If you had infinite tons of money, what Veeky Forumsrelated projects would you finance?

If you had infinite tons of money, what Veeky Forumsrelated projects would you finance?

the elimination of gw and wotc

Translating/retranslating all of the Anima: Beyond Fantasy books properly.

I'd buy GW and make Veeky Forums the principle designer, writer, and developer.


Just get Priestly and Ansell back that would be enough.

I'd go even wider than that: Try to get as many worthwhile systems translated into as many different languages as possible. It would be fairly expensive and unlike my other idea (reboot Spelljammer) it's never going to happen on its own in most cases since you can't have demand for things people don't know exist.

I'd love to see the moment fa/tg/uys realize shitposting in the 40k general doesn't actually make you an expert on wargame design, let alone profitably running a business.

Veeky Forums related tv series. Probably animated.


Catgirl LARP on Mars or bust

I was thinking the same.

I have a premise where a stereotype trendy girl joins a group to get at a hot guy she's eyeing. The group is all different roleplayers stereotypes and she spends the entire series cunt stunted as they run through different systems and settings.

bring back world of darkness....

That could actually work. I'm worried it would lean too heavily on generic nerd/meta humor, but talented writers who knew the subject matter well enough could make something really great with it. I wouldn't be surprised if something like this actually gets made, given how much more mainstream RPGs are these days

All of them. I have infinite money so I can just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.

Artwork and publishing for all my dumb game + setting ideas

Custom minis

High fantasy movie/TV show

Start a 'roleplay camp' up in the mountains somewhere where nerds get away from technology and can play and learn lots of systems.

Start the Veeky Forums mansion

Consolidate LARP rules and systems, create high quality foam weapons and have huge battles at public parks with other people who want real life wargames.

Have all the time and money so I can actually play tabletop games.

And that's not even getting into video game related stuff I could do, but I'm keeping it strict this time.

I would make the Mythras system seen as often as the other marketed products (GenCon or whatever), and give the team 4e level financial support.

I would make roll20 be less shitty, and design it around hosting home games or online screenshare.

>the Mythras system

The what now

The new name of RuneQuest 6

A proper fucking print run of Legend of the Wulin

Also, a competent fucking editor for Legend of the Wulin.

Obligatory own RPG system

Streamlined specialized mapping and terrain simulation software

Popularizing replays outside of japan

I'd love to see the moment fa/tg/uys, despite the fact they have no actual experience creating or managing a Veeky Forums themed company do a better job, and we all realize just how badly GW has had to fuck up consecutively over the last fifteen years to crash such a Veeky Forums staple.

Let me explain what would happen if the average fa/tg/uy were put in charge of GW:

>GW announces it will cut prices and start doing adequate playtesting and market research, fans rejoice
>Squats unsquatted
>SoB given new codex
>Tau and Eldar nerfed
>AoS dropped, End Times retconned away, new edition of WHFB released
>Results of market research doesn't come out the way CEOfag wanted it to, keeps adjusting the questions to force reality to be the way he wishes it were
>Squats only bought by grognards venerable enough to have genuine Oldhammer nostalgia, never sell close to enough to recoupe costs
>Players angered by all the changes required to put Squats back in the setting
>SoB not nearly as much of a disaster as Squats, but still sell poorly
>News of the new codex reignites the old SoB sexism controversy in a major way, spirals out into other social justicey complaints about GW and 40k, brings tons of bad press
>Tau and Eldar "rebalance" turns into vindictive overcorrection, alienating players, many of whom switch to Warmahordes, the 2nd most popular unbalanced cheesefest
>Huge amount of money blown between dropping AoS so soon after launch and restarting WHFB proper
>Sales don't even come close to offsetting it
>CEOfag keeps throwing money at WHFB because countless arguments on Veeky Forums have cemented the dogmatic belief that "more support" would have made it profitable
>Meanwhile, CEOfag tampers with the 40k lore, alienating everyone who doesn't feel exactly the same way he does about every single faction
>Fan optimism gives way to the belief that the new management isn't any better than the old, and might even be worse
>GW goes bankrupt for real
>Fa/tg/uys keep telling themselves they could run GW better than the current CEO, never learning the important lesson that putting fans in charge of a company is usually worse than suits who only care if it makes money

On the bright side, we might get a few more 40k video games that are good AND aren't about SM

Kill /qst/

Shadowrun movie series, also a fund a new edition which slaughters sacred cows to build a better system.
Create some sort of organisation which tries to teach RPG players that there's more to the hobby than fucking D&D.
New edition of Rogue Trader, rebuild system from the ground up, fuck the haters who just want another copy-paste of the last fucking 4 games.
Lots of publicity for L5R, that game deserves better than it has.
Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy single player RPGs.
Rogue Trader space adventure vidya gaem.
Kill CCGs dead.

