>Literally 1. The prototype, at that. And then the design was seen no more.
Yes. 1.
>Finished tested, but was never used in combat as the design was considered obsolete.
At least get your facts straight. Kursk showed that the existing T-34 was fine, and that the gun was what needed improving. So the T-43 turret was used and modified to hold a bigger gun, which saved them from having to retrofit their factories. It wasn't "obsolete", just not what they really needed.
>Super Pershing
>Of course it is, it's a great novelty. Like an Allied KT.
Literally 1. And it wasn't even a prototype, at that.
>Barbarossa Sturer Emil
Given the increased likelihood of running into T-34s, KVs and suchlike...
...They're quite unlike the other options, visually and tactically. And of course, otherwise Barbarossa would be quite a bland offering, German armour wise.
Bland like the entirety of LW Soviets? Not even minor nations get that bad.
>The Soviets get those ghetto Zis-30 things, and they were an ad hoc, short run design as well.
100 Zis-30s were made, shitty as they were. Which is more than the Jagdtigers. Woohoo, 1 limited run vehicle in makes an appearance for Soviets.
>Great, another tank almost identical to the T-60 and 70, and not that different to the other lightly armoured death boxes the EW Soviets used. No need to include.
By that argument, there's no need to include the miriad of different panzer marks, or excedingly rare German equipment either (Sturmtiger).
Aside from your biased opinions, the T-50 actually would be quite different from a T-70. It had a higher top speed, and a high hp/weight ratio. Armor, meh. Gun is the BT-7s.
Regardless of your hair splitting, it is fucked that single model or prototypes get used for German/US, but we're supposed to just pretend that they were the only ones who did that. Ditto to the looted tanks.