male Reaper build. It just seems dumb to me. Even of it does make sense fluff wise.