Dragon Fight Finale Edition
Archive: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com
Twitter: twitter.com
Pokemon, items, and summary: pastebin.com
FAQ and general concepts: pastebin.com
All guides, player knowledge, and smutty stories: pastebin.com
Themes: youtube.com
Quest theme: youtube.com
Recently: You're battling the fourth and final Elite Four member, Geno. Aria hurt her voice from pushing too hard. You're winning, but not by a huge margin.
General rules:
There is a 10 minute voting period after each post. Non-contradictory votes will be combined as best as possible.
Write-ins for all votes are always welcome and encouraged. They may not all make it into the post or be altered to fit in, but I'll do my best to at least try to address the spirit of the write-in.
Very important or contentious votes may be redone in a stricter voting system as it comes up.
Combat involves rolls! Once there's a clear vote winner, we roll for the move accuracy/crit/secondary effect. Usually it's just three 1d100s. Sometimes you can get a modifier from circumstances, so be creative! Add flair, do tricks with moves, mess with terrain, whatever! This is not a video game.
Call me out on a mistake and receive an apology butt or suggestive picture.
Badges: 10
Pokemon on you:
Zappy Dan (Magnezone)
Destiny (Kingdra) - Very heavily damaged
Fel (Butterfree)
Oberon (Garchomp)
Nibbles (Tyrantrum) - Medium/Heavy damage
Aria (Meloetta) - KO
Not In Party:
Raistlin (Alakazam)
Devon (Houndoom)
Trunks (Trevenant)
Vlad (Crobat)
Leviathan (Gyarados)