It's coming back already man, Paradox bought the rights, and renamed nWoD to Chronicles of Darkness so that their new "One World of Darkness" product which is to be released in a couple of years would be unimpeded.

Already on it.

I'm infecting Veeky Forums with the /v/irus :^) It takes pretty much zero effort and time on my part, especially with a phone, so why not run an experiment? Let's see how the board will handle my shitposting for years. I will maliciously and intentionally work around your filters every now and then just so you know I'm still shitting up the board. I also turn other people's low quality posts into spam if I really feel like rustling jimmies. Like that princeling son letter thing. I took his thread and spammed the fuck out of it and he got accused of trying to force a meme.

Don't worry, I'll never be banned for real. So we're going to be together for a long time

Good night, Veeky Forums

Surprised nobody pointed out how an infinite amount of money would actually be worthless

>GW goes bankrupt for real
Not with infinite money it won't.


That won't stop the quests. You would then have to put together a hit squad to take out the people behind them too.

Not if you don't tell anyone it's infinite

i'd buy wotc and burn it to the ground

and kill mtg too because reasons

>Players angered by all the changes required to put Squats back in the setting
You are really just completely ignorant about 40k ain'tcha?

i like your style my dude


The realest post.

I'd buy Spartan Games and put someone without ADHD in charge.

>"if you had infinite tons of money"
>GW research department hard at work.

>If you had infinite tons of money, what Veeky Forumsrelated projects would you finance?
Making Shadowrun and Eclipse Phase real. Traveler and other space-faring non-transhumanist RPGs need not apply.

>VR version of r20
>You can manipulate maps / settings / characters with VR gloves
>DM can easily create terrains by adjusting malleable terrain using his palms / fingertips

Buy the Legacy of Kain IP. Nosgoth seems like a setting with a lot of potential.

>If you had infinite tons of money, what Veeky Forumsrelated projects would you finance?

I'd waste it all buying out scientists, occultists, historians and various other great minds in my mad attempt at making the REAL WORLD as traditional games related as possible.

We'll have one department working constantly on the paranormal and fantasy in an effort to either discover it or make it real while ANOTHER department works on making reality a science fiction setting.

I wouldn't have any morals or practicality about it either: go big or go home.

New miniatures for Epic, launch a new edition (user-playtested, like E:A) of Aeronautica Imperialis and BFG

Add the elimination of Fantasy Flight and you've got yourself a golden age

Buy GW. Purge. Lower price of minis by 90%.
Make Grey Knights cool again.
Update Sororitas.

Nerf the Smurfs and nerf them hard.

It already exists.

But only in french.

All I want, is a proper X-Com tabletop game.

Something that really captures the horror of superior aliens, and importance of cover and vision. I don't like the newer reboot series, but some parts were good.

I already have near-infinite money, since I got 1 dollar, and 1 is as close to infinity as any other number you can think of. So let's make this happen Veeky Forums. Specifically, I want it to be in the Apocalypse setting, where u got three pc races: humans, hybrids, androids.

What are the primary attributes Veeky Forums?

I'd give fa/tg/uys a life

Build my own mother fucking imperator titan; because why the fuck not?

Swefag here. New versions of Drakar & Demoner, KULT, Mutant Chronicles and Mutant: UA, both in Swedish and English. Haven't played Mutant Year Zero, so I can't judge it, but I'd probably fold it into Mutant UA. Not certain how I'd handle the KULT in space-part of Mutant Chronicles. It's fukken genious, but it disconnects Chronicles from UA, unless psi-mutants are people who are about to break through the illusion, but PSI are the worst part of UA and this wouldn't improve them at all.

Translate Neuroshima to English.

Every Nordic teenager gets a set of the Swedish-language versions of the games.

A new codex for every faction in 40k, balance the whole game once and for all, and only do game-wide updates - after rigorous fan consulting - instead of the shit system there is now.

Never played Fantasy, but do the same there.

Build permanent LARPs for settings I like.

>Players angered by all the changes required to put Squats back in the setting
What? Oh, the Squats Homeworlds are located here, among the BILLIONS OF UNMENTIONED WORLDS IN THE GALAXY and they fight Chaos, Eldar and Nids.
That's just such irrepairable damage to the canon, requiring all sorts of mental gymnastics to handle.
>SoB not nearly as much of a disaster as Squats, but still sell poorly
They were outselling Grey Knights and Dark Eldar before they got updated.
>SoB sexism controversy... brings tons of bad press
Not if they are done well. Also you are SERIOUSLY overestimating GW's popularity here. Gamergate was one of the biggest shitstorms you could achieve and if you didn't keep your ear really close to specific news sites, it was a flash in the pan that was barely worth mentioning.

extremely customable vr games or just full on holodecks. if your not feeling like you just got stabbed by a goblins sword then your not doing it right.
Genshiken had a similar premise but for otaku culture so it's technically possible.

Pioneer some form of production method that gets top tier quality models and board game components for as low production costs as possible with our current technology, then get as many companies to sign on as possible and profit. Also make a skirmish game with modular kits that come pre magnetised because I think that would be pretty cool

A few good AvP games.

My own. I started working on a small-scale tactical skirmish game about a decade ago. The rules are solid, I just need to flesh out the factions (all 27 of them) and polish the rules for stealth. It's a post-apocalyptic mordheim-meets-rifts kind of setting. Ever want to take control of a street gang that has to defend their turf from hordes of zombies and roving swarms of alien bug-demons? Or assemble a gang of mutants who're trying to take over a farm held by demented redneck survivalists? Everyone who has tested it loved the setting and system and I'd really like to expand it, start producing models and illustrated books, etc. But I've had to shelve it and focus on paying bills.

The entirety of the GURPS and RIFTS lines printed as high quality, full color hardback books, with every single typo corrected.

I'd hire Berri as a full time CYOAist

That would just move all the quests back to here, you damned idiot

Nothing, because I don't want to screw the economy to Zimbabwe levels.

However, I would use this as an opportunity to shred the dollars into pulp to make my own paper for sheets, or maybe for starting fires while camping.

Get Google to redesign Cyberpunk 2020 and have every book come with a custom robot from Boston Dynamics.

Can we fuck the robot?

A Citizen-Kane style movie of the Emprah's life, ending with an epilogue describing the current state of the galaxy

>If you had infinite tons of money
I'd probably just kill myself with coke and hookers.

>what Veeky Forumsrelated projects would you finance?
Maybe buy some of my favorite sculptors to sculpt monsters? I really dig big uglies.
Maybe see what Andy Chambers is up to and let him run wild just to see what happens? Or buy out GW and let him do whatever he wants with 40k if he still gives a shit.

Aside from that I'd just buy all the stuff I wanted to have but never could justify the prices for.

> Destroying Muh GW

Some of you are so limited and pathetic. With infinite money you wouldn't consider trying to create super solider astartes and their tech?

In order of priority:
- genetic engineering of catgirls for domestic ownership
- fund colonization of Mars
- fund cybernetics research
- fund virtual reality research
- buy Veeky Forums
- support Decu's Patreon
- support ShindoL's Patreon, request Kingdom Death doujin as my reward

First of all, I'd go with ritual reality development in general. Second would be a working and as-flawless-as-possible online magic:the gathering game. Third, with infinite money I should be able to purchase half of a vintage deck.

A moderately sized MKII Horus Heresy army.

And I'd still have to cut back to afford it.

You sure can!

Each fuck is 0.1 Humanity/Essence loss.


Live action Battletech series.

Translation would actually be a really great use of the money. Paying a translation company and a printer to crank out editions of games in as many languages as possible, and hiring a master editor for each game to keep the rules consistent, would do more to help the industry than anything else.

Buy the Perrys another arm to see what heights they can reach. Alternatively, if it turns out that their sculpting talent requires concentration in mass, cut off all remaining arms and have them sculpt with their tongues.

I'd donate free games to schools. You want more people playing traditional games, you get them interested from a young age. The only problem is that teachers don't have the money to buy games, and schools don't have the funds. But I've met several cool teachers that genuinely love teaching kids how to play games, and I want to make it easier for them to do that.

- Commission some horrid mix of Roll20 and RPGMaker in which a GM- or a lonely neckbeard- could design and play a campaign or module with the option of gameplay being turn-by-turn or real-time, preferably with both 'child safe' character design options for abilities and attacks, and then Admin of game/GM approved Advanced options where you can design and add options that did not exist.

- Specifically buy lots next to Cons, or even parts of Con buildings, which have public showers and offer cheap XL shirts/sweatpants, for y'all nasty ass motherfuckers who can't bathe before you go in public.

Nigga, first you have to get rid of GW or they will sue you for copyright violation

the astartes come later

>not hiring guards to come in, grab stinky offenders, and haul them to the nearest homeless shelter to be hosed down

If people treat themselves like animals, they should be treated like animals. I know confolk, they won't clean themselves unless someone makes them clean themselves.

You leave my X wing alone

I would hire the finest furniture designers and engineers to make me a great gaming setup. Some really nice, comfy chairs, a good set of shelves that I can organize my books on (with space for minis and terrain), and a kickass table with an inset screen covering the entire surface. Like this, but with a bigger screen and less wasted bumper space.

Also hire a bunch of software people to come up with a great interface for the table, so that the players can move their characters easily and see the terrain, while I have a little station with screens showing me the map without FOW, the stats on all the enemies, etc.

>All I want, is a proper X-Com tabletop game
What about Infinity?

I'd buy an island, invite people to LARP there, and then I'd tell them that they can't leave until three quarters of them are dead.
Meta as fuck!

I'd buy GW and WotC and ensure that they can make fun games without having to worry about profit margins.

I did not know that I need this.
Thanks fag, now I feel hollow inside.

Share your knowledge faggot

Infinite money?

Well, first, stupid social justice things that I am biased to believe are important; such as 'fair use' and 'net neutrality', but then begin buying large plots of land in the rural midwest of America and convert it into huge larpvilles with castles and shit. Also, because I'm a falloutfag with no regrets, make a disney-land style underground works to keep the place at least somewhat civilized, as well as a hospital inside and other modern conveniances that would keep people from straight up getting a case of the dead when tardrage happens

Seconding this

I disband gw and make the ip public domain as soon as possible

Kickstart everything that looks great and start a mini company that makes generic multi part plastics such as "human warrior" "dwarf magic user" ect

Make a DnD movie that didn't suck,
Hire Matt Mercer to DM that campaign I have stuck in my head,
Buy a shit ton of land and make a 1:1 scale World of Warcraft theme park. Like all of Azeroth.

Make female Space Marines canon

All of them?

I'd start my own.

I'm not going to pretend that I wouldn't finance my own Veeky Forums related wet dreams at the expense of all that is wholesome.

I'd turn my own campaigns into movies for so I can enjoy them in a new format. Pay off the critics so they can tell me how good my shit smells.

Through realistically i'd want to give back to the community here in Australia. It's small but there's a few die hards who make it great.

Also yeah i'd buy Tasmania, Spend nearly all of the infinite money terraforming it to look like a d20 / d6 / my filthy neckbeard face or something like that so you can see it from space.

We would be a sovereign nation of everything tg related. Tas is big enough to even have a containment area for quest fags or maybe we could create a smaller island under Tasmania to be Tasmania's Tasmania. I'd recruit all the LARPfags to be the personal military of this great nation. Our economy would run on gold coins. Build some themed immersion towns to suit any campaign setting and import themed food. Hire people to cook themed meals and provide themed entertainment to be paid in gold.

The only thing that keeps this nation from sinking is the premise that it has infinite money

My own, obviously.

Cheap laser 3d printing and Blender packs to export designs

Robo waifus who play rpgs.

I'll make a Super-Hero RPG with art from the finest in the industry: Mignola, Ross, Cheung, Cassaday, Perez, etc.

>My own brand of Veeky Forums themed movies

1. Buy GW
2. Finance/Direct series of WH40k movies
3. ???
4. Bask in the warmth of the Emperor's approval

A way to preserve human brains in a way that they can be hooked up to a mainframe so that the brains can continue to exist as beings in a fantasy realm created through digital means, then rocket all those brains in the mainframe to space where I'd find a miserable planet where life could sustain itself so that when Earth dies they can continue to Veeky Forums to their hearts desire.

I mean shit, if you have all the money in the world you might as well do that.

Make a good Shadowrun movie.

Make a good Urban Arcana web or TV series.

Revive and bankroll the D&D 4E comic forever.

Make a movie and/or TV series based on the Arkham Horror board game.

Fill a McDonalds ball pool with D100s and go for a swim.

Pic related

your sister on my dick , duh